At this point Trump has succeeded in manipulating our justice system to the point where he has yet to be held accountable. I am not sanguine about this happening before the next election. Whether Trump wins or not, we will likely have a rerun of the last election. Trump will say it was rigged, and he will inspire the violence of his base backed up by his sycophants. I am truly worried about all of this. I follow the news closely and do not have a good feeling about all of this. I hope I am wrong for our sake. I don’t want to live in the world that Trump has envisioned for us. God help us.

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This is a con man's trick and the Press falls for it. The old "heads I win, tails you lose".

2016: "The election will be rigged." "I won so the election wasn't rigged."

2020: "The election will be rigged." "I lost so the election was rigged."

2024: "The election will be rigged."

Trump to Alyssa Farah in the WH: "It doesn't matter what you say. Just repeat it and they will believe you."

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Unfortunately, this is not an issue of concern to Trump’s voters. I doubt there is a single one of them who says I am concerned about his love for tyrants and will vote for Biden because of that.

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I cannot endorse strongly enough what you are saying here Steve! This entire iteration of The Warning should be distributed far and wide and all Americans be encouraged to view it. In particular Steve, I thought the last part beginning around approximately the 16 minute mark was chilling, but at the same time soul stirring and inspiring! Those words of yours at that point in this edition of The Warning should, in my opinion, be memorialized and distributed to all groups who are working to defeat Trump. It’s that on-point, it’s that good, it’s that true. We need to hear constantly what you’re saying here- that what is at stake now is nothing less than our freedom. I wish my Dad, who served in WWII, was still alive to see Trump and his fascist movement. He would be appalled, but he would also be rallying everyone he knew to vote against Trump and his MAGA authoritarians. We can’t let our collective understanding of the horrors of Hitler’s fascism fade from the American psyche. Too many Americans died in WWII to preserve the very freedoms Trump et al intend to take away from us. I choose freedom!


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My grandfather served in WWI, France. My father served in WWII, South Pacific. My oldest brother retired as a Navy Commander(1969-1998). My oldest stepson served 5 tours in the Middle East.

I will be damned if I will let our democracy they all fought for go to hell at the hands at a wannabe dictator.


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Excellent- thanks!

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This was the finest essay I have seen/heard yet on this subject. Thank you. I will pass it to people I hope it will help.

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If Trump returns to the WH it will be a term for life. Trump really doesn’t have the focus, the discipline or the ability to be a real dictator. Perhaps a second coming of Nero or Caligula is more accurate.

Trump is the tag along wannabe dictator. China Russia Hungry Turkey and Saudi Arabia will take turns manipulating Trump.

Flattery and money is all it takes for Trump to give away the store (America).

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We know exactly what he means. He’s been very clear about it. He intends to militarize the government for his benefit. Rights will be taken away, whether they’re enumerated in the Constitution or not. People who don’t believe it do so at their own peril. Unfortunately ours as well.

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Superb commentary, Steve. I would only add that one of the most pernicious and evil consequences of Trump in power would be a deadening of the human imagination and the unmolested experience of human bliss and joy. He portends death for the human spirit, just like Putin, Orban, etc.

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Pure powerful excellence Steve! These 'The Warning' YouTubes are fantastic and so educational. Wow. Thank you!

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Why aren't more democracy lovers in the street....we are quiet?

Because the government does not have our backs. If we get harassed by Maga even when doing our jobs for voters who will defend us before our lives are ruined and we sue the harassed. I bet if all democratic living state governors and president make a rule that anyone harassed by Maga doing a gov job or defending or rooting for democracy should get immediate personal and family protection by the state of government with days of filing. They get protection from.the military until personal guards are brought on paid for by taxpayers via government. Then we will feel protected. But when legal system judges do not have hefty consequences for Trump when they state they will, a shot of fear hits....the courts do not have democracy lovers back.

If the government would do that protection people will be in the street defending and voicing love of democracy.

We need aggressive action not worry or complaint. Action.

