The bearded Palin and his hostage wife paint a sad but hilarious picture. The photo does not even need props of missing teeth, a pitchfork or bails of hay to portray the hillbilly to show the weirdness of the candidate. The Queen's hustler and the hillbilly, Donald must be proud of his 2 boys now. Thanks Steve, for brightening up the start of my day with a full belly laugh.

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Donald to JD: "You're Fired!"

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I'm not certain but I believe he now is stuck with JD. Lol

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Not really. George McGovern $hitcanned Thomas Eggleton as his vp pick in `72 10 days after the convention and replaced him with Sargeant Shriver. It will take some major Trumpian acrobatics and some signature grifter moves but he'll offload Shady Vance by the end of the weekend. It won't take 10 days to do it.

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Jul 26Liked by Steve Schmidt

Great piece, Steve. Perhaps we can look at this as the MAGA Fascist finally did something good for his country by selecting this man.

The cat people I know are strongly united. We never knew our lives were so miserable. I grew up with dogs in New Jersey, but these days it is cats. I’ve done a lot of work with cat shelters and have a large network of friends and colleagues in the cat world. It has been good to see where we will take this and we’re just getting started. Thank you J.D and keep up the good work.

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I have had three cat companions since I was a teenager. People who don't know cats think they are all the same. Everyone of the cats I've lived with had a distinct and fascinating personality.

Thanks for helping these beleaguered and loving animals.

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I’ve had my share of the lions of the pet world. If you raise them right with love and attention just like dogs they will return it over and over. It’s clear that the orange turd’s pick for VP is almost as clueless as he is, and that’s scraping the bottom of the cesspool, who would have thought there was anything alive down in there. 🤷‍♂️💥

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Give me a break Anthony, they are killers and VERY bad for the environment. Please keep your cat inside, or get a dog if you need a pet. My neighbor's cats crap in my organic garden, where I am growing food. That is disgusting.

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My cats are all indoor cats. I don't want them killing wildlife or pooping in neighnor's yards. However, they are obligate carnivores and for the most part, eat scraps left from the slaughtered animals humans eat, "cat food."

The way a cat kills its prey is far more humane than the way our "food animals" are raised in crowded filthy factory farms and slaugtered without mercy in noisy, fearfilled, crowded, bloody, smelly abbatoirs.

And we are not obligate carnivores. I have eaten a vegan diet since 1989, inspired by a book by John Robbins, "Diet For a New America." I am healthy and taking care of myself at 80.

Aim your wrath aty your own species.

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In my rush to respond, I forgot to address the environment. Our species is destroying the environment at a rate unheard of in the history of life. And you pick on cats?

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Glad to hear that you keep your cats inside, I wish everyone was as considerate of the birds, and great that you are vegan. I beat you by 25 years not eating meat. Cows are also very bad for the environment. We have lots of delicious fish ( fresh caught) out here in Hawaii.

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I am a three-cat cat lady, and we’re all voting for Kamala Harris.

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Note that JD didn't demean childless cat GUYS.

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That’s right. As I have pointed out, Vance is like Mark Robinson here in North Carolina. Every damn time I read a news story about Robinson, it is about comments he made attacking women. It’s all he does. Every day here.

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Thanks, Burke, for pointing that out. It’s also a sign of Vance’s ignorance that in cat ladies he included Pete Buttigieg. Maybe it was part of his nastiness but Pete is the father of 2 sons. Stupid, stupid Vance! And what’s with his continuous name change? He’s on his third name. Hiding something, JD? Who is he really?

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Thank you for helping cat shelters.

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Do you have any idea how many birds these f***ing cats kill every day, just for play. Here in Hawaii their shit is also bed for our seals.

Hawaiian monk seals and toxoplasmosis—infographic and frequently asked questions. Toxoplasmosis is one of the biggest threats to Hawaiian monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands. The disease has killed at least a dozen monk seals in the last two decades—it is almost always lethal for them.Mar 16, 2023

How many native birds are killed by cats in NZ?

It is estimated that feral, stray and pet cats kill up to 100 million birds in New Zealand each year. They are a major predator of kiwi chicks and also eat eggs, lizards, invertebrates and frogs. Cats are prolific breeders.May 1, 2024

If you have a cat then be responsible and keep it inside.

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Most ordinary Americans hate politicians, because so many of them are fakes and phonies. Did Vance ever have any sincerely held beliefs besides his own success? Who could ever trust this man? Lincoln or FDR had beliefs gained through personal tragedies. Like Vance they had a driving will to succeed and intelligence, but they both had a deep well of empathy and compassion. Vance has intelligence and a desire to succeed, but like Trump, he seems to have no compassion what so ever. Vance is just another sociopath in a party full of people like himself. Maybe you have to be be cruel to succeed in the republican party.

