No. Christie has gone as far as he can go. He’s not going to change anyone’s mind at this point. However the Biden campaign should be reaching out to ALL those former tRump appointees who saw tRump firsthand, up close and personal! The Generals, the Cabinet Secretaries, the White House Staff, etc. This is not an election about policies and issues. It’s about Democracy and freedom.

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Yep THOSE are the people they need to hear from: Kelly, Mattis, McMaster

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Not sure I agree about Christie but definitely agree that the Biden campaign /must/ court 45's cabinet, military leaders and ex-GOP congresspersons.

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Not sure I agree about Christie but definitely agree that the Biden campaign /must/ court 45's cabinet, military leaders and ex-GOP congresspersons.

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Does Biden need to court anyone?

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Yes. Christie is a better attack dog than anybody else I've seen in Biden's corner. I love James Carville but can only understand him for about 30 seconds. Christie is far more articulate.

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Maybe, but if Christie is seriously against Trump, then Christie should be reaching out to Biden and loudly declaring his support for democracy. Why does Biden need to grovel to Christie? What, imho, Biden and all Dems need to do is reach out to the rural voters and show them that they are the ones that promote a new Farm Bill, and that Trump slapped tariffs on China regarding soybeans (although Biden hasn't rescinded them). Biden, as all Dems, need to turn some percentage of the rural vote to their side as well as appealing to their traditional voting segments.

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This has been my thoughts on the topic. Christy should make the effort.

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Perhaps he should reach out to Christie and a collection of those mentioned in the Politico piece..However, there is still so much of a Party over Country vibe about them..Looking down the road to a potential GOP life after Trump..That in the real world will never take place..I think those of that mind set are not paying full attention to what is going on in this moment in the country..

Fascist Christian Nationalism is on a steady rise, look at the Heritage Foundation, Council on National Policy et. al. And consider who of that ilk is already in Congress. Mike Johnson deliberately holding back aid yo Ukraine, putting ours and our allies national security in tremendous jeopardy..NATO members looking at the U.S. and thinking we are on our own..Violent extremism within this group such as Mike Flynn and his effort to recruit for an armed uprising..All of this behind Trump..

You can not like the choice, but in this moment These people must be willing to give a full throated endorsement of Democracy, by endorsing and standing with Joe Biden..This is a matter of crushing Fascism and saving our Democracy..I'm not hearing those from that Politico piece saying any of this..

Where is Country over Party? Show me that from these people..

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Elk? Didn’t you mean ‘ilk’…? However, elk would also work since these MAGATS are Congress critters, and talking to them is much like trying to communicate with an elk. Don’t take it too seriously. ;-)

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I sure did, thanks for the head up..All corrected..

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It wouldn’t offend me or change my Biden vote. Would it change a republican voters mind though? I don’t have a clue.

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Is Christie reaching out to Biden? “Finding common ground” seems always to be the responsibility of Democrats, with the concomitant need to surrender their ethics en route to comity. The current Supreme Court is one charming product of their historic willingness to do so. Sticking to our guns might just enhance our credibility and chances of success in service of democracy.

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With democracy and the constitution itself on the ballot, there is no question that we as a nation should be at “defcon 1” which means it’s battle stations and all hands on deck! If out of every 25 voters, there is 1 Christie supporter and that voter can be swayed to go into the voting booth and vote for Biden, then it is worth it. This will be a very close election and any support from Christie, Asa Hutchinson, Liz Cheney or even someone like Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski or even Mike Pence would be welcome.

The house is on fire. We should not be arguing over the hose.

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Absolutely no question. Quietly but if Christie comes through blast it far and wide.

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I say Biden should go public only if Christie approves it.

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I think we are past political strategy. I don’t have an answer to your question that would make a difference. A yes or no answer will change nothing. However, I answer your question with a question. Why isn’t Christie and concerned republicans, corporations, former Trump office holders, retired military, national organizations, religious leaders, industrial leaders, and all those who prosper greatly in this country reaching out to Biden?

This is going to be a heavy lift and we need all the patriotic muscle we can get. It is time for people of influence to cross the line and take sides. It is time for every one to know who is on the side of democracy. It is time for the American people to be able to identify who is for democracy and who is for self interest. It is time for the American people to patronize those institutions and businesses who stand for democracy and the Constitution and stop supporting those who do not.

We need to make it clear that those who are supporting Trump fascism are in favor of tax cuts for the rich at the expense of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They are against abortion, country unity, law and order, the right to choose, needed immigration reform that doesn’t dehumanize. They need to be called out for hiding behind religion to justify violating the Constitution commit violence and promote racism. The lines are drawn and we need to define them clearly.

We need to have a national conversation now while there is still time to discuss the full ramifications facing this country. We need to start asking the tough questions and demand answers. It is time for political leaders to stop taking oaths and start signing contracts that legally commit them to doing their jobs. Contracts, if violated, have to have immediate consequences.

Further more, if judges are to be free from political bias, then they should not be politically appointed, and if elections are to be fair and the courts are called in to rule if voting districts are fair to the voting process, then the courts should be drawing up the districts with mandatory review, not drawn up by the political parties in power. To not do these things invites corruption and self interest.

Things need fixing, so while we are having a national conversation, let’s start fixing the things that need to be fixed. Waiting for a voting cycle to fix things is not working. Our problems are systemic and one vote for one candidate among hundreds every two, four or six years is not going to have much of an impact. Running the government is not a joy-ride, as we are witnessing, it is serious and life threatening to the future of all.

