Six days have passed since Donald Trump repudiated the Atlantic Charter, NATO Charter, UN Charter and UN Declaration of Human Rights, all imagined into existence by President Franklin Roosevelt.
If anyone doubts that Musk meant his salute as a Nazi salute just look at the expression on his face. That is not a wave to the crowd, thanking them for their vote. I am outraged and deeply offended as an American and a Jew whose father fought against the Nazis in WW2.
This CBS report (1/26) is evidence that the Trump administration has the same racist and bigoted views as the Nazis did. No one is safe in America today:
CBS News reports:
"Lesson plans about the Tuskegee Airmen, groundbreaking Black pilots known for their service during World War II, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military, have been removed from the U.S. Air Force curriculum, a U.S. official confirmed on Saturday to CBS News."
I join you, Mr Lipkis, I am too and my dad was there fighting. This month are the anniversaries of his 1922 birth and 1987 death. To honor both and help stop the hate in the military, I donated to Mikey Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation. The MAGAt military is harming all the cult leader hates.
Thank you, Steve, for the history lesson about Roderick Edmonds. A true hero. And Monday is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. World leaders will gather in Poland to remember. Never again!
The Mortal Storm is upon us. There is no looking away. There is no shelter because this storm is in our hearts. Either you stay true to the principles that all men are created equal or you capitulate and give in to the demon which lies in the furthest reaches of man's soul. Are you cowards or are you men, who do not give in to tyranny? Time will tell if you are like little Marco or like the brave men and women who sacrificed everything so you may live in freedom. God's eyes are watching and he sees what is in your soul. Stay true and don't give into the stains of mankind.
I looked closely at the expression on Musk's face as he gave the Nazi salute. It is obvious that he hates anyone who would obstruct his goal to enrich himself and gain unlimited power at the expense, not only of Americans, but of the world population. There also is a look of victory in his sinister expression. And he dared talk with contempt about global elites to the German Nazi party?
What the hell does he think he is?
He is as much a Nazi as his maternal grandparents.
Hitler had his Brownshirts to roam the streets of Weimar Germany to beat up their enemies. Trump has his J6-ers including the Proud Boys and other thugs.
He’s used some flash points in his language calling for German pride in the face of multiplicity which is nothing more than racial purity. He derides the EU as an outside force when he’s no more German than the French. His remarks are pure national socialism and, of course, our media was silent about it in the same manner as his Nazi salute was not ignored or explained away. This man is a close adviser or even co-president to an obviously racist anti semite. Imagine Obama remaining silent in the face of this abject hate
Obama, attended the inauguration, as did Clinton, and Bush. Along with other Democrats, what does this say to you? It says to me the same as the title of this piece, "A disease is spreading" and Steve's earlier piece, "It's up to us".
Yes. I have not been able to understand why Michelle Obama was the only one with enough stones to refuse to attend this 'inauguration'. No Democrat, not one of them, should have been there. We do not accept fascists and Nazi sympathizers. There is no possible compromise.
Yes. And first a thanks to Steve for the incredibly moving portrait of Master Sargeant Roderick Edmonds - massive bravery in the face of a Nazi Luger pistol. Yes, Trump and all of his fascist coward sadists would have identified the Jews. Including you, Steven Miller, who is Jewish. And yes, James, I would love to question Obama, Clinton and Bush on why they attended the inauguration. I would like to think that Jimmy Carter would not have, whom I consider one of the really excellent presidents and a singular man, but he may too have somehow thought traditions outweighed deliberate gestures of resistance. Michelle Obama is a true American hero.
I don't know what the protocol is, but I would have hoped that all living Presidents and their wives would have not attended. It would have sent a powerful message. Deeply disappointed in all of them.
I said the same about the parade but thought it would it would take at least a year. I said I thought he would invite Putin to the show. He is far more accelerated than I thought possible. Oh my Country, I fear for you.
Will he need to buy the hotel back to have a great view? Yes, it is feared he will. It will look like Charlottesville with our military forced to join in. No guardrails at all.
It is well worth remembering the analysis of Hannah Arendt (Some Questions of Moral Philosophy):
In this respect, the German developments are much more extreme and perhaps also more revealing. There is not only the gruesome fact of elaborately established death factories and the utter absence of hypocrisy in those very substantial numbers who were involved in the extermination program. Equally important, but perhaps more frightening, was the matter-of-course collaboration from all strata of German society, including the older elites which the Nazis left untouched, and who never identified themselves with the party in power.
