It shakes me to the core to see and hear people who say tRump is what we need. What they don’t understand is, he wouldn’t offer them a penny to help them out but yet has has ways to fleece them all
For the majority of the citizens of this still greatest nation on God's green earth their lives were significantly better under the Trump administration. If only some of them would put down their NYT and turn off CNN and MSNBC, they would have to admit it.
Right Frank, we’re much better off. He inherited one of the longest economic expansions in US history, after this country experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression; brought about by another affable, but imbecilic republican. Then Trump mismanaged the COVID crisis and over 500k additional Americans died needlessly.
I wonder if that additional 500k and their families think they were better off with Trump?
He abandoned our Allie’s in Syria, destroyed our credibility among our Allie’s. He committed crimes against the constitution by ignoring the Emolument’s Clause in the Constitution, and appointed three religious zealots to the SC, who decided to reverse five decades of precedent to overturn Roe v Wade.
Ask all the women and girls (50% of this nation) who can’t get reproductive healthcare, if they felt they were better under Trump?
Oh, and finally he tried to overthrow election by exhorting republican SOS’s to find imaginary votes, sent fake electors to Congress, and even led an insurrection to stop a constitutionally mandated electoral count in Congress.
Not to mention, he added $8.2 trillion to the national debt in four years, increased the deficit from $536 billion a year to $1.88 trillion, and left office with 7 million less jobs than when he took office; increasing the unemployment rate from 4.7% under Obama, to 6.9% when he left office.
Yup, Trump did a bang up job; literally he truly banged up our nation, dividing it into factions.
So I don’t now what universe you inhabit, but it’s definitely not the one we live in today.
Robert bless your heart for taking the time and effort to list out Trump's "accomplishments" in his dystopian universe. Can Frank be serious? or just willfully stupid? captured by a cult of personality?
You write political fiction in your head and live in that fantasy land.
Obama was not really liked for crappy economic performance (economic uncertainty was the norm until the last two years of his terms because of the terrible polling of Democrats that were realized when Trump was elected). Obama failed because instead of focusing on recovery from the Great Recession, he focused on pushing a liberal globalist agenda... and hence we had a jobless recovery. Small business starts crashed and never recovered under Obama. They started to rocket forward with Trump. And they have crashed again under Biden.
You lefties are a hoot. Everything Obama failed at was Bush's fault. Everything good under Trump was because Obama did it. Everything bad about old Joe is Trump's fault.
I bet this is just part of the left personality to blame others for their own shortcomings... or to just deny that any shortcoming exist.
I bet Robert that your family and friends would say that you never can admit you are wrong about anything. Do I have that right?
Garret, I surround myself with people owning your political views, and most of you are bubble people and cannot think outside what makes you feel intellectually superior. It is a flaw in your personality and I would be there is a string of relationship failures because you have to be considered the smartest guy in the room. And so you only associate yourself with other groupthink comrades.
My large group of friends and family is filled with more love and fun that I suspect you can only dream of.
But why do you go there and not just post something that demonstrates all that knowing intelligence I am sure you think you possess?
Therein lies the "republican problem". It's THEIR God who would so mercilessly see all of creation destroyed rather than allow the manifestations of free will (liberty, freedom and democracy) to flourish.
Existence of life oppressed by THEIR one true God, Lord and Saviour Donald Trump was, and would be, inhumane.
Right. As lefty Democrats implemented their draconian COVID-era rules in an authoritarian power orgasm.
You people talk about supporting freedom and liberty while canceling 1A and 2A rights, and telling people how they must live their lives.
Trump represents the part of the population that wants to neuter all you collectivist totalitarian prohibition Karens... the big nanny government types that believe they are The Elect... ordained by their own sense of elite status to rule over all those stupid people.
Donald Trump was a criminal, con artist, grifter and a predator 40 years ago and he did not improve with age.
1A allows all citizens to dissent and grants me the right to say unequivocally Donald Trump is the God of whiners and Commander in Chief of political nannies.
He erroneously believes the USA became part of his portfolio and we the people became his employees/subjects after he was elected.
He believes he is above the law.
He lies. He cheats. He steals. He is a traitor and an insurrectionist.
But sure, by all means whine about the dark, underground "Karen's". That's your right.
