I was trying to figure out if my disdain for Joe Manchin has surpassed my decades long disdain for Joe Lieberman. It has. What I can't figure out is why a 75 year old man... SEVENTY FIVE...(for all of those yapping about Biden's age) who makes a career in government to enrich himself, puts out this bumpkin routine & the media falls for it. Every. Single. Time.

I kept hearing about this No Labels New Hampshire thing for weeks... they ended up in a room of 200 people...but the reporters covering it acted like they were at a Trump rally. Looking at you Vaughn Hillyard 🤨

Joe Manchin comes from a state with a population of less than 2 million people. He BARELY won in 2018. The margin was less than 20,000 votes. His ego is unjustifiably enormous. He holds power in the Senate & uses it to make money for himself. Not the people of West Virginia that are still in a state where the avg income is less than 34,000 a year. They rank 50th in Healthcare & infrastructure. They rank 47th in education & economy. You think THAT'S a winning message to take nationally? GMAFB.

He has a Trump level ego & the personality of coal sludge run-off. The only people more delusional about his presidential prospects are Nancy Jacobsen & her troll husband Mark Penn at No Labels.

I don't even dislike Jon Huntsman but he stands no chance outside of Utah. He tried. Republican voters don't buy into that "awe shucks" Mayberry mentality anymore.

I'm so f-ing sick of Manchins routine about "broken Washington" when he's a big part of the reason why it's broken.

Is it too early for a drink? 😫

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Brava! You nailed Manchin. He should just get in his

Maserati and drive into the

sun. Never seen or heard from again.

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Drive that Maserati on to the deck of his "houseboat" (aka Senate party boat) and sail on over to some foreign port where mountains of coal line the shoreline...and stay there.

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and take his buddy Sinema with him.

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Pardon me for being indelicate - but why the f#(k does Manchin even think he should run for President, as he supposedly votes with the Dems. He's a GOPher in a rats disguise. Never liked the man, never will, but he and that f'in lump of dog s#!t Sinema should have been given the boot years ago. Disgusting. All he's trying to do is thwart the election and hand us over to trump. Criminal, addled,scumbag trump. If that happens there goes our democracy. Period. Why doesn't someone lock him up NOW and glue his lying lips together?

My God - our rights are leaving us rather hastily!!

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I think his reasoning is fluff. He talks about Washington dysfunction but he's an active participant. He compromises when it suits him or his wallet. He's been in every elected office in West Virginia & that state is still a pitiful mess. Beats me how he keeps getting elected. Power of incumbency I guess. I don't understand why he thinks (and is mostly critical of) democrats should be the ones needing to constantly compromise their values. He's never as hateful towards Republicans... he's constantly vomiting up that "both sides" bullsh*t.

I've spent entirely too much time thinking about Joe Manchin today. 😕

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Once again, Joe “The Stick” Manchin lodged in the spokes of Democrats.

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I agree a million percent with everything you said. The national media will point a camera at anyone who makes them think, "Ooooo, shiny!" even of it's the pop top off a can of Natty Light, and Manchin always seems to garner their attention (for no apparent reason).

One last thing: It may sound petty or bizarre, but I inherently distrust anyone whose eyes are too close together. Take a look at Manchin the next time the bobbleheads point a camera at him. Yeesh.

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I never look that hard at him without wanting to feed him a brick...or two. The media always focuses on the pathetic attention seekers in the Senate. Graham, Sinema, & Manchin all have mainstream press fan clubs. It's nauseating.

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Knock him all you want but the real issue is the unfair legacy of slavery called the electoral college which makes No Labels a real threat. Jill Stein cost Hillary Clinton critical votes. Ralph Nader cost Al Gore critical votes. They know this which is why they are running Kennedy and Manchin. It is these small unfair acts like deflategate or corking a bat which win a game.

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I agree with you Lisa. It's not 1787 & the EC is not representative or democratic. Until you can get the Constitution ammended (which Manchin opposes) to recognize a popular vote system of one person, one vote then we're stuck with it. That's why I'll knock Manchin & all the rest of the egomaniacs to the moon & back.

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Agree 💯

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Thank you. Yours is the “comment of the day.”

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Well thank you 😊

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The salacious duo of Manchin and Sinema, the burlesque show no one wanted. Vile creatures, both.

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Manchin is a DINO 🦖- and an embarrassment to himself, the Senate and his state. West Virginia deserves better.

