Elon Musk is the weak spot of the Trump administration.
He is exposed, out of position, and in political free fall.
News reports are filled with stories celebrating Trump’s power, audacity and successes without accomplishments. America’s capitulant media is blinded by the fear of its owners. Most of its TV characters practice some mix of public exploitation, character assassination, delusional weaving and angry posturing, and call it news.
What they are preaching is a gospel of nonsense. What America’s broken media cannot see is that Trump is tipping over because he leaned over too far. What is tipping him over and weighing him down is the world’s richest child, who emasculates the president of the United States with each passing hour because the child seems to have made his puppet sing for all to see.
Strung out on ketamine, Weirdo #1, the richest infant in the world, and his gang of digital ‘Little Eichmanns’ have stormed into government offices like conquering Gestapo looking for Vichy and purging everyone else.
There is a paradox that Democrats should exploit, which is that as Musk’s popularity falls, the faith and extremism of his techno fascist base will harden and rise. Their resentments and grievances will grow as their defenestration looms. Their threats against Trump will grow and deepen as they are cut loose like latter day Ernst Röhms, used up, thrown away and forgotten as the glorious MAGA era marches forward.
The goal of the Democratic Party in this moment should be singular at a political level: expediting the arrival of the inevitable showdown that requires Trump to signal “him or me.”
There is a story about power and politics that would be good for Elon Musk to be reminded of because it portends his metaphorical end.
When Saddam Hussein took power after a coup he shot Adnan Hamdani, his best friend and co-conspirator, in the head.
He next went to call on the widow of the man to whom he was godfather of their children to thank him for his service to Iraq. Saddam explained that everyone would understand that if he would kill someone whom he loved for no reason at all he would kill anyone for any reason at any time. Iraq was Saddam and Saddam was Iraq, and any attack on either was an attack on both, so both needed to be deterred by violence.
Make sense?
This is the faith of Musk’s Nazi grandparents.
This is the faith of Adolf Hitler.
It is the lie that holds might makes right, and political power is the power of the gods.
Entitlement is the weakness of the billionaire class in America, which was not contented with wealth or power alone. They desired to rule, and so they crossed the rubicon together.
The overwhelming majority of political stories written by access media reporters from oligarch-owned media corporations is that Donald Trump is “winning” and accomplishing things.
He is not winning.
The United States is not winning.
You are not winning.
The people who voted for him are not winning.
Destabilizing relations with Canada for nothing is not winning.
Destabilizing relations with the EU and Denmark is not winning.
Threatening to invade Panama is not winning.
Proclaiming American dominion over Gaza is not winning.
Each example is a rivulet of acidic decay trickling down the edifice of the greatest and most noble and ongoing experiment in human history.
Proclamations by the strident and dishonest 27-year-old Handmaid in the White House briefing room about the genius of the Leader are a sick parody at best, and a harbinger of what is to come at worst.
The hours are ticking down to when the dishonest child who speaks with forked tongue, while wearing a conspicuous cross, will account for — with empty words — the blood and tears caused by Trump’s team of fools.
When that hour comes her unabated obnoxiousness will yield to something more sinister.
Study this picture:
What do you see?
Do you see the rage?
Can you see the release? The exultation?
I see a Nazi.
What do you see when you see this “Life” magazine cover from February 1941?
What I see is the future.
There was no Auschwitz or Treblinka when it was taken. Not yet.
The Nazis were conquerors of Europe.
Americans looked across the Atlantic with mostly indifference, but growing alarm. The truth is that many Americans admired the German leaders.
Today, many Europeans look across the Atlantic with mostly indifference, but growing alarm. The truth is that many Europeans look at the MAGA leaders with admiration.
They won’t for long.
They are tiger riders who will wind up inside, but for now they are riding hard.
Obedience has always held an appeal for the sheep amongst us before it becomes commoditized by the opportunists amongst us.
Always, the most despicable of these are the people who have everything and will risk nothing in pursuit of any cause beyond the accumulation of more for themselves. This is why so many of them couldn’t stop smiling and couldn’t stop dancing just a few weeks ago at the inauguration of America’s first Caesar, a naked emperor, the puppet king yoked to his master, the richest man in the world.
Elon is the weak spot.
Democrats should immediately muster resources to target Elon Musk in advertising to which Trump will see and react.
His reactions will cause fissures and cracks around Trump that manifest themselves in acts of ego, opportunism, sabotage and all manner of corrupt acts big and small — all aimed at seeking the favor of King Donald at the expense of some competitor somewhere close.
There are only so many seats at the head table.
This is the dynamic that will cripple Donald Trump.
Trump is assaulting the United States Constitution from within. The response must be to trigger an insurgency of selfishness driven by the necessities of self-preservation from within the snake filled Mar-a-Lago jungle.
MAGA must be crippled from within by attacking it in a way that collapses it — liquifying its core by creating a heat source hot enough to melt it.
The heat source is the ambition to be close to power.
Democrats should strike in ways that raise suspicion, inflame tensions and rivalries, and curate the innate pettiness of disordered people who hate each other and despise the man they love.
Make Trump wake up thinking about who around him is hurting him, and let him go to bed a bit clearer about the puzzle in his head.
Helping Trump see the conspiracies all around him, and helping him know who is holding him back and plotting with the deep state, is a healthy thing to do.
The Democratic Party is called on to defend the nation from a digital coup. It must wage psychological war in order to win against the regime that can be defeated most quickly by falling apart from within by exerting pressure from without.
Musk may be Trump’s weak spot, but, Trump seems incapable of governing without him. I see no passion in Trump 2025, he’s just a befuddled old man living in a dark fantasy world. Even his chief of staff seems unable to curb his worst instincts. JD Vance must be licking his lips.
When will the majority of Americans wake up to realize what is going on? The destruction of your country is happening before your eyes. Resistance is the only option. Stand up and fight for your country. The world is watching