Just an incredibly sad time in our nation’s history that this miscreant and his enablers are on the very verge of assuming power. I can vote and do what I can, but the sadness I have for what has happened to my country and to my fellow citizens is almost overwhelming.

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Not to belabor the point but compared to Miller, Trump is just a sloppy mob boss who struggles to connect things in a cogent, fluent manner. Miller, on the other hand is tactically and philosophically FAR more diabolical; someone who feeds the talking points to the boss, due to his incapacity to develop them on his own. Miller scares the shit out of me.

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It’s very rare in American politics for a candidate to hand you the nails and the cross with which to crucify him. But Trump and MAGA handed it to Harris!

So, for the love of God, pulverize him relentlessly in every swing state.

And if, after this stark warning, the American voters put this excrement into power, then they deserve everything that they get.

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Unfortunately, we are part of “they.”

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Regrettably and tragically true.

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Keep in mind that Miller was one of the few who was embedded in Trump’s inner sanctum for his entire first term….

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Miller's character has not changed one bit from the young man he was in high school as reflected in this quote. The article tells much more about this bigoted, racist, misogynist ally and dear friend of Trump:

“Am I (Stephen Miller) the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/24/stephen-miller-white-nationalist-trump-immigration-guru

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I hope he lost!

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So do I!

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Miller is "embedded" alright - so far up rump's backside it's amazing he can see daylight...

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Miller only sees darkness and he wants to make sure everyone else does as well. What twists my mind is that his ancestors are Russian Jews. This is so fucked up.

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Bill, I think the explanation is that in any large cohort of the population you will find the same range of negative and positive attributes in any given individual. That applies to intelligence, character, and morality. EVERYONE involved with Maga is far toward the negative extreme. Just think about Trump, Bannon, Lindell, Flynn, Stone, Eastman, as well as Miller and all the others...really bad people. I do not understand why it took people like Kelly, Esper, and Milley so long to grow the balls to speak out against these awful people.

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This dude is one of the most disgusting individual in politics .. he works silently in the background, no accountability .. when he does speak in public he is vile and repulsive.

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One more week of this Freak Show and then out with the trash on November 5th.

During World War 2, my grandmother was a Neighborhood Air Raid Warden. When there was an Air Raid Drill at night, all lights had to be out. No exceptions. My grandmother was pretty good with a gun and shot out the window of a house with a light on.

Years later I asked her about this and why she did it. She replied: There was a war to win.

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Love your grandmother’s chutzpah, my grandmother was much like her. She told me stories of riding into the mountains of SW Texas with her Dad when she was just 9 yrs old to kill a mountain lion that had been killing their livestock.

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Thank you for sharing the story of your grandmother. It is always good to hear such stories. My grandmother was a unique soul. I never attributed such things she did like that to courage as much as I did to doing things as she saw fit. If she saw fit, it was a natural reflex for her. She just did it and let the chips fall.

She could be difficult. It was always thought I was the favorite grandson. Which my brother and cousins found absolutely hilarious — I had drawn the short straw among the grandsons.

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Miller has the NAZI LOOK down cold! Perhaps, he should read about the Nuremberg trials???

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The saying you cannot judge a book by its cover does not apply to this miscreant.

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Something we should all demand when all is said and done..

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Today’s USA is a tragedy. So many have been bought so cheaply and are willing to sell our democracy in turn. How did his family produce that Eichmann (just add glasses) wannabe Stephen Miller?

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Despite Santayana’s warning—-Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it—a horrid history IS repeating itself. The signs have been there all along and many have not only ignored them, but embraced the rhetoric spewed by people like Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, and others. Do their supporters really believe they will not suffer the same fate as targeted populations? The wake-up call is long past.

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I encourage everyone today to read Judge Luttig's column in the NYT.

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Djt's initial launch in the 2016 presidential race began at Trump Tower, Fifth Ave. & 56th St., NY City.

Djt's final downfall in the 2024 presidential re-election race happened at MSG, Seventh Ave. & 33rd St., NY City.

The cycle is nearly complete.

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I agree somewhat but his real final downfall will be when he and his fellow MAGAts are imprisoned for his crimes against the United States of America!!! LOCK THEM ALL UP!!!

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Exactly! Miller is a Nazi! No doubt!

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"Stephen Miller, the architect of his extremist policies and chief ideologist that “America is for Americans, and Americans only.” Make no mistake, this rhetoric, along with Tucker Carlson’s replacement theory mentions, would have been a perfect fit at any Nazi rally in 1930s Germany."

I don't understand how any American can look at that cretinous, arrested development, reprehensible two-legged reptile and be okay with that for another four years. Of all the repulsive characters in the Trump orbit, Stephen Miller is the one most closely aligned with Der Fuhrer.

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I remember when Morning Joe gave trump free air time, all the time, during his first race for the WH. They changed their tune but it took a while. It’s too late to ask, “ how did this happen”. We’ve watched it grow day by day, trump infecting our country with his evil venom. Some of us were not fooled from day 1. Others, like Mica, took a while. I just want him gone.

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Mica is attempting to deflect attention from their responsibility on this catastrophe....'How did we get here"? is like the post 9/11 BS excuse "NO ONE ever could have imagined planes flying into buildings!" when the CIA had publicized the scenario...

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Right… instead of asking “How did we get here?”, she should have examined her own role in not calling out the obvious sooner.

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I believe Trump's disgusting MSG rally has nailed shut the coffin of his personal aspirations and his Maga movement. Yes, the type of American who went to the 1939 MSG rally still exists and were represented at the MSG rally on Sunday. However, the majority of Americans are decent people. The indecent messages, the terrifying racist sentiments at the heart of the unAmerican Maga movement became crystal clear to most Americans and many will change their votes from Trump to Harris.

He has surely lost the vote of a great majority of Puerto Ricans.

Also, the spectre of his two beloved dictators, Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin, cooperating to end an independent Ukraine, will wake some up to the horrible threat of a second Trump presidency.

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I hope you’re right. This is now about the character of the American people.

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“However, the majority of Americans are decent people.”

We will soon find out

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We can hope.....

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"The collapse of trust between the American people and every institution of consequence has been well-documented, and more importantly, well-earned." Isn't this the authoritarian playbook 101? Undermine the trust in institutions so people only listen to me? That's chapter and verse what TFG has done since day 1 (the escalator ride in 2015). That so many have fallen for it is sad, but should not be surprising as it has been used throughout history. A weakened and neutered media responds in the only way they know, do whatever they can to stay relevant, even if that means acquiescing and now their "obeying in advance" as Tim Snyder describes it. Add social media misinformation, amplification, and algorithms pounding their confirmation bias and it's overwhelming and devastating.

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And Democrats have been remiss in not addressing the problem earlier.

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