I was making the case to a Democratic friend that Trump is a fascist to be feared. She strongly poo pooed my argument, told me that I was over reacting, that there are far too many safe guards in place for that to happen in the US.

I'm happy she's voting Blue up and down ballot, but her naivety is scary to me. (And she's a Harvard educated attorney!)

It's as if facts have no bearing on decision making.

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Scary indeed. And she is a Democratic-voting Harvard educated attorney, in contrast to Trump lackeys Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Elise Stefanik from HLS and J.D. Vance, Josh Hawley et al from Yale Law School.

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Great analysis Steve! Every day since Demented Don the Con rode the golden elevator down to disparage Mexicans in 2015, he has told us of his depravity! It is now 26 days until the reckoning and I remember my deceased father telling me of his Marine friend who fought at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea against the Chinese communist soldiers in temperatures as low as -54 degrees Fahrenheit! The Marines fought in 10 minutes shifts because after 10 minutes their weapons would freeze up. They would run to a heated tent and try to warm up as the Marines in the tent took their place. The fighting ended up in hand to hand combat! My Dad’s friend was assigned to pick up the dead Marines’ bodies and they had died intertwined with a Chinese soldier. They carefully broke the frozen limbs of the Chinese soldiers and respectfully placed the limbs in a pile as live Chinese soldiers watched from a ridge. The Marines never leave a comrade on the battlefield! Thus is called sacrifice to keep our freedom and democracy!

Or how about my cousin Marine Captain defending Khafgi Saudi Arabia in the dead of night and looking through his night vision goggles observes 90 Iraqi T72 tanks headed to fight his Marine squad equipped with only jeeps with TOW missiles! Did he run for safety! United States Marines do not run for safety but turn towards the enemy to fight! He told me he lost 11 brave Marines that awful night until the A-10 Air Force Warthogs showed up and eliminated these 90 tanks in 30 minutes!

Did these brave Marines die so that the 250th anniversary of July 4, 1776 birth of our nation will be celebrated by King Donald J. Trump? The same man who was asked in his presidency to go to a Marine cemetery in France at Belleau Wood to honor the dead US Marines who fought the Germans soldiers so fiercely the Germans called them “Devil Dogs” and be refused because it was raining and he did not want to get the rat nest on his head wet!

The choice America is in 26 days to honor the 1-2 million Americans who have given their last measure of devotion for their beloved nation or blow it all up with the worst idiot in American history!! My first grandchild will be born in six days and I want her to grow up in a democracy!!!

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Susan Glaser, a good writer for The Yorker, wrote this:

Mike DeWine, native of Springfield, Ohio, is by all accounts a mostly decent and honorable man. DeWine was outraged enough by Trump’s slurs about his home town and the diligent legal Haitians living there to speak up about it. He went on TV. He wrote an op-ed in the Times. He gave an interview. And, at the end of them all, he said, Why, yes, of course, I am voting for Trump.

I don’t know what will happen less than four weeks from now, but I do know this: When I look back on the 2024 election, I will think of all the Mike DeWines. Where was their panic button? Isn’t it time to hit it?

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Susan Glaser is so smart and can be trusted she’s blue and too smart for don the con.

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The question that comes after this is: why is it that millions of Americans will vote for him? Are those of us who think this atrocity cannot happen actually whistling past the graveyard?

If this country is to be saved from the Aggrieved White Guys and Deranged Harpies, are there enough of us to defeat them in the states where everything is decided?

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Some folks only watch Fox news and the like...

And, yes, there are enough of us. Let's be thankful that Trump is such a buffoon and sociopath. If he had any ability to control himself and even pretend to be normal we'd be in much worse shape. He's his own worst enemy now.

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That Trump thinks he is 'superior' (racism) is beyond ridiculous. He is a buffoon -a Loser!

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Lisa, you said it and I agree now wake up another 50,000,000 people. Can you believe the stupidity?

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Yes, I believe it. I lost my dear family to this insanity in rural MT. Devastating.

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It seems to me that almost half of the American voters are ignorant of their own ignorance.

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I live amongst retirees. Many of them strike me as unhappy, angst-ridden. None of them have money problems, as far as I can tell. Why they are unhappy, I do not know. And why does their unhappiness make them into avowed MAGA, I do not know. They are clearly a majority where I live — a miserable group of people.

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Sex, drugs and rock n roll are no longer working. There's a lot of aches and pains, and energy is ebbing. It's scary to think what the future will bring for the grandchildren. Maybe it's more fun to wear a red hat and feel part of a club, I dunno. But in my mom's retirement village, they are no longer full red hat, thank God.

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I'm not sure but I suspect that AI presents a threat to most people who fear that their children may find it very hard to find meaningful jobs after AI takes over many of those jobs. Employers will gravitate toward hiring robots that use AI to do the job formerly done by people. Such robots will be relatively cheap, won't engage in collective bargaining, work 24/7, make no mistakes, won't talk back to the boss, require no health care (other robots will fix them if parts wear out), and even solve problems. The creativity and speed (quantum computers) will compete with human abilities. Pretty grim to think about all this. A formula for creating "a miserable group of people."

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Idle hands, John...or so I've been told :)

Why maga devil? I don't know either; other than to observe that conspiracy theorists seem to have exponentially grown since the (we) codgers got ahold of the internet.