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Someone needs to give them a better option. They've voted that man in to every office imaginable & he (and his family) benefits, not them

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my god you said it so beautifully. I'd love having a drink with you. His business is dirty coal making millions and wouldn't even extend the childhood tax credit to keep kids out of poverty. And his voting rights bill he couldn't even drill a hole in the filibuster to help pass it to ensure voter protections. He's just a media hog and trying to play Kingpin. Disgusting maybe he'll pick Sinemon to be his running mate another sell out corporate hog at the trough shafting working folks remember her thumbs down on increasing minimum hourly wages?

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Yeah, I can't even get started on the Regina George of the Senate tonight 😉 (Hopefully you get that "Mean Girls" reference)

Don't know where you live Nellie, but if you ever venture to the current hellscape of Florida... drinks are on me 🍻

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I'm 75 a ukrainian war refuge and had to ask my step daughter who was Regina George ? Yes would love to have a drink with you and share my family's war history. They know about tyrants remember resist the beginnings consider the end.

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Wow. That was great. You said it all.

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Lol- Debra- perfectly, but perfectly said. It’s 720 am in NY- how about a Bloody Mary?

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America, 2024 needs a breath of fresh air: Joe Lieberman and Joe Manchin. It’s like the New Frontier all over again.

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Fresh air? 🤣🤣🤣

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I'll join you 🥂

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A small but numerically significant portion of voters will vote No Labels because it's different, inane message notwithstanding. All Manchin has to do is run. He speaks in pleasing generalities that mean less than nothing in the real world. He looks the part. He's got Great Hair. Team Biden is not doing anything wrong, but a good chunk of voters are idiots. I'm sorry, Steve, it's true. They understand nothing and think even less.

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Manchin running would hurt Biden.

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It would hurt a lot. Manchin is contemptible.

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Biden looks more presidential than any of the others. For many voters that is a big thing, unconscious or not. Plus Joe Biden has a positive and provable track record. He has held the Ship steady. He has restored trust in our leadership throughout the world. He is a good friend to our allies. None of the competitors can claim anything but disrupting and constipating the process toward good governance.

For those who are concerned with Kamala Harris capabilities, she understands how to lead and how to govern at this moment in time. The others have shown that they absolutely do not. They obstruct. I used to like Larry Hogan but it looks like he has succumbed.

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There are no guarantees in politics, and it’s not clear that Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, as estimable as they are, would be together or separately a guarantee of anything. Does anyone remember the campaign between Michael S. Dukakis, Governor of Massachusetts, and George H.W. Bush in 1988? (Many of you weren’t born then!) Dukakis left his convention with, as I recall, a 17-point lead, only to have it give way, under a barrage of attack ads featuring among other things the filthiness of Boston Harbor. The Republican attack ads against Newsom featuring homeless encampments in Californian cities would be easy to write. That actual Republicans have proposed nothing to the purpose in remedying the situation is neither here nor there.

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Good, good comment, Catherine.

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Thank you, Susan, and Jerry, I’d love to see Gretchen run in ‘28!

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The homeless are in CA because the weather is warm, not because of some failure on Gov. Newsom’s part. I would imagine there are some homeless in Fla. but it is a much smaller state. Besides, DeTitanic could ship them out on a plane and ship them North ... way North.

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My comment was not intended as a reflection on Gov. Newsom personally, or his stewardship, but as a reflection of what the Republican mauling machine might do even with a capable, popular, attractive candidate. What I meant was that no one, no one at all, will be immune from Republican character assassination which we’ve seen at work on our successful president. They ridicule his age and vast experience as if they were character flaws. When you have no scruples whatever, anything’s possible. They aren’t interested in being fair or nuanced.

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Thank you Catherine so true! Maybe Newsom would maul him back with the horrors of shipping homeless immigrants by plane out of his own wretched state of Fla?

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Yes. True. I do remember the Dukakis thrashing. The big difference today is twofold. One: people now realize that the ads could be lies, or factual. They don’t just automatically buy in anymore. And two: This is our first inside job. It’s a takeover of our country by an unconstitutional fascist faction. Perhaps led by an enemy nation. This is new.

