Chump is a symptom. The cause is difficult to pin down to one thing, but we do have 80 million Americans who apparently want to see the destruction of the current system of government. There seems also a strong wish for a patriarchal society that puts men first and women second. You can see it clearly when you look at who is getting elected in many states. Wolves in sheep’s clothing ready to subjugate women. It certainly is apparent in the South, where I live.

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The Civil War never ended.

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Maybe so, but the South will lose again. That much hate won't survive. Personally, I detest it, and I've known 73 yrs of it.

I just voted a straight Dem ticket in NC.

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I also voted Dem down the line. Here’s hoping Josh Stein and Mo Green win.

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Thank you Sandra....

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I tend to view it as a War on Women. It is under way.

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If the Harris campaign fails to connect what happened in MSG last night with the rally of American Nazis in MSG that occurred in the late 1930’s then shame on them.

Pound the point constantly and substitute Hitlers rallies into the mix. He just gave you this. Hit him with it. Provide ignorant Americans with a salutary history lesson.

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Harris team have already run with it…

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Will MAGAts hear it and understand? As noted, the Dems and Harris in particular have pointed it out. The early voters already voted. Even after what Kelly said. Even after all of it still believe it's ok to hate and harm.

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The Trump rally at Madison Square Garden was meant to resemble the Nazi rally there in 1939. Trump wants to be Hitler… it’s in the open. You’d think his cult would be horrified to think they were Nazis but they don’t care and they won’t until they wake up from their dream and find they trapped themselves in a nightmare.

This will be particularly true for all immigrants, minorities of color, gender and religion. Even those that think they will be exceptions because they voted for Trump.

They will discover that Trump is not their retribution but, in fact, they are Trump’s means to obtain the power for his personal retribution.

For their Trump vote they can look for higher prices, gross inflation and a collapsing economy which, like Trump’s multiple businesses, will go belly up.

Useful idiots, everyone.

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Although I agree with you Eric, have you watched video of the 1939 Nazi rally at MSG? Those in attendance were NOT horrified - they cheered everything and gave the Heil Hitler salute. Those in attendance last night were NOT horrified. What the hell does that say? Nothing that I like to think.

Just a 6 minute excerpt of 1939 MSG Nazi rally:


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I have read about "America First," the pro Nazi/Hitler American movement in which Charles Lindbergh played a leading role, but to actually see 1000's of Americans obviously holding the same views at those in attendance at Tump's MSG rally, literally chills the blood.

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The only thing missing from the rally was the backdrop of Washington. But then again Trump thinks he is better than Washington because Washington is dead.

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Trump, perhaps the single best word to describe him is ASSHOLE!

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He’s been an asshole since conception

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Strongly concur, Anthony Santo. It was like Charlottesville and Jan 6 writ large. Having experienced hate toward me and others through my 77 years, I've never been as afraid ever as I am now.

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Joan, I believe, especially after the 2024 MSG fiasco, that you and I and all others who think as we do, will be far less fearful and delighted to witness the beginning of the end of the Trump/Maga stain on our history.

Though I have been a George McGovern, Bernie Sanders, A.O.C. progressive Democrat all my life (I'm 80), I actually look forward to the rebirth of a genuine conservative Republican party with leaders like Liz Cheney, Rick Wilson, Adam Kinzinger and , well, Steve Schmidt!

The best policies come from honest and thorough discussion and compromise based on conservative and progressive solutions to our domestic and foreign problems.

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Nodding in agreement. I'm close in age (77) and too voted for those that mattered. My first vote was in the Ohio (home state) primary for Gene McCarthy. I remember the discussions with my parents and others that my vote was "wasted" - my first vote was the most important to me until all the others. If I look back on my life and actions, voting is the most important thing I've done. I too want a genuine conservative GOP with the people you mention and others who will rejoin and will have those conversations that matter. I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime. Too many still in the House and Senate and state legislatures who espouse the hate and ignorance of MAGA. Mike Johnson in that seat scares me as much as the possibility of the cult leaders being elected. Please let there be a sensible electorate.

