I care! Actually, I'm freaked and when I'm not , I'm going into bouts of despair for my country. I'm writing postcards to swing states, signing up new voters, donating to Biden/Harris, donating to key Senate and House races, amplifying voices, I vote in all elections. Called Durbin's office yesterday to get off this weak-kneed approach to Alito's disgrace...what else?

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PS. I also support the L/Project, The Great Task (Liz Cheney), and Democracy Docket as Marc Elias is doing yeoman's work and Vote.org. Just sharing b/c I definitely CARE.

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Julia — thank you for talking about us donating (to Dems) in the swing states. Very important!

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Thank you

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The only chance for us is for Biden to thump Trump’s ass in November by so many millions of votes that Nikki Haley is forced to change her support. Again.

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When Trump loses, I hope Nikki Haley’s political career is over along with so many others. I’m surprised she doesn’t have whiplash from twisting and turning so much.

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Haley has no guiding principle beyond ambition.

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I think Nikki Haley's career is already over; she just doesn't know it yet.

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Haley has no allegiance. She will swing to wherever it suits her purpose, not that of America.

When Biden beats the orange traitor in Nov., he must be prepared to use every tool he has to fight off the almost inevitable 2nd insurrection attempt. That means declaring martial law if necessary. And holding the line against the traitors in the Supreme Court.

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I certainly agree about Haley. I don't know how many times she criticized Trump and called herself a never-trumper. Does she really think people don't notice her serious flip-flop? In this era of trumpism, she may be right, i.e., maybe they don't notice. Americans seem to be the least knowledgeable of the workings of their government.

The Dems could do the right thing like overhauling the SC to include term limits, enforceable ethics and recuseable laws, and adding 4 more justices.

However, the Dems are always concerned about reaching across the isle, and they don't hurt anyone's feeliings, even when they know they're not voting for them. They consider institutions sacred, like the DOJ, the SC, the filibuster, etc., even though they were changed several times during our history. The Dems hold these institutions as sacrosanct, while the Repubs don't give a damn about any of them, so they should be losing big time. But they're not: the elections are mostly close.

If Biden did any of these things, the Repubs would go crazy, and the MSM would agree with them. Does the media not see what the GOP is doing, or is it that they don't care? They just want spectacular headlines. CNN challenges Dems, even when the Dems are right.

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We need to win majorities in both house of Congress and keep the White House. Congress has the power to amend H.R. 3422 , the Judiciary Act 2023-24, and add seats to the Supreme Court. It has been done in the past, and now is the time to do it again, to preserve the rule of law.

Then, with majorities, Congress can get on with prosecuting Thomas and Alito for taking bribes in exchange for favorable decisions for those paying them, a disgusting sign of treason if you ask me.

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Do I care? Hell yes. Am I terrified about this election? Hell yes.

I would love to see term limits for SCOTUS. If the Democrats win all in November, maybe that can become a reality, along with codifying Roe.

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You answered your own question regarding the msm, headlines

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Yes, another insurrection is being called for by MAGA leaders, even Alito. They aim to be successful this time at any cost. Biden is smarter than MAGA -martial law if necessary.

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I would like Biden, DOJ, FBI etc to come out — now—and assure Americans that every step will be taken to ensure the transition and transfer of power will be peaceful and safe.

Acknowledge the threats now.

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Exactly. Trump is saying the FBI wanted to assassinated him during their search of Mar a Lago based on a form that explicitly states the opposite..the control of “ use of force”. Trump twists and turns facts and lies..Democrats need to get out there and point the obvious out. I am so tired of the chaos! Aren’t you?

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Yes. Chaos is the traitors objective. Those who support the law, the Constitution and denouncing the authoritarian intentions of those traitors need to speak out now.

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I think Donald may be paying to get inflated poll numbers. He’ll use the numerous high polls as evidence of a stolen election, if he loses. Then we’ll see a much bigger revolt than the one we had on Jan 6th.

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Yes, I hadn't thought of it, but of course he is doing that.

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So we prepare and stop them, this time with more severe consequences, like prosecuting everyone involved, including the orange traitor and all politicians. I believe they intend to get the traitors in Congress to be the ones to "declare" the winner, using the mayhem and bogus "stolen election" as the excuse.