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There comes a time...when our father disobeyed the standing rules in England and made a new country. Why give the USA up to Maga? Let them leave start a Trump Nation. Then Maga will see the light.

Is there a clause in citizenship that prevents voting for a non democracy....if so then voters voting for autocracy would be invalidated? Would democrats fight on that level?

We cannot let him be President no matter what because he already said he would violate the Constitution. We do not need the courts to rule on that. It is before our eyes.

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He cannot be President elected or not since he cannot take the oath, and Supreme Justice must not, cannot give him that oath, as they would be aiding and abetting a crime. This would mean thatJustice is not being honored by the Supreme Court and thus we do not have to follow their unjust ruling. Who will defend that principle, maybe the military? I hope the military has a backup plan to keep democracy.

Think about the idea that once President he could go nuclear or threaten it, and then everyone will fear. He would destroy earth if he were to be threatened in office with jail or if terminally ill.

If you knew that would happen, then how would you all approach this differently?

We need not be his victims.

We need to uphold Justice even if the courts do not. Why are we allowing MTG in Congress? We are enabling this.

There needs to be a different view on this, an aggressively protective of Justice view.

Why are we one nation w MAGA? They do not belong in a democracy.

If they do not want democracy let them secede, kick them out, rather than let them take the democracy. EXTRADITE THEM.

Rather have an immigrant who wants democracy than a citizen who does not...emigrate them.

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And now that we have Rocket Scientist Lara Trump in charge of the RNC, all of the pieces are really coming together for Republicans.

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Trump knows one indisputable truth: if you are rich you can get away with anything.

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They can get away with anything for a long time; but it seems TFG/MAGA are imploding now.

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The thought of TFG in the White House scares me to the bone. I truly believe he will do whatever it takes to stay in power for life, then hand down that power to his spawn, creating an awful dynasty, much like that of North Korea. If he wins in November, kiss America as we know it good-bye forever.

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Outstanding writing and presentation Steve!

Democracy's opponent, the tightly bonded club of parasitical despots and their allies, is powerful. Layer on layer of power grabs and corruption. As soon as we think we understand their depravity, we are surprised again. We can't relate because most of us were raised to have scruples, morals, honor, honesty, manners, courtesy, mutual respect. The current crop of oligarchs/absolute monarchs follow in the footsteps of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Roy Cohn and Genghis Khan (well, Genghis Khan was a practical despot, in comparison.)

Fun with numbers.

Every person on this list has a strong interest to see Donald Trump regain the WH.

Donald needs $454 million to pay the State of New York's fraud judgment. The trick isn't raising the money. His rich "friends" have the ready cash. "Chump change." The real trick is paying the judgment using money from his rich "friends" without political/legal blowback.

Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) Settlement Payment to Dominion Voting Systems for Lying/Defaming Them: $787.5 million

Rupert Murdoch Net Worth: $19.7 Billion (He can afford to pay another 25 defamation settlements like this.)

Vladimir Putin Net Worth $70 Billion to $200 Billion

Elon Mush Net Worth: $196.5 Billion

Jeff Yass Net Worth: $27.6 Billion (TikTok investor)

Bin Salman Al Saud Net Worth: $18 Billion (Saudi Royal Family total: $1.4 Trillion)

Recep Erdogan Net Worth: $1 Billion to $250 Billion (on a $65,000 annual salary)

Viktor Orban Net Worth: $815 million

Who is missing?

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Fortunately, we don't have unlimited money allowed by special interests groups, corporations, or wealthy donors in our elections. Wait a second, I'm going to go brush up on the SCOTUS ruling on Citizens United to make sure I'm remembering that correctly.


Uh oh... never mind. 🤬🤯

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Trump is Satan, something his religious followers might understand.

In the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul warns that Satan is often disguised as an angel of light. TRUMP DID SAY HE WAS THEIR RETRIBUTION, ONLY HE COULD FIX THINGS. If only they could or would see the light.

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Mar 14
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Ah. To answer your question read The Kingdom, the Power, and The Glory

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