I don't support the minority of conservatives that demand a Handmaiden's Tale draconian restriction on abortion nor do I support the radical female zero restrictions on abortion demand. Both are disgusting.
And there you go with your hypocrite nannyism... demanding that people be forced to wear masks and get the mRNA jabs, but then scream that men are trying to control women's bodies.
Give me a break you hypocrite radical feminist misandrist sheeple.
“What we are drifting towards is the abyss, but it isn’t too late to stop the slide. This is why Trump must be defeated. His positions are crystal clear. They are absolutely hostile towards the US Constitution and American liberty. Trump is assailing what we must defend. He wants to be a dictator. He must never achieve his wish.”
Steve, while wholeheartedly agree with you; we are headed into the abyss, it isn’t just Trump that wants to turn this county into an authoritarian, kleptocratic kakistocracy. He’s getting a lot of help from his nefarious caucus and constituents.
When Grassley, who himself should be given a cognitive test, is saying that he doesn’t want to help Biden look good, so he’s willing to put the border, immigration and our Allie’s lives in jeopardy, you know we might have already taken two steps into purgatory.
When you have a despicable “so called” moral Christian Speaker, willing to lie about tanking an immigration bill just to appease the anointed one, it appears all hope is lost. After all, Johnson lives by the scriptures, and has already broken his covenant with god.
These people can’t be reasoned with. The fanatics have been waiting in the wings since Nixon opened the party doors, gaining ground with every Republican administration; and finally found their messiah in Trump, so it certainly appears; game over.
The question is whether we can ever recover from this dysfunction and rid ourselves of Trumpism, and his merry band of lunatics.
I guess only time will tell, yet it’s about to run out!
Our founders who were to a man white christian protestants, I don't think there was a catholic among them but I could be wrong, chose deliberately not to have an official state religion, because they were students of history and history was replete with endless religious wars that they wanted to avoid with good reason. We are not a christian nation, or a jewish nation, or muslim or atheistic, we are a nation without any official religion and that is why we have not had religious wars here. I like it like that, you can believe whatever you want, or not believe whatever you want, it matters not the slightest to me, just don't try to tell me that I have to believe your shit. Our founders got it right. The evangenticals would be well served by studying history, not that I think that they will.
That’s why we have the Establishment Clause in the constitution which says no religion is above another, and first amendment freedom clause, in which Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
These clauses speak for themselves, yet we have six Supreme Court justices who will twist themselves into judicial knots trying to justify voiding the separation of church and state doctrine , just because the constitution doesn’t explicitly say a “separation of church” in it.
Thank you for that, do you know where he was from? I would doubt he was from the south, at least as a few years ago Georgia was considered missionary territory 🤷♂️
Unlike the religious experiments to the North, economic opportunity was the draw for many Maryland colonists. Consequently, most immigrants did not cross the Atlantic in family units but as individuals. The first inhabitants were a mixture of country gentlemen (mostly Catholic) and workers and artisans (mostly Protestant). This mixture would surely doom the Catholic experiment. Invariably, there are more poor than aristocrats in any given society, and the Catholics soon found themselves in the minority.
Steve through the fog of your heartfelt remembrance of Sophie - and I’ve been there too many times enduring that special pane, I wonder what our approach must be. One thought is the annihilation of the Houthis, and empower my Jewish brothers and sister turn Iran to glass. Humane it is not. Yet with the Arab tribes following their Imans and bastardized interpretation of the Koran even children will be inculcated into the angry tribes. Half-way measure garner halfway, temporary results so if not massive incineration, what alternatives remain.
BTW I believe you’ll get a chuckle out of the post, “The HOR Batting Order.” Sitting in a waiting room awaiting a blood-letting by Theodoric of York, medieval barber Wearing A Mask! Again. C., grrrr.
The drift toward war is apparent to anyone who pays modest attention to the news. There is literally no choice but to vote in sensible leaders who believe in objective reality. It will be very hard for them to work through all our problems.
Our influence on Iran was a terrible mistake that will haunt us. There needs to be a move away from theocracy but how that happens I cannot say. Israel may have answers to keeping them non-nuclear.
Putin is intent on restoring Russian glory but is instead hurting his own people. We walk a tightrope with him. Hopefully, he will be replaced. Our failure to deliver stable aide to Ukraine is totally depressing. Republicans just aren’t able to act sanely while in the thrall of corrupt leaders who use mass delusion techniques to convince the gullible. Elections will let us know just how messed up we are. Thank God the Europeans are stepping up. They know they are in the crosshairs.