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True, Susan, it is new threat, and I for one have no doubt of Russia’s continued involvement, through its stooges on what MeidasTouch calls “Traitor TV,” and on social media. And of course George H.W. Bush had different goals for America, and I was disappointed that he won, but he was a long way from being a selfish, faithless creature like Trump, with that eerie frivolity which is a sign of something worse. But the very direness of the situation seems beyond mere proposals of slotting in another Democrat. But just let’s say that it is. Joe Biden makes the announcement that he will not run and endorses Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, with whom he’s said to think highly (besides, she’s my favorite, and this is my fantasy). Instantly his enemies crow, “We knew it! The country’s been in the hands of a senile invalid all along! We told you the truth, and you wouldn’t believe us!” Putin gloats at the idea of a young Democratic president, without foreign policy experience; it’s not nearly as good as electing a Republican, but it’s still not bad. He doesn’t know Big Gretch’s steely personality, but he feels heartened, and so do his exhausted, dispirited forces. Black voters, the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, are incensed at the slap in the face offered to Kamala Harris, by a president they trusted and whom they helped put in office. And so on. As I said, no sure things.

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Hmmm…yeah. We need to run someone so strong that no matter how the Right attacks them it will not be believed or taken seriously. Biden is good because he is proven and change when things are working is worrisome. Newsom because he’s dynamic, real,and decent. And hey, if I was homeless I know where I would go to live. California. It’s a built in problem here. People are being flicked off the sugar cube right and left.

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I would rather see Newsom this time than Whitmer no matter how competent both are. Trump will always pull the mock the woman card. Let’s have a man knock him on his ass.

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Bingo on the homeless, Susan

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Funny. My wife and I were just talking about Gretchen a half hour ago and thinking she may just be what the doctor ordered. 2028 is coming. Like mine thing..............

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If Trump gets re-elected, forget about 2028. He has already signaled that he will become the autocratic, fascist that he admires in other countries. And his GOP toadies plan to support him, or are arrogant enough to believe they can "control" him and prevent him from enacting his worst policies. The guard rails that existed before are gone. Any third party candidate like Manchin will sink the Republic.

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I’m trying to let you know how much I like your comment but I guess I’m doing it wrong. It didn’t show up. Maybe this time. I like Steely Gretch too.

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Jul 18, 2023
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Sad, frightening, and, worst of all, true.

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I have more confidence in the voters than that. Since 2016 they showed up. I believe they are going to show up more powerfully than before in 2024.

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“Nero fiddles while Rome burns”

Living under this amount of stress with over a year out before 2024 election has already become intolerable for those of us paying close attention. It is so hard to focus and live healthy as we are watching our country burn down all around us. Democracy versus fascism those are the only two choices we should focus our lenses on.

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Agree with you as to the stress this is causing and to the Democracy vs fascism is what we are voting for in 24

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Actually if we get through the next election, we can restore our democracy to some extent.

Biden has proven it can work.

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Not sure how we do that with No Labels acting as our own modern day Nero.

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We must be informed, so we can informed others who don't follow the ends and outs of politics like we do.

Volunteer, speak out and donate whatever you can.

The MSM has proven that we can't depend on them... it's up to US!

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Rachel Maddow always does a good deep dive on thorny political issues

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I've followed Rachel since her show began.

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we don't know how much impact they will have yet.

I don't think Manchin will run for them.

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My frustration meter started creeping up when I read this. It appears it is the Democrats to lose. It also appears they have not learned. Manchin is a fraud. Durbin’s time has come and gone. His answer is typical and unsurprising. I just want to yell, someone, somewhere do something! Realize it is up to us, but good grief, messaging please.

Things. Did everyone see the ad playing in Ohio? Thought it was brilliant. 2. Steve, what about these AG’s getting women’s medical records. My AG signed off on the letter. 3. Project 25.

No smoke today, so will move back outside and work to lower my frustration meter. Keep well.

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I can only hope no labels are patriots who want to save our republic and they will stop this nonsense once they realize they are only helping to elect a dictator who will NEVER relinquish power.

We cannot allow Trump to cross the Rubicon.

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I don’t think so. It seems they have an agenda and it is not good

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Forget about your happy hope they are funded, staffed and support Republican policies.

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Jul 18, 2023
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100% agree.

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Loved the Ohio ad.

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What was the Ohio ad? I must have missed it.

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I am sick to death of BIDEN BASHING & Brian Kemp is an idiot!

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sexy ad try to look it up its against birth control

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not precisely; its about the GOP outlawing birth control and how it will affect Ohio residents.

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pulling some weeds always helps and with all this rain they are up to my butt

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Joe Manchin, the sensible middle? Not really!

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i know right!!! what sane Dem would vote for that guy?

