In today’s video commentary, I build upon my essay, “Trump and Hitler" is more than a sensational headline.” While there has been recent reporting about Trump’s affinity for tyrants and dictators, it is certainly not the first time.
What could that mean if he was elected to a second term in office? We’ve already seen what happened when he lost an election, and I argue that a second term would be worse. Tyrants rise when democracies weaken. In the 1930s, fascism rose, not because it was strong, but because democracy was weak. And now, something is rising all over the world. The United States got a taste of it between 2016 and 2020. Next time, we'll get the full experience.
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At this point Trump has succeeded in manipulating our justice system to the point where he has yet to be held accountable. I am not sanguine about this happening before the next election. Whether Trump wins or not, we will likely have a rerun of the last election. Trump will say it was rigged, and he will inspire the violence of his base backed up by his sycophants. I am truly worried about all of this. I follow the news closely and do not have a good feeling about all of this. I hope I am wrong for our sake. I don’t want to live in the world that Trump has envisioned for us. God help us.
Unfortunately, this is not an issue of concern to Trump’s voters. I doubt there is a single one of them who says I am concerned about his love for tyrants and will vote for Biden because of that.