It is disgraceful that she is given any platform. The casual way she tosses out lie after lie after lie --that was always blessed by Agent Orange. Little wonder that by the time we get to someone like Santos, it’s too late for our democracy.

The Times is as guilty as Morning Joe was--I can’t think of a show that gave Trump more exposure in the very early days. That show and Fox News launched him into the WH.

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What I can not understand is why Steve Schmidt's political analyses were not taken seriously by Republicans, a political strategist of such renown who spoke with such certitude in public before most, who certainly caught the attention of all of us here subscribed to The Warning because he voiced publicly, with communicative skills refined by years in politics at high levels, what we saw privately evolving before our eyes. Why did Republicans in power, or with the authority of service to the nation, choose instead to be dragged into the future to a point that they are now unable to separate themselves from this outcome, an outcome that has them all captive under the now clutch of McCarthyism in the House full of election deniers (!), Insurrection deniers, document burners like book burners (without the fire), shallow, conspiracy theorists (Q-Anon is an international organization operating also in the U.S. Congress) and violators of their oaths. That Conway wrote an opinion now in the NYT can only mean that she is on the path for advancing her future goals under the same formula. The NYT calculated the effects of her opinion in monetary terms, not based on journalistic interest serving all. That we are here discussing among ourselves serves them. Not us. The paper should have published, at the time her opinion was published, an opinion contrary to hers. From a public servant. Not a journalist, not a reader, but someone capable of confronting her points. The lies must be stopped.

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I’ll tell you I’ve always disliked Trump, seen him as a preening little man with a insignificant cock! Always despised him and his father, couldn’t stand their obvious racism and misogyny!

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Thank you for your comment. A violent man he is. He is a criminal. He a rapist who has raped women, and raped Liberty and raped Justice and is still aspiring to become President of the United States. Bizarre! I look at Trump and I imagine the innumerable NDAs out there. But he can not force a signature in an NDA between him and the DOJ. And two racists indeed, recorded and ongoing now.

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My oh my, Steve, another doozy of a take-down on KellyAnne: "Like always, her blather oozes a type of proverbial narcissistic pus that makes the clear typeface of whatever it is read on seem sticky and infected."

I have the fortune (now "misfortune") of carrying an old Irish set of names: Timothy Fitzpatrick Conway. When whopping liar KellyAnne Fitzpatrick Conway corruptly rose to media power, i had to endure seeing that familiar name in the most horrid context .

Betsy, i love your "Agent Orange" designation for DJTrump.

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Could not big be more true. I actually laugh when I see the shock Morning Joe “Stars” show now at Trump’s behavior- they were so whorish and embarrassingly solicitous of Trump when he campaigned and they fell over themselves for him while rabidly railing against HRC.

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the NYT opinion editor needs reeducation. If you are going to allow someone like Conway to post to the opinion section of the paper you better read it first. It's a piece boosting a twice impeached shameful terrible president whose loss of power in the elections of 2022 were conclusively proved. No mention of the numerous lawsuits against him and his company, no mention of his involvement and possibly lead figure in a coup, claims of successes without mention of the largest increase in US debt caused at least partially by tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Kathleen Kingsbury should know better than allow Miss Alternate Facts to post to the most trusted news outlet in the world. Well, maybe not so much anymore.

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Thank you, well said. I refuse to read the piece and am incredibly disappointed in the Times.

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I understand. We do have to read what the other side is thinking but you don't have to read this piece of crap. Thanks for your response.


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Agree that need we to understand what/how they are thinking. I shudder whenever I see her; reminds me of the same reaction I had to Phyllis Schlafly and other great manipulators.

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Interesting, last night it was said by numerous speakers at the MLK/Rabbi Heschel Shabbat service, jointly conducted by Sixth & I Synagogue and Turner AME church in the 6th & I space in DC, that to counter hate and misinformation we should engage. Dr King’s words of “love” (not like) those saying that with which we disagree, no matter how wrong, was reiterated.

I’ll watch and listen again to see if I can find a way to both maintain my sanity and know what we face. For now, I can’t read Ms Conway’s words.

