Let us examine the state of journalism at Jeff Bezos’ The Washington Post, where three reporters have combined to create drivel that is subtle in its deceit upfront, while burying a simple truth that must be known:
I back General Milley, an honorable American. The traitor to America sits in our White House and steals what he can from the American people. It is disgusting that no high ranking people have the guts to stand up to a low life con man from Queens. I look forward to his demise, and the day when honorable people start speaking out again.
I really like Steve's suggestion that General Milley take a Green Beret's strategic, smart, superior trained approach to Trump and his fascist minions (everyone who is part of the federal and state apparatus of Trump and everyone of those who voted full hearted for him) by reversing his resignation and manipulating the military code into a full American spectacle court martial. Milley is smart, well schooled in history, very well educated, and would make a transformative stand and a transfixing figure. Yes, where are the other generals and admirals who've faced real bullets and missiles, but can't face down a con artist, chiseling, sexually assaulting, bullying, 6-time bankrupt, 34-count convicted felon and his fellow criminal or wannabe criminal ilk - they're all criminally minded.
I would stand right behind General Milley if he needed me there, in protest of the dismantling of our military and our government. I would like to see him fire back as suggested. I really hope he does something definitive.
We’ve had Generals be presidents before…run him as a Democrat that would be a way to get a buzz going. Remembering Milley at the fiasco theatre of absurd when tubs trump walked out with a bible yadda yadda the General was so unhappy and did not want any part of it. It hurt him deeply, it was not what he knew would have been correct.
It's interesting how people here, including Steve, are so cavalier and gung-ho about what Gen Milley should do with his life. Douglas, if Milley were to run for some political office, without a security detail mind you, it would make him more of an assassination target than if he were to live a quitter life.
Sad state of affairs for the country, but this is what the serfs wanted. As I have said to others, here in North Carolina it took a real fight to keep a QAnon Lunatic who participated in January 6th, believes public school teachers are inherently bad people, and called for the execution of Democrats — to keep her from running the state’s public school system. She received 49 percent of the vote and nearly won. That vote count is a tragedy and an example of why we are where we are as a country.
I don’t see why we can’t do that AND support General Milley should he choose to call their bluff and force a court martial. We have to find all the ways avaialbe to beat these despots and their moronic/hateful followers back.
This is where we need to take a stand!! What Sec Def Heggsseth is doing for the Orange 💩Stain is a complete and total slap in the face to each person who has faithfully served in the armed forces. My mother served USMC, my uncle served 42 year Navy, my dad Army, this is a slap to all honorable service member .
Would be amazing if a billionaire celebrity … Oprah? George Clooney? Robert De Niro? Would pay for his detail. And for Fauci’s. M
Actually… have been thinking about this. Oprah is the reason Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil are household names. This should be compulsory for Oprah to do. 💯 not kidding.
It would be great to make a well-produced ad similar to those for the ACLU and feeding hungry children but even better and load it up with star power, people who can speak well and use directors like Ken Burns to make it. Ask for $5 a month to protect America's heroes including Milley and Fauci by supporting top notch private security to replace the government security they were wrongly stripped of and to create a legal defense fund for them for the legal battles to come from assaults on them by Trump and MAGA controlling justice in America. And for your monthly donation you get this T-shirt saying Keep America the Nation that Greatest Generation Fought For. Unknown Soldier figure on it with flag.
I cannot stand her. WTF cares about her 10 Favorite (hideously expensive and largely unattainable) Things? Arrogant. And no longer relevant. But, she has $$$ and she very literally is the reason these two quacks exist and have street cred. So, she should quietly (or loudly) protect Milley snd Fauci from the violent MAGA faithful of these idiots she created.
The cowards who won't stand with the good General don't realize that no matter what, they're next. The rules always shift with trump, what is a loyal act today is disloyal tomorrow. How do we stand up to celebrate this warrior, this man among children? I'll leave it there. Where were Jim Acostas colleagues yesterday, who should have all walked out the door with him? Without speaking with a singular voice we will gut this country. We can't speak with our splintered interests. We need to speak about what is simply right and what is wrong with them, no honor, no commitment to the constitution, no value placed on simply telling the truth.
