If the court outlaws the abortion pill, it will be the beginning of the end for abortion in America.

And agreed, it will only affect the millions of women living paycheck to paycheck in this country who have no options or money to go to blue states or abroad. And the way the court is ruling, even blue states are in grave danger.

This election may be the last chance to stop this fascist court. If Trump wins and republicans retake the senate, both Alito and Thomas will resign to make sure the next 40 years is under theocratic rule by the Christian Taliban.

And republicans will replace more than 200 federal judges, controlling almost every circuit court in the nation.

Presidents come and go, the real power lies with the people who aren’t elected, yet serve for life; federal judges! And we all now know that the conservative judges are bought and paid for by right wing billionaires and conservative interest groups; willing to do their bidding for a Winnebago or $500k vacation.

Let that sink in!…:)

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I am thinking: Thomas and his Master Harlan Crow. I am thinking: Alito and his wealthy benefactors. I am thinking: Roberts' wife, culling in over $10 MILLION from job placemenbts. I am thinking: Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, lying during their interviews for assignments to the High Court. When a body as "august" as the Supreme Court becomes so corrupted and contaminated, the nation will suffer at the hands of ideological tyranny. They would overthrow the rule of law to sate their evil intentions while underwriting and securing their personal biases.

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> "When a body as "august" as the Supreme Court becomes so corrupted and contaminated, the nation will suffer at the hands of ideological tyranny. "

And that contamination comes from big, BIG money. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's "Scheme" speech on the money spent on influencing the Supreme Court is an absolute must see. Even though it is long, it is a real eye-opener.


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Well said…:)

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We should consider it a possibility. As I have been saying, there seems to be a large enough number of voters in this country who want the outcome you described.

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You are correct about the Christian nationalist agenda. They are coming for your freedom, the freedom to choose. I am not just talking about abortion or birth control. I am taking about the freedom to make decisions without the deep state or the church looking over your shoulder in and out of the bedroom. Freedom of choice is the American dream. It is what our democracy was built on. The freedom to choose your leaders and the freedom to live in a country free of suppression of thought. The country has spoken more than 150 years ago about the bondage of slavery and again more than 50 years ago that all men and women are equal in the eyes of God and under our Constitution. Now one political party, The Republican party, wants to rewrite history to their advantage. They feel threatened because their warped perception of reality has made them angry. However, they have no consensus of what they are angry about, just that they are not to blame. They whine about this and that and how things used to be so easy. I don't know about anyone but myself but I do not want to go backwards or even if I could just stand still. I believe destiny lies ahead of everyone not behind them. Yes, I too long for simpler times but in reality, they never existed. Life is like the tides, they ebb and flow. If there were no tides the oceans would die. If you try to go backwards or stand still to feel safe life will run you over and pass you by. The American dream in my opinion is only possible if you have freedom of thought and the freedom to choose, without those basic freedoms there is no liberty.

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I thought about this the other day. When will they outlaw vasectomies? Vote like your life depends on it, because it does!

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Never (WRT the outlaw part). Remember when (maybe still) a man could/can get a prescription for Viagra type drugs and a woman had to pay for the Pill ? Thank you for being a Democrat, Bill.

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You are very welcome and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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Wow you are so right about that!

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That’s perfect! Next, they’re going to outlaw vasectomies.

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In 2016, Trump was a joke compared to Hilary Clinton. In 2024, he already has a Supreme Court lined up and the House of Representatives kneeling before him. We are one step away from, not only going back sixty years, but all of modern history, going back to the time of Genghis Khan. When only he can conquer and father children, the reason why most of the world population share this ancestry DNA. Watch out, Trump also has Putin, Xi, Iran and North Korea to join him to celebrate this conquest.

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Ah yes, imagine a world today with Hillary as president, the founding mother of Obama care.

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With all due respect, it would be an entirely different world if she did not lose in 2016. But we also failed to see that the rightists viewed her as a joke, a woman who did not stand up for the girl, the intern.

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They, they, want their property back. :-)

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Thank you for your commentary on this. We, out here in the open fields screaming are not heard until our Vote is cast! It was wonderful to hear so many MSNBC hosts last night unleash their rightful outrage! It was extremely validating to those of us don’t have that megaphone!

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> "...additional MSNBC anchors waded into the controversy yesterday."

