Jul 27Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, you know how to peg the GOP ticket, if it was not so frightening, it would be comical. Keep it coming!

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Trump tried to get his last VP hung so Vance may want to stay away from open windows.

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They might hang him from what's in his couch cushion.

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Over 330 million Americans and the Republicans come up with these two as their candidates. Unbelievable!

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LOL, but in fairness, about 150 million are under 35 and don't meet the minimum age factor. so, it's really more like out of only 180 million. 🤣🤣

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I have spoken to a large number of my daughter’s friends. They are all on board for Kamala, and have participated in the mass fund raising zoom a couple days ago. All in their 30’s

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Deirdre, your daughters, along with the majority of women, SHOULD be for Kamala! After all they have lived their whole lives under the protection of Roe/Wade. Now, that protection has been taken away from them, by old, white men; along with other protections-for example, contraceptions, that may be taken away from women's rights, too! Women are faced with the fact that they either keep an unwanted child-yes, I said unwanted-, or a child that they wanted, but will either die in the womb, and be aborted naturally, or have to have that child, full term, only for that child to struggle to live for a few days, while the parents look helplessly on-heartbreaking decisions with each situation! Now, women will have to make the hard decisions, and often alone: travel to another state, or country to have an abortion, that should have been safely done by a doctor in their own home town, or to keep the baby full term. Doctors are afraid; women are afraid.

AND, will DJ Vance and the "christian nationalists" or MAGAs take care of these children, that they are so passionately saving? Well, let's see; these MAGAs and "christian nationalists" are willing to separate families at the southern border, even putting small toddlers in cages, and on hard concrete floors to sleep on; they want to end the Department of Education, that provides programs such as "Head Start", and they will take away breakfasts and lunches for the poorest children in our nation; they won't allow a teen to change to his/her true gender, etc. These "policies" of the MAGAs and "christian nationalists". don't seem to me to "respect life", or follow the teachings of Christ! On the contrary, they seem, to me to be the opposite!

Folks, take off your blinders, really listen to what these people say, and how they act!

"Respect Life" is a joke to them! They just want to pull in the "real Christians", that "truly believe" that life begins at conception! Do you really think that Trump truly believes that; or Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, Rodger Stone, and the others? To tell the truth, I would be surprised, if they really did!

I personally believe that life starts at conception; but I also strongly believe in "separation of church and state"! "Right to Choose", means just that, to allow a woman to choose to either keep her child, or place that child for adoption, or have an abortion that is completed in a safe, clean environment, by a qualified doctor.; without the government interfering with the decision! I have NO right to condemn a woman who chooses to have an abortion, just as a woman has no right to condemn me for choosing to keep a child.

As a Christian, I am against this "christian nationalism" movement, to me, they are the "extremists of christians"! What if the tables were turned, and another major religion told christians what they could or could not do, because THEIR religion states that that is the only "right" way to do things?

Our founding fathers were brilliant in so many ways, but the most brilliant of their decisions was: "separation of church and state"!

Deirdre, how great would it be for your daughters, their friends, and women their ages, across the nation, to organize a new Women's March-like the one in 2016! With their knowledge of social media, they could organize much quicker than in 2016. To march before, not after the November election! (Not my idea about doing it before the election; I was told this by another person who watched "Morning Joe", on Friday.). I would march with them, for sure!

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So true Donna. So many women that age have no idea what the loss of reproductive

heath care means. It is like a weird hit from left field; taking away a right that was ingrained. Kamala is hammering the issue! What a

God Send she is, to quote my

Episcopal priest. As she says, it is all about love for all.


Fight the fascist to the end!

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I'm Episcopalian too! I was Roman Catholic for most of my life-so glad I switched! Love having women as priests, deacons, and our Bishop is a black woman! How great is that! My niece is gay, and her family has basically shunned her! How sad is that! Another reason, I became Episcopalian-we're inclusive-we actually talk the talk and walk the walk w/Jesus!

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Donna, You sound like a Jesusonian ( one who follows the teachings OF Jesus, not Pauline Christianity, which is the teachings ABOUT Jesus). Paul was a misogynist and wrote that woman should not ask questions in the church.

Check out www.urantia.org


The Jesusonian Foundation


https://truthbook.com › jesusonian-foundation

We believe that the primary and essential aspect of religion is a personal experience between an individual and the Heavenly Father.

If the woman of this country don't get out and march and vote, they will deserve their fate, which will be to be controlled by these by these evil, crazy, primitive Maggot Men.

