Let us examine the state of journalism at Jeff Bezos’ The Washington Post, where three reporters have combined to create drivel that is subtle in its deceit upfront, while burying a simple truth that must be known:
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has decided to remove retired General Mark A. Milley’s security detail, revoke his security clearance, and order an inspector general inquiry into his behavior as the Pentagon’s top officer, a senior defense official said Tuesday, taking extraordinary action against a frequent target of President Donald Trump.
Extraordinary action?
Is that what we are to call the actions of the American Defense Minister, a drunken Fox television character festooned with Christian nationalist tattoos and saddled by his own misconduct and absurd lack of qualification for the position of honor, dignity, trust, integrity, and judgement that he holds, and has desecrated from the first instance of obtaining it?
Pete Hegseth is Donald Trump’s version of a commando.
He is America’s vengeful Chuckie, ready to strike like a serpent at all who dare to express a conviction, or issue a warning about the demented commander in chief, who, one week in, is sewing chaos and failing his country and his duty.
There is no person Donald Trump hates more than the man who shared his undelivered resignation letter publicly. He forthrightly shared his anguish over his own political missteps and misjudgments that allowed Donald Trump to politicize the US military and destroy its trust with the American people.
Here is what the letter said in part:
The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.
Second, you are using the military to create fear in the minds of the people—and we are trying to protect the American people. I cannot stand idly by and participate in that attack, verbally or otherwise, on the American people. The American people trust their military and they trust us to protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and our military will do just that. We will not turn our back on the American people.
Third, I swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States and embodied within that Constitution is the idea that says that all men and women are created equal. All men and women are created equal, no matter who you are, whether you are white or Black, Asian, Indian, no matter the color of your skin, no matter if you’re gay, straight or something in between. It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew, or choose not to believe. None of that matters. It doesn’t matter what country you came from, what your last name is—what matters is we’re Americans. We’re all Americans. That under these colors of red, white, and blue—the colors that my parents fought for in World War II—means something around the world. It’s obvious to me that you don’t think of those colors the same way I do. It’s obvious to me that you don’t hold those values dear and the cause that I serve.
And lastly it is my deeply held belief that you’re ruining the international order, and causing significant damage to our country overseas, that was fought for so hard by the Greatest Generation that they instituted in 1945. Between 1914 and 1945, 150 million people were slaughtered in the conduct of war. They were slaughtered because of tyrannies and dictatorships. That generation, like every generation, has fought against that, has fought against fascism, has fought against Nazism, has fought against extremism. It’s now obvious to me that you don’t understand that world order. You don’t understand what the war was all about. In fact, you subscribe to many of the principles that we fought against. And I cannot be a party to that. It is with deep regret that I hereby submit my letter of resignation.
Let us be honest about The Washington Post, and the elision of truth behind an unnecessary grant of anonymity to state that revenge is the order of the day against the Green Beret. Milley served as the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and kept the faith, while devoting 47 years of his life to the security of the United States of America in faithful uniformed service.
Now, he is hunted by scumbags, and abandoned by his four-star caste, which has gone silent, lest they end up like him.
Perhaps they may lose board seats, defense contracts, or any of the other lifetime entitlements that come from serving atop the uniformed services of the United States.
Perhaps they may lose a star or two in retirement.
Let’s try a thought experiment. It is unpleasant.
Imagine that General Milley is assassinated by Iranian agents on American soil.
It is an absolute possibility, and it is the precise reason that his security detail has been stripped by Donald Trump.
General Milley faces serious and sustained threats on his life. Should he go unprotected?
Would the Trump administration consider his assassination an act of war — which it would be — or an occasion for the commencement of a sick celebration during which they would raise the MAGA flag high and extend heartfelt greetings to one another?
Let us keep going through The Washington Post story:
”The ghost of General Milley shouldn’t haunt the Pentagon anymore, nor should it haunt the armed forces,” the senior defense official said.
“This is all about accountability for General Milley.”
No. It is not.
It is all about the pettiness of Donald Trump.
It is an act of nastiness. A prelude to a witch hunt.
The Washington Post story is an example of the new boosterism that favors Trump with sleight of hand omissions that are nefarious and dishonest.
General Miley’s portrait is being stripped from the walls of the Pentagon because dignity and honor have an enemy in the E-Ring.
The Washington Post titillates the MAGA faithful with the slights and punishments to come, but nowhere is there a peep about what it is that he did wrong, aside from offending the sensibilities of Little Lord Fauntleroy (Trump), who was cheating his way into Penn, while the general went to Princeton.
What breach of ethics or duty has he committed?
What breach of law and the UCMJ has been committed?
There is none.
Not a bit.
There is, however, to be a witch hunt with an inspector general turned loose to find a crime of something — or else.
It is unfair, unjust, dishonorable and un-American.
There is also the foul stench of the world’s second richest man.
His stink is all over the story, taken as dictation by three stenographers doing the work of a court reporter, while a cloaked thug plays the role of the cigarette man, and spews dark tales and sprinkles insinuations.
Here is an example from The Washington Post:
The move comes after years of Trump criticizing Milley for perceived disloyalty and Milley acknowledging in congressional testimony that he had served as a source for several unflattering books about the first Trump administration.
Perceived disloyalty?
There was no disloyalty. General Milley told the truth.
General Milley had every right to talk to the media, and when asked if he did, he told the truth.
So what?
Who might the senior defense official be?
Who is the Defense Department Sammy the Bull?
General Milley should have refused Joe Biden’s pardon.
It won’t keep him safe, and it won’t keep his honor safe.
What General Milley should do is fight back. He should ask to return to active duty, and to face a court martial.
What he should do is change the rules.
Put Donald Trump on trial, and let the American people see what is happening.
General Milley’s fellow generals won’t have his back, but the American people sure as hell will.
What is happening is happening.
It is real.
General Milley won’t be the last, so let him be the first around whom ordinary people rally, and congressional Democrats draw the line.
Donald Trump wants a fight.
Milley should give him the type of fight a Green Beret would offer in a situation where he was outmanned, outmatched and outgunned, facing a superior force with no hope of evasion or extraction.
He’d attack.
He’d surprise his enemy.
Trump is predictable, and sadly, so is everyone else. It is among his greatest advantages.
I hope that will change soon.
I back General Milley, an honorable American. The traitor to America sits in our White House and steals what he can from the American people. It is disgusting that no high ranking people have the guts to stand up to a low life con man from Queens. I look forward to his demise, and the day when honorable people start speaking out again.
Sad state of affairs for the country, but this is what the serfs wanted. As I have said to others, here in North Carolina it took a real fight to keep a QAnon Lunatic who participated in January 6th, believes public school teachers are inherently bad people, and called for the execution of Democrats — to keep her from running the state’s public school system. She received 49 percent of the vote and nearly won. That vote count is a tragedy and an example of why we are where we are as a country.