This is too much to say in a comment but it is of incredible concern.
IMO, the media has hired scriptwriters to fashion the evening news as a Reality TV series using bits of real news that fits the script, while ignoring good news that doesn’t create the chaos they require for clicks and likes that drive revenue
Yup! The $$ boys who own the media care only for promoting profits, not truth. I gave up on MSNBC long ago, as well as the other drivel. I feel bad for the decent journalists who are prevented from telling the truth if they want to keep their job. Nice to know Keith Olberman has a great podcast.
Maybe because of the mood I am in today, but thinking a campaign ad featuring “sick fuck” may be well received.
The main point being we need to be calling Trump what he is. No more of this bullshit politeness, no more political speak, but brutal honestly. Doubt the DNC is capable of that, but Biden and others most certainly can.
Bob, I kind of understand why your grandson feels as he does. This nonsense, the joke has been allowed.
Is there a way to insist more on (talk more about) Trump’s childish behavior? It is clearly obvious that his antics are that of a spoiled toddler who has not had proper sleep and who is running around with a full diaper. You get his childish antics from the nicknames he creates. As I always say, he’s a toddler in a 77-year-old skin suit. Republicans are big snowflake babies and he’s the biggest baby of them all (no offense intended to innocent babes)!
I think much of the media thinks they need to create false equivalences and balanced word choices used for the two candidates. Trumps running around saying crazy things (i hope the stock market crashes; its clear i not Taylor Swift should have been person of the year, don’t give Biden a win on immigration). While Biden and team are handling the kind of difficult problems Presidents face with what seems to me to be the usual mix uncertainties, differences of opinion, bad events, good initiatives etc.— like a person qualified to be President.
Seriously, trump seems to be in some world where he’s in competition with taylor swift. Does he think she’s running for president? She turns 35 in December-so i guess she could. Shall we start a Swift for President campaign? She turns 35 in December.
Trump has always been spoiled - never had to do anything for himself - never was held accountable - daddy always bailed him out - because of how he grew up - he hung with similar people -
He expects to be treated a certain way - regardless of his behavior ! He demands to be treated exceptionally/ when he’s not exceptional
And then he ran a smallish family company ( in terms of employees) where his word sort of was final. Meanwhile he studied @ the Cohn school of law. And he brought all this sick and limited and largely irrelevant and or wrong- headed experience to the Presidency, along with the idea that he is not only smarter but more knowledgeable than all the experts. Remember when he was asked about-the three branches of Government and said the president, house, and senate?remember when he didn’t know what the nuclear triad is ?
I agree, Trump must be defeated and must never rise to prominence again. Keeping him from becoming the president will take a monumental effort on the part of every law abiding citizen because there is about a third of the country who can not be dissuaded from their support of Trump. Unfortunately this portion of our society is blind to the abuses and excesses of everything Trump. They blindly believe everything that spews out of his bloated mouth.
Ironically, I also lost my precious dog, Sophie, last week. She died suddenly and unexpectedly and left me broken hearted. I share your pain and am sorry for your loss. I appreciate your newsletter. Thank you. Judith Sue Meisner
we LOVE you Steve!! I'm from Jersey, too - Dumont - Bergen County so your accent is so so soothing to me. My husband and i LOVE your writing and yesterday I wept for your loss and wrote about it for you. She is THE cutest dog and you expressing your love and adoration for her broke my heart. Cutest face, best heart, i'm sure. Thank YOU for sharing your heart with all of us who love you so. xoxo
I wrote a book a while back about quitting smoking. Like most books, this one had a glossary in back, with page after page of definitions.
One of the definitions was for carboxymethycellulose—the material that makes up cigarette filters. The definition was: "Only filters out about one per cent of the bad stuff in cigarette smoke, but does a bang-up job on that one per cent!"
You get the picture?: who gives a s*** how effective it is on that one per cent, if it lets 99 per cent of the bad stuff through?!
And so it is with Trump: who cares how rabid his followers are; if they only represent a minority of the electorate?
Again: when there's an earthquake in California, you never hear about the 5 million houses that DIDN'T fall into a canyon; that's not "news". You only hear about the three that DID!