All of this and much more because of Trump’s fragile EGO! He’s so EGOTISTICAL that there is no way to reason with him, he thinks he’s a genius, we know he’s very far from that. I really don’t think he has a clue how to be a President. He already thinks he knows all he needs to know. We know he’s very far doesn’t! He has decided to DESTROY our constitution we can’t lethim, the Republicans have turned into the enemy of the people. The Greedy enemy. There is no Real Republican Party anymore, my Father would be aghast at what that party stands for now “GREED” that’s the only thing they are interested in. Mitch McConnell for example has become a multimillionaire since being elected, it certainly isn’t the pay.
Great piece Steve!! General Milley is a man of Honor and Integrity. Two things Trump knows nothing about. This is all about retribution as we all know. This is just the beginning. I hope the General stands up and fight back. We will stand up with him. I loved his resignation letter. Thanks for reminding us what a great man he is and what a despicable coward Hegseth is. I'm so full of rage I can't stand it. And it's only been 10 days. 💔🇺🇸💙
Trump apparently never forgets or forgives what he deems as disrespect!It doesn’t take much for him to find disrespect if you question him, don’t do what he tells etc. He carries his revenge for ever. Wait he will turn on Elon Musk eventually.
Trump is an insecure spoiled child and a pathetic excuse for a human being. What kind of people think this is how to represent America? It is so embarrassing to our country. I hope the system and the Constitution can hold. These are dangerous people in high places.
You are so right! It’s really alarming and disturbing that he’s getting away with this. What a Master Liar he is, those that voted for him I wonder when they will admit they made a mistake? If they ever will?
I would love a fight between Trump and Miley, both legally and physically! Miley is a genuine warrior, the other a cowardly rapist, made up like a woman! Welcome the fight general, you would be surprised how many Americans would be loudly cheering for you!
Yes, yes, yes. There would be tens of millions, probalistically over a hundred million of us constitutional Americans who have General Milley's back, be right in the trenches with him, supporting with mental/psychic projection and money. I wish Steve was a personal friend of Mark Milley's - 2 well versed, talkative history buffs - and would persuade him to go full legal on Trump and the trump people/apparatus.
I would sign a petition to secede from this poison federal government with a John Hancock signature. Since the civil war the enormous difference in values between the Southern and Northeast and West Coast states has created enormous problems.
As a New Yorker, I believe we should join any adjacent states desiring escape from Christo-fascism, to form a sovereign nation, breaking all ties with the federal government and creating a government that truly works for the general welfare.
Should the West Coast states do the same, Trump's Gilead would be hobbled; a referendum to join Canada as two new provinces could take place.
Would enough in the National Guard and military join in our mission to sever ties with Trumpism? It is worth a try.
So, to make sure I understand, the notion that 10 days in to trump 2.0, the decision is to completely give up in the case of California, and supposedly some if not all blue states, which by the way have democrats, republicans and independents living there (as do red states), and let everyone else fend for themselves. Don't fight? Just say fuck it and quit? And as disgusted as I am with trump, here I naively thought America was worth fighting for.
Anyone who wants to secede is a coward. And doing EXACTLY what trump wants of them: to be yellow quitters. Sorry, they don't and never will have my support.
By the way, and not that it's important, but I am originally from California and now live in a blue east coast state. I don't want to leave this country, but fight for it. I don't want to become part of Canada either, no disrespect to them.
If I have misunderstood this, someone please clarify or correct me.
Mike, No misunderstanding. We simply disagree, though I respect your point of view. I am loyal to values, virtues, and noble goals, not territory. I understand the logistical problems caused by the reality that people of different political views reside in every state. However, if people believe Trump is right and prefer a fascist dictatorship they can move to a red state. Many such interstate demographic changes have already taken place.
I am not a coward; I would rather avoid violence, and believe Trump will have much support if actual civil war breaks out; people should live where and as they wish.
Thanks Anthony. I realize my words were harsh, and I apologize for that.
It is naive to believe that people can simply pick up and move. That kind of realignment will never be possible. Hell, remember Katrina? People were drowning because they couldn't afford to leave their homes. No transportation. No money for a hotel. So, to believe a viable solution is simply quitting on America and tens of millions of Americans, is something I just don't agree with.
Quick math: top 5 states by population: CA, TX, FL, NY, PA. with approximately 127 million combined. Population, not voters. More math, the vote: in those 5 states, about 25.7 million voted for trump and about 26.8 million voted for Harris. This is why it's a bullshit solution that is a waste of time thinking about.
