Haberman is the NYT’s new Judith Miller. Two ambitious journalists who sold their souls for fifteen minutes of fame. What’s worse is the NYT’s headlines whenever they discuss Trump’s lies; always giving him the benefit of the doubt.

And now the press is flabbergasted as to why Harris won’t give them interviews. After the way they treated Biden about his Cognitive decline, yet they never question Trump’s sanity is literally journalistic malpractice.

As far as Trump’s phantom helicopter ride? Apparently, it was a trip from NYC to Atlantic City and the passenger was a black councilmen from LA, Nate Holden; not Willie or Gerry Brown. And Harris wasn’t discussed.

And from the Councilman Holden’s memory, it was Trump who was scared shitless. So much for the Mr. bone spurs being the heroic savior who is everyone’s retribution!….:)

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The Habermann/Miller connection was right on! The lynchpin of the power on the coup has been the corruption of the press. At times, I wonder just how far the Right would have gotten had the MSN, for the most part, retained their original earned respect to govern America's objective clarity, the only ref to keep the game within the rules.

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Agreed. I will venture to say that the NYT is no loger the accepted "paper of record". That honor would now go to independant jornalists like Steve and others. Corporate jounalism is nothing more than a scam on an overly trusting public.

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Good question….:)

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Robert, my understanding is the NYT was after an interview with Biden then turned on him with all their might when he refused an interview. Chicken or the egg… either way their journalistic prowess has taken a lazy, self serving path which has resulted in a large number of cancelled subscriptions.

As Steve mentioned the trust is lost by our public. I used to admire their investigative skills. Now? Let me find a perfect example: Maggie Haberman. And one time for Haberman to fact check him? Too little too late for redemption.

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She certainly is- For ages I’ve been thinking of Judith Miller every time I see her-

The New York Times has isn’t fit to put in the birdcage anymore, and besides it’s too big-

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"He will be defeated by a Black woman who is smarter, tougher, more disciplined, more competent and a better human being." It will kill Trump to lose to an attractive, brilliant, super successful black woman, 20 years his junior, who went to public school and brilliantly worked her up, to her black job as President of the United States of America.

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I love this! Simone Biles and her “black job”, Kamala and her VP “black job”, and soon the highest office in the land will be a “black job.”

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Well, it was for 8 pleasant years with Barack Obama. Looking forward to it again!

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Then he will be tried for criminal charges of insurrection and conspiracy with obstruction and stealing classified documents by black women.

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Trump. MAGA and Republicans writ large are like rats: They eat their own and then each other.

What is most disgusting and disgraceful in all this is the millions who continue to fawn over the Orange Satan. Trump and his acolytes give whole new meaning to "loathsome". OMG! They are the equivalent of a subhuman cult the likes of which cannot even be found in sci-fi movies. Grotesque and annoyingly vile and stupid, they make the Cult of Jim Jones (Kool-Aid King) look like child's play.

We will be best served when we no longer have to hear about, listen to or read about this cabal of sinister freaks. They are beyond "weird". The Republican Party is not only a national disgrace. It is a human disgrace.

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Loving your way with words today. I am loving the analysis. I can’t figure out why the turd wasn’t the orange hue he normally is. Also, haven’t heard the helicopter crash landing story yet. Can someone give a head’s up?

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Even though Donald had a hundred even stupider lies at his "press conference" this helicopter story has the attention of the press mob. And Donald is incapable of letting go of it because it give him "heat".

Bigger stories that should get coverage but are going ignored.

1. What happened to the $10 million cash bribe from Egypt? 200 pounds of $100 bills in garbage bags. That found their way to Donald's account.


2. Dumb Donald wants control of the Federal Reserve. And he can't even manage a small real estate company. See today's WSJ, page A2. And see the Fed essay in Project 2025.


"Trump Plan Stirs Fear for Fed Autonomy"

Trump said. “I was very successful and I think I have a better instinct than, in many cases, people that would be on the Federal Reserve or the chairman.”

For evidence of Donald's business ability see Judge Engeron’s Ruling on Trump’s Fraud Trial/ https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2024/02/nyag-v-trump-verdict-20240216.pdf

3. Donald's campaign promise in his Time magazine interview in April. He promises to use local police, national guard and the US military to hunt down, arrest, imprison and deport 20 million men, women and children.


Perhaps the editors think these more serious stories will not grab enough eyeballs. Journalistic malpractice.

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Thanks, Steve. Rump is such a force for evil. I puzzle and puzzle over how his followers stay with him and believe all of his nonsense. There is going to be a post-rump period where our country is going to have to address what has happened with this cult.

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Waiting for this next: In an effort to triple down on this story, TFG states that he's "pretty sure the emergency landing/near helicopter crash, in which I feared for my life, I've heard, and all the smartest experts agree, that it had the bigliest EMT response in the history of the US. It was YUGE!" 🙄🤣

I'd say he's a complete idiot, but obviously some parts are missing.

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There is an update on the helicopter story. Apparently, in 1990, Trump was in a bit of a hair-raising helicopter ride with Nate Holden, a Black politician from Los Angeles, and a few other people including his brother Robert and Barbara Res. He addled mind seems to have confused Holden with Willie Brown. As Holden said in an interview yesterday: “Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco,” Holden said. “I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.”

Here is the story, from Politico:


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I have to wonder if he is actually confusing both Jerry Brown and Willie Brown _and_ Nate Holden with Willie Brown, and conflating both experiences into one. According to Gov Newsom, when they flew on a helicopter to the town of Paradise, CA, trump was talking about the helicopter crashing the entire time. Kamala Harris was never mentioned. I bet he was scared s*itless the whole time he was on the helicopter. You can tell that he is a scared person. Another tell about his advancing dementia was that he didn't remember the name of the place to which they flew. He said something like "going to a certain location together". I vividly remember this 'presidential visit' because the fire was not far from where I live. That guy trying to be empathetic was sick, because, as we all know, he is completely devoid of empathy. It was when he made the stupid statements about "raking the forest" to prevent fires.

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Thank you!

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Yeah, Ive noticed his change in color too. Also the new hairdo, designed, I think, to make him look younger (but less iconic.)

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As for Chump, I grew up and lived in North Jersey. I’ve known Chump for 45 years now.

He was a lying buffoon back then and has only improved on both with age. If the Kool-Aid addled wish to continue their devotion, there is one thing they can never say: we were never warned.

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There is only one purpose for the helicopter story and his lizard brain has come up with it. It raises the name of Willie Brown, who is a toxic politician, once romantically involved with Kamala. This is the entire reason that he came up with the story so that her past morality will be in question.

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Interesting that Trump, infamous for his indiscriminant diddling, would choose to attack Kamala on those grounds. Trump just has no sense of proportion or balance. He thinks he can just make it all up. Wait, that's exactly what he does.

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Trump has about as much self awareness as a dog licking it's ass in public.

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TFG is only the 'grifter-in-chief', a dangerous con-man, a reality-tv demented nut-case.

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Now if we can only get all those magatrolls to see and understand this.

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I will not allow myself a single shred of complacency about the defeat of #RacistRapistDonald, even if tomorrow he ends up exploding and leaving a green blob , à la “James Bond”, the mysteriously disappeared drummer in “This Is Spinal Tap”. I will donate to Democrats and help people get registered to vote around the US until the last possible day. I don’t care how many times I end up politically stomping on the blob - it’ll always be too few for me.

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“Narcissistic collapse” is occurring as we all watch., the debates probably won’t happen due to his unraveling.

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As evinced by his ‘pressed’ conference in the ‘$18 million’ Mar-a-Lago ball room, Trump was sundowning, an apt premonition of the looming MAGA sunset just over the horizon.

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It looks like Trump is becoming more unhinged by the day. I don't think he can last until the November election, especially since there is a good chance he might be going to prison before the election. Also, his Corrupt, Ignorant Nutjob MAGA supporters are leaving him.

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Are they? Is there any data on the shrinking cult yet?

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Nick Fuentes, white supremacist influencer, just pulled his support for TFG.

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Nick pulled a, “Trump” on him.

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@ Larry - There is absolutely zero chance he will be going to prison before the election; not a "good chance". That's wish casting and doesn't amount to anything and will only incentivize his base if he was even sentenced that way. If you think anything more than delays and appeals comes out of the 9/18 sentencing, you're kidding yourself. And agree with Susan, you don't have cite any proof, just make assertions. Not helpful in any way. Please do better.

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“Many, many people” 😀 like Steve are saying Trump is disintegrating.

Can we really believe?

ESP after all our collective trauma and our shredded sensibilities. Oh, how I hope!

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Trump doesn’t only need to watch Vance, but I’d say Putin’s a bigger threat to his wellbeing knowing now that Trump is not even a useful idiot! Vance’s profile is likely growing amongst Putin’s entourage and If I were Trump, I’d be hiring a food tester.😉

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Yes. If there is anyone who is Putin’s towel boy and gofer, it is J.D. Vance.

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LOL... Putin's pool cabana towel boy.

What a $hit show...

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Right on!

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Thank you for this Steve. If anyone here is registered to vote in North Carolina, you can very easily do voting my mail, if you prefer. I did it in the 2020 election and will do so again. It is secure and user-friendly. Here is the link:


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"God, it’s f@#%ing beautiful."

This must be especially gratifying and vindicating for you, Steve. Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you for posting the voting links again, and your thanks, Steve. I’ve always believed voting was the most important act. From the first in the ‘68 Ohio primary to the last in the DC primary this year. November 2024 will be the most joyous since ‘08.

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The first rule of leadership is, "it's not about me. It's about the people I serve."

JD Vance has shown me it's all about "my" new plane.

Trump, well, need I cite an example?

These Bozos aren't fit to ride in a clown car let alone AF 1 & 2.

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