And so it is with Trump: you never hear about the majority of people who DON'T think he's the Second Coming; you only hear about the abysmal minority that DOES.
So, can we please go a little easier on the "Chicken Little" response to all the terrifying MAGA news?
Yep, exactly what I was thinking too! If we also talk about how much he is despised along with the news about his followers, it will make a balanced reporting.
It shakes me to the core to see and hear people who say tRump is what we need. What they don’t understand is, he wouldn’t offer them a penny to help them out but yet has has ways to fleece them all
Already is— poor suckers are paying his legal bills.
we need Trump like we need a heart attack.
For the majority of the citizens of this still greatest nation on God's green earth their lives were significantly better under the Trump administration. If only some of them would put down their NYT and turn off CNN and MSNBC, they would have to admit it.
Right Frank, we’re much better off. He inherited one of the longest economic expansions in US history, after this country experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression; brought about by another affable, but imbecilic republican. Then Trump mismanaged the COVID crisis and over 500k additional Americans died needlessly.
I wonder if that additional 500k and their families think they were better off with Trump?
He abandoned our Allie’s in Syria, destroyed our credibility among our Allie’s. He committed crimes against the constitution by ignoring the Emolument’s Clause in the Constitution, and appointed three religious zealots to the SC, who decided to reverse five decades of precedent to overturn Roe v Wade.
Ask all the women and girls (50% of this nation) who can’t get reproductive healthcare, if they felt they were better under Trump?
Oh, and finally he tried to overthrow election by exhorting republican SOS’s to find imaginary votes, sent fake electors to Congress, and even led an insurrection to stop a constitutionally mandated electoral count in Congress.
Not to mention, he added $8.2 trillion to the national debt in four years, increased the deficit from $536 billion a year to $1.88 trillion, and left office with 7 million less jobs than when he took office; increasing the unemployment rate from 4.7% under Obama, to 6.9% when he left office.
Yup, Trump did a bang up job; literally he truly banged up our nation, dividing it into factions.
So I don’t now what universe you inhabit, but it’s definitely not the one we live in today.
Wait, Cape Canaveral?
He lives with Kelly Fitzpatrick in la la land.
Robert bless your heart for taking the time and effort to list out Trump's "accomplishments" in his dystopian universe. Can Frank be serious? or just willfully stupid? captured by a cult of personality?
You write political fiction in your head and live in that fantasy land.
Obama was not really liked for crappy economic performance (economic uncertainty was the norm until the last two years of his terms because of the terrible polling of Democrats that were realized when Trump was elected). Obama failed because instead of focusing on recovery from the Great Recession, he focused on pushing a liberal globalist agenda... and hence we had a jobless recovery. Small business starts crashed and never recovered under Obama. They started to rocket forward with Trump. And they have crashed again under Biden.
You lefties are a hoot. Everything Obama failed at was Bush's fault. Everything good under Trump was because Obama did it. Everything bad about old Joe is Trump's fault.
I bet this is just part of the left personality to blame others for their own shortcomings... or to just deny that any shortcoming exist.
I bet Robert that your family and friends would say that you never can admit you are wrong about anything. Do I have that right?
Wow, You, like Trump, and the rest of the MAGA clown car, live in of world of projection.
I won’t even bother responding since you can’t debate stupid!
Frank are you an american???
That is some good grade school level posting Marian.
Should she have called you Crooked Frank?
Sleepy Frank? Loser Frank?
Mocked your physical attributes?
Mocked your spouse?
HORSESHIT as usual. Thanks Frank.
It’s his drug of choice. Promoting the Devil.
And grabbing attention from those who recognize Trump for the evil he embodies.
Little man.
Right Bob. Because you say so.
Do you get anything right, Frank?
Or is your entire existence a non-stop alternative reality of projection, inversion, what aboutism, cognitive dissonance, and denial of basic truth?
I imagine family reunions and get togethers with you must be a lot of fun for the whole family!
Garret, I surround myself with people owning your political views, and most of you are bubble people and cannot think outside what makes you feel intellectually superior. It is a flaw in your personality and I would be there is a string of relationship failures because you have to be considered the smartest guy in the room. And so you only associate yourself with other groupthink comrades.
My large group of friends and family is filled with more love and fun that I suspect you can only dream of.