Look, I don't want to live in a fascist authoritarian dictatorship any more than you do. But I also don't think cowering away and giving up on the country and ideals we have fought for, bled for, many have died for, and all of us love is the path forward. That's why I said "coward", which again may be harsh, but I don't know what other term applies, other than simply quitters. Neither is noble or brave, when both are needed.
And to be clear, I'm not advocating violence or a civil war. I don't believe "fighting" for your country means we must resort to either of those. The leaders of the civil right movement fought, but didn't do so with a civil war. John Lewis said, "good trouble", not "quit".
Suggesting that it's as simple as relocating to a state that aligns with your political beliefs is demanding people give up their livelihood, family, friends, churches, communities, and to be forced to do so. If someone wants to move from a red to a blue state or vice versa, so be it. If they want to move out of the country, go right ahead. For far too many people, this is unrealistic and unattainable, and therefore, an impractical solution.
Mike, I am a non-violent but realistic person. I don't believe Trump can be stopped through the system of "checks and balances" built into our Constitution. They have failed to stop his tyranny, criminal activity, corruption, nepotism, scamming, and incompetence. How else do you explain a Senate that confirms a man like Hegseth to be S of D while removing protection from General Milley, leaving him wide open to assassination by Trump's white supremacist militias and foreign agents? You know what he has done.
Also, if forming a separate nation is necessary to protect our values, I see that as the right move. People would have to make a difficult choice, move or stay in a country that does not refect your values. Realistically, most people would stay put. So the enormous problem of relocation you envision would not likely occur.
Finally, the mere threat of secession might pressure some Trump sycophants to back down and actually force Trump to recognize his Constitutional limits and responsibilities. Lindsey Graham, Rubio, Cruz and a host of other sad cases know that what they are doing is wrong, evil. The threat alone, which would weaken their power, might be enough to get them to see reason. Perhaps it would lead to what I think we need: a Constitutional Convention; we need to start from scratch to create a just political, social, and economic system.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to follow through.
Of course, I always value your thoughts. I just don't see giving up (and make no mistake that is what secession is doing) as realistic or practical - and again, we're 10 days into this nightmare. He wants us (those who did not support him) gone, so the mere threat of secession will have no impact. Quitting and leaving is what he wants, as he will have no opposition. Fuck him, he doesn't get what he wants from 10s if not 100s of millions of Americans.
I agree we can’t just give up and let the Chief Fascist win. This is war. He has to go, I believe he is suffering from dementia. He’s all over the place, both parents died of Alzheimer’s, it’s not a stretch to notice signs of strange behavior. Something is definitely wrong with him. Just why does he think he should decide our country should be an Oligarchy? Money no doubt. All the Über wealthy greedy Americans think they are more qualified to run the country and the rest of us are Peasants.
The House won't impeach; if they did, the Senate won't convict. If his cabinet invoked the 25th amendment, Vance would replace him and continue implementing Project 25, which is exactly what Trump is trying to accomplish by firing Inspectors General and firing and encouraging federal employees to resign. He wants a federal workforce as well as all administrative officials loyal to him and his goals.
What are the alternatives left to those of us who see Trump as he is, a greedy, dangerous, incompetent chief executive empowering people just like himself?
Once again, your commentary cuts to the chase and calls it like it is.
Trump can’t stand being in the presence of, much less criticized by, a true leader. And in true Donny One-Note fashion, his only response is a craven attempt to squash him.
And thank you for calling out the WAPO rendition of this, yet another example of appeasement and hypocrisy. This twisting of the language has been going on for a long time in MSM—maybe at first an honest attempt to be fair and neutral but this no longer holds. It drives me crazy how a lie is not a lie, for example, and how it is enough to couch blatant ones in quotes, especially when they come at the end of an article. Or a headline slants the whole thing to begin with. So much untruth is left hanging in the air!
How will the country deal with Trump when, not if, he defies the courts. What institution is left to enforce that judgment? Perhaps the only answer is “Seven Days in May”. What other recourse is available when a good and honorable man as General Miley is pilloried by the likes of Trump and his ilk?
I agree, he WILL defy the courts. He will even defy or ignore Supreme Court decisions if they are ever so bold as to rule against him. After all, we must remember, that his favorite president is Andrew Jackson, who defied the scotus.
