Six days have passed since Donald Trump repudiated the Atlantic Charter, NATO Charter, UN Charter and UN Declaration of Human Rights, all imagined into existence by President Franklin Roosevelt.
His chief funder, the richest man in the world, capped it all off with a Nazi salute, which is denied by the rotten conservative media that asserts what was seen was not, and what was meant was not.
Of course, what was seen but wasn’t, and what was meant but wasn’t, couldn’t possibly be because there are no Nazis — only crazy people who oppose the arrival of the golden epoch because of their insanity.
There are no Nazis.
There is nothing gathering.
This is photograph from January 25, 2025, at the Washington Monument:

Nothing to see.
Trump has formed his street militias with the release of more than 1,500 criminals, including all of the most violent ones sentenced to prison for storming the US Capitol.
Their cause is Trump and revenge.
Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to fly in an airplane.
Trump is the first to have a thug militia at the ready.
How long until Secretary Hegseth calls out the United States Marine Corps to stand at attention on Pennsylvania Avenue in parade uniforms, while the J6 “heroes” march by?
Trump represents darkness and a pathway to national obliteration.
His words are a summons towards disaster and an abyss that leads to unfathomable destruction. They should not be discounted or dismissed.
“…sent by God to save America.”
“…territorial expansion...”
Rather, they should be carefully appraised and understood.
The language that Trump is using is the language of Adolf Hitler.
Please understand what this Trump quote means as a declaration, when referring to undocumented immigrants:
“They're poisoning the blood of our country. All over the world they are pouring into our country.”
It is a declaration of repudiation against America and the ideals of a nation founded on an idea.
The imperfections of America have always been most glaring where the lofty ideals of freedom are contradicted by long legacies of injustice and oppression. Yet, there seems to be an overwhelming gravity that has pulled America towards the ideals and away from the contradictions over time. Freedom and equality have come to mean freedom and equality for everyone in America in form, if not yet fully in practice.
Trumpism is a revanchist philosophy that will lead to national humiliation and despair.
Suddenly, we oppose what we claimed made us great by embracing what we opposed.
It is radical, and simultaneously reactionary, teeming with menace, hostility and contempt for pluralism and democracy.
Remarkably, it has succeeded in destroying the faithfulness of the third oldest political party in the world towards the oldest constitution in the world, as well as the elections created as a result of the American revolution with barely a peep of protest.
What is remarkable about the event when considered through the prism of a coup d’état is the total silence of response.
The capitulation occurred with barely a squeak. In fact, the hypocrisy, which was once denied, then flaunted and celebrated, has become so banal that it can be all but ignored.
There is a story that you should know that is rooted to this day through the 80th anniversary of its beginning.
Donald Trump has long denigrated America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen. He has insulted their fallen, their wounded, their disabled and their surviving families. Trump has denigrated their honor, valor, service and sacrifice. He has desecrated their country and belittled their “last full measure of devotion.” Incredibly, he has assailed American POWs, who have endured the unthinkable, all across the world as being cowards.
The stench from his character assassination of John McCain and the 684 Vietnam War POWs will never lessen and always linger about his rancid legacy. It should always be remembered that his disgusting attack against POWs included men whose toughness and bravery he could not begin to fathom. They were the airmen of the Mighty 8th Air Force, and included the legendary Tuskegee Airmen, who were killing Nazis and beginning the modern civil rights movement.
There can be little doubt that Trump would have despised an American soldier from the American south captured in the Battle of the Bulge that ended 80 years ago yesterday.
His name was Master Sergeant Roderick Edmonds from Knoxville, Tennessee. He was captured by the Nazis five days after arriving in Belgium in December 1944 as part of a wave of replacement troops for the final push into Germany.
Incredibly, Master Sergeant Edmonds found himself at Stalag IX-B at the head of a formation of almost 1,300 American POWs, where he was the senior soldier. The 26-year-old master sergeant was in charge.
There was not a single officer in the camp.
The Nazi commandant demanded that Sgt. Edmonds call the Jewish Americans forward and separate them out. The Nazi position was that they had impure blood and needed to be enslaved or incinerated.
Coincidentally, all of this occurred on the same day that Soviet Red Army forces overran a series of concentration camps that beggared description called Auschwitz-Birkenau in Eastern Poland, outside of Krakow.
Sgt. Edmonds refused.
The Nazi commandant held a gun to his head.
Sgt. Edmond did not blink.
He refused.
He said that they were all Jews.
He then invited the Nazi officer to execute all of them as Jews and become a war criminal who would be hunted down when the war was lost.
The Nazi commandant walked away.
There were more than 300 American Jews in the prisoner ranks.
They were not betrayed.
E Pluribus Unum.
Roderick Edmonds came home from the war and never said a word about any of this to anyone before he died in 1985.
His secret did not hold.
Today, he is remembered as “righteous among the nations,” and is a recipient of his nation’s gratitude and esteem because he was an American hero grounded in Americanism.
Americanism must be defended by all of us who treasure liberty, freedom and justice. Each are different things, and none can exist without the other.
They are all threatened.
When the current president of the United States decides to embrace the concepts, creeds, theories and ideas of Adolf Hitler to rouse the emotions of his followers, it must be confronted relentlessly and factually.
Just because most political reporters don’t understand what they are looking at doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Ignorance is danger — not bliss — in this situation.
The skies are darkening, and there is trouble ahead. Americans do not run from trouble. They move towards it.
Everyone should remember Sergeant Edmonds at the beginning of tumultuous years ahead.
When you see this…:
…don’t look away, and do not let anyone tell you that it isn’t real. It is.
Here is Elon speaking last night to the far-right German AFD:
Does it look and sound sinister to you?
It is.
Trust me, it isn’t you; it’s them.
All over the world today the good works of the people of the United States of America have been suspended everywhere, except for Israel and Egypt.
Trump and Secretary Little Marco have the power to do this, and they have exercised it.
They have snuffed out hope and turned on despair in an instant in a thousand places x 50 at least, all at once.
Thousands of points of American light have been cut off and snuffed out.
Secretary Little Marco is the type of man who can’t stop talking about Jesus and his faith, which is a flashing red light in 2024 America. He is a Pharisee in the temple, a money changer. He has held power for an instant, and used it for the cause of cruelty.
Jesus Christ weeps. He weeps over the hypocrisy and the weakness of a Judas who claims devotion, but spreads despair.
Today, Pete Hegseth sits in disgrace atop the US Armed Forces, which have been disgraced by the United States Senate that was obligated to protect them, but did not.
Instead, the institution capitulated to politics and expediency.
Thank God that Joni Ernst wasn’t standing at the head of the formation that day in Germany.
Can you imagine?
“He’s a Jew. Him too. Him, him, him, I think him. Him. Him.”
This is where the degeneracy of appeasement leads.
We are watching a sickness spread. It is a fever.
Don’t catch it.
It will mean your character is gone.
If anyone doubts that Musk meant his salute as a Nazi salute just look at the expression on his face. That is not a wave to the crowd, thanking them for their vote. I am outraged and deeply offended as an American and a Jew whose father fought against the Nazis in WW2.
Thank you, Steve, for the history lesson about Roderick Edmonds. A true hero. And Monday is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. World leaders will gather in Poland to remember. Never again!