I did, as Schmidt perfectly characterized as abuse, feel like I was being water boarded reading Conway’s spewing. I haven’t had to think of her for a long time and see no reason why the Times had to drag her up. And as I started reading I immediately thought……”a bottom feeding fish in the barrel for Schmidt to shoot!” Rightfully and as expected, he unloaded both barrels.
I did, as Schmidt perfectly characterized as abuse, feel like I was being water boarded reading Conway’s spewing. I haven’t had to think of her for a long time and see no reason why the Times had to drag her up. And as I started reading I immediately thought……”a bottom feeding fish in the barrel for Schmidt to shoot!” Rightfully and as expected, he unloaded both barrels.
I did, as Schmidt perfectly characterized as abuse, feel like I was being water boarded reading Conway’s spewing. I haven’t had to think of her for a long time and see no reason why the Times had to drag her up. And as I started reading I immediately thought……”a bottom feeding fish in the barrel for Schmidt to shoot!” Rightfully and as expected, he unloaded both barrels.
Can't even look at it, let alone read it.