Couldn't a defense fund be set up? I would contribute, and I know many others on this site would. I, and probably most other commenters, are not well-known enough to take up this task. It is possible, since Trump made General Milley an easy target for domestic and foreign terrorists, that he wants to stay out of the public eye and and thus not antagonize Trump further. What the Trump opposition lacks is organization and coordination. The disparate enemies of Trump and Maga need to put their differences aside and unite to oust from power this American tyrant. Progressives, real Republicans, minorities of all types, all who realize how un-American, dangerous, and pitiless this monster is, unite or we will lose our country, our well-being, our values, our lives.
Now, the America-Firsters, short-sighted ignorant people who don't understand the benefits we get from our close military and economic ties to our West European allies, are openly calling for us to leave NATO. Do they not realize that Western European countries fought over two years against Nazi Germany before we declared war? Through lend-lease, which they would have opposed, we supplied our allies, but sent no troops. Do they think Hitler, had he conquered Europe, would have left our country unmolested?
"Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and Sen. Mike Lee are advocating for the U.S. to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). “If you could snap your fingers and get us out of NATO today, would you?” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked in a post on X. “Yes,” Massie replied.
“I would withdraw us from NATO,” Massie said, the Washington Post reported in 2022. “It’s a Cold War relic. Our involvement should have ceased when the [Berlin] wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed.” Lee has been critical of the NATO alliance, describing it as a “great deal for Europe,” but a “raw deal for America.”
NATO is a group of nations committed to mutual security and defense. The notion that this country is a faithful and reliable participant at this point is a fantasy, and the rest of NATO now knows it. Because of that, an official withdrawal would likely have no real, long-term impact. NATO will, of necessity, regroup into a new collective with a common purpose and set of values. The U.S. will stand alone.
I am so with you, Steve. General Milley’s fight would be so righteous that it might be such a loud, blatant, railroad car to injustice that it might actually tamp down the rest of the pettiness and inspire honor across the military. I hope the general brings the fight instead of waiting for it to find him.
I back General Milley, an honorable American. The traitor to America sits in our White House and steals what he can from the American people. It is disgusting that no high ranking people have the guts to stand up to a low life con man from Queens. I look forward to his demise, and the day when honorable people start speaking out again.
I really like Steve's suggestion that General Milley take a Green Beret's strategic, smart, superior trained approach to Trump and his fascist minions (everyone who is part of the federal and state apparatus of Trump and everyone of those who voted full hearted for him) by reversing his resignation and manipulating the military code into a full American spectacle court martial. Milley is smart, well schooled in history, very well educated, and would make a transformative stand and a transfixing figure. Yes, where are the other generals and admirals who've faced real bullets and missiles, but can't face down a con artist, chiseling, sexually assaulting, bullying, 6-time bankrupt, 34-count convicted felon and his fellow criminal or wannabe criminal ilk - they're all criminally minded.
I would stand right behind General Milley if he needed me there, in protest of the dismantling of our military and our government. I would like to see him fire back as suggested. I really hope he does something definitive.
We’ve had Generals be presidents before…run him as a Democrat that would be a way to get a buzz going. Remembering Milley at the fiasco theatre of absurd when tubs trump walked out with a bible yadda yadda the General was so unhappy and did not want any part of it. It hurt him deeply, it was not what he knew would have been correct.
It's interesting how people here, including Steve, are so cavalier and gung-ho about what Gen Milley should do with his life. Douglas, if Milley were to run for some political office, without a security detail mind you, it would make him more of an assassination target than if he were to live a quitter life.
That makes a tweet too powerful all powerful I have to disagree. He is still in the pentagon right?
Sad state of affairs for the country, but this is what the serfs wanted. As I have said to others, here in North Carolina it took a real fight to keep a QAnon Lunatic who participated in January 6th, believes public school teachers are inherently bad people, and called for the execution of Democrats — to keep her from running the state’s public school system. She received 49 percent of the vote and nearly won. That vote count is a tragedy and an example of why we are where we are as a country.
So your idea?
Find strong Democratic candidates and focus on the mid terms. As for the voters here, that is long term and I do not know the answer.
I don’t see why we can’t do that AND support General Milley should he choose to call their bluff and force a court martial. We have to find all the ways avaialbe to beat these despots and their moronic/hateful followers back.
This is where we need to take a stand!! What Sec Def Heggsseth is doing for the Orange 💩Stain is a complete and total slap in the face to each person who has faithfully served in the armed forces. My mother served USMC, my uncle served 42 year Navy, my dad Army, this is a slap to all honorable service member .