A number of criminals, as we know only too well, are present in every community, and while most of them suffer from a rather limited imagination, it may be conceded that a few of them probably are no less gifted than Hitler and some of his henchmen. What these people did was horrible, and the way they organized first Germany and then Nazi-occupied Europe is of great interest for political science and the study of forms of government; but neither the one nor the other poses any moral problems. Morality collapsed into a mere set of mores -- manners, customs, conventions to be changed at will -- not with criminals, but with ordinary people, who, as long as moral standards were socially accepted, never dreamt of doubting what they had been taught to believe in. And this matter, that is, the problem it raises, is not resolved if we admit, as we must, that the Nazi doctrine did not remain with the German people, that Hitler's criminal morality was changed back again at a moment's notice, at the moment "history" had given the notice of defeat. Hence, we must say that we witnessed the total collapse of a "moral" order not once but twice, and this sudden return to "normality," contrary to what is often complacently assumed, can only reinforce our doubts.
Somehow, it always comes down to Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Chilling but true. The question is are we too far gone in this country? It’s difficult for me to understand while live in OKLAHOMA where we set records for most incarcerated women, child abuse and being #49 in education while paying for rich private school children to attend their private religious school of choice. Public education takes the hit. Hopefully readers in other states will share news on positive trends they see in their states.
Thank you Steve. All of this needs to be said, and needs to be SEEN, for what it is. I'm so glad you have so many thousands here. I've posted on my Substack about the creeping nazi playbook I have seen for a long time, because of my ancestry (incinerated in Treblinka) and my carceral advocacy in California. I have been criticized lately by "friends" who have suggested I chill out, and that I am not being spiritual enough by being angry. That I should live only in unconditional love because that is the Christian way. Well I disagree, that is not balanced, and that leads to enabling the dark forces that are gaining alarming momentum. They did hit the ground running. They are organized and prepared.
Well ... we MUST get angry. We must get ferocious! We must change the playbook of compromise and capitulation. That doesn't preclude compassion -- I think our compassion IS our driving force and raison d'etre! We need that energy of fierce compassion to get people uncomfortable enough to get off the pot! To stand up. To SPEAK UP.
There is a true, insidious creeping of real evil masquerading as care, but filled with lies and cunning and deceit. We are at the end times, and we have to take all this erasure and posturing and violation as life and death, literally, of humanity and of the planet.
I have also been called a cynic, but I don't take that as an epithet. I redefine it as not capitulating to the belief that I'm supposed to be polite and allowing of everything. I'm empowered by finding kindred spirits like here, thankfully!, Wecall it as we see it. I love the sharing here and knowing that so many of us are on the same page. Thank you Steve for your incredible leadership.
Your words are inspirational. I'm especially taken by your description of those around you, who question your Christian character and chastise you for being angry rather than caring. I know that your outrage is not lacking of compassion or care. As you say, you are motivated by your deep care for the vulnerable, our country, and our planet. I have many of those same voices in my extended family. I've never agreed with them nor felt rightfully confronted about such. Nonetheless, I can feel quite alone, sometimes. When i read your words, which I do regularly, I feel affirmed and less alone. In fact, I am extremely grateful for your constant presence and kindred spirit. I thank you, as I do Steve.
Thank you Barbara. I am so moved by your words. I follow the lead of Steve and others who have such huge wonderful followings. I think we give each other hope and purpose and a way forward. We are kindred. Anger can be righteous and powerful and also kind. It’s not either/or. And silence just doesn’t cut it anymore. Many blessings to you!
Trump is a maniac and so is 94% of the Republican Party. This should spell the end of the Republican Party. We citizens need to take to our own council. We did that at the time of the Revolutionary War. It's time to do that again. The Congress is about as good as dead. Meet with your friends and neighbors. The Fascists are coming to cut the throat of our democracy.
Let them worry that something is happening beyond their ken.
We need to gather offline, under the radar. People throughout history have managed to overthrow these types of monsters. Ready for service a la the French Resistance.