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Mike Johhnson is one of the Magat leaders who frighten me the most. He appears and acts so ordinary, but behind that smile is a vicious will to force all to accept and live by his so-called Christian worldview, a theocracy which would ban freethinking individuals from voicing or living according to their own values.

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It reminds us that history will repeat itself if you don’t learn the lesson from the first time. And what is truly sad is that it took 1700 police to hold back the protesters against the rally outside the arena…protest was nonexistent 85 years later.

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If they don't care that they resemble the KKK, and they don't care if they resemble the Taliban, then discovering they resemble the Nazis is just another walk in the park.

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Biden has the CONTROLS to keep Trump from coming, illegally, through the door.

He must activate all the resources of Homeland Security to ensure a secure and legal vote.

Likewise Biden must have DHS issue warnings to anyone contemplating post election violence that such WILL NOT BE tolerated, and that violators will be punished!

The door currently seems to be open and there is no indication that cheating and violence is intolerable!

Get busy Mr President!

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He needs to have the National Guard and the military on high alert with strategies to stamp out any violence Trump incites by any means necessary. This is not a game. Our future, the future of our descendants, hangs in the balance.

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I agree but first she has to win ...

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And, he has the added benefit of presidential immunity. I hope Biden can get it together, cause we all know MG is not going to do anything!

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If voting can save us, it will be accomplished by America's women. This rationale is clear, but the collective confirming voice has been weak because women have no one simple organized platform from which to speak, largely silenced by years of indefensible male dominance. The reversal of the Roe decision by the fascists' movement's strongest combat unit--the Supreme Court--may turn out to be the true savior of our democracy. The fact that this determining factor (reversal of Roe) was inadvertent is a plus in national spiritual satisfaction. The prevailing character of America's women is not reflected in the twisted, angry women that represent the fascists. Women in America are the predominant moral force. They represent most of our honor.

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I, for one, think that yesterday was the end of Trump’s run. From JD Vance trying to mercilessly gaslight Jake Tapper and Margaret Brennan to “the rally”, an overconfident display of hucksters and carnival barkers, offending everyone in their path. Trump gained no votes yesterday, and probably lost many. Kamala Harris will tie a bow around this campaign on the Ellipse and we will all be able to sleep soundly once the dust settles.

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I've known they are nazis from the get go. They now embrace it fully with a powerful court behind them. If anyone doesn't vote in light of it, they are complicit.

And look at the 'immigrant' who showed up with the orange traitor....what rock did she crawl out from under?

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“Let us hope that they are smart enough to know that when a demagogue rises up, preaching a gospel of division while promising unity, that they are in danger.”

Thanks Steve,

From my vantage point, it looks like Trump’s MSG Nazi Bund Rally went full circle. Trump started his fascist career!with a BOOM in 2015, when he rode his gold plated escalator, into the Trump Tower’s massive atrium, and in front of hundreds of paid models and actors (he stiffed them in the end), spewing his first racial rant of many; from his Charlottesville to Tulsa.

As of yesterday, and based on the rallies major theme of hate, fear, anger, and overall stupidity, it looks like his MSG Bund Rally will be relegated to the dustbin of history, and known as the DAY Trump’s political career ended in a WIMPER; igniting a shitstorm of hate, misogyny and racism, once again.

Ironically, the 1933 Nazi Bund Rally, was the place the Third Reich emerged like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes, and soaring into the light; I mean darkness. While Trump’s October rally is where the Fourth Reich, or New Phoenix, makes its last stand, only to implode; as the Phoenix once again turns to ash; finally descending straight into the annals of hell!