I would ,like to see how JD would feel if Usha was going to die if she couldn't find a doctor to do a life saving abortion. The happened once in Ireland ( a very Catholic country) and then they changed that law.

It is strange for me to think that the country that my mother immigrated from in 1930 for a better life, now would vote for men who would enforce such stupid laws, which might cause her great granddaughter to lose control over her own body. Oy Vey, what happened to the USA!

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Thank you for the thoughtful post. I think you hit in on the head with regards to the Founder's intent, their racism and misogyny notwithstanding, that individual rights must be protected from government overreach. A necessary caveat to that idea is that each of us makes their own personal decisions while at the same time respecting everyone else's right to do the same. Lost in the right wing palaver is the idea that making abortion illegal will stop them. You are absolutely correct: a clean, safe procedure by a qualified doctor is the least any woman in America should have access to. Outlawing abortion only punishes women who lack elite money and connections, which is to say nearly all women. Wealthy, high status people will always have access to whatever they want. There is the story of Gary Cooper in the book High Noon by Glen Frankel. Legendary lothario Cooper was married with a daughter in the late 40's when he had an affair with a young Patricia Neal. Neal found herself pregnant and to avoid scandal, Cooper's management arranged for her to have an abortion. A safe, clean, medically professional one, but an illegal one since Roe would not be passed for another 23+ years or so. Easily done for a big star with a lot of money and influence. Even doctors can be bought. I fear that the Dobbs decision has already condemned women to die, including, if we do not prevail in reversing the right wing oppression, little girls now growing up and future generations yet to come.

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Yes, but still a very large pool to choose from. 😀

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Shows how far their party has gone off the deep end. No real ideas or principles anymore. Just looking for dominion

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"Weird" is the word Tim Walz, governor of MN, uses to describe Trump and Vance. Walz does a good job of painting them as "weird," and I think it's a great descriptor. Short and clear.

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"Weird" is a word that describes the whole weird bunch--Miller, Flynn, Bannon, Stone, and of course Trump and Vance. Just about the whole gang really. That's the reality of it. Weird implies it all--including mentally off. No one wants to be on the team with the weirdos. Weird. A great word for DEMS to use. Thank you, Tim Walz.

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Speaking of words: I believe the word "wokeness" should not be used. I think that word hides its real meaning which is "liberal". My dictionary does not have the word "wokeness" in it but it does define a "liberal" as "An advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights." Denying a woman's right to choose is not liberal. Defending a woman's right to choose is liberal. "Woke" is the past tense of "wake," a word which has many definitions but none of them anywhere near "liberal."

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The right has weaponized the meaning of woke, so I agree. Stay away from such shortcut terms and talk about ideas and definitions, as you said.

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Straight to the point. Eyes still shut need to be opened to the grave threat on the very near horizon should TFG and JD win in November. Keep these Warnings coming, Steve!

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My MAGA acquaintances are already using Trump terms to degrade Kamala-talking about her laugh and being a failed Border Czar. Facts don’t work on them. They are so brainwashed into anything orange man says as well as Fox and Newsmax on his behalf. These MAGA people voting for them are terrifying. Especially the people on social media talking about a second Civil War if Trump doesn’t win. Putin has us where he wants us …divided. I hope our democracy can withstand this or we might be the immigrants.

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Yes, this frames the problem well. A close election and there will be calls for a second Civil War. The second highest ranking public official in North Carolina has already talked about people who need to be killed.

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I urge President Biden after the election to use his expanded powers to send some MAGAts to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for a very long “vacation”!!!

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Why isn’t that Mark Robinson of NC being charged with a threat? Our justice system is really on his side with his freedom of speech.

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The best thing we can do here is repudiate him by defeating him. The latest poll I saw has him at a statistical dead heat with AG Josh Stein.

I find the dead heat aspect awfully sad because he’s an ignorant misogynist.

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Agree, how can a despicable man like him win. It says a lot about our fellow Americans. Very sad!!

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What's your opinion if the VP selects Roy Cooper as her running mate? Do you think this would impact the NC gov race?

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As for Cooper as the VP choice, it is a safe, steady pick. I would like to think this state would go into the Harris column, but I don’t think it will.

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I don’t think it will influence the race here. The battle lines seem drawn and hardened.

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It is so clear to me ...how thick are the smoke and mirrors that these MAGA supporters look into...don't want to refer to them as Republicans...Trump at one of his " Christian " Rallies...said ...if you vote me in you will never have to vote again...they will fix it...he says...Anyone who does not get that statement is dead!! It would be the end of Democracy for sure...and I will never be able to write again!! Or anyone!!

