NO. It will not happen. I have Faith in the American people. And then we must cure this sickness in our society to make sure it never happens again. Stop with the fear-mongering Scripps. But there are times it's good to be afraid!! DO something!! Get involved!! Stop these fascists once and for all!!


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I read somewhere that polls don’t fully reflect the wave of newly registered voters because it takes a while for their names to show up on the public lists….which means they are underrepresented in the “registered voters” lists that the pollsters work with (and, presumably, the “likely to vote” lists, which I would guess are based on a record of steady voting). I hope someone with research and data analysis skills is looking at this and figuring it out because it could be a lot of blue votes not being accounted for in the polls.

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I know the polls are useless. I never respond to a poll and none of my friends do either. They are a waste of time and tell us nothing.

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I never figured out how they polled? Used to be landlines.

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I was polled on my cellphone

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I have never been polled. Never.

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Me, too. I am an Independent. Have not voted for a Republican except one local school race since 1972.

Both parties leave a lot to be desired but the choice against Republicans becomes more clear day by day.

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I’m not young, and this was only my second poll. I wonder how they choose people.🤷‍♀️

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I’m in my 70s & have only been polled once, many yrs ago, likely more than 10 yrs; but then I absolutely never answer a call on my cell from an unidentified number.

I would be happy to answer 1-3 polls per week via text IF those polls weren’t always tied to an ask for a donation.

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Nobody said that to Hitler. It started slow and moved fast. We have a lot to worry about.

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Lisa, I hope your insights are more developed than mine, because most of the modern western democracies will all be in trouble. If this occurs in the US, other countries will follow suite, especially those whose governments include recently elected ultra right fascists.

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I hope you are correct, however the recent "child separation" policy, which caused profound and lasting psychological scars on thousands of innocent children, and the sight of mostly the MAGA world defending it—and in some cases deriving satisfaction from its terror and cruelty—leads me to think that this mass deportation scheme would be acceptable to far too many in this nation.

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Wonder if all the Rs who want these people to be deported are willing to do the jobs that will be open. I suspect that’s not gonna happen. They wouldn’t last 1 hour doing the hard physical labor. Talk is cheap but that’s all it is…talk. They know exactly how much this economy depends on these workers but think it looks better to other cult members to support deportations of hard working people. And in the process breaking up families. They’re a bunch of ignorant assholes who can’t see beyond their own nose.

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Amen! That’s it in a nutshell. I’ve lived my entire longer life (80 yrs) as a small biz owner in both Oregon and California, and have NEVER met anybody who doesn’t appreciate the contributions of the (mostly Mexican) immigrants. They are far more trustworthy, helpful, kind, friendly, generous and civil than many *gringos*. If you were to loose your wallet packed with $100 bills, the likelihood of having a Latino return it intact is 100%.

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Thank you.

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I absolutely agree! Amazingly hardworking individuals who enrich our lives in so many ways!

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I agree 💯 . These MAGATS are quick to talk the talk about being Christian but don’t walk the walk. Anyone they perceive to be not exactly like them are labeled the “other” and ostracized. They live in their own little universe. Anyone who has at least 2 working neurons would understand what Project 2025 and its to do list would actually do to this country…and themselves. But they’re just too far gone down the cult highway. They’re gonna vote for a guy who will make their lives more difficult and they’ll praise him for it. Talk about gaslighting!!

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We all need to be appropriately very worried about this deportation thing, it is the first step toward a terrible disaster. It started just like this with the Jews in Germany.

1) Blame a group for your problems

2) Dehumanize that group

3) Separate them into camps for


Okay, now what? What if their country of origin refuses to take them back?

Who is paying to feed these 15-20 million non-working people? As others have said, the logistics of moving that many people via ship, plane, buses will be massive, but the biggest question is the second one I posited, what do the Republicans do when all those countries refuse to accept their citizens back?

This is the problem that Hitler’s Germany ran into once they had all the Jews rounded up into camps. Their original plan was to deport them to other countries, but other countries refused to accept them.

We all know what the “solution” to that problem was.