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As they say, "..birds of a feather..."

Cats eat birds for breakfast.


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WELL SAID!! Thanks Mike.

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I don't know about intelligence.

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Fail to see how JDV is intelligent.

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Jul 26Liked by Steve Schmidt

You can read about it in JD’s new book: “Hillbilly Allergy!”

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I thought his new book was Hillbilly Infamy!…:)

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I think, after November, his new book will be "Shillbilly Eulogy".

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Nicely done…:)

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So true Steve! There’s a reason why both Uday and Qusay are fondly called his two beautiful failson’s.

When asked for comment about Vance’s chances of being on the ticket in November, Trump quipped, “JD Vance who? I never met the guy!….:)

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Typical response

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The question is: When will Trump dump Vance?

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Dumping a VP is a dangerous move for a campaign as it indicates poor judgment on the part of the presidential nominee. How very true in this case.

If Trump keeps him on the ticket Vance's bigoted judgmental statements will alienate more and more voters. Click here to read an article about how stupid some of his statements have been. There are many other such articles: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/19/jd-vance-beliefs

If he forces him off the ticket, his ability to make sound decisions will come under scrutiny and reveal him to be the superficial ass he is.

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It amazes me that there are those who haven't already figured out that the orange traitor never makes sound decisions, and that he is a superficial ass!

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ain't that the truth

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Yea, for some reason, maybe the bar just being so low, people seem to recall the epic failures in handling COVID and the protests after George Floyd's murder during his admin, but give him a pass for the first 3+ years. Those were filled with poor decision after poor decision, failure after failure, and utter chaos. "Interest rates were low" as if he had anything to do with that. They dropped to lowest in history during the economic recovery attempts after the 2008 - '09 catastrophe and hardly budged until coming out of COVID. That's one of the main things they're running on. So, just like he turned a $400 million inheritance into a $400 million fortune, he's taking credit for Fed policies enacted during and maintained throughout Obama's presidency. Sigh...

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This is already a given.

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After Kamala’s selection of her VP there is a good chance Vance will be dumped.

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I don’t think that he can, unless…”nice VP candidate ya got there. Shame if somethin’ happened to it”….

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

I first learned about J.D. Vance when reading Hillbilly Elegy. The more I subsequently learned about him, especially from his Ohio senate run, the more I realized how dangerous this man is. This man is ready and wanting to usher in an American Taliban. And yet, he won his Senate race.

I shudder to think J.D. Vance even had the remote possibility of becoming President. If Trump wins, Trump's age and unhealthy lifestyle makes Vance's ascendency to President a real statistical probability. It's astonishing that Trump's Twiddle-Dee/Twiddle-Dumb sons could be responsible for starting the chain of events that undoes the American experiment! Defeating Vance and Trump in November is our best and only hope for preventing this from happening.

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Vance won because the Dems failed to support his opponent. You can thank Schumer. Let's hope they don't fuck things up now when the momentum is rolling.

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It would be funny if Kamala picked Tim Ryan as VP .

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The "idiocracy's" days are numbered. Morons like Trump's sons will soon be a fading nightmare. Vance is so deeply and unapolgetically obnoxious, as are the endangered species killers Don and Eric, that increasing numbers of voters will decide to boot the corrupt and ugly con men out of office.


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The one thing I am grateful for this year is you Steve..You make me laugh which in these times is pretty hard to do. What I think about Trump is, he does whatever he wants.. If he didn't want JD he would have said no .... The sons will take the blame but it is at Donald's feet. Imagine him for a father. He buries your mother on a golf course ... Horrible ... I think some smart Madison Ave. advertising persons could make the best ads.. They could demolish him in front of his maga followers eyes.I can just see the ads on FOX all day long ..

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Yes, there's nothing like a good 'Schmidt Storm' to clear the air! Steve has a gift, and grit.

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OMG, you are spot on……I cannot stop laughing this morning, slap….I needed that!!!!

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I love it!

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So funny!!

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You nailed it Steve. It was also the smugness that they had the game in the bag that they were really going to stick it to the Democrats. It makes me wonder if the timing of Biden’s withdrawal was more strategic than we thought. It locked Trump into the worst possible pick and gave Harris just enough time to build excitement and momentum before the election.