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The sociopath in-waiting is Vance. He has control of himself and what he says, is slick and polished and has access to billionaires. If he somehow figures out how to be more likable we may all be wearing eyeliner in a few years, like it or not.

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So true! I am hopeful that jd won't ever be able to capture maga without trump. And without trump in the political picture I am also hopeful that all of the previously non-trumpers (vance, graham, rubio, etc. etc.) will all get a form of collective amnamnesia - pretending to forget about the dark days when they propped up the danger yam...as for the billionaires influence, that seems more business as usual. "Usual" not being good, but a reality since Citizen's United case. That was, really, the beginning of the end. The road to hell is now adorned with eyeliner :)

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So trump dies one day next day it’s JD the dope dies then guess who takes charge none othe than Mike Johnson, is it me or does he look like Eileen Cannon? It’s scary.

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I have the same query as John D. How is it possible for so many millions of Americans to donate to the grifter's campaign and vote for him, Steve Schmidt has amply demonstrated that the grifter has no honor, or decency or integrity, and is a liar, pure and simple! What can be the explanation for sentient people who support him and who will not confront the truth about him? Perhaps you, Steve, can answer this question?

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It would greatly help. Why, for instance, would nearly 3 million Americans elect Mark Robinson as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina? Why would people in Colorado choose Lauren Boebert over a modest, successful businessman? Why would anyone want to have Marjorie Greene representing them? Unless we can answer these questions, we will never defeat this scourge. It will defeat us.

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Mass hypnosis? Mind control by repetition? A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump....

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You almost said it. Religion. Not all religion (I’m not an atheist) but their religion has them primed to hate and hurt the “other,” anyone whom they believe will soon be burning in hell. Their “lump” has been leavening for a long time.

Granted, the lgbtq-etc made a severe strategic error in trying to force their difference on those deeply convinced that they are perverts. Tolerance is supposed to work both ways, and trying to force people to celebrate the difference didn’t go over well. Created implacable enemies blinded by wrath. Egged on by preachers (con artists) who see opportunity to take power.

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Does he have brains to become the dictator he is half way there.

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There is only one true safeguard in place to prevent fascism, regardless of a nation's democratic history, and that is by voting in every election to insure liberty.

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Outstanding commentary. It must be hard to find new ways to present Trump's clear and flagrant dishonesty and dishonor. This edition of the Warning was exceptionally well written and delivered. Well done, Steve.

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Just finished watching Obama speak at this evenings Philadelphia Pa. event. I could taste the anger and it was sweet.....

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Like to see one of the networks produce a news special on “Fraud: How lies cost you money and freedom.” See “The Longest Con” for examples. Donald and his scamily are the nobility of the ripoffs.

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Well stated Steve! It would be great to add a sound effect after every one of Donald’s lies. Like the buzzer after a wrong answer on a game show.

Buzzz! Lie.

Buzzz! Lie.

Buzzz! Lie.

Perhaps if the news media added the “wrong answer” buzzer every time after Donald uttered BS, maybe his cult followers would start to get the message. Fact checking in real time with a buzzer!

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve! U.S.A.: Listen! Way to keep hitting hard. We need it!

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I've worked with so many 12 years old students and they are WAY much smarter than DJT!

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Speaking of liars, I noticed that Dan Crenshaw lies in the exact same way as JD Vance. Did Dan go to Yale too? Kamala needs to point out the liars, right after she teaches them how to say her name correctly.

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Perhaps Yale is the Ivy League school of choice for all slimey republicans.

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Man, that was a powerful warning. In this hurricane of amped up misinfo and new info flow doesn't it seem like another week we could hit the line his fringe cultist just won't cross and return to their sanity? Every vote counts...Hoping the Jack Smith Appendix will be released after another delay of beating the bush to keep an "October surprise" at bay. HIs dissing of Whoopi got followers of the View a look at the real Whoopi I remember and some comeuppance and reality check (quoting from the one less-sane washing recent NYT article on Trump's cognitive decline) from the ladies. I liked the clip you had of him saying he didn't care about women. (-----something dirty). And today Harris brought out her big names to rev the campaign up. Don't forget to deep breathe. There are people who are listening.

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Steve, how can we get this message to a wider audience? I’m in.

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Steve's message reached us subscribers to this substack. To be a subscriber to most substacks costs money. To be a very well-informed citizen would necessitate subscribing to several substacks. Many citizens cannot afford to pay to belong to various substacks so they get their news free from commercial televisions newscasts which are of low quality. So, we need a better business model of substacks in order to get wider audiences.

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Agree, my wife says I am at the ceiling, I am ready to cancel one to get another. This page will tell you it can’t be done here but no alternative given.

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The Harris campaign should take the excerpts from this video (with permission, of course) where he makes a statement and Steve comes on and says, "Lie!". People here know this; too many in the MAGA camp never see this kind of repudiation.

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What is also clear is that Speaker Mike Johnson will attempted to throw the election to Chump, regardless of the Electoral outcome.

Mike Johnson is the benign Karl Lindner of A Raisin in the Sun. A representative of the neighborhood Christian Aryans, he is actually the Devil.

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