They openly embrace Nazi symbols and rhetoric and, as true Americans, we must watch and shake our heads. We said, "We will never forget." I guess it's not a matter of remembering or forgetting. It's entirely a matter of belief. They are back. And democracy ties our hands. It's cockamamie.
The GOP have gone too far to the "dark side".. I don't know where they are "coming from" - greed, power, Christian fundamentalism, fear? All of those. Or do they feel "self-righteous" and on the side of the angels?
The Democrats are trying to behave as if we are in "normal" times. They are trying to demonstrate how politicians "should" act ( follow the rules) - eg. Clinton, Obama, Bush, Harris, Biden at the inauguration. But these are NOT normal times - and the "other side" (Trump) does not care how they are "supposed" to behave. We are way beyond "setting a good example."
Trump is unleashing his militia to do his bidding - these people will be accountable to no one - except doing Trump's hate-filled bidding. As I said before - he had 4 years to prepare and plan - to get the best evil minds to help him plan what he is doing now.
These American Nazi's are not just against Jews - or immigrants - or non-white people. They are also against Democrats, liberals, anyone who needs assistance (poor, homeless, sick, disabled, elderly), anyone who will oppose Trump, or not commit to a loyalty agreement.
They are already working on a 3rd term - and one that will not include Obama running for a 3rd term against him. If they have their way - our elections will be like Putin - or Belarus.
I admit I don;t have a lot of positive thoughts right now. I think we may go through a lot of horror - we will turn it around "someday" but how much suffering and death before then. I am old - I don;t think I will see it. But we all have to hold on to hope - and to purpose. To bring compassion, truth, honesty and integrity back to America
If anyone doubts that Musk meant his salute as a Nazi salute just look at the expression on his face. That is not a wave to the crowd, thanking them for their vote. I am outraged and deeply offended as an American and a Jew whose father fought against the Nazis in WW2.
This CBS report (1/26) is evidence that the Trump administration has the same racist and bigoted views as the Nazis did. No one is safe in America today:
CBS News reports:
"Lesson plans about the Tuskegee Airmen, groundbreaking Black pilots known for their service during World War II, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military, have been removed from the U.S. Air Force curriculum, a U.S. official confirmed on Saturday to CBS News."
Thank you
The expression on his face along with the salute is revolting. Central casting Nazi there.
He's a horrible speaker for someone supposedly so brilliant. Couldn't listen for more than a minute.
I join you, Mr Lipkis, I am too and my dad was there fighting. This month are the anniversaries of his 1922 birth and 1987 death. To honor both and help stop the hate in the military, I donated to Mikey Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation. The MAGAt military is harming all the cult leader hates.
Me too Donald.
Thank you, Steve, for the history lesson about Roderick Edmonds. A true hero. And Monday is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. World leaders will gather in Poland to remember. Never again!
The Mortal Storm is upon us. There is no looking away. There is no shelter because this storm is in our hearts. Either you stay true to the principles that all men are created equal or you capitulate and give in to the demon which lies in the furthest reaches of man's soul. Are you cowards or are you men, who do not give in to tyranny? Time will tell if you are like little Marco or like the brave men and women who sacrificed everything so you may live in freedom. God's eyes are watching and he sees what is in your soul. Stay true and don't give into the stains of mankind.
I agree Patrick.
I looked closely at the expression on Musk's face as he gave the Nazi salute. It is obvious that he hates anyone who would obstruct his goal to enrich himself and gain unlimited power at the expense, not only of Americans, but of the world population. There also is a look of victory in his sinister expression. And he dared talk with contempt about global elites to the German Nazi party?
What the hell does he think he is?
He is as much a Nazi as his maternal grandparents.
Hitler had his Brownshirts to roam the streets of Weimar Germany to beat up their enemies. Trump has his J6-ers including the Proud Boys and other thugs.
He’s used some flash points in his language calling for German pride in the face of multiplicity which is nothing more than racial purity. He derides the EU as an outside force when he’s no more German than the French. His remarks are pure national socialism and, of course, our media was silent about it in the same manner as his Nazi salute was not ignored or explained away. This man is a close adviser or even co-president to an obviously racist anti semite. Imagine Obama remaining silent in the face of this abject hate
Obama, attended the inauguration, as did Clinton, and Bush. Along with other Democrats, what does this say to you? It says to me the same as the title of this piece, "A disease is spreading" and Steve's earlier piece, "It's up to us".