Most appalling are the $hithead VETERANS who support these traitorous scum.
Would be amazing if a billionaire celebrity … Oprah? George Clooney? Robert De Niro? Would pay for his detail. And for Fauci’s. M
Actually… have been thinking about this. Oprah is the reason Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil are household names. This should be compulsory for Oprah to do. 💯 not kidding.
It would be great to make a well-produced ad similar to those for the ACLU and feeding hungry children but even better and load it up with star power, people who can speak well and use directors like Ken Burns to make it. Ask for $5 a month to protect America's heroes including Milley and Fauci by supporting top notch private security to replace the government security they were wrongly stripped of and to create a legal defense fund for them for the legal battles to come from assaults on them by Trump and MAGA controlling justice in America. And for your monthly donation you get this T-shirt saying Keep America the Nation that Greatest Generation Fought For. Unknown Soldier figure on it with flag.
Oprah can be a looney toon at times too.
I cannot stand her. WTF cares about her 10 Favorite (hideously expensive and largely unattainable) Things? Arrogant. And no longer relevant. But, she has $$$ and she very literally is the reason these two quacks exist and have street cred. So, she should quietly (or loudly) protect Milley snd Fauci from the violent MAGA faithful of these idiots she created.
The cowards who won't stand with the good General don't realize that no matter what, they're next. The rules always shift with trump, what is a loyal act today is disloyal tomorrow. How do we stand up to celebrate this warrior, this man among children? I'll leave it there. Where were Jim Acostas colleagues yesterday, who should have all walked out the door with him? Without speaking with a singular voice we will gut this country. We can't speak with our splintered interests. We need to speak about what is simply right and what is wrong with them, no honor, no commitment to the constitution, no value placed on simply telling the truth.
All of this and much more because of Trump’s fragile EGO! He’s so EGOTISTICAL that there is no way to reason with him, he thinks he’s a genius, we know he’s very far from that. I really don’t think he has a clue how to be a President. He already thinks he knows all he needs to know. We know he’s very far doesn’t! He has decided to DESTROY our constitution we can’t lethim, the Republicans have turned into the enemy of the people. The Greedy enemy. There is no Real Republican Party anymore, my Father would be aghast at what that party stands for now “GREED” that’s the only thing they are interested in. Mitch McConnell for example has become a multimillionaire since being elected, it certainly isn’t the pay.
Great piece Steve!! General Milley is a man of Honor and Integrity. Two things Trump knows nothing about. This is all about retribution as we all know. This is just the beginning. I hope the General stands up and fight back. We will stand up with him. I loved his resignation letter. Thanks for reminding us what a great man he is and what a despicable coward Hegseth is. I'm so full of rage I can't stand it. And it's only been 10 days. 💔🇺🇸💙
Trump apparently never forgets or forgives what he deems as disrespect!It doesn’t take much for him to find disrespect if you question him, don’t do what he tells etc. He carries his revenge for ever. Wait he will turn on Elon Musk eventually.
Trump is an insecure spoiled child and a pathetic excuse for a human being. What kind of people think this is how to represent America? It is so embarrassing to our country. I hope the system and the Constitution can hold. These are dangerous people in high places.
Should have been given the heart attack injection long ago!
You are so right! It’s really alarming and disturbing that he’s getting away with this. What a Master Liar he is, those that voted for him I wonder when they will admit they made a mistake? If they ever will?
I would love a fight between Trump and Miley, both legally and physically! Miley is a genuine warrior, the other a cowardly rapist, made up like a woman! Welcome the fight general, you would be surprised how many Americans would be loudly cheering for you!
Yes, yes, yes. There would be tens of millions, probalistically over a hundred million of us constitutional Americans who have General Milley's back, be right in the trenches with him, supporting with mental/psychic projection and money. I wish Steve was a personal friend of Mark Milley's - 2 well versed, talkative history buffs - and would persuade him to go full legal on Trump and the trump people/apparatus.
California is taking steps to greenlight a referendum to leave the country and become their own nation. God Bless them. They have my support.
I would sign a petition to secede from this poison federal government with a John Hancock signature. Since the civil war the enormous difference in values between the Southern and Northeast and West Coast states has created enormous problems.
As a New Yorker, I believe we should join any adjacent states desiring escape from Christo-fascism, to form a sovereign nation, breaking all ties with the federal government and creating a government that truly works for the general welfare.