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For the most part, CEO's of corporations will not take sides, even if it would be the morally correct thing to do. A) They will have to live with Trump's retribution if Trump wins and they were on the other side of that fight. B) Trump's tax cuts have benefitted large corporations and wealthy CEO's. It would take boycotts on a massive scale (which also will not happen) to sway them.

The tradition of military leaders staying out of politics has a purpose. They must be apolitical in their service to their country. Otherwise, the chain of command falls apart. Military leaders are trying to sound the alarm without going too far past the line and creating a precedent we will have to live with going forward of military leaders taking political sides on policy and strategy that may not align with the administration's policies.

Fixing things without breaking other things is sometimes difficult. However, I agree with your general sentiment that we have a national emergency at hand that will require something more and something different than it has required of us in the past, and that messaging of some obvious facts are not getting through.

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Yes Christa, all you say is true, but this is no longer a political issue, it iis a national issue. This is not business and politics as usual. Things are already broken and are about to get more broken without a fix. The fact that CEO's have to worry about retributions and the loss of tax breaks more than our democracy already shows how broken and skewed things are.

There are always risks confronting the irrational. but what are the alternatives. Time is running out and change is coming whether we do something or not. Let it be on our terms. If you can't take sides between democracy and fascism, then you already have taken a side. You can't keep milking the cow unless you own it. You either defend democracy and take the sacrifices that come with it, or you submit and take your chances with a fascist form of government. Our country is at stake and CEO's and the military are citizens first and must pay the dues everyone else pays. They cannot be bystanders. This is a citizen issue not a political one.


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I don't disagree with you. I just don't think what we want to have happen will actually happen.

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I agree with that. This is a telling moment and we are about to see just how important this democracy is. For those who are fleecing it, it is just a meal ticket. They could care less. For the rest, as usual, we will be the victims. History keeps repeating it self, not out of forgetfulness but out of greed.


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Hate to be vindictive, but if he is reaching out to him or this kind of person for assistance or advise, then we're in trouble. Christie is a two faced individual. He speaks a questioned truth that speaks to the moment called for. Two sides of his mouth as other apparent political people that have been mentioned previously running for past gov. positions! We all know who they are. In this political climate, to ask anything of this hypocritical man would truly be a stupid, nonsensical, and an obstruction in itself, as we know that he speaks negatively about the ex.pres, then goes ahead & votes fro him!

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How do we know Biden has not already talked to Christie?

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WHAAT? Recycling waste? Bob Menendez is available too.

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President Biden and VP Harris should be talking to everybody that has any influence over any independent voters. People who are committed to seeing that tr**p never holds office again like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney. Romney is doing damage by disparaging Biden's domestic policies, while praising his foreign policy. Romney needs to be made to see the accomplishments so he can acknowledge them. Biden's campaign needs to talk to people like David Hogg and young influencers. Beat the Charlie Kirks and the Turning Point movement at its own game, get on the college campuses. It is an all hands on deck time.

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I would do single shot camera of lots of people who worked in the Trump administration. They are asked just one question. ‘Is Trump worthy of a second term’. Then link all the clips together with the titles of the jobs they held. Then carpet bomb that ad everywhere. You’re not trying to change MAGA votes, you’re trying to highlight just how many people who worked in the administration are sure he is unfit. Christie can be one of them.

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Christie had almost no support, so I'm not sure how this would be helpful.

Progressive Dems would likely see this as yet another betrayal by Biden, and it might add to the 'protest' voting. I'm afraid that Biden would lose more votes than he would gain. But I'm no expert, and I'm interested in what others have to say.

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I get what you are saying about so called progressive dems; but those same progressive democrats need to grasp that they are a minority in the nation, and within the democratic caucus. Right now they have little legislative power other than they have a president they can work with and influence. It would get a lot worse if Biden is not the winner and they hopefully understand that you can’t legislate if you don’t win, and if we don’t win this one, there will not be another election to fix it. This is it. Democrats, progressives, liberals …my biggest concern is on the left and its expertise at political self immolation. We can’t afford that kind of undisciplined shit this time around. (See 2000 and 2016 elections)

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Andre, I totally agree with you that the caucus needs to come together! The challenge is to convince the 'progressives' of the acuteness of the danger. The voters who recently cast 'protest votes' in some swing states makes me nervous.

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They make me uneasy as well — but we have time to continue forward and build the win.

For the protest vote and the situation in Israel; we on the left should be thanking our lucky stars that Netenyahu is just as "tRumpy" as the 'Orange Adolf" original. I say that because he took what should have been a no-brainer moment of good will for his country, and totally f_cked it up. There is a clear shift taking place as the world is beginning to force him into a corner. I believe that was Biden's strategy all along, and will continue to be. My hope is the "protest voters" see that a US president has limited sway — even over a close ally. And when that ally betrays his own oath to his own country and his strongest ally, there will be consequences. Give an idiot a rope and eventually he will hang himself. I believe that is what is happening (albeit slowly) with Netenyahu. It will come time at some point (hoping in the next 90 days) for the Israelli people to say enough and force Netenyahu out.

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Yes. If the strategic frame of the election is, "Democracy or Trump" then yes, any politician left or right who is pro democracy should be welcome to stump for Biden.

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