As I’ve heard the horrendous speech from both Trump & Vance just in the past 2 days, & even worse today, I have actually become sick at my stomach & so anxious that I’m worried I could cause myself to have a heart attack. The abject hate pouring out of both of them, & being cheered by their crowds is just disgusting.

Then I remember the hate & disdain, disrespect that Senator Kennedy heaped upon that poor Arab American woman. I don’t recognize my country.

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It’s not talk read my comment about page 549/569 from project 2025. It’s in here a few times. It starts with “the next conservative administration.“

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I will check that out specifically. However I still believe that these Rs are not serious people. (The 2025 people are serious.) But the vast majority of Rs polled are just agreeing without thinking of how it will affect this country or even them. Typical dunces.

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These are MAGAs! The Republicans have lost all power to the Trump formed MAGA party. They are completely in charge now!

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Agree. No more GOP. Listen to the hate from the hearing about hate yesterday. They are RINOs bc the Party of Lincoln is gone.

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I fear that many on the right (or even center-right) not only want a "strong leader", but may also be unserious people in the sense they are not thinking about real consequences to human beings. Believing "all will be as it has always been"- it won't be unless we keep working to sound the alarm, as we are in fact doing. I have lots of hope, along with realism.

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We need to start thinking about what resistance will look like in the event that Trump wins and starts mass deportations. Maybe we could form a Wall of Moms like women did to protect BLM protestors to disrupt the harassment and arrest of immigrants?

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This, @Elayne McKenna, has been part of one of my questions since the issue was first raised: if people do not care about the humane, compassionate aspect of this, then the realities of the economic should hit. It is never raised.

It’s filling the jobs and the communities that will lose tax dollars paid by workers gone. Construction and food processing depend on immigrants. Why is none of this called out? Surely, Steve, the US Chamber, not a bastion of liberalism, must have figures showing the damage.

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I saw a program about upstate NY dairy farmers whose hundreds of cows need to be milked twice a day, I think it was twice, all of their workers who showed up every day were undocumented, without them they were going out of business, not to mention no more fresh milk and cheese in the stores. Demonizing immigrants is insane, every one of us is descended from immigrants, that a sizable portion of our society buys into this shit, is a sign that our education system is failing us, and that’s just from an economic perspective, there is no justification for it morally, none. 🤷‍♂️

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It actually has been figured out or at least estimated, I heard a number mentioned on msnbc today. I don’t remember the exact figure quoted but it was huge, at least a trillion in one yr, perhaps more.

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I am appropriately terrified - because we did this on a smaller scale when we jailed people of Japanese descent in WWII, and it remains a hideous stain on our history. Haven’t we learned anything? Oyvey.

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As did Canada - so none of this is that far-fetched.

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If You look at the Map of where the Japanese-American Camps were placed… They were alongside American Indian Reservations….

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Somehow people have managed to dehumanize the issue. They forget that many of the folks they want to deport are their neighbors, co-workers, schoolmates and others they see everyday. This is why Trump and his ilk are so very dangerous. There has always been a significant portion of the population that is afraid of "others". But the majority,the rule of law, and simple decency has kept them more or less suppressed. Now, however, this group has been normalized, even championed, by the right wing radicals. Put Trump in office and this evil will become institutionalized. It needs to be turned back in November.

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Just finishing up Jonathan Blitzer’s amazing book discussing Central America and our southern border. Talk about a complicated issue—remember Trump separating children from their parents? Do not let him run things ever again.

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Cold hearted maggots

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We have done mass deportations before. During the administration of Woodrow Wilson, the Department of Justice under Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover of the Bureau of Investigation (it did not yet have the designation of “Federal”) did mass deportations of people who were viewed as socialists, reds, or people who opposed entry into World War I. This all started in 1918 and continued into 1920.

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That is why page 549/569 of project 2025 states:

“The next conservative

Administration must make

every effort to obtain the resources to support a vast expansion of the number of appointees in every office and component across the department-especially in the Civil Rights Division, the FBI, and the EOIR." (p. 569)

"[This] would also place the FBI under a politically accountable leader." (p. 549)

What scares me is why the civil rights division? Does Trump and Vance and MAGA really hate black Americans that much? I guess we saw a lot of that during the Obama years which my two grown kids say were the most peaceful eight years that they can remember of elections and presidents. I’m sure Trump is pretty pissed that Oprah Winfrey endorsed Kamala. Really pissed Taylor Swift. All kidding aside I share these pages from project 2025 on my Facebook page Instagram page and Threads.