A man’s can dream can’t he?…:)

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Just to be clear: The paid Extras (supplied by a company in NYC drawing from a list of legitimate ‘Background Actors’) were each promised a $50 cash payment at the conclusion of the staged event. Although Little Donny famously reneged on the deal (because: Of Course He Did!) the actors eventually did get paid, but it took about 6 months. However, that took getting Actors Equity involved - the union for actors in “Live” performances. Historically, the folks that DJT has screwed over and refused to pay have had no protection from his vile and indefensible behavior. Witness the unfortunate undocumented Polish workers he hired in a major demolition project in midtown Manhattan of a landmark historical building to make way for one of his cheesy monstrosities. They were forced to work without basic safety equipment like hard-hats, work gloves, and union protection and then ‘stiffed’ at the end of the job. Typical tRumpian business deal.

Also, the Orange Don’s Trump Tower atrium rant was not his “first racial rant of many....” He had a long history of these from loudly touting his belief that the sitting president (Barack Obama) was likely a Muslim born in Kenya, not in the USA (amplifying the dingbat Tea Party’s racist claim which put it on steroids), to he and his father violating Fair Housing laws when renting out apartments in Queens to his taking out a Full Page Ad in the NY Daily News in May of 1989 calling for the Death Penalty and an appeal to “BRING BACK OUR POLICE” after a particularly horrific rape of a white female in Central Park who was jogging at night at a time when the crime rate in NYC was spiking due to rampant drug issues involving crack cocaine. [For that you can look at the history of ‘The Central Park Five’]

Regards the 1933 American Bund Nazi Rally. This was not something that emerged like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. The German American Bund was an organization that was similar to most American organizations constructed around cultural/national identities of the time. There were numerous clubs and organizations of Italian Americans, Polish Americans, Irish Americans, as well as Jewish groups all around NYC and, of course, in other places in the country. Europe was already embroiled in World War 2 thanks to Hitler’s rise to power a la DJT some eight decades later, although Der Fuehrer actually served some jail time for his attempted coup! The Bund’s rally at MSG where those attending were treated to full blown support of the Nazi regime is something that only seems outrageous in retrospect. At the time, it was merely a disturbing manifestation of something America had long wrestled with - a country wrestling with its racist and bigoted history and appealing to Christian nationalism. The whole “American Nazi” balloon was punctured after Pearl Harbor Day when the US entered the war against the fascists in western Europe and the Empire of Japan in the east.

That a current contender for the White House held a rally to invoke something that any reasonable person would admit is one of the darkest chapters in American political life is reprehensible. But as Steve Schmidt correctly points out - that is typically how authoritarian fascism arrives: a ‘populist leader’ invokes fear, anger, rage, hatred, division, and threatens violence in order to achieve the goal of unfettered power. We were all warned about this back in 2015. It should never have gotten this far. God Help Us

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Well said, and I meant first rant as a presidential candidate; he’s always been a misogynistic a-hole….:)

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Third paragraph should read “Regards the 1939 American Bund Nazi Rally” not ‘1933.’ Sorry. There used to be a way to edit one’s remarks. Is that no longer an option?

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Thanks, that’s what I meant..:)

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I generate my comment in Notes (iPhone/Pad), then cut ‘n paste

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Or copy your post, then at the three dots choose Delete, then paste, make your edit, check it twice 😉, then cross your fingers, then post it

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Excellent commentary, Paul. The three dots to the right of the SHARE icon will allow you to edit.

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Not if you use an IPhone, there’s no edit feature

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Let's hope the implosion is heard world-wide, and is reflected by a huge loss for the orange traitor and his ilk.

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! BLUE! BLUE! BLUE! (my message to America)

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Jake Tapper has suddenly stopped being a weasel And interviewed JD Vance properly. For the last three months, he has been Trump’s Patsy why the sudden transformation? That should frighten us all. I believe he senses that he has been contributing to Trump‘s rise and now fears Trump will win.

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It has morphed from just plain fascism to Nazi fascism, perhaps the worst kind. Should we prevail, the Senate should reconstitute the UnAmerican Affairs Committee, I believe that is its name. We need to root out all these Nazi fascists. They need to account for their crimes.

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It was reported in today’s NY Times that Trump wants his appointees to be free of background checks. We see how this worked with Kavanaugh. God help us.

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Trump is terrible at keeping secrets, confidential or top secret information to himself. He did try at Mar a Lago.

But he couldn’t help himself at his rally in New York to expose yet another secret. The “fix” is in.

Trump didn’t just say it once discreetly but echo it multiple times. “ Mike Johnson and I share a secret but we can’t tell you until the voting is done.”

Gee what could that be? Is coach Trump going to run the same scam from 2020 where a group of Republican House members vote to not certify the votes ( without any proof of fraud), and Mike (Moses) Johnson will do what Pence wouldn’t, decertify the election and have each state vote for president. Since there are more red states than blue ( although the majority of our population live in blue states) . Trump had to say it out loud.

Trump will win despite lacking in the popular vote or even the electoral votes.

Hard to believe such a moron leads anything or is he simply a figurehead for more sinister people?

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Johnson is Karl Lindner in Lorraine Hansbury’s A Raisin in the Sun. Outwardly benign and non-threatening, he is on a mission of terror and he is, in fact, the Devil.

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Trump is not smart or even clever enough to be an Antichrist… I save that for Putin. Trump is PT Barnum of evil. He entertains with his stupidity and corruption. The real evil comes from the people that support him.

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Mike Johnson, a man who claims to be a devout Christian, is an extremist among extremists, a fanatic among fanatics, a man with a benign demeanor, a cold smile, a bland face, and a knife ready to plunge into your back. Despicable beyond words.

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I find that people who profess the loudest what they are (Like “Moses” Johnson), are the least one.

If you have to say it out loud, you aren’t .

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Nicely said.

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Thank you for the compliment. It’s much appreciated.

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Trump at his rally in NY said that he and Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, have a secret. They can’t tell you the secret until all the votes are in. What do you think Trump was alluding to since Trump is like a school girl who can’t keep a secret?

The election is rigged…the “fix” is in for Trump.

Trump is uniquely overtly corrupt and he doesn’t care if you know.

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So, if, and that's a big IF, this is true, that would only be true if Rs maintain control of the House, right? If Ds win the house, Hakeem Jeffries will certainly be the Speaker of the House when the new Congress is sworn in on January 3rd (I believe), which would be 3 days before the certification on January 6th, rendering their plans irrelevant. I mean, a couple of months ago, TFG in a speech before Christian Nationals said, "This will be the last time you need to vote". So, the House for this election certification, is far more important to win than the Senate, although having the trifecta would be wonderful. And Kamala, as sitting VP, will certainly perform her Constitutional duties.

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It is the makeup of Congress currently which is republican not what the new Congress will be

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So can the Rs simply refuse to accept the popular votes for the Ds that won their congressional seats?

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The nyt’s game connections got me thinking about rearranging how we assess our leaders. Instead of red/blue, how about honest and hard working vs. dishonest and obstructionist?

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I like Steve’s suggestion that Biden fire Merrick Garland immediately, on grounds that he is unable to handle the coming problems. I’m a Latter-day Saint, and yesterday in church, which is the same in every ward, the theme was Joy. That’s Harris’ theme. Here’s a story from October 4 about prominent church members opposing Trump. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2024/10/04/prominent-latter-day-saints-urge/ The church isn’t going to take a position, but this is pretty close.

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Yes fascism has gained a foothold on our American shores. It took 70 years to arrive but it came not with a foreign accent but with the words of a Queens hustler. Yes it is disgraceful and disgusting but our brothers and sisters, mothers and daughters are lapping it up as they would if it was nourishment. It is not. It is like a foul smelling ugliness I didn't recognize at first because it entices even though it is offensive. However, once experienced you either pull away in disgust or are drawn in closer to the offending language of hate.

Our Democracy is strong but this old enemy we thought was defeated but It wasn't has infected a new generation of citizens who lost their immunity to its offensive ways. Perhaps, we were always susceptible to darkness of the hate of fascism because of our past sins. The sins of slavery and hate we pushed out of our consciousness but not forgotten. If we are able to survive this moment of darkness and make it to the morning of a new day, we will have to build up our immunity again and again so we do not fall victim to their fascist hate speech.

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