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The threat is that expressed by the MAGAt head of the Heritage Foundation that there will be no bloodshed if we capitulate!

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Yeah. Fuck that. We'll be locked and loaded and ready for these fascists.

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You will be able to write. You just won't be able to write without looking over your shoulder....so you won't want to write very loudly. Putin showed the way. You don't have to kill (audit, investigate, jail, encamp, cancel, defame, ruin, impoverish, threaten) everyone. Just a few, and the chilling effect will take care of the rest.

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Jul 27Liked by Steve Schmidt

As I said, my emotions veer all over the place. Last night, I was back in the emotional cesspool with creeping dread.

I’m unsettled about what nefarious stuff is being cooked up to deny our votes. Is anyone in FBI, CIA going to do anything? Mike Flynn is sending loud messages. Hello?

Bearded Palin does make me laugh, though! Some of Steve’s writing is really funny.

We all have to meet this moment in history!

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Yes. We should all be aware and concerned about what Mike Flynn is saying and doing. If you pay attention to him, he's not being subtle at all. Apparently, some people are concerned:


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Misogyny couched as pro family. A common denominator for MAGA world.

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That first line so spot on.

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It is really more than weird! It is psychosis that makes Joe McCarthy of the 1950’s seem to be a SundaySchool teacher gone bad! This psychosis of a senile old psychopath/narcissist combined with a youthful Goebbels sidekick has never before been seen in America. Time to drive a stake in this psychosis on 11-5-2024!!!

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Yes "psychosis" seems to fit, though Im not qualified to make the diagnosis, but most Americans don't really know what that means. That's the beauty of the word "weird;" it's understandable and unappealing to just about everyone. Words count. Vocabulary level counts. 4th grade reading level is what I'd shoot for. The GOP and MAGA get that, and it is no small part of their success. Plain talk. Short. Easy. Clear. Strong. If we do that, we will win. I see more and more of that on our side and feel encouraged.

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With everyone in this group I can only thing they are all creeps. Throw in Kidd Rock and Hulk Hogan too. Ew, creepy’

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The only time I watched the clown show in Milwaukee was the final evening! Wow, Hulk Hogan tearing off his shirt (creepy!), Kid Rock(?) singing (creepy), Traitor Trump’s 93-minute acceptance speech”speech” (sorry fell asleep)!

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The “conning of America” continued today in Nashville as the Orange Idiot declared his support for a national cryptocurrency exchange.

So, if he gains the presidency he can wipe out the US currency (official act) and he and his pals will control the crypto market! All I know about crypto is when cyber criminals extort companies they are always paid in crypto!!!

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It baffles me how maga women accept the misogyny of their men

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It is a problem in this country and I do not know how it should be addressed. Here in North Carolina there is no ambivalence: we have an avowed misogynist running for Governor. And polling shows him getting as much support as his opponent. Pretty damn sad.

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The same way that the ERA hasn't been passed!

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The voting public can not possibly be stupid enough, or maybe cynical enough, to elect sorry creatures such as Trump and Vance to such powerful positions. It is imperative that all 200+ million potential voters learn EVERYTHING that there is to know about those two loons before election day. That is the job of the Dems, the donors and all of us.

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Although I agree with your concerns and sentiment, this is more aspirational than reality. Too many of the MAGA folks are immune to facts. Even if and when presented, they deny what their eyes, ears, and brains are telling them. They're gone and not coming back any time soon. Seen way too many examples of this. So, rather than focusing on 200+ million people, I believe we need to concentrate our efforts in the swing and purple states where a few thousand votes will decide the outcome. That doesn't mean assume or give up, just prioritize the efforts.

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Wasn't that what was said in 2016?

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How can Trump’s crystal clear dictatorial intention not be large print headline news this morning?

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Another thing that has not been getting sufficient coverage — yet — is Putin got his man. If you want the Russians controlling this country, you know who to vote for.

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Jul 27Liked by Steve Schmidt

Im a new subscriber but long time fane of Steves.

I am also a former Republican, worked for GHWBush for a number of years.

I am giddy at the “big mo” Kamala has!

She is such a breath of fresh air, blowing into the race when America needs her! Cannthe wind be at our backs??!!

Keep it up Steve. We love you!

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Welcome to this amazing community!

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Steve, your way with words, and your ability to say exactly what we are feeling and thinking, is just a joy to read. I love several of your descriptions, and how you find the perfect, and fearless, adjectives to describe people and things. Particularly calling Vance the bearded Paliin was just perfect!

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