Few things outrage me more than the military service of people like Walz being smeared. I have active duty and retired military in my family. We know and understand basic truths that this MAGA Freak Show has never known and will never know.

November 5th is Garbage Collection Day. Out goes this Freak Show.

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“He did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9,” Kolb reportedly wrote. “It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path.”—Daily Beast

And yet, some members of the Minnesota National Guard, including the commanding officer, John Kolb (Lt. Commander of Walt’s Battalion after Walz left), have decided to play politics. What are the chances this guy is a big Trump supporter?

The irony is Walz served honorably for 24 years, while Mr. Bone Spurs got five deferments and spent his first four years in office denigrating dead soldiers, Gold Star parents, and wounded warriors.

The difference is one is running for VP and is being denigrated for using a rank he earned, but didn’t complete the paperwork, while the other didn’t even know what the Nuclear Triad was, and is a completely unhinged and unqualified nut-job, who may have access to the nuclear codes: AGAIN!!!!!!

Talk about stolen valor? A form US president, who STOLE THE VALOR of thousands of dead Americans in a war against fascism, by refusing to honor their memory in France, because he thought of them as “suckers” and losers!”

Only in Trump’s America!….:)

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Oh, but don’t you remember when Trump got the Purple Heart?

Jonathan Lemire’s AP article describing it:


I really admire the thoroughness of this article. Not only does it remind us of the then ongoing controversy over Trump’s comments on a Gold star family, but he also got an authoritative comment on the situation from the Military Order of the Purple Hearts.

Why doesn’t some enterprising reporter call the Army/Minnesota ANG and get the authoritative description of the situation, including how long he had the Command Sergeant Major rank, date he submitted his retirement papers, and how he should properly be described (and addressed?) in retirement- as (retired) Command Sergeant Major or (retired) Master Sergeant. Ive seen way too many descriptions by well- meaning people that i know are incorrect.

( maybe the Army/Army National guard has done this and i missed it?)

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Excellent comment…:)

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I believe some reporters are lazy and choose to write out of conveniently available news grabs. Other reporters investigate facts as thoroughly as possible to arrive at conclusion based on fact. Military service is laudable under most circumstances. Denigration of it suggests lack of appreciation for those countrymen and women who put themselves on the line for our country's defense.

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Disgusting Trump !

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I did not @ all mean to impugn steve’s description of Walz’s situation which seems correct to me but doesn’t quite cover everything.

I don’t even know if a retired NCO can properly be referred to the way commissioned officers are

xyz, Maj USA (ret).

But Steve isn’t the Army National guard snd not everyone would care to credit his explanation.

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I didn’t get that impression at all…:)

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Dems must continue to put out truths with joy as they have been. People are turning out in troves for Harris/Walz because they are sick and tired of the bullshit that has become the republican party. Way past a time to unite with joy!

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At the time of the swift boat effort against Kerry, I read about W Bush and how the elder Bush had to pull strings to get him into the National Guard. Bush the elder was a war hero. W was not. He consistently failed to show up for his weekends in the Guard. If anyone reading this had behaved this way, we would've been arrested. At the time, the Guard was one way of avoiding the war in Viet Nam. Kerry was a war hero in Viet Nam. With his money, I'm sure he could've found a way to avoid the draft. He did not. The media never did handle this well. And we see it all again. Same playbook. Trump used daddy to get questionable medical bone spur evaluations....now he cannot recall which foot had them. These idiots who attempt, with the help of the media, to lie about those who serve are despicable and they deserve Trump as their leader. Steve is correct to go after them and I hope he does again, as it will get uglier.

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I often wondered why no reporter did an in depth investigation of George W Bush's National Guard service. Kerry's real service was dishonesty mocked by the swiftboaters lying.

Trump's inability to remember which foot had bond spurs demonstrates his lying. I have a friend who had surgery for bone spurs. He has no trouble showing which foot needed surgery. I had hand surgery. I have no problem indicating my left hand had trigger finger surgery. It makes me so mad that the full of sh*t people get praised to the detriment of people who rendered honorable service.