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Steve, I do not have a quarter of the intellect that you have nor do I have any expertise in campaigning. I have seen many times your desire for someone other than Joe Biden to run for office this next year. But what I cannot see in a Newsom/Whitmer ticket, or any other currently, with the accumulated world knowledge and expertise to do what President Joe Biden has done on the world stage at this critical time. Would anyone else with less expertise have been able to navigate the challenges of bringing NATO together and provide leadership in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine? He has accomplished tremendous economic and domestic progress as well. There are times at pivotal moments in history where wisdom and experience must be a first consideration. There are times when having established relationships with world leaders must be the first consideration. Can you see Newsom accomplishing what Joe Biden has done and is still doing in the alliance of NATO nations. I cannot. The world has changed in my opinion to such a degree that an in-depth knowledge of world affairs is as imperative as well as having expertise on domestic affairs. What comes to mind is the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. Could anyone else have done what he did? Or the alliance between Churchill and Roosevelt? In my opinion, anyone who aspires to the office of president needs to have hands-on, in-depth experience in world politics and a network of relationships (as Hillary did😢). I would certainly sleep better knowing that Joe Biden is in the executive office than Gavin Newsom and this is no reflection on him. It’s just I do not see anyone else ready to handle the complexities of the office at this time.

P.S. What Joe Biden needs is a PR team! And what Joe Manchin needs is to get the hell off my radar screen.

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God bless Kathryn McCurdy; SPOT ON. Thank you! ❤️🇺🇸🌎

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PR and truly strategic , creative communications. Someone in this forum used the adjective “mealy-mouthed” for Democrats. That is a soft and polite way of assessing it. Clueless, toothless, self-soothing and ineffective. Definitely not up to the requirements of the task: saving our country

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You d***** fool have not been paying attention!

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Meryl there is something I think about the “Democrats can’t find there way out of a paper bag” mentality. It sucks and is mostly stated by Republicans who foster that idea. I’m not about to condone Dems copying the Republican liars. Since that is what Republicans do repeatedly, what is the Democratic playbook that will win us everything, because that is what you imply. If there is a magic solution please spell it out.

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Hmm. I do not condone Dems emulating Repubs. I am simply hoping that Dem leadership becomes aware of the relative weakness of their communications strategies. It has become part of the party’s brand image. I do not have a miracle solution but remain frustrated by the soft-pedaling

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Such a thoughtful and insightful response deserves praise. Yes who could step into Joe Biden's shoes and be able to navigate the difficult foreign issues on the horizon. He's the right preident for these precarious times

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Kathryn I totally agree with you but, whoa, am I scared.

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Manchin is part of the problem as he spews his nonsense about “why can’t we work together” bs. He is no where near the middle.

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I do love my governor, The Honorable Gretchen Whitmer. I have always believed, even though we would miss her, that her place is on the national stage. She is amazing. She is also term-limited here, and she would be two years into her last four year term in November 2024. If we have to let her go early, the best thing in the world would be as a VP.

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Harris is VP and Biden would never replace her on the ticket. If he wanted to ensure he would lose the most reliable and active Democratic voting bloc (Black women), that would certainly be the way to do it.

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I wasn't talking about a Biden/Whitmer ticket. Clearly he would never replace VP Harris, nor should he.

I was referring to the above suggestion of Newsom/Whitmer. Imho, if No Labels gets their way, Biden/Harris is in real danger of losing.

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spot on Andrea about the black women they are the democracy savers here.

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Manchin is an ignorant, egomaniacal, narcissistic turd who can win nowhere outside of WV. He is everything that tfg is except he has a crappy boat instead of a crappy jet, and pads his pockets selling coal, not whatever Donnie is grifting this week.

Can he ruin it for Biden? I think he more likely hurts mango man, but what do I know? If he costs Biden the win that says more about Biden’s candidacy than anything else.

Perhaps Biden, at 80 years, should be proud of the job he has done and go home. I would much rather vote for Whitmer.

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Thanks Neil. Look at WV. A shitshow of zero social welfare and social enlightenment. Manchin is in it for money and manufactured power (e.g., his Senate standoff “tactics.” ) He is stupid and it shows but somehow old rich corporate farts are falling for his banter.... and $ending money. How did Elizabeth Holmes hypnotize people into believing her nonsense? We have a national deficit of critical thinking. We have a national inability to “connect the dots” and see logical consequences and probable outcomes. Woe to us.

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He takes votes away from Biden.

Not Trump.

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Dear Neil,

May i suggest you read Kathryn McCurdy insightful analysis on Biden's presidency and the future.

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Nellie, can you provide a link?


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In a field where raising $$ is the winning strategy. This could happen. Manchin has no fear- he knows he can raise it.