But why do you go there and not just post something that demonstrates all that knowing intelligence I am sure you think you possess?
You are pathetic
I shouldn't bring family into it, but I've been around some of these people in my family, and it makes me want to stuff them with a turkey leg!
Therein lies the "republican problem". It's THEIR God who would so mercilessly see all of creation destroyed rather than allow the manifestations of free will (liberty, freedom and democracy) to flourish.
Existence of life oppressed by THEIR one true God, Lord and Saviour Donald Trump was, and would be, inhumane.
Simply put- it's all a zero sum game to them.
They have to destroy you in order to win.
Right. As lefty Democrats implemented their draconian COVID-era rules in an authoritarian power orgasm.
You people talk about supporting freedom and liberty while canceling 1A and 2A rights, and telling people how they must live their lives.
Trump represents the part of the population that wants to neuter all you collectivist totalitarian prohibition Karens... the big nanny government types that believe they are The Elect... ordained by their own sense of elite status to rule over all those stupid people.
Donald Trump was a criminal, con artist, grifter and a predator 40 years ago and he did not improve with age.
1A allows all citizens to dissent and grants me the right to say unequivocally Donald Trump is the God of whiners and Commander in Chief of political nannies.
He erroneously believes the USA became part of his portfolio and we the people became his employees/subjects after he was elected.
He believes he is above the law.
He lies. He cheats. He steals. He is a traitor and an insurrectionist.
But sure, by all means whine about the dark, underground "Karen's". That's your right.
***Trump represents the part of the population that wants to neuter all you collectivist totalitarian prohibition Karens... ***
Bingo, genius.
you admitted that Trump wants to destroy civilization- which is, by definition, a collectivist enterprise.
Why don't you just go out into the woods and try imposing your will on the bears big guy?
I have the freedom NOT to be infected with your diseases.
you people don't understand OTHER people's freedoms.
Nor do you respect them.
Wow you re an angry pathetic man. I pity you and your loving family.
I don't support the minority of conservatives that demand a Handmaiden's Tale draconian restriction on abortion nor do I support the radical female zero restrictions on abortion demand. Both are disgusting.
And there you go with your hypocrite nannyism... demanding that people be forced to wear masks and get the mRNA jabs, but then scream that men are trying to control women's bodies.
Give me a break you hypocrite radical feminist misandrist sheeple.
You are sick!
I will admit you need mental help.
Will you?
and, BTW, stop destroying what little mind you have left with notsee propaganda.
I am your advocate and therapist in the asylum you occupy as a patient. I have hope that your mental health challenges will improve.
I'm not the one who worships an orange ass that does NOTHING but throw shit at people.
Social misfit seems fitting for you.
Why thank you!
is this a joke Frank? Or are you so willfully ignorant of current events and history?
I saw that comment on UTUBE and was shocked do they know no history?
Who says Biden is cognitively impaired?
His vision about the SF seems perfectly clear.
Yeah, he is not impaired, nor, importantly, are his many very capable advisors; that allegation is lazy spin.
It only works on the people who have mental incapacities.
“What we are drifting towards is the abyss, but it isn’t too late to stop the slide. This is why Trump must be defeated. His positions are crystal clear. They are absolutely hostile towards the US Constitution and American liberty. Trump is assailing what we must defend. He wants to be a dictator. He must never achieve his wish.”
Steve, while wholeheartedly agree with you; we are headed into the abyss, it isn’t just Trump that wants to turn this county into an authoritarian, kleptocratic kakistocracy. He’s getting a lot of help from his nefarious caucus and constituents.
When Grassley, who himself should be given a cognitive test, is saying that he doesn’t want to help Biden look good, so he’s willing to put the border, immigration and our Allie’s lives in jeopardy, you know we might have already taken two steps into purgatory.
When you have a despicable “so called” moral Christian Speaker, willing to lie about tanking an immigration bill just to appease the anointed one, it appears all hope is lost. After all, Johnson lives by the scriptures, and has already broken his covenant with god.
These people can’t be reasoned with. The fanatics have been waiting in the wings since Nixon opened the party doors, gaining ground with every Republican administration; and finally found their messiah in Trump, so it certainly appears; game over.
The question is whether we can ever recover from this dysfunction and rid ourselves of Trumpism, and his merry band of lunatics.
I guess only time will tell, yet it’s about to run out!