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Totally agree

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I bet you anything that Haley is counting on getting the V.P. spot and Trump just might do that to get all those people that voted for her to vote for him. They may be betting that he will die in office and she will to be president.

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She’ll never change none of them will.

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Haley does not care about Democracy or the citizens of the USA. Only her 'career'.

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I would like to see a class action lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of the USA to impeach Alito and Thomas for not adhering to the Constitution and the role financial influence peddling has played in recent rulings. I am sure the founding fathers never intended unquestioned authority for one branch and not the other two. There has to be corrective measures in place for when the nomination and vetting process fails the nation as a whole. Lifetime job security for a select few unelected appointees is as preposterous as it is dangerous.

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I like this idea of the class action suit.

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They cannot be sued for their decisions but maybe for their breach of oath they swore to. Great idea.

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If not that, something that allows the DOJ to impeach the members of the Supreme Court, since they are part of the executive branch that nominates the Justices. Mistakes get made and corrective actions should be allowed.

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Oh YES!! What a good idea. A class action lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of the U.S. How does one start such a lawsuit?

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Ask Mark Elias. Go on his web site and send an email

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Yes, about that “job for life” concept. People didn’t live very long in those days.

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I’m very conflicted about flying our nation’s flag at my home. I live in Central Florida/MAGA-land.

Many of my neighbors are part of the cult and if it were not against the community covenants would likely be flying their flags upside down. It seems to me that only maggots are flying the flag here these days, and I definitely do not want anyone to think I’m one of ‘them.’

I’ve always flown the flag with pride but will not do so again until President Biden wins on November 5.

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I don’t know your neighborhood, but I hate to see liberals give up on the US flag. I live in very red Kentucky, but also very blue Louisville. As usual, I will fly the American flag from Flag Day (June 14) though the 4th of July. It will be angled a little higher than our other flag pole, which will carry a pride flag during the month of June.

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Bill, that makes sense to fly it with another flag which decamps you from MAGA. That's aligned with what I'm talking about by joining it with a vote blue sign. How nice that Louisville is blue!

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Great idea!

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Appreciate your comment, Dianne. It's the same here in small-town California, since 9-11. The flag is not a sign of patriotism, but rightwing nationalism. I'm absolutely lumped in with these folks if I fly the flag, much to my consternation. So I haven't. I'm thinking the flag needs to be accompanied by a big "vote blue" sign in the yard. If enough do this, maybe the blues can begin taking back the flag as a symbol of what America really stands for. And if enough blues do this, I imagine we'll see more reds flying theirs upside down, showing their true colors.

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True for sure, I agree. However the covenants in my community forbid political signs. And I can’t put a Vote Blue bumper sticker on my car because it would be keyed.

In 2015 I put a small decal on my car saying, ‘I’m ready for Hillary’, I drove to the local shopping area, was away from my car for 20 minutes. When I returned the decal was gone. I’m lucky my car wasn’t keyed then.

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Oh, I'm afraid of them, too. I'm a single woman and haven't put that vote blue sign up for that fear. The intimidation is not talked about enough. Not only are the MAGAs prone to violence against property, many of them own entire arsenals. And tend to be substance abusers. On a walk in the neighborhoods here, if we talk politics, we whisper for our own safety.

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My younger MAGA brother in rural Montana is both an alcoholic and one of the biggest gun importers and sellers in the state (AR-15s, etc). His little kids are growing up in the middle of this insanity. The MAGA damages will go on. Dark.

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...and my brother and other MAGA followers have no idea that they have been exploited by the leaders who care nothing at all for them...sickening.

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Thanks for sharing, Lisa. It really is dark. And amazing how close it all is, families torn apart. Not sure if you/he are estranged, but in my extended family there are estrangements due to the current conflict. It's all part of the fascist playbook, they require adherents to choose "God and Country" over family. Sad and disturbing doesn't begin to describe it.

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Yes, I am estranged from most of my family in Montana. I am their 'enemy':-(

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Trump even ruined the flag for us. I use to have tolerance for religion but no longer The hypocrites make me ill.

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Yes, we must take back OUR flag, the terms 'patriot', etc. I live near Yellowstone Park in Montana. Now the "Pine Tree" flag?! Millions of glorious pine trees stand proud where I live! We must, too. We must make our stand! We must rise up and speak truth to power.