Oh, I'd say they dove in head first. Bravo to Nicolle, Rachel, Joe & Mika, and all the others who I've come to call by their first names for strongly decrying this decision to "hire" an election denier and Trump sycophant.

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Money, Clicks, Money!

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In this scenario, the most despicable politicians are the ones that don’t actually care about abortion but are willing to use women as pawns for political gain. I’m worried that younger women are not paying attention. When they do, I hope it’s not too late.

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"Pawns for their political gain" I like that !

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Since my first opportunity to vote in 1979, I have been a 'one issue voter'... Choice. I hold a clear conviction that anyone I cast a ballot for stands for Choice. The consistency of politicians that support Choice and their reasoned positions on all other issues is demonstrated. I continue to believe this is the correct issue to measure all politicians by, regardless of party.

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We all knew this a long time ago, and even as toddlers we knew all this.

I will propose a more interesting thought:

Women are the more evolved, more empathetic gender and ought to rule the world .

With just one caveat, (*), that would be the salvation of mankind and also the planet and solve every problem we have.

*However, I am talking only about the women who do not believe in going to church or believing in organized religion. Organzed religions will always be one of the ways for demagogues to keep people divided. I want women who are existentialists and confirmed skeptics to rule the world. They are ones with no ax to grind.

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"Can you imagine a similiar judicial intervention around male health care, the male body, male sexuality, and for the first time in history, an FDA approved drug? Me either."

Me either.

The women in Iceland went on strike to address unequal pay and gender violence. They basically shut down the country of 380,000 people, and made progress.

I'm not saying all women are the same and all would strike in the US, but this country would stop if women struck.

This judicial intervention is an egregious assault on women. If women strike, I strike too.

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Agree completely. If women were to coordinate their efforts, commiserate with commity of political stance based on their rights as women, they could move all the pieces on the board. They need only to organize. Hopefully, reproduction issues will be the common catalyst. Like you seem to aver, I would add my voice and efforts 100 percent.

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I would support that effort 💯.

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The problem is, we reap what we sow. In my state, we are likely to vote in two statewide candidates that will gleefully turn back the clock for women. I will vote against, but I am likely to find myself on the losing side.

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Same for me, John.

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It is depressing, but it is a truth we confront.

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Mostly, I don’t understand it. Why? runs through my head daily.

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I think about it often, too. The candidates are just a projection of the people who vote for them in sufficient numbers to grant power. It does not speak well of those around us.

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I have a Republican rep running for Senator and one Republican Senator running for Governor. It will be a disaster. But people will vote for them. There will be a point when this all blows up, but until then such a mess.

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Christian Nationalism is like kudzu! I remember how, growing up on a farm in Georgia, it spreads uncontrollably & quickly! Best to stamp it out in the early stages! Easier said than done though!

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Thank You Steve...beautifully written and so clear. I came of age when Roe was passed. I tell young people what it was like when I was young and looking for a job. In those days the want adds in the news papers had male and female jobs. Most of the decent paying jobs went to men. Before I went to college I worked in the restaurant business . The better restaurants only hired men. They could make a decent living and afford a family. We were offered jobs in diners and bistros. Are we haeading back to that time ? I don't know. Thank you again !

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Thank you for asking ... Husband, brother, son, etc. Where do you stand? No legislation belongs in the provider office, the bedroom, and for the use of medication, period! Will condoms, spermicides, and the vasectomy be regulated? Remembering sperms are needed to create..., eggs are half the formula. "It takes two to baby, it takes two"...Kim Weston and Marvin Gaye.

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Yes, Steve, the forced birth crusade in America is part and parcel of the Republican fascist movement to control individual human freedom and the ability of human persons to exercise that freedom. The wet dream of domestic religious extremists for a Christian theocratic state is indissoluble from the MAGA cult craving for a fascist America writ large.

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Mr. Schmidt,

The idea that ANYONE should have a say over a women’s reproductive choices is INSANE.

I would like to suggest that men’s reproductive rights are also regulated.

10 children with 10 different women that you don’t support …. Mandatory sterilization.

Rapists? I don’t know if Mandatory Sterilization is enough.

I can’t imagine men “allowing” a conversation about their reproductive rights to even happen.

Fortunately, I believe “the women are smarter”

There is going to be a BLUE WAVE of women in November that will be crushing!

Thank you for your extraordinary columns. You have the gift of words.

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