Should the West Coast states do the same, Trump's Gilead would be hobbled; a referendum to join Canada as two new provinces could take place.
Would enough in the National Guard and military join in our mission to sever ties with Trumpism? It is worth a try.
My state, the Empire State, should follow or maybe we become Canadian provinces.
So, to make sure I understand, the notion that 10 days in to trump 2.0, the decision is to completely give up in the case of California, and supposedly some if not all blue states, which by the way have democrats, republicans and independents living there (as do red states), and let everyone else fend for themselves. Don't fight? Just say fuck it and quit? And as disgusted as I am with trump, here I naively thought America was worth fighting for.
Anyone who wants to secede is a coward. And doing EXACTLY what trump wants of them: to be yellow quitters. Sorry, they don't and never will have my support.
By the way, and not that it's important, but I am originally from California and now live in a blue east coast state. I don't want to leave this country, but fight for it. I don't want to become part of Canada either, no disrespect to them.
If I have misunderstood this, someone please clarify or correct me.
Mike, No misunderstanding. We simply disagree, though I respect your point of view. I am loyal to values, virtues, and noble goals, not territory. I understand the logistical problems caused by the reality that people of different political views reside in every state. However, if people believe Trump is right and prefer a fascist dictatorship they can move to a red state. Many such interstate demographic changes have already taken place.
I am not a coward; I would rather avoid violence, and believe Trump will have much support if actual civil war breaks out; people should live where and as they wish.
Thanks Anthony. I realize my words were harsh, and I apologize for that.
It is naive to believe that people can simply pick up and move. That kind of realignment will never be possible. Hell, remember Katrina? People were drowning because they couldn't afford to leave their homes. No transportation. No money for a hotel. So, to believe a viable solution is simply quitting on America and tens of millions of Americans, is something I just don't agree with.
Quick math: top 5 states by population: CA, TX, FL, NY, PA. with approximately 127 million combined. Population, not voters. More math, the vote: in those 5 states, about 25.7 million voted for trump and about 26.8 million voted for Harris. This is why it's a bullshit solution that is a waste of time thinking about.
Look, I don't want to live in a fascist authoritarian dictatorship any more than you do. But I also don't think cowering away and giving up on the country and ideals we have fought for, bled for, many have died for, and all of us love is the path forward. That's why I said "coward", which again may be harsh, but I don't know what other term applies, other than simply quitters. Neither is noble or brave, when both are needed.
And to be clear, I'm not advocating violence or a civil war. I don't believe "fighting" for your country means we must resort to either of those. The leaders of the civil right movement fought, but didn't do so with a civil war. John Lewis said, "good trouble", not "quit".
Suggesting that it's as simple as relocating to a state that aligns with your political beliefs is demanding people give up their livelihood, family, friends, churches, communities, and to be forced to do so. If someone wants to move from a red to a blue state or vice versa, so be it. If they want to move out of the country, go right ahead. For far too many people, this is unrealistic and unattainable, and therefore, an impractical solution.
Mike, I am a non-violent but realistic person. I don't believe Trump can be stopped through the system of "checks and balances" built into our Constitution. They have failed to stop his tyranny, criminal activity, corruption, nepotism, scamming, and incompetence. How else do you explain a Senate that confirms a man like Hegseth to be S of D while removing protection from General Milley, leaving him wide open to assassination by Trump's white supremacist militias and foreign agents? You know what he has done.
Also, if forming a separate nation is necessary to protect our values, I see that as the right move. People would have to make a difficult choice, move or stay in a country that does not refect your values. Realistically, most people would stay put. So the enormous problem of relocation you envision would not likely occur.
Finally, the mere threat of secession might pressure some Trump sycophants to back down and actually force Trump to recognize his Constitutional limits and responsibilities. Lindsey Graham, Rubio, Cruz and a host of other sad cases know that what they are doing is wrong, evil. The threat alone, which would weaken their power, might be enough to get them to see reason. Perhaps it would lead to what I think we need: a Constitutional Convention; we need to start from scratch to create a just political, social, and economic system.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to follow through.
Of course, I always value your thoughts. I just don't see giving up (and make no mistake that is what secession is doing) as realistic or practical - and again, we're 10 days into this nightmare. He wants us (those who did not support him) gone, so the mere threat of secession will have no impact. Quitting and leaving is what he wants, as he will have no opposition. Fuck him, he doesn't get what he wants from 10s if not 100s of millions of Americans.