Yes. I have not been able to understand why Michelle Obama was the only one with enough stones to refuse to attend this 'inauguration'. No Democrat, not one of them, should have been there. We do not accept fascists and Nazi sympathizers. There is no possible compromise.
Yes. And first a thanks to Steve for the incredibly moving portrait of Master Sargeant Roderick Edmonds - massive bravery in the face of a Nazi Luger pistol. Yes, Trump and all of his fascist coward sadists would have identified the Jews. Including you, Steven Miller, who is Jewish. And yes, James, I would love to question Obama, Clinton and Bush on why they attended the inauguration. I would like to think that Jimmy Carter would not have, whom I consider one of the really excellent presidents and a singular man, but he may too have somehow thought traditions outweighed deliberate gestures of resistance. Michelle Obama is a true American hero.
I don't know what the protocol is, but I would have hoped that all living Presidents and their wives would have not attended. It would have sent a powerful message. Deeply disappointed in all of them.
I bet anybody $10 that the Gilded Turd®️ has a July 4th military parade with tanks and Patriot™️ missiles in DC. Nobody to stop him now.
I said the same about the parade but thought it would it would take at least a year. I said I thought he would invite Putin to the show. He is far more accelerated than I thought possible. Oh my Country, I fear for you.
Project 2025 was a recipe they have staffed up to follow on day one. Many are involved.
You’re right. And why not throw in an ICBM, too.
Will he need to buy the hotel back to have a great view? Yes, it is feared he will. It will look like Charlottesville with our military forced to join in. No guardrails at all.
I bet you are correct! Proud boys lead our military through the streets!
Orange Jesus is a frightening Putin wanna be😔
It is well worth remembering the analysis of Hannah Arendt (Some Questions of Moral Philosophy):
In this respect, the German developments are much more extreme and perhaps also more revealing. There is not only the gruesome fact of elaborately established death factories and the utter absence of hypocrisy in those very substantial numbers who were involved in the extermination program. Equally important, but perhaps more frightening, was the matter-of-course collaboration from all strata of German society, including the older elites which the Nazis left untouched, and who never identified themselves with the party in power.
A number of criminals, as we know only too well, are present in every community, and while most of them suffer from a rather limited imagination, it may be conceded that a few of them probably are no less gifted than Hitler and some of his henchmen. What these people did was horrible, and the way they organized first Germany and then Nazi-occupied Europe is of great interest for political science and the study of forms of government; but neither the one nor the other poses any moral problems. Morality collapsed into a mere set of mores -- manners, customs, conventions to be changed at will -- not with criminals, but with ordinary people, who, as long as moral standards were socially accepted, never dreamt of doubting what they had been taught to believe in. And this matter, that is, the problem it raises, is not resolved if we admit, as we must, that the Nazi doctrine did not remain with the German people, that Hitler's criminal morality was changed back again at a moment's notice, at the moment "history" had given the notice of defeat. Hence, we must say that we witnessed the total collapse of a "moral" order not once but twice, and this sudden return to "normality," contrary to what is often complacently assumed, can only reinforce our doubts.
Somehow, it always comes down to Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Chilling but true. The question is are we too far gone in this country? It’s difficult for me to understand while live in OKLAHOMA where we set records for most incarcerated women, child abuse and being #49 in education while paying for rich private school children to attend their private religious school of choice. Public education takes the hit. Hopefully readers in other states will share news on positive trends they see in their states.
This man is dangerous. He is simplistic in his language. There is no depth to this speech.
He speaks using a fourth grade vocabulary. And then he just strings these words together incoherently.
Thank you Steve. All of this needs to be said, and needs to be SEEN, for what it is. I'm so glad you have so many thousands here. I've posted on my Substack about the creeping nazi playbook I have seen for a long time, because of my ancestry (incinerated in Treblinka) and my carceral advocacy in California. I have been criticized lately by "friends" who have suggested I chill out, and that I am not being spiritual enough by being angry. That I should live only in unconditional love because that is the Christian way. Well I disagree, that is not balanced, and that leads to enabling the dark forces that are gaining alarming momentum. They did hit the ground running. They are organized and prepared.
Well ... we MUST get angry. We must get ferocious! We must change the playbook of compromise and capitulation. That doesn't preclude compassion -- I think our compassion IS our driving force and raison d'etre! We need that energy of fierce compassion to get people uncomfortable enough to get off the pot! To stand up. To SPEAK UP.
There is a true, insidious creeping of real evil masquerading as care, but filled with lies and cunning and deceit. We are at the end times, and we have to take all this erasure and posturing and violation as life and death, literally, of humanity and of the planet.
I have also been called a cynic, but I don't take that as an epithet. I redefine it as not capitulating to the belief that I'm supposed to be polite and allowing of everything. I'm empowered by finding kindred spirits like here, thankfully!, Wecall it as we see it. I love the sharing here and knowing that so many of us are on the same page. Thank you Steve for your incredible leadership.
Your words are inspirational. I'm especially taken by your description of those around you, who question your Christian character and chastise you for being angry rather than caring. I know that your outrage is not lacking of compassion or care. As you say, you are motivated by your deep care for the vulnerable, our country, and our planet. I have many of those same voices in my extended family. I've never agreed with them nor felt rightfully confronted about such. Nonetheless, I can feel quite alone, sometimes. When i read your words, which I do regularly, I feel affirmed and less alone. In fact, I am extremely grateful for your constant presence and kindred spirit. I thank you, as I do Steve.
Thank you Barbara. I am so moved by your words. I follow the lead of Steve and others who have such huge wonderful followings. I think we give each other hope and purpose and a way forward. We are kindred. Anger can be righteous and powerful and also kind. It’s not either/or. And silence just doesn’t cut it anymore. Many blessings to you!
Realism is not cynicism. Your being realistic about the situation in which we find ourselves does not make you a cynic.
Thank you James, that takes a thorn out of my paw from several years ago. thank you for being here and for commenting.
Trump is a maniac and so is 94% of the Republican Party. This should spell the end of the Republican Party. We citizens need to take to our own council. We did that at the time of the Revolutionary War. It's time to do that again. The Congress is about as good as dead. Meet with your friends and neighbors. The Fascists are coming to cut the throat of our democracy.
Let them worry that something is happening beyond their ken.
We need to gather offline, under the radar. People throughout history have managed to overthrow these types of monsters. Ready for service a la the French Resistance.
We Must Never Stop Exposing, Resisting and Removing the Sick, Depraved, MAGA LIAR, Traitor, Criminal, Trump and his Corrupt MAGA, NAZI Supporters!
They openly embrace Nazi symbols and rhetoric and, as true Americans, we must watch and shake our heads. We said, "We will never forget." I guess it's not a matter of remembering or forgetting. It's entirely a matter of belief. They are back. And democracy ties our hands. It's cockamamie.
Wonderful story, wonderfully told, and apt for the times. Thank you, Steve.
The GOP have gone too far to the "dark side".. I don't know where they are "coming from" - greed, power, Christian fundamentalism, fear? All of those. Or do they feel "self-righteous" and on the side of the angels?
The Democrats are trying to behave as if we are in "normal" times. They are trying to demonstrate how politicians "should" act ( follow the rules) - eg. Clinton, Obama, Bush, Harris, Biden at the inauguration. But these are NOT normal times - and the "other side" (Trump) does not care how they are "supposed" to behave. We are way beyond "setting a good example."
Trump is unleashing his militia to do his bidding - these people will be accountable to no one - except doing Trump's hate-filled bidding. As I said before - he had 4 years to prepare and plan - to get the best evil minds to help him plan what he is doing now.
These American Nazi's are not just against Jews - or immigrants - or non-white people. They are also against Democrats, liberals, anyone who needs assistance (poor, homeless, sick, disabled, elderly), anyone who will oppose Trump, or not commit to a loyalty agreement.
They are already working on a 3rd term - and one that will not include Obama running for a 3rd term against him. If they have their way - our elections will be like Putin - or Belarus.
I admit I don;t have a lot of positive thoughts right now. I think we may go through a lot of horror - we will turn it around "someday" but how much suffering and death before then. I am old - I don;t think I will see it. But we all have to hold on to hope - and to purpose. To bring compassion, truth, honesty and integrity back to America