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Will never read it- or anything she pens unless it’s an apology to the American people for spitting up her Tourette’s Laden, narcissistic and un-ending lie-fest-upon each and every one of us.

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And I thank you also, because I had no idea what the opinion by this Trump enabler was about.

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1) Everything you wrote is accurate.

2) Steve, you write the way I dream of writing.

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A bit off topic but I'll never understand how George and Kellyanne have managed to stay married.

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He is just as bad, for accepting this behavior or turning a blind eye.

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Does he? I thought he countered often.

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I did, too, but I've seen him shrug when asked about her. How do you shrug when asked about someone who stands shoulder to shoulder with traitors willing to overtake our government for sake of power? For the 'sake of the children'?

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Dunno. It was my same curiosity about Carville & Matalin.

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You express your own political opinions without badmouthing the mother of your children in public.

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Their viewpoints are so drastically different. If defending them would amount to 'badmouthing the mother of his children', then he should refrain from expressing them on national TV.

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I have the same comment and question about that marriage. Is it just a sham? How on earth could that marriage be real? I’ve never heard it be explained by people who actually know both parties. Steve???

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I quit following him as well.

He must be sadistic.

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Her “alternative facts” will out live her. History is not going to be kind to this period & its allies.

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History won't be kind IF our Democracy survives. If it doesn't then History will be revised to fit the Alternative facts.

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Yes. Winners write history, or direct history to be written Goes back to biblical times.

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I have said it before and I will repeat it again here. There will be a special place in her eternity for coining the two most dangerous words ever uttered in our history (and now apparently exported to others) : Alternative Facts. And on Day 1, no less.

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Of course everything you say in this post is true! I’d come to the realization that news agencies, including the NYT which I have read and subscribed to since I was a child, are after the salacious, after ‘clicks.’ About two years ago I stopped reading or watching anything that was primarily about #45 (I will not say or type his name). In the run up to 2016 I stopped watching Morning Joe because as another poster said their constant ‘callins’ with him definitely helped elect him. My own one person protest. I wish everyone would join me. If stories about him were ignored then the media would stop writing about him and he’d dry up and blow away. A fond and ridiculous wish from this old lady, I know…

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(I just call him "the orange sadist", OS for short.)

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Where now do you get news to consume? What sources - organizations v individuals, some called out by Steve and aside from Steve [do we classify him as a journalist?] - are your trusted ones?

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Try NPR or PBS, individuals like Nicolle Wallace, & Rachel Maddow, straight shooters with integrity.

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I have had the same questions regarding trusting news outlets, and I am a die hard MSNBC fan. But my favs are Ari Melber and Chris Hayes. And of course Rachel Maddow-she’s is the best.

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I turn on network news at times, but I don't place any trust in their opinions. I do read Mother Jones.

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But Rachel is gone...

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She has a daily newsletter

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I've only listened to her podcasts. I've got some fun ahead of me!

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NPR/PBS, Nicole, Anderson, Rachel, Michael Smerkonish, Ari, network news, an occasional foray into WSJ

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Well written, of course, especially concerning the deterioration of public trust of NYT.

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I did, as Schmidt perfectly characterized as abuse, feel like I was being water boarded reading Conway’s spewing. I haven’t had to think of her for a long time and see no reason why the Times had to drag her up. And as I started reading I immediately thought……”a bottom feeding fish in the barrel for Schmidt to shoot!” Rightfully and as expected, he unloaded both barrels.

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Can't even look at it, let alone read it.

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Her “alternative facts” will out live her. History is not going to be kind to this period & its allies.

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I saw the article yesterday and thought it was odd that they printed it. Another odd thing is that they allowed comments, something they rarely do for "guest essays." I just looked and it now has almost 3000 comments and I'm sure a bazillion clicks. The problem the Times has, and the media always has had, is that they have to balance their integrity with making money. Trump sells papers (or online subscriptions) just like the British Royal Family. He and Kellyane know this, and they use it to control the narrative to stay relevant. Biden and his administration do not.

I think the problem is the communication arm of the Biden administration and the overall lack of competence. They have the numbers, and should be working from a position of strength. Biden beat Trump. The Democrats overperformed in the midterms. They should be on offense. Instead, they are constantly on defense.