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If someone can tell me how to upload photos from my iPhone, I can send them all now. All 8 pages from project 2025 and you can share them everywhere too.

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Once again, I am reminded of Santayana's warning, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Those whose parents and grandparents may have emigrated to the U.S. should be concerned. Fascists don't give a damn about past practice, laws, or norms. We who speak out could find ourselves with one way tickets to wherever our parents/grandparents came from.

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They WANT to repeat it. But with New and Improved technologies.

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Maga definitely wants to create an America in the image of the Third Reich, racism, xenophobia, concentration camps and dictatorship, the whole Kit and Kaboodle. My warning is to Americans who are willfully ignorant or refuse to accept the reality of Trump/Maga's plans. I am asking the unconcerned, the undecided, and the uninformed to wake up and see the horror that will befall them should a Trump administration win and begin to implement Project 2025 and even more heinous actions, from concentration camps and deportation for political enemies and undesirables, to an oligarchy making sure the likes of Elon Musk are the beneficiaries of government by and for the wealthiest, to a partnership with brutish dictators like Putin.

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It’s nearly impossible to believe how far and how quickly we have fallen.

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The practice is that one who is being deported is first sent to the country from which the person left to come to the USA. If that country will not accept the deportee, the person will be sent to the country in which the person was born. If that country will not accept the deportee, the Department of State will try to find a country which will accept the deportee. If DOS fails to find such a country we are stuck.

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If they’ll take us

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Including such people as Karl Muck, director of the Boston Symphony.

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I think it is true that we are on the edge as a nation and is horrifying.

Unless Democrats can manage to get majorities in congress, we are likely to continue down pathway, along with many other Democratic countries.

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Yes, we have become that stupid of a nation to believe whatever is said. And the Pro-deportation folks don’t care how a person is deported as long as they are deported and they think somehow a bunch of benefits are gonna come pouring into Americans as a result of the deportations.

First of all, that simply not true because whatever Americans think that they’re not getting because immigrants or minorities are getting, they’re still will not get.

Further about 50% percent of the produce farming is done by migrant workers. This doesn’t even count the construction or skilled domestic jobs or household services they provide. Americans will complain about a $4 apple go but won’t go do those jobs. They’ll be whining about why it’s so expensive all of a sudden… when crime happens, they wonder who’s doing it since all of the immigrants they blamed would be gone.

My guess is some of these bastards would try to keep some of these US born children, complete with abuse, enslavement, & trafficking.

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"My guess is some of these bastards would try to keep some of these US born children, complete with abuse, enslavement, & trafficking."

Some may considered this an unrealistic and exaggerated fear. I am with you. Any horror imaginable could occur under a Trump/Vance administration. Trump likely was one of the many who shared the sex slaves provided by his pal Jeff.

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Heck, it’s not even hypothetical; they did it when he was in office & caging children indefinitely. They were “examined”, raped, menstrual periods tracked, some sent to live with “Christian” families and disappeared, some abused, enslaved to “work for keep” while being trapped inside. It was a mess. Same stories with some of the children from Syria was taken in.

That administration had a few traditional Repubs left & some key voices who could mitigate the worse decisions & consequences but those people are now gone or will be pushed out by him (project 2025) & replaced by his worst sycophants so it’d be much worse!

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He absolutely did!! I have zero doubt about that.

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The fact that over half of the population would support mass deportations is frightening as it shows that we have a massive number of people who are primed to be willing helpers in any such pogrom. The Nazis stripped German Jews of their citizenship first, years before the deportations began. The Nazis enlisted the help of the collaborator governments of countries they conquered to help in deporting Jews from those countries and Jews who before the war had fled to them for refuge. The logistics of their deportations from Germany, Austria, and Western Europe which were far less than those stated by Trump and his henchmen for their deportations, under a million people under the Nazis and three to eleven million for Trump are stark. The logistics of building camps, rounding people up and transporting them to the camps caused many hurdles which made the process even crueler. In trying to “deport” so many people Trump would face pushback from countries and few would actually be able to be deported. That would leave the MAGA Nazis the choice of permanently incarcerating them, or finding ways to otherwise dispose of them. For the Nazi this involved either working them to death or exterminating them. I wonder just how strong the stomachs of this deplorable deportation supporters really are. The effort would have to involve railroads, truck lines, and busses to transport so many people, camps that could hold them, and logistics to feed and house them while the administration tries to sort out how to deport them. Massive numbers of local, state, and Federal police agencies would be required to provide the necessary support, as well as that of the National Guard and the active duty Army. All of these agencies would be hard pressed to provide the level of support to sustain the round ups, the transport, the camp construction, and camp security without detracting from their primary law enforcement and military missions which would weaken the country and endanger our citizens. The legal issues will tie up the courts for years, even if Trump rules a dictator. It is frightening because so many people could die. It will create a crisis that would have been unimaginable not that long ago. However, we tolerated and supported slavery for over 200 years, and the good White Christian people of the United States had no problem exterminating millions of Native Americans before putting the pitiful few survivors on reservations.

I am glad that you wrote this article.

Peace and please stay safe,

Steve Dundas

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Thank you, @Steven Dundas, for reminding people of what was and could be. I’m terrified for people I know especially Dreamers, parents of US citizens. Were I asked if I were proud to be an American, I’d say “Ask me when the election is certified” (if it is.)

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I live in North Carolina. I plan to be on a plane to Los Angeles on November 5th. I leave very early. I may never come back.

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I lost my faith in the American people to make the morally correct decision. I say that because if you ask half of my family and most of my friends they believe it is what is necessary to save our country. If you press them on details of who should be deported and how it is to be facilitated they believe Trump has a plan. I said he has had 10 years to come up with a plan to replace Obamacare and all he came up with is a concept of a plan and that is the person you trust with this. It is insane and I don't understand it at all. My parents raised us well and taught us to be rational. I do not have a rational answer for my family but I expect other families are asking their siblings the same questions. We are living in strange and dangerous times.

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I’m sad for you and all who are polar opposites from families. Thanksgiving this year, in a belief that Pres Harris will get the votes, will be hell.

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Funny, I remember many years ago when Congress approved the I-9 requirements that every employee had to show proof of citizenship and how SHOCKED my entire workforce was when I had to explain that this rule included them. Every single one had to bring a birth certificate, passport, or proof of US citizenship. We are all accustomed to it now but in the beginning nobody thought it would ever apply to "actual US citizens" - they thought it was only for immigrants.

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Sometimes I wonder about the citizens of states that haven't implemented the"Real Id's"that everyone had to get after 9/11,it has been my understanding that without one you couldn't board a plane or go into any Federal Government building,like a Social Security office,after a deadline that has been moved up over and over.Someday that deadline will be reached,and some places still haven't done these IDs.

I have to routinely check IDs at my job,and I do see out of state IDs that clearly stated they aren't"Real IDs".So what is eventually going to happen to those people,when they want/need to fly somewhere,and they can't board the plane,even if they really have somewhere they need to be?What then?Or they need to go into a random Federal office?How then will they be helped?

When my state first did them,in no time flat pandemonium ensued, especially for women who were married and then divorced.Each name change had to be proven and documented.Sometimes it took weeks to get birth certificates and marriage/divorce documents.

All it made people feel like was we were guilty of something until we could prove ourselves innocent.Just so stupid.

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And Real IDs for travel have been out off again. AZ’s Supremes just deleted 100,000 ppl from voters’ rolls saying there was no proof of citizenship. I don’t know if they notified those removed, many of whom I imagine are citizens and eligible and won’t know til they show up to vote. Provisional ballots (does AZ have them? Must all polling places?) take forever to be processed AND if these are from ppl removed, they may never be counted. THIS is pre-voting fraud.

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Yes, it certainly is, & it IS absolutely the plan of the maga party & has been for at least 2 yrs now. Cleta Mitchell put her money & probably other donor money into a massive coordinated effort to purge voter rolls. I remember reading about her org being involved in a purge of 300K voters in one large population county alone.

They’ve spent the last 4 yrs getting maga people installed as majorities on election boards in at least 70 counties throughout the 7 swing states.

Their base plan is, if they can’t out vote us, then they’ll have people in place who will refuse to certify the vote counts, thereby throwing the decision to the House of Representatives or to the Supreme Court. Either way between those 2, just take a guess who gets installed as President?

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If you apply for a copy of your birth certificate after you can't find it, they will charge you a fee for making a copy. I doubt that that fee is the same everywhere but I believe it's equivalent to a poll tax which was outlawed by the 24th Amendment to the Constitution. So they want to deny your right to vote if you cannot afford to get a copy your birth certificate? Maybe you shouldn't pay your taxes until they provide you a copy of your birth certificate !

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And isn t it ironic the license has a gold star on it.

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🙁 I hadn’t thought of that, but yes, quite ironic.

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I refused to get one for a few years to stand in solidarity with those who are being targeted. I have a passport, so I knew I could still board a plane. Eventually I succumbed and got one when my license was up for renewal again.

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So I am back to this is who we are, who we have always been. Our history shows us who we are. I am past being amazed. My faith in the American people is like a rope that is unraveling, slowly, but still weakening.

Couple things. I was talking with lawn care guys this morning. They are good guys, have no idea if they are legal or not. Don’t really care. After talking with them, I thought about the deportation plan. That good, hardworking people, families would be caught up in this.

Second. I watched a documentary a few weeks ago about the Nazi movement to produce more babies/kids. Yes they wanted them to be of a pure breed (guess like dogs). Every time I read about Vance and others talking about needing to produce more babies, I think back to the Nazi plan.

Lastly, a young woman died because of Trump, McConnell, SCOTUS and this supposed great nation of ours. She couldn’t get the timely medical care she needed. She has a 6 year old son. So America in 2024.

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Thanks for scaring the beejesus out of me, Steve. Wow. You know, ever since that @$$hole came down his golden escalator, it suddenly became OK to be a raging racist and hate on "the other." It should be pointed out that those immigrants coming here want to work and they provide vital addition to the work force. Do these bougies want their kids out picking strawberries? Working in the meat packing plants? These are typically jobs done by very hard-working immigrants. I just hope the country wakes the fork up and realizes what a disaster would occur should TFG ever regain power. This guy is Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot and Castro wrapped in a big, ugly, orange bag. God help this country.

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Mcconnell ,the supreme court and others could have stopped the whole thing!

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They didn’t want to stop it, don’t be fooled, they have been planning exactly this for 40-50 yrs!! It took them that long to get that 6/3 extremist religious super majority on the court, & also those same kind of ideologs on the 5th Circuit & other courts to bring the cases up to them that they want to rule on.

This country is, in fact, being ruled by 6 hyper-religious unelected people who are owned either by a few very wealthy men or owned by their theology. Since they awarded themselves the power of Judicial Review all those many years ago, it doesn’t even really matter if Congress passes a bill to codify Roe, they can just “review” it & decide that it’s unconstitutional; done & done.

I highly recommend everyone listen to the podcast Amicus for super easy to understand talk about scotus cases & rulings; but specifically the Mar 30 episode: When RAGA Rhymes with MAGA to really realize just how very deeply that the Republicans, Leonard Leo & his circle have taken over huge portions of the legal system. County Attorneys, DAs, State AGs, Solicitors General, & judges from municipal courts all the way up to scotus.

It’s enlightening & kind of depressing

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They are all in. How many lies did McConnell spout to get us here. Power, greed and dirty money is all he knows.

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The memory of the recent "child separation" policy, which caused profound and lasting psychological scars on thousands of innocent children, and the sight of mostly the MAGA world defending it—and in some cases deriving satisfaction from its terror and cruelty—leads me to think that this mass deportation scheme would be acceptable to far too many in this nation.

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I totally agree

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In 2022 immigrants contributed $76 Billion dollars to our Social Security Trust Fund. I guess this will make Republicans say well theirs not enough money coming into SS, so just get rid of SS.

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And most get nothing in return. That’s the economic impact no one is addressing.

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OMG! We’re moving to being like Hitler’s Germany.

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That is Trump's cherished dream.

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I ve been saying this for years!

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