And, yes, there are enough of us. Let's be thankful that Trump is such a buffoon and sociopath. If he had any ability to control himself and even pretend to be normal we'd be in much worse shape. He's his own worst enemy now.
And, yes, there are enough of us. Let's be thankful that Trump is such a buffoon and sociopath. If he had any ability to control himself and even pretend to be normal we'd be in much worse shape. He's his own worst enemy now.
I live amongst retirees. Many of them strike me as unhappy, angst-ridden. None of them have money problems, as far as I can tell. Why they are unhappy, I do not know. And why does their unhappiness make them into avowed MAGA, I do not know. They are clearly a majority where I live тАФ a miserable group of people.
Sex, drugs and rock n roll are no longer working. There's a lot of aches and pains, and energy is ebbing. It's scary to think what the future will bring for the grandchildren. Maybe it's more fun to wear a red hat and feel part of a club, I dunno. But in my mom's retirement village, they are no longer full red hat, thank God.
I'm not sure but I suspect that AI presents a threat to most people who fear that their children may find it very hard to find meaningful jobs after AI takes over many of those jobs. Employers will gravitate toward hiring robots that use AI to do the job formerly done by people. Such robots will be relatively cheap, won't engage in collective bargaining, work 24/7, make no mistakes, won't talk back to the boss, require no health care (other robots will fix them if parts wear out), and even solve problems. The creativity and speed (quantum computers) will compete with human abilities. Pretty grim to think about all this. A formula for creating "a miserable group of people."
Why maga devil? I don't know either; other than to observe that conspiracy theorists seem to have exponentially grown since the (we) codgers got ahold of the internet.
The sociopath in-waiting is Vance. He has control of himself and what he says, is slick and polished and has access to billionaires. If he somehow figures out how to be more likable we may all be wearing eyeliner in a few years, like it or not.
So true! I am hopeful that jd won't ever be able to capture maga without trump. And without trump in the political picture I am also hopeful that all of the previously non-trumpers (vance, graham, rubio, etc. etc.) will all get a form of collective amnamnesia - pretending to forget about the dark days when they propped up the danger for the billionaires influence, that seems more business as usual. "Usual" not being good, but a reality since Citizen's United case. That was, really, the beginning of the end. The road to hell is now adorned with eyeliner :)
So trump dies one day next day itтАЩs JD the dope dies then guess who takes charge none othe than Mike Johnson, is it me or does he look like Eileen Cannon? ItтАЩs scary.
Some folks only watch Fox news and the like...
And, yes, there are enough of us. Let's be thankful that Trump is such a buffoon and sociopath. If he had any ability to control himself and even pretend to be normal we'd be in much worse shape. He's his own worst enemy now.
That Trump thinks he is 'superior' (racism) is beyond ridiculous. He is a buffoon -a Loser!
Lisa, you said it and I agree now wake up another 50,000,000 people. Can you believe the stupidity?
Yes, I believe it. I lost my dear family to this insanity in rural MT. Devastating.
It seems to me that almost half of the American voters are ignorant of their own ignorance.
I live amongst retirees. Many of them strike me as unhappy, angst-ridden. None of them have money problems, as far as I can tell. Why they are unhappy, I do not know. And why does their unhappiness make them into avowed MAGA, I do not know. They are clearly a majority where I live тАФ a miserable group of people.
Sex, drugs and rock n roll are no longer working. There's a lot of aches and pains, and energy is ebbing. It's scary to think what the future will bring for the grandchildren. Maybe it's more fun to wear a red hat and feel part of a club, I dunno. But in my mom's retirement village, they are no longer full red hat, thank God.
I'm not sure but I suspect that AI presents a threat to most people who fear that their children may find it very hard to find meaningful jobs after AI takes over many of those jobs. Employers will gravitate toward hiring robots that use AI to do the job formerly done by people. Such robots will be relatively cheap, won't engage in collective bargaining, work 24/7, make no mistakes, won't talk back to the boss, require no health care (other robots will fix them if parts wear out), and even solve problems. The creativity and speed (quantum computers) will compete with human abilities. Pretty grim to think about all this. A formula for creating "a miserable group of people."
Idle hands, John...or so I've been told :)
Why maga devil? I don't know either; other than to observe that conspiracy theorists seem to have exponentially grown since the (we) codgers got ahold of the internet.
The sociopath in-waiting is Vance. He has control of himself and what he says, is slick and polished and has access to billionaires. If he somehow figures out how to be more likable we may all be wearing eyeliner in a few years, like it or not.
So true! I am hopeful that jd won't ever be able to capture maga without trump. And without trump in the political picture I am also hopeful that all of the previously non-trumpers (vance, graham, rubio, etc. etc.) will all get a form of collective amnamnesia - pretending to forget about the dark days when they propped up the danger for the billionaires influence, that seems more business as usual. "Usual" not being good, but a reality since Citizen's United case. That was, really, the beginning of the end. The road to hell is now adorned with eyeliner :)
So trump dies one day next day itтАЩs JD the dope dies then guess who takes charge none othe than Mike Johnson, is it me or does he look like Eileen Cannon? ItтАЩs scary.