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Hi Dianne -what a conundrum, what a disgrace about our flag; I live in rural Montana :-(

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These flags flown by Leonard and Alito are NOT dog whistles to the MAGA base: they are overt calls to the MAGA masses for another violent insurrection like J6, yet better organized, and successful. These are desperate times. Thank you Steve, for hitting hard and exposing this vile corruption.

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They no longer hide in plain sight; now they make it known and couldn’t care less. They’re proud to be religious fascists.

And the most recent SC ruling on racial gerrymandering is a license to discriminate and tells us everything we need to know; almost the same twisted logic they recently ruled for religion (first amendment rights).

The American Taliban is alive, well, prospering and truly despicable..:)

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I care. I vote.

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If we are lucky, their hubris will be their undoing. However, the more Republican leaders I hear refusing to commit to certify the results of the election, the more I think they have something up their sleeve, like a seriously armed insurrection in all state houses of all states that Biden wins. These people are not fucking around. They mean to steal our country from us.

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Yes, and they are far better organized and united than they were in 2016.

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...and extreme foreign influence is at play.

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They are signaling to all their cult members. This is part of the big money corruption (which Leonard Leo is a major player, he has access to billions and is using that money to corrupt America) that has been unleashed by their long term careful planning to put justices in place on the Supreme Court (the 6) and other courts and foist Citizens United on us. And is another example of why it is so important to understand that who wins gets to control the future of the courts. Alito lied when he responded to Obama at the State of the Union address and he knew it. Project 2025 will gut American democracy and turn the U.S. into a FASCIST state run by Trump and his sycophants. And Americans have to see and hear what the parts of Project 2025 are, what they say, and what they will do to the future of America - and it is very very very bad.... And the worst part is not only do most Americans not know this is happening - they are being brainwashed (which is also part of the long term plan - example do away with the Fairness Doctrine and unleash Fox News and the like) into believing that what is coming is good and good for them. When the reality is that it will be terrible for them and America. Example the Trump Tax Cuts (which will be extended if he wins): Only work for Trump (tax cheat and tax avoider and tax liar), billionaires (who support him - GUESS WHY? and now pay even less taxes than the average American) and corporations (who are seeing record profits and are blaming Biden for high cost, which they are responsible for) AND the rest of us will be burdening with the financial fallout - even the deaf and blind Trump supporters. Remember EVERYTHING Trump touches DIES! And even worse America fought WWII to end Fascism in the world and now it is in our back door threatening to take over America. One answer is to vote out every single Republican in every election everywhere, educate yourself on what is happening and spread the word, do not be cowered by hard right Republicans who want to and will forcefully claim they are right and you are wrong, join groups that are fighting back like - Indivisible, Rural Organizing, Social Security Works, the Lincoln Project, etc. Read and use these books (Some of many that show what is happening, what does and does not work, and what can be done to fight back) - "Hit 'Em Where It Hurts: How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game" Rachel Bitecofer, "Dismantling Democracy: The forty-year attack on government and the long game for the common good" Donald Cohen, "Saving Democracy: A User's Manual for Every American" David Pepper, "Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and Wealth in America" Nick Hanauer, Joan Walsh & Donald Cohen..... Also join any local group that is fighting to protect our democracy. And talk to your neighbors and friends, they are the ones you are closest too and you have the most influence over. Be a trusted friend that others can count on. That carries a ton of weight! Get in the fight and stay in the fight for yourself, your family, and the future of America.........

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MAGA-Cult. Let's call it what it IS. We need to better understand cult-indoctrination tactics.

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Excellent and Empowering! Thanks.

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This is a pretty deep, Federalist Society shit that got us a couple of Supreme Court justices that were truly un-American steals through Mitch McConnel, changing the rules as he goes, and here we are with a (wink, wink, nod, nod) 6-3 ruling against the last of the voting rights act base on “political” gerrymandering and flags flying upside down and pine-treed throughout one-percent land, by the wives, of course. Steve, you’ve run in these circles. Alito even owes you. What can we, the choir you preach to each day, actually do that can turn this tide, because this ship hasn’t just set sail, it’s about to clear the harbor.

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Exactly, there's still all this dismissive talk about how our checks and balances will save us, but the judicial and legislative branches are already seriously eroded, and in some states will cheat to push oligarchy over the hump.

