Sounds interesting. That would be 5-8 pm PST here on the West Coast.

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This west coaster missed the chat, reading the comments was good.

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Technically challenged- couldn’t figure out how to do this!

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Sorry that it didn't work out for you, Lynn. Hopefully next time. Here's a more detailed overview of how Chat works...https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/8479685616532-How-can-I-participate-in-a-Chat-#:~:text=Substack%20Chat%20is%20available%20on,the%20writer%20and%20other%20readers.

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I am afraid to try b/c possible dizziness and nausea with that much movement to keep track of. Sorry.

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Cool, Steve!! Looking forward to a “chat”

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Will try.

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Sounds like many of us have outrage fatigue. I know I do.

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When I signed up for The Warning, I was subscribed to substack, without my permission or interest. Checking on how unsubscribe it seems hey need a password. Since I never set up an account there is no password. It isn't that I mind so much the emails I get from them, There aren't many. But I just don't need any more of my information out there. I did pay for a subscription to Schmidt stuff. Why and how did that trigger a "subscription"?

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If you paid for a subscription to The Warning that might result in getting the occasional email directly from Substack since you sign up for my newsletter that's delivered via the Substack platform. You are able to unsubscribe to anything (hopefully aside from The Warning!) that you do receive through the Substack platform.


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You pay to subscribe, Schmidt is on point. I don't get emails, in my inbox, in my social media Gmail box, yes. But I get articles there from many subscriptions, that I read. Best Wishes to you hope it helps.

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