Political viability is purchased. Poof: “I’m important” and “I’ve got the cash to prove it.”

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But they won't win.

They will only help Trump win.

They MUST understand that fact.

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They very likely DO understand that fact and it's their impetus to run as No Labels.

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Also, Heather Richardson’s post is spot on and terrifying. Project 2025 is terrifying and sinister !! I am headed to the bar🥃

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It's a must read.

as is the NY Times article.

The republican party is a totally pro-authoritarian party now.

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And to be a party for authoritarian is anti-American. Let all the yahoos take a one way trip to live the life they admire in their $$$dreams. Shame on all of them.

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There's a general media leap o' faith that No Labels is acting in GOOD faith, when it's obvious they are not. The assertion that a Biden-Harris ticket is somehow radical goes unchallenged, yet it's the most obvious "tell" that No Labels is full of s***.

Joe Biden has been a remarkably effective President, and moderation might as well be his middle name. Still, the Achilles Heel of this administration has been, to quote the classic line from Cool Hand Luke, "a failure to communicate". I'm mystified that people like Steve, Nicole, Rick, et.al are far better at speaking truth-to-power than life long but mealy mouthed Democrats.

As Steve suggests, Newsom-Whitmer ticket would be formidable, and their time is right now. If only...

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Apparently, Joe Manchin really wants two things: 1) He wants to see Donald Trump back in the White House; and 2) He wants the Republicans to take the West Virginia Senate seat that he currently holds.

Also, President Biden's entire argument so far has been "Vote for me; I'm not "HIM"". In a three-way race, that will be a dead loser and it will also guarantee a return of the Former Guy to the White House and as others have noted, that will be the final end of American democracy, which is already on life support as it is.

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It’s true that Biden doesn’t telegraph his accomplishments enough. The economy. Jobs. All are doing exceptionally well especially when contrasted to the rest of the world. We are still hauling ourselves out of Covid, successfully enough and avoiding tough inflation. Contrast to Trump admin? I won’t even go down the list of failures.

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Three-dimensional political chess or throwing shit against the wall? Does anybody out there playing in the political (cess)pool care about the U S of A reaching 150 as something recognizable to be passed on to a next generation of climate-struggling small “d” democrats? Or is it all just performative ego-tripping? Biden actually seems to care, so here’s hoping he cares enough to tee up a Gavin or Whitmer run should this No Labels crap come to pass. If this becomes a three-way script it will be both farce and tragedy.

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250, of course. 150 was a gilded age as well.

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Performative ego-tripping. For an audience of voters who cannot discern a reality show from reality

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It’s hard to like this one Steve, just because your “base” is ignorant doesn’t mean that you have to pander to them, leadership requires what the word implies, that you lead, and that doesn’t happen from the rear. Joe Manchin isn’t a leader he’s a panderer, he’s always sniffing the wind to see what one of the poorest and least educated populations among our 50 states wants. It’s a shame really, the good people of WV deserve to have a leader, Manchin is smart enough to be one, instead he’s chosen to pander to his “base”. If he had been a leader, we would have the John Lewis Voting Rights Act in place, and it would be part of the law of the land, helping empower everyone to share in our democracy, instead we have restrictive voting laws being enacted all over the country that are disenfranchising a large portion of our citizens. There can be no doubt that Manchin had a connection to that, because he didn’t act to prevent it from happening. If we are ever going to realize the potential that our founders envisioned, then all of our citizens need to be treated equally and with respect and that isn’t happening today. Leadership requires inspiration and courage which are lacking in Joe Manchin. The Maggots aren’t going away, they are devoted to their “leader”, the population seem to be uniquely disposed to making uneducated choices especially when it comes to their own interests. A third party candidacy will likely hand the Maggots a victory they don’t deserve, and the most unfit human to ever occupy the White House, will be given the free hand our laws allow, and people all over our planet will be worse off for it.

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Dystopian but that is what will happen

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No Labels means no choice and that is not what we have in 2024. We have a choice and it is for democracy or autocracy. Do we want to live in a world where the rule of law is base on the Constitution or on the whim of one individual or radical party leader. This is the choice of the American public. Yes Joe is old but so is Trump. The biggest difference between the two is one is willing to break all laws in order to become a dictator and there is Joe who will protect the Constitution and the rule of law. I prefer to live in the system of government that has seen this country through 2 world wars and a depression then to have it perish and become Russia like where there is only 1 opinion and it is not yours.

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