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When there’s no stare decisis, there’s no check or balance because the Court answers only to itself. Our system is broken and won’t work because we have idealogues, perhaps even fascists, on the court. The opinion on Roe was bizarre and based on a religion that most of us don’t share and that we are supposed to be free of if we are living in the U.S. The questions they asked regarding presidential immunity are mind-bogglingly outside the bounds of our Constitution and all previous opinions about the separation of powers and the role of the executive both in and out of office. These justices are looking to break us so that the minority rules forever while most folks retreat into scrolling through their particular iPhone fetishes. Unless we the people can return to some common, shared facts, we are internet sheep and the one-percent wolves are feating on our self-imposed digitally fed ignorance.

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So what do we do? I’m raising the alarm bells on my small platforms, talking to people… registering voters… I’m thrilled to see the media is all over it.. How do we stop the 3rd branch from destroying our democracy?

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First, resist.

I love the idea of class action lawsuit. Mentioned above. Lawsuit against Thomas and Alito for not following the Constitution. The senators and congresspersons are not doing it. The PEOPLE should do it. SO NEEDED. Mentioned above. I would do it.

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you know what I wish? I wish that Democrats would come out in force, multiples of Dems, to take control of the narrative of just what is going on. I cannot believe that a party with so many smart people in it, cannot change/control the narrative to explain what it is they stand for, what is at risk, and call out the hypocrites in the R Party. R's are good at this, that is, multiple people throughout the party that repeat the same message over and over and over again. The latest example being the "assassination farce at Mar-A-Lackey" (sic) Remember death panels? How bout vouchers? That is all they talk about over and over ad nauseum until they move on to the next outrage. All this during the Obama admin and the only guy defending the Dem positions was Obama himself. Now, we cannot let Biden be the only one to respond to the MAGA nutjobs! Can't we find anyone else or multiples of anyone else to get behind Biden's policies and sell the successes of Biden and point out the dysfunctional chaos of the MTG's and the other seditionists in the Republican Party, and now the Supreme Court???

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Hakeem Jeffries is powerfully speaking out. We need much more of this -Now.

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We need a leader. We need a movement so badly

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yes, but we need ten more like him to speak out. I like that Moskowitz (sp?) who is hilarious and tells it like it is. Challenges Comer and all those other sycophants.

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What do we do. Seriously. Besides getting the vote out what do we do

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Have actual conversations with open ended questions with your kids, family, and friends about our country and democracy. Really listen to what they say. And if they are your kids and on your phone plane (many are even in their 30s), when they say they promise they will register and vote, have them text you their ballot. Tell them if they don't, you're cutting them off the phone plan. The apathy of kids is ASTOUNDING (I know, not all kids-- but a big ass chunk of them) and their phones are one of the few ways to get their attention.

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I am not worried about my kids or my friends we are in on the same page - it's the rest of the country that i am worried about - i live in NY we are a blue state for sure, although there are pockets in the western tier. (think Elise Stefanik) but we have to get out there - we do have a group that gathers regularly to send postcards and make calls - there must be more

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North and West of Albany is Redneckistan. We spent a week at Lake George a few summers ago, and the number of T💩p and Fuck Biden flags was disturbing. One hovel was covered - all 4 exterior walls and the damn roof - with a flagpole with Old Glory.

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True but there’s more us than them. We still have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time. Down to 5 months

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I am a Christian. I am an “evangelical” Christian. I put that in quotes because I do not recognize what that even means anymore. I am well aware it has become an absolutely pejorative term, and sadly, to me at least, most Americans who call themselves that DO deserve to be ridiculed for their unGodly, unAmerican attitudes and actions these days. I am even a Southern Baptist—-yes, just like MIke Johnson.

I have listed my bonafides, to comment specifically on the latest “Appeal to Heaven” flag garbage. I am 71 years old, an attorney just retired, and consider myself well read on both current affairs and spiritual matters too. Obviously I am not, as I never knew about that flag. One thing I do know, is that this Christian Nationalism “crap,” peddled by Johnson, Leo, Alito, etc. is a lie on every level imaginable. It is unChristian, unAmerican and flat out wrong, historically, theologically, and morally. It drives me crazy on every level.

There is plenty to criticize about Baptists, both historically and currently, from slavery to today(looking at you Trump cultists Jeffress, Graham, Falwell and more), but maybe one of our few redeeming virtues historically, and for at least some of us today(me for one!!!!) is the belief in a free church in a free state, the separation of church and state, and the right to worship, or NOT worship, according to the dictates of each person’s conscience. See Baptist pastor John Leland and his influence on James Madison, Jefferson, et al., in shaping and adopting the Bill of Rights, and especially Article 1 of course.

As CRAZY as watching all these great “Christians” sell their souls to Trump has made me, watching this Christian Nationalism fake history and fake theology being peddled at the highest levels of our country, sends my blood pressure even higher, if that is even possible. It is a vulgar, disgusting, perversion of the faith, and an absolute lie historically too. I HATE it. When the history of this era is written 100 years from now, not only will the McConnells and Haleys of this age be rightfully vilified, so will all these fine Christian leaders, political and otherwise, be rightfully condemned as traitors to the faith and the country. It DISGUSTS me, and our country has totally lost its way. I say this literally, God help us. When we call wrong, right, and evil, good, we are close to beyond redemption. I pray not.

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Rick, Please keeps speaking out on this for all Christians to hear loudly and clearly. Thanks.

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Way too many have literally lost their minds and joined a cult….. it is frightening and unbelievable and incredibly sad and bizarre.

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When Alito was nominated, I tried to raise my voice about his questionable background and was quickly hushed at work. I give you great credit Steve for acknowledging your error in promoting this man; possibly if Trump had not won through the electoral college and we had better other justices, Alito would not have gone so far as he has. I recently read a comment that Bidens weak response to the Supreme Court is one of the many mistakes of his campaign. He should replace his attorney general, his press secretary, and his campaign manager and if not, I still think we should replace him as you suggested a long time ago.

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May 24Liked by Steve Schmidt

One of the reasons I subscribe to this newsletter is its clarity, both literary and moral. They key point in today's post is this:

"These flags are a declaration of hostility towards the United States of America where freedom means freedom for everyone. The flag isn’t provocative as it is routinely described in media accounts, but rather declarative. It is a declaration of war against pluralism and American democracy."

This is it, in a nutshell. And this perspective is entirely absent from the MSM, including the opinion pages. Perhaps this is because

"American politics and culture are filled with trivialities that are routinely covered as revelations."

Our MSM need to do better, but they won't, because now they are entirely profit-driven. Public interest (other than prurient interest) is no longer a significant factor in their reporting. Newsletters like this help readers to separate items of importance from the vast amounts of effluvia that pollute our informational environment.

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Well said, James. Millions need to get a grip on this dire situation before it is just too late.

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The MAGAverse is very adept at using imagery, sometimes subtle, often not, to get their message across. It is those subtle messages that are the most worrisome. They seduce folks into the cult without those inductees even knowing they are being duped. How do we stop them? I wish I knew.

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For one, I feel we should keep referring to MAGA as a 'cult'. MAGA-Cult. MAGA is a mass cult movement with millions of followers. I was raised in a violent religious cult. My dad recognized that the leaders were grifters after 10 years of being exploited by corrupt cult leaders who only wanted money and power (a 'tithing business'). This 'cult' conversation and topic needs to be covered much more thoroughly so people understand how people (yes, many are good hard-working people, like my own parents were) fall into this destructive and insane trap. There needs to be more awareness, more education about cults, and more outreach for those who get free. We need to ask followers rhetorical questions so they can recognize their warped thinking. We need to make it clear:"Trump does not care about YOU!"; "Trump is a grifter."

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Check out Denver Riggleman and his Coalition of the Sane You Tube channel, particularly his How To Take Your Family Back episode with Dr. Steven Hassan. Dr. Hassan is a former Moonie and he really knows his onions when it comes to this cult $hit. I agree that we should keep calling this stuff out loudly and often.

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Thank, Michael, for telling me about Riggleman and COTS channel (I subscribed). I watched a good interview between Dr. Hassan and Rigglemen. This 'Coalition of the Sane' youtube channel is one I will share with people in the future who are befuddled by the mass cult-factor in our country. Education! Thank you so much!

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You're welcome and I am glad to pass on COTS. Great channel.

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