This week was a good example. The trip to El Paso and Mexico should have been a springboard toward meaningful immigration reform. Instead, they bungle the planning of the trip by not inviting the House member of the district, who ironically was the only Republican to not vote for McCarthy's new rules. Then they allow Greg Abbott to steal the show with his stupid letter. Now, the trip is completely forgotten and the administration is off track because of the self-inflicted controversy over top secret documents stashed by Biden's Corvette.

If we had a competent leader, like Obama was, backed up with an effective commumications machine, like Obama had, they would be driving the narrative and the Times would be writing stories on it. They would have done a Zombieland "double-tap" on Trump and Kellayne when they had the chance and we wouldn't have to read garbage articles in the Times like this one.

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Nonsense. The media hate Joe and one of the major criticisms of Obama is that he did not know or care enough to tout the accomplishments of his admin. The dems do put out messaging but the media ignores it. Just think of “but her emails.” There were multiple front page stories every day for months over what turned out to be pretty much a nothingburger, while letting a Trump skate.

The Dems also do not have the propaganda empire or the grass roots echo chamber that the right does. So please stop blaming the victim.

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The media do hate Joe Biden. The so-called good democrats in the media are fixated on Trump and Trump. Because it sells. Because everyone profits. And all along, the Joe Biden presidency has accomplished one of the most astounding coalitions within his party. He has embraced also the progressive left, with an advancement of rights for all equally, especially for women who always end up with less than more. We forget how women are as central to the economy as is a man, but the effects of economics on women disregard their position within the household. And it is President Biden who has appointed so many women in his government, women who work and produce and change the country for the better. I know you will believe me when I say that we would be better off today had Hillary Clinton won how she did. The majority of votes. And how many more would have voted for her that day, if Election Day had been a holiday. But it goes against the Republican way, which denies comfort to the ones standing in line for hours and hours on workdays to exercise the most important of rights of a citizen, the right to vote.

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Well described.

Journalism has sold its soul and the resulting spoils are insular, provincial and self-serving in a very obvious and nakedly greedy, nod-wink conspiratororial manner.

Yet the bulk of readership opts to play along and sip on absent tea whilst refusing to read the resultant leaves.

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This I question: the number of news outlets that were in print have dwindled. Some are virtual tho what are the demographics of the readers? I’ve not looked before posting this to know the deeper demographics of news consumers. Given the fiasco of Santos - and the NY GOP saying they vetted but “hey where were the others [Dem Party] in vetting”? - is it possible we have a willingly uninformed population even with some greater access?

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And "sold" is precisely the cause.

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I couldn't bear to watch CNN during the sordid years of the Orange Sadist's "prezidency". To have creepy Jason Miller "speak" for the "Republican" side" was nauseating. And Scott Jennings? -- such a pretty face, such a liar. Now I can watch CNN from time to time -- Wolf Blitzer, Erin Burnett (no mugging, yay!), and occasionally Anderson Cooper. I have kept my subscription to the NYT, but only because they lowered they price from $15/mon. to $5/mon. when I said I was canceling. There are some amazing stories in there -- most recently the beautiful doctor (Joe McConnell, I think was his name) who chose to give his life to caring for the "rough sleepers" in NYC. Their human interest stories are reported in such depth that I don't want to miss them. Politics I get from the WaPo + the 5 substacks to which I subscribe + my MSNBC watching (which is way below what it was with the three newbies) but Laurence O'Donnell for sure. Nicole Wallace is on too early for me to see regularly. I grew up in the Walter Cronkite/Eric Sevareid days -- only 30 minutes at 6 PM, but completely professional.

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Nicolle Wallace holds forth on MSNBC, 2 hours daily, M-F (1-3 PM PST). Please at least properly locate those you wish to praise.

There is so much that is praiseworthy about Deadline: White House, except for a glaring violation of the kind of conflicts highlighted here. Wallace regularly features Times reporter Michael Schmidt on Deadline without ever mentioning they are married to one another.

(They even denied any relationship after attending a conference together when they were dating.)