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Nick Fuentes comments on Vance------J.D. Vance has an Indian wife and a kid named Vivek. All his kids have Indian names—so it’s like, what exactly are we getting here? And that’s not a dig at him just because I’m a racist or something. Do we really expect that a guy with an Indian wife and a kid named Vivek is going to support white identity? " Nothing better than watching them eat their own.

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Out doing the Palin pick. Quite an accomplishment. Thank you Jr. and Eric.

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You know what they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is? Eyeliner.

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I realize many calculations go into picking a VP candidate, but let’s compare one factor that has some similarity between Biden picking Harris 2020 and Trump - Vance 2024.

Biden Harris 2020

Beau Biden gets to know Kamala Harris when they are AGs of Delaware and California respectively, and.they work or consult on important government AG stuff They are impressed with each other’s integrity and work ethic. Kamala notes Beau’s admiration for his father.

When Biden is looking for a VP fully qualified to serve as president, of course kamala ( now a US senator ) is on the list. Though Beau is now gone, Joe remembers what he said about her and that provides maybe one small point in her favor

Four years later here we are and now

Trump is looking for a VP. He wants someone who will be not only as loyal as Mike Pence but also weak enough to obey him at-any cost This weakness is what Trump thinks of as courage and strength. . Of course Vance as a late convert to Trump love is on the list.

Per steve’s informant, trump chooses Burgum. But Vance, perhaPs with this scenario in mind, has spent some effort to bond with the junior Trumps.

( perhaps Vance remembers don jr’s eagerness to get Russian dirt on Hillary to help Daddy. “If it’s what you say, i love it. “)

So now the boys convince their Dad to switch to the Hillbilly

Two weeks later here we are. An hour or two of research finds Vance insulting childless women, stepMothers, adoptive mothers and cats, floating a trial balloon that parents should cast votes on behalf of their children (but not, presumably, on behalf of their cats. ). Meanwhile Vance is on the stump showing widespread incoherence and that he has not the sense or timing for comedy.

If it gets too bad inThe next couple weeks, and it might, we’ll see Trump blaming Vance and maybe convincing him to withdraw or even breaking out the old “ you’re fired.”

But the real problem is Trump’s out beyond his depth, theres a shark in the water and he is weak and now scared and getting weaker by the day. Not caring much about any issue having to do with actually governing he will sell his choices to anyone who proves they want to help.

$1B for energy policy

$25M for lunch with him

jDVance to appease his sons.

$45M per month for a good life ( and maybe the flying car contract). Though sounds like Elon has been misunderstood.

Trump is staggeringly unfit to be President

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And Trump’s supporters are staggeringly unfit to be voters.

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Let’s not forget his status and convicted felon and rapist.

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Steve, your creative descriptions of Vance as a "weirdbilly and a "bearded Palin," started my day with a hearty laugh.

He is one scary candidate, far more intelligent and sinister than lightweight Palin, and possibly more amoral and narcisisstic than Trump. Is that possible?

But then, what would you expect from Don and Eric, the "big game hunters," proudly killing endangered species from the safety of their helicopter. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-familys-hunting-history-reexamined-light-elephant-trophy/story?id=51194214

Most Americans care about animal welfare except when they are eating them. We should make more Americans aware of the Trump family's indifference to wildlife.

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Jesus JD, I AM a cat lady WITH kids and my cat Dexter is ready to make short work of you…….watch your back.

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Trump and his family have taken the GOP to unfathomable depths of depravity, the criminality knows no boundaries. There is no bottom. The fact that "Kid Rock" and "Hulk Hogan" "performed" at the Convention was an appalling display of Redneck Trailer Trash cultural decay. What was that? An attempt to glorify, justify, embrace the poverty of Vance's upbringing? This was the essence of right wing anti-intellectualism, the hallelujah song to ignorance...and, under the radar, a heads up to a theocratic/plutocracy. I live in the city surrounded by the poverty of people on the street living in tents, the horror of an out of control, outrageous inequality. Oh, and Vance's absurd talk about "childless cat ladies" is right out of Project 2025 and the Christian Right's wet dream of what they fully intend to impose on Americans. This country better wise up fast. The GOP isn't hiding anything!

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All true. I thought his wife looked like an abuse victim. JD may well be the final nail, although Donnie has done so much to build that coffin all on his own. What’s just the best revenge, is that Kamala is the beneficiary.

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The woman probably IS abused, physically or mentally. I surely hope not, but Vance has made his opinion all too clear, that a woman must stay in an abusive relationship. It's assholes like him that create more danger for women. It's hard enough to separate oneself from an abuser, let alone hearing a public figure saying that it's acceptable. It wouldn't surprise me to know she is abused.

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