Our founders who were to a man white christian protestants, I don't think there was a catholic among them but I could be wrong, chose deliberately not to have an official state religion, because they were students of history and history was replete with endless religious wars that they wanted to avoid with good reason. We are not a christian nation, or a jewish nation, or muslim or atheistic, we are a nation without any official religion and that is why we have not had religious wars here. I like it like that, you can believe whatever you want, or not believe whatever you want, it matters not the slightest to me, just don't try to tell me that I have to believe your shit. Our founders got it right. The evangenticals would be well served by studying history, not that I think that they will.
Thank you, well said and I agree 100%.
That’s why we have the Establishment Clause in the constitution which says no religion is above another, and first amendment freedom clause, in which Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
These clauses speak for themselves, yet we have six Supreme Court justices who will twist themselves into judicial knots trying to justify voiding the separation of church and state doctrine , just because the constitution doesn’t explicitly say a “separation of church” in it.
Charles Carroll is remembered as the lone Catholic to sign the important American document on July 4, 1776.
Thank you for that, do you know where he was from? I would doubt he was from the south, at least as a few years ago Georgia was considered missionary territory 🤷♂️
Unlike the religious experiments to the North, economic opportunity was the draw for many Maryland colonists. Consequently, most immigrants did not cross the Atlantic in family units but as individuals. The first inhabitants were a mixture of country gentlemen (mostly Catholic) and workers and artisans (mostly Protestant). This mixture would surely doom the Catholic experiment. Invariably, there are more poor than aristocrats in any given society, and the Catholics soon found themselves in the minority.
Maryland...the only Catholic Colony, if I remember correctly.
As Joyce Vance aptly reminds us daily,
“ we’re all in this together”
The Problem with MAGA is they deny the fact that we are all in this together- that's what civilization is.
They act as if we're in a zero sum game, and we have to die for them to win.
Steve through the fog of your heartfelt remembrance of Sophie - and I’ve been there too many times enduring that special pane, I wonder what our approach must be. One thought is the annihilation of the Houthis, and empower my Jewish brothers and sister turn Iran to glass. Humane it is not. Yet with the Arab tribes following their Imans and bastardized interpretation of the Koran even children will be inculcated into the angry tribes. Half-way measure garner halfway, temporary results so if not massive incineration, what alternatives remain.
BTW I believe you’ll get a chuckle out of the post, “The HOR Batting Order.” Sitting in a waiting room awaiting a blood-letting by Theodoric of York, medieval barber Wearing A Mask! Again. C., grrrr.
The drift toward war is apparent to anyone who pays modest attention to the news. There is literally no choice but to vote in sensible leaders who believe in objective reality. It will be very hard for them to work through all our problems.
Our influence on Iran was a terrible mistake that will haunt us. There needs to be a move away from theocracy but how that happens I cannot say. Israel may have answers to keeping them non-nuclear.
Putin is intent on restoring Russian glory but is instead hurting his own people. We walk a tightrope with him. Hopefully, he will be replaced. Our failure to deliver stable aide to Ukraine is totally depressing. Republicans just aren’t able to act sanely while in the thrall of corrupt leaders who use mass delusion techniques to convince the gullible. Elections will let us know just how messed up we are. Thank God the Europeans are stepping up. They know they are in the crosshairs.
This is too much to say in a comment but it is of incredible concern.
IMO, the media has hired scriptwriters to fashion the evening news as a Reality TV series using bits of real news that fits the script, while ignoring good news that doesn’t create the chaos they require for clicks and likes that drive revenue
Yup! The $$ boys who own the media care only for promoting profits, not truth. I gave up on MSNBC long ago, as well as the other drivel. I feel bad for the decent journalists who are prevented from telling the truth if they want to keep their job. Nice to know Keith Olberman has a great podcast.
The salty language enhances Joe's Dark Brandon alter-ego. He should embrace it.
I remember his remark after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. A big f#cking deal. Right on, Joe.
Forget tfg. tsf!
Maybe because of the mood I am in today, but thinking a campaign ad featuring “sick fuck” may be well received.
The main point being we need to be calling Trump what he is. No more of this bullshit politeness, no more political speak, but brutal honestly. Doubt the DNC is capable of that, but Biden and others most certainly can.
Bob, I kind of understand why your grandson feels as he does. This nonsense, the joke has been allowed.
