Two hundred and 11 days remain until the 2024 presidential election.
There are 98 days until the MAGA convention in Milwaukee. There are 133 days until the Democratic National Committee convention in Chicago.
Last week, there was a story written by Politico’s Jonathan Martin entitled, “Why Hasn’t Biden called Chris Christie?”
Here is today’s president strategy meeting question:
Should President Biden be reaching out to Chris Christie?
No. Christie has gone as far as he can go. He’s not going to change anyone’s mind at this point. However the Biden campaign should be reaching out to ALL those former tRump appointees who saw tRump firsthand, up close and personal! The Generals, the Cabinet Secretaries, the White House Staff, etc. This is not an election about policies and issues. It’s about Democracy and freedom.
Yes. Christie is a better attack dog than anybody else I've seen in Biden's corner. I love James Carville but can only understand him for about 30 seconds. Christie is far more articulate.