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Look up what happened to Dan Rather when he attempted to report the true story of Bush the Younger's 'military service.' Very bad for the health of even the best career.

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Not only did the media not handle it well, John Kerry didn’t handle it well. He didn’t object loud enough in my opinion. If someone Is making false allegations about me or my military service I am going to make darn sure that people know the truth.

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Same thing happened in Georgia to Max Cleland at the hands of that POS Saxby Chambliss in 2002.

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It's important to remember that Kerry "avoided the draft" by . . . ENLISTING.

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Yes and I remember Evan Thomas being interviewed about Kerry and he said something like I'm not sure the swift boat controversy may be true ... Evan Thomas basicly labeled him a coward...

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>> The point of all this is that the reporters have no idea what they are writing about — and the MAGA weirdos don’t either. >>

Just about explains it all, thanks Steve!

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CMSGT Major Tim Walz screams service with his actions, Donald Trump just screams. Tim Walz not only served his country honorably for 24 years in the Army National Guard but served another 12 years honorably as a Representative who fought for and passed the largest set of VA benefits since WWII. Donald forced his Secret Service details to stay at his resorts at overinflated prices. I would say Kamala Harris made a wise decision for her running mate. I thank both JD Vance and Tim Walz for their honorable service but I value Tim's service more because he did it for more than 2 decades and then continued his service by protecting Veterans for their Service to our country.

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So how many military enlistees actually serve 24(or more)years in ANY branch of service,without leaving at any time before then for countless reasons?It takes discipline and hard work to stay that long,and be promoted through the ranks.You don't get promoted if you're a troublemaker,or if you're disobedient of superiors,or do stupid stuff you shouldn't be doing.Obviously Walz did something right to last that long!

It's really funny that none of these same know it all critics don't say squat about Cadet Bone spurs' numerous ways he took to avoid serving in Viet Nam,and the way he trashes the memory of people who served and paid the ultimate price for all of us.So I'm assuming that's okay,but the fact that Walz served over two decades but that needs to be pulled apart to make tfg look good?

People just need to get over themselves.

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Beware of people who elevate themselves by cutting off the heads of others.

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This is sickening. Nothing more than an attack without merit, just like they were calling Harris a DEI hire. They know they are unqualified, so out come the inaccurate, vicious attacks. It's a distraction. How effective is TBD, but it must be countered with honesty. But that is also part of their strategy: the more time spent defending ridiculous attacks on military service or DEI status, the less time you're spending on your messaging, but on theirs. These bastards have to be kicked to the curb in November for so many reasons; this is just another one.

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Thanks for distinguishing rank from commission. I never knew this.

I've donned my Biohazard Suit for the oncoming onslaught.

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At 77 Viet Nam was the biggest issue of my young adulthood. It was stunning to watch the number of draft dodging weasels racing to school boards to ‘become’ teachers which for many lasted only until their eligibility ran out.

It was a terrible time and I was not a supporter of that war but I very much respected those who did what they had to do and did not take the weasels way out.

It was such a gut wrenching time that it’s even hard to write about it now but I married a vet and incorporated that into our lives. I also am thankful for the military service of my dad, uncle, and others. Who are these people who can denigrate the commitment and bravery of others.

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Marie....we are the same age. I, too, opposed the war, as did Kerry. It was a terrible time. Between the war, the draft, the riots, civil rights and abortion, we had plenty to protest. I graduated in '68, in Cambridge where we lived with riots and protests daily. My husband of 50+ years is an Air Force vet. My Dad was a WWII vet in the European theater. At dinner one night, he was so against the Viet Nam war, he told me if I'd been a man and drafted, he would have driven me to Canada himself, which completely shocked me. All during this time we respected those who did go and fight. And as I've aged, I have matured in my view because today's vets are voluntary, not drafted. What Trump has said to veterans, including those in his administration and have lost sons or daughters of their own, is so abhorrent, that I cannot find the words.

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B. My uncle was an Air Force colonel. His son, my cousin, solution was to take off for Canada and has been there ever since. Imagine being in that household - fortunately miles away from me.