Honestly, I think it is more important for a campaign ad to call him a rapist. Play it often on as many channels as possible. It's a visceral word connected to a verifiable tangible crime. Factual and free of politics (well, except for the sick fucks who think they can eliminate it.
If only the email lady hadn't apologized for saying "basket of deplorables"
She was right about so many things.
The MSM owes HER an apology.
Is there a way to insist more on (talk more about) Trump’s childish behavior? It is clearly obvious that his antics are that of a spoiled toddler who has not had proper sleep and who is running around with a full diaper. You get his childish antics from the nicknames he creates. As I always say, he’s a toddler in a 77-year-old skin suit. Republicans are big snowflake babies and he’s the biggest baby of them all (no offense intended to innocent babes)!
I think much of the media thinks they need to create false equivalences and balanced word choices used for the two candidates. Trumps running around saying crazy things (i hope the stock market crashes; its clear i not Taylor Swift should have been person of the year, don’t give Biden a win on immigration). While Biden and team are handling the kind of difficult problems Presidents face with what seems to me to be the usual mix uncertainties, differences of opinion, bad events, good initiatives etc.— like a person qualified to be President.
Seriously, trump seems to be in some world where he’s in competition with taylor swift. Does he think she’s running for president? She turns 35 in December-so i guess she could. Shall we start a Swift for President campaign? She turns 35 in December.
You totally nailed it!
Trump has always been spoiled - never had to do anything for himself - never was held accountable - daddy always bailed him out - because of how he grew up - he hung with similar people -
He expects to be treated a certain way - regardless of his behavior ! He demands to be treated exceptionally/ when he’s not exceptional
And then he ran a smallish family company ( in terms of employees) where his word sort of was final. Meanwhile he studied @ the Cohn school of law. And he brought all this sick and limited and largely irrelevant and or wrong- headed experience to the Presidency, along with the idea that he is not only smarter but more knowledgeable than all the experts. Remember when he was asked about-the three branches of Government and said the president, house, and senate?remember when he didn’t know what the nuclear triad is ?
What could go wrong?
One word from Taylor Swift and no Republican will be elected!
And let Travis and Beyoncé chime in
Sophie was a really cute dog ! A nugget of preciousness
I agree, Trump must be defeated and must never rise to prominence again. Keeping him from becoming the president will take a monumental effort on the part of every law abiding citizen because there is about a third of the country who can not be dissuaded from their support of Trump. Unfortunately this portion of our society is blind to the abuses and excesses of everything Trump. They blindly believe everything that spews out of his bloated mouth.
Ironically, I also lost my precious dog, Sophie, last week. She died suddenly and unexpectedly and left me broken hearted. I share your pain and am sorry for your loss. I appreciate your newsletter. Thank you. Judith Sue Meisner
So sorry for your loss, Judith.
Thank you
Sophie was so adorable in the pictures you shared. 💔
we LOVE you Steve!! I'm from Jersey, too - Dumont - Bergen County so your accent is so so soothing to me. My husband and i LOVE your writing and yesterday I wept for your loss and wrote about it for you. She is THE cutest dog and you expressing your love and adoration for her broke my heart. Cutest face, best heart, i'm sure. Thank YOU for sharing your heart with all of us who love you so. xoxo
I wrote a book a while back about quitting smoking. Like most books, this one had a glossary in back, with page after page of definitions.
One of the definitions was for carboxymethycellulose—the material that makes up cigarette filters. The definition was: "Only filters out about one per cent of the bad stuff in cigarette smoke, but does a bang-up job on that one per cent!"
You get the picture?: who gives a s*** how effective it is on that one per cent, if it lets 99 per cent of the bad stuff through?!
And so it is with Trump: who cares how rabid his followers are; if they only represent a minority of the electorate?
Again: when there's an earthquake in California, you never hear about the 5 million houses that DIDN'T fall into a canyon; that's not "news". You only hear about the three that DID!
And so it is with Trump: you never hear about the majority of people who DON'T think he's the Second Coming; you only hear about the abysmal minority that DOES.
So, can we please go a little easier on the "Chicken Little" response to all the terrifying MAGA news?
Yep, exactly what I was thinking too! If we also talk about how much he is despised along with the news about his followers, it will make a balanced reporting.
Absolutely! However, if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen!