Governor Tim Walz is being smeared. Specifically, his honorable military service is being smeared.
There are a couple of stone-cold facts about all of this, and the media is getting it wrong. Surprise!
For example, The Daily Beast reported that Tim Walz was demoted in rank. This is untrue. He retired at a lower rank than the highest at which he served because he filled a billet without fulfilling the rigid schooling requirements — meaning he was ineligible to retire at the rank of Command Sergeant Major E-9, and instead retired as a Master Sergeant E-8.
Tim Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard after 24 years of service before the unit was deployed to Iraq. The accusations of cowardice, desertion and a thousand other things are all disgraceful, particularly since they come from the forked tongues of individuals speaking for a draft dodger, a felon and a man who said avoiding STDs was his “personal Vietnam.”
There is a military recruitment crisis in the United States Armed Forces. Does anyone think this nonsense helps? No doubt the aggrieved veterans are being lined up as we speak to appear in the coming “Swift Boat” ads that are aimed to impugn Kamala Harris’ judgement, strength and competence.
The pushback must be ferocious. It is all nonsense.
The US military promoted George Washington in 1976. It’s true. Here’s what happened:
George Washington died on December 14, 1799, at the age of 67. Upon his passing, he was listed as a retired lieutenant general on the rolls of the US Army. Over the next 177 years, various officers surpassed Washington in rank, the first of whom was Ulysses S. Grant, who was promoted to general of the Army in 1866 for his role in the American Civil War. With effect from 4 July 1976, Washington was posthumously promoted to General of the Armies by authority of a congressional joint resolution. The resolution stated that Washington's seniority had rank and precedence over all other grades of the Armed Forces, past or present, effectively making Washington the highest ranked U.S. officer of all time.
The tale is a bit different, but the rules are the same. There were scores of officers who served in the US military in the Army of the United States, who held higher rank than their regular Army commissions. Dwight Eisenhower was one of them. He served as a major general, lieutenant general and general while holding the permanent rank in the US Army of Lt. Colonel. Ultimately, his regular Army rank matched his wartime rank in the larger Army of the United States. He rose to be a general of the Army, which is a five-star rank. Washington, Grant and Pershing are retired at a higher general of the Army’s rank.
The point of all this is that the reporters have no idea what they are writing about — and the MAGA weirdos don’t either. Tim Walz was command sergeant major, who retired at the permanent rank of master sergeant. He is properly addressed as sergeant major or command sergeant major. Period.
Tim Walz has served his country as a teacher, coach, guardsman, congressman and governor. What MAGA scumbag wishes to be the first to stand naked in the public square and say that Tim Walz should never have run for Congress? Who gets to say that he made the wrong choice? Should he have delayed his retirement to see what might happen? Tim Walz didn’t stop serving. He just changed the nature of his service.
Trump has never served any cause — big or small — that isn’t about Trump. The entire proposition is ludicrous. Soon the ads will start. Like anything involving Trump, they will seek to tarnish something decent and honorable. Just remember: don’t be fooled.
Few things outrage me more than the military service of people like Walz being smeared. I have active duty and retired military in my family. We know and understand basic truths that this MAGA Freak Show has never known and will never know.
November 5th is Garbage Collection Day. Out goes this Freak Show.
“He did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9,” Kolb reportedly wrote. “It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path.”—Daily Beast
And yet, some members of the Minnesota National Guard, including the commanding officer, John Kolb (Lt. Commander of Walt’s Battalion after Walz left), have decided to play politics. What are the chances this guy is a big Trump supporter?
The irony is Walz served honorably for 24 years, while Mr. Bone Spurs got five deferments and spent his first four years in office denigrating dead soldiers, Gold Star parents, and wounded warriors.
The difference is one is running for VP and is being denigrated for using a rank he earned, but didn’t complete the paperwork, while the other didn’t even know what the Nuclear Triad was, and is a completely unhinged and unqualified nut-job, who may have access to the nuclear codes: AGAIN!!!!!!
Talk about stolen valor? A form US president, who STOLE THE VALOR of thousands of dead Americans in a war against fascism, by refusing to honor their memory in France, because he thought of them as “suckers” and losers!”
Only in Trump’s America!….:)