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Just a few years too young for Vietnam. I had already decided that if I was going to be drafted to enlist in the USAF just as my Dad did for the Korean War and ended up as one of the first jet engine mechanic instructors. I did research as a Professor at the University of Arizona for the U.S. Air Force of Scientific Research for 20 years from 1990-2010. By the way, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research can be reasonably argued as the best scientific funding entity in the world as they have sponsored 79 Nobel Laureates research since their founding in 1951. The USA has won over 305 Nobel Laureates since the founding of the awards in 1905. Chinese scientists have 12 Nobel Laureates but ZERO at Chinese universities as they were faculty at American and European universities. It is critical for the USA to maintain our scientific lead over China which will happen with Harris/Walz. It will all crash with Traitor Trump and Juvenile Delinquent Vance!!!

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Trump avoided military service by dint of bone spurs. He subsequently promoted himself to a rank rank that all rational, sane and decent Americans would unobjectionably acknowledge -- generally major bone-headed sociopath.

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I come from a family of warriors that proudly served their country on the battlefield during times of war. This time tested and deplorable Republican tactic of smearing the names and reputations of those brave men and women who served in our nations armed forces is nothing new. I first watched them do that to George McGovern in 1972. McGovern was a brave bomber pilot during World War 2 and was awarded the distinguished flying cross for the number of missions he flew. His crews loved the man and highly regarded his leadership. John Kerry was horribly smeared by the Republicans when he ran for office. Kerry served his time in Vietnam in combat and not hiding behind a god damn desk somewhere far from the danger. There was no cowardly Captain Bone Spurs among these brave men. This attack on our brave soldiers, sailors, and marines has always turned me off on the modern Republican Party. That party has turned into a dysfunctional cult led by one of the most dishonorable, despicable, and deranged leader in their party’s history. Tim Walz is an honorable man and JD Vance is definitely not!

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October 29th is United States National Cat Day. I am working with friends and shelter volunteers to keep this date an important one — perhaps even an event for the Harris/Walz campaign. One week before the election is ideal.

There are enough of us sickened by the MAGA cruelty to a puppy, and enough of us disgusted by Vance’s slur “miserable cat ladies without children,” to make this date an important date for American democracy and decency.

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On my calendar, John!

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Here's a true measure: According to the Fact Checker in last week's Washington Post, when we were hit on 9 - 11, Walz had already served twenty years and qualified for retirement from the National Guard. He re-enlisted on September 18, 2001, stating he felt it was his duty to continue to serve in the military in light of the attack. By the time the J.D. Vance scenario, unfolded, in 2005, President Bush had long since announced on the aircraft carrier "Mission Accomplished" and, later, admitted there were no weapons of mass destruction. So, at that point, when Walz chose to retire, it was a different military mission - policing and nation building in Iraq - that it was in 2001. And, he had just returned from a six month deployment to Europe to help train troops engaged in the Afghanistan fight. He had a four year old daughter. He apparently decided it was time to get to know her, his wife, and to nation build right here in the U.S. And, apparently the people in his district thought enough of his choice to oust a six term Republican and vote Walz in for congress. To them, his character seemed just fine.

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Thank you for the background of Tim Walz. It does illustrate his integrity, honesty, familial love and dedication to our country.

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Only a psychopath can shamelessly ridicule the service and profound physical and emotional sacrifice of John McCain and other veterans who suffered war injuries. Only a psychopath demonstrated unabashed cowardice, faking bone spurs to slither out of the same war that John McCain demonstrated exceptional valiancy.

Dirty tricks and Swiftboating have become gaslighting techniques to undermine opposing candidates when promoting one's own issues and policies fail. Trump can only deliver utterly vacant and mendacious proposals, defaulting when pressed to "he has the brilliance, and he alone can fix it".

Only a psychopath can eat your soul in small bites (Jim Comey). Only a psychopath can sadistically attack and divide. Only a psychopath can brazenly defile John McCain's America.

Donald Trump is premiering his own profiles in cowardice.

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