Where I come from (3 decades in journalism), when you have a personal stake in someone's work --- even just in someone looking good on TV --- you disclose it.

Chris Hayes, by contrast, discloses every time he interviews a person who even works with his wife, lawyer Kate Shaw. He even discloses decade-old ties to Obama White House.

If disclosure of potential conflicts is sauce for the bad guys, it's equally necessary seasoning for the good.

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My bad. I corrected it. Thanks for catching it.

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There was always something about the NYT which, for me, created an allergy from consuming its reporting of news. My instincts get tickled as deep inside I’m aware of their dishonesty in reporting. As the platforms of technology has vastly changed and challenged news dissemination, I rely on this instinct for survival. Consuming toxic material shortens my lifespan and my purpose to be useful here with my time in earth. I respect that too much. I’m happier for it. Lies, gaslighting, greed and self interests of others steals your character and attacks your grace. Consumer beware. It’s note worthy to point out, who on what media outlet gets a paycheck to participate in this industrial complex to abuse truth to power and reporting. As an example, I’m looking at you CBS NEWS and your contract with Mick Mulvany. Once again trust in my news sources have been betrayed. Cutting the cord and going subscription is a folly in economics worth investigating. #Substack and #Podcasts are the technological advances worth investigating for the digestion of truth. Mass media markets are enablers of liars, cheats and thieves.

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Several of your comments managed to shake my instincts. Thank you. I am still learning how to balance my knowing (which I trust) with the pollution of opinion news that's available everywhere. Staying healthy these days is not about eliminating processed foods.

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Totally agree.

I do not watch CNN, sorry Anderson, and I’ve had a hate-love relationship with NYT which I finally broke off for the last time over a year ago.

Twitter isn’t the same since Musk.

I’m sick of journalists playing the MAGA tunes. It’s sickening.

Why aren’t we talking about historic rains in CA & tornadoes in Alabama in January?!?! Instead the GOP has started a war on gas stoves.

A 6 year old shoots his teacher!!! Come on America needs to wake up. Call out the GOP. Don’t let them lead the conversation.

First thing Keven does is dismantle the IRS. Why? So he & his cronies can get away without paying taxes while teachers, nurses, your yard boy pick up the tab.

Stay focused & don’t let the shit show fool you.

We need to work on 2024 every damn day.

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Beyond brilliant…Haberman is the reason I canceled my subscription to The NY Times.

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Talk about not living up to one's mission statement. The NYT has fallen short of their mission statement. They say beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes down to the bone. I am not commenting on her physical appearance but rather on her soul or aire she portrays. In this sense, Kellyanne's ugliness goes deep to the marrow. She lies endlessly and defends the indefensible. It is no wonder that the Republican Party has no problem seating a liar like George Santos. Their party is full of liars and bad actors. It doesn't surprise me to hear Kellyanne is not telling the truth because that is her mission statement. To gaslight, to defend the indefensible are her best traits and I find her reprehensible and an oozing sore with makeup and lipstick. It was a perfect marriage of evil when she became Trump's spokesperson.

I have lost faith in news media outlets and no longer waste my money on their agenda. I would rather be made less informed than to give the NYT my hard earned dollars saved for my retirement. No my funds are best used on survival and seeking enlightenment through trusted sources such as the Warning and other like-minded outlets.

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One issue is that "losing faith" in the press is exactly what Republicans want. The goal is to dismantle government, to create doubt and chaos, to keep the fires of hate burning brightly. My local paper in Minnesota which is printed only twice a week, but online daily, is owned by Forum Communications in North Dakota. It is extremely conservative and only allows LOCAL elections and LOCAL news to be reported. It endorsed Dr. Scott Jensen (R) who ran for governor, and fortunately lost. Jensen is an extremist of the worst kind and lost in my county (Olmsted) by over 12 points! (To Gov. Walz, now in his second term.) Many people here were furious that Jensen was endorsed. (I haven't had subscription for quite awhile since it went in this direction,but can read some of it online.) If I won a millions of dollars I would buy it. (The Rochester Post Bulletin was sold in 2019 to Forum Communications for an undisclosed amount. It is now part of The Borg.)

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