I agree we can’t just give up and let the Chief Fascist win. This is war. He has to go, I believe he is suffering from dementia. He’s all over the place, both parents died of Alzheimer’s, it’s not a stretch to notice signs of strange behavior. Something is definitely wrong with him. Just why does he think he should decide our country should be an Oligarchy? Money no doubt. All the Über wealthy greedy Americans think they are more qualified to run the country and the rest of us are Peasants.
The House won't impeach; if they did, the Senate won't convict. If his cabinet invoked the 25th amendment, Vance would replace him and continue implementing Project 25, which is exactly what Trump is trying to accomplish by firing Inspectors General and firing and encouraging federal employees to resign. He wants a federal workforce as well as all administrative officials loyal to him and his goals.
What are the alternatives left to those of us who see Trump as he is, a greedy, dangerous, incompetent chief executive empowering people just like himself?
Once again, your commentary cuts to the chase and calls it like it is.
Trump can’t stand being in the presence of, much less criticized by, a true leader. And in true Donny One-Note fashion, his only response is a craven attempt to squash him.
And thank you for calling out the WAPO rendition of this, yet another example of appeasement and hypocrisy. This twisting of the language has been going on for a long time in MSM—maybe at first an honest attempt to be fair and neutral but this no longer holds. It drives me crazy how a lie is not a lie, for example, and how it is enough to couch blatant ones in quotes, especially when they come at the end of an article. Or a headline slants the whole thing to begin with. So much untruth is left hanging in the air!
Again, thank you for your fearless reporting.
My son is active duty Air Force. I canceled my WAPO subscription this morning.
We stand with the General or we sit as cowards.
How will the country deal with Trump when, not if, he defies the courts. What institution is left to enforce that judgment? Perhaps the only answer is “Seven Days in May”. What other recourse is available when a good and honorable man as General Miley is pilloried by the likes of Trump and his ilk?
I agree, he WILL defy the courts. He will even defy or ignore Supreme Court decisions if they are ever so bold as to rule against him. After all, we must remember, that his favorite president is Andrew Jackson, who defied the scotus.
This is painful. My anger knows no bounds. But Steve, where would General Milley get the money to do what you suggest?
Couldn't a defense fund be set up? I would contribute, and I know many others on this site would. I, and probably most other commenters, are not well-known enough to take up this task. It is possible, since Trump made General Milley an easy target for domestic and foreign terrorists, that he wants to stay out of the public eye and and thus not antagonize Trump further. What the Trump opposition lacks is organization and coordination. The disparate enemies of Trump and Maga need to put their differences aside and unite to oust from power this American tyrant. Progressives, real Republicans, minorities of all types, all who realize how un-American, dangerous, and pitiless this monster is, unite or we will lose our country, our well-being, our values, our lives.
Now, the America-Firsters, short-sighted ignorant people who don't understand the benefits we get from our close military and economic ties to our West European allies, are openly calling for us to leave NATO. Do they not realize that Western European countries fought over two years against Nazi Germany before we declared war? Through lend-lease, which they would have opposed, we supplied our allies, but sent no troops. Do they think Hitler, had he conquered Europe, would have left our country unmolested?
"Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and Sen. Mike Lee are advocating for the U.S. to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). “If you could snap your fingers and get us out of NATO today, would you?” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, asked in a post on X. “Yes,” Massie replied.
“I would withdraw us from NATO,” Massie said, the Washington Post reported in 2022. “It’s a Cold War relic. Our involvement should have ceased when the [Berlin] wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed.” Lee has been critical of the NATO alliance, describing it as a “great deal for Europe,” but a “raw deal for America.”
NATO is a group of nations committed to mutual security and defense. The notion that this country is a faithful and reliable participant at this point is a fantasy, and the rest of NATO now knows it. Because of that, an official withdrawal would likely have no real, long-term impact. NATO will, of necessity, regroup into a new collective with a common purpose and set of values. The U.S. will stand alone.
And shut down all of our military bases in all of the European countries??
I am so with you, Steve. General Milley’s fight would be so righteous that it might be such a loud, blatant, railroad car to injustice that it might actually tamp down the rest of the pettiness and inspire honor across the military. I hope the general brings the fight instead of waiting for it to find him.
Great piece Steve!