“I love dogs. Deeply. For me, life without them would be unimaginable. They teach us so much during their lives beside us, including, most importantly, about time.”--Steve Schmidt

Best words ever. I love all animals; people not so much. But my dog is the greatest gift for me, EVER (I don’t have kids)....:)

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For those that make the claim to Love all Animals. I hear this many times.

The question becomes, Do you eat them?

Loving all animals as is said, includes those that are slaughtered for humans to consume.

Many people do not extend their thought & words of loving them to think of those that are brutally killed & what they, humans, are eating.

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Fair enough, I try to do my part, but even animals eat other animals. It’s the way of the world and nature. That said, I agree the slaughterhouses and treatment of chickens and livestock is horrendous. I don’t eat beef and only on occasion eat chicken and eggs.

But I get your point....:)

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Please read view written: redundancy of .."but animals eat other animals"

One cannot claim Superiority, then compare what we do to what animals must do to survive. If ones excuse is this in order to continue the act of consuming animals, then one cannot claim being Superior...(Not that we are, is subject to question)

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Do you work for PETA by any chance?....:)

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Why would one suspect another for working with any suggested group...merely because one writes of thought relating to how other life forms are thought of? The question feels like an accusation of thinking specifically that was a presented subject of related views by Mr. Schmitt. People can offer thought to why animals in our society are cared for differently, and at the same time are used for human purposes, so-called advancements, etc. without being linked to a group! Can we still bring thought to what or why humans bare comparisons or conclusion to various ideals in life, NO?

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I do not eat animals, but occasionally have cheese and eggs, mostly as part of a dish.

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“Best words ever”!!!

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Cats are good, too. Anything with fur really.

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I agree, enoon. I have one dog and four cats, all rescued

Well, mother Billie had three kittens after adopting me. They are precious 💕.

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Wonderful post, Steve! I also love dogs, lived with several over my many years. Cats? Not for me but happy others love them.

The Dog's Diary

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!

9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!

9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!

10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!

12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!

1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!

3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!

5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!

7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!

8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!

11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

The Cat's Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

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Thanks much for the laughs! You really do know cats, don't you?Obviously, you know what it's like to be a dog caretaker. Are you familiar with the "Far Side" cartoons? He has so many on dogs and cats and they are hilarious!

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So very very on point. Thanks for making me smile this morning.

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I love my dogs too. I don’t hate anyone because they’re maga. I feel sorry for their disillusionment. I feel sorry for their stupidity. One of my dearest friends, a person would give me her right arm, is a maga. We NEVER talk politics. But we talk all the time. Often about dogs.

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Thank you for writing this and sharing the pictures of your pups. That song by Jimmy is one of my new favorites. I cannot listen to it without thinking of our past dogs, one of which, a rescued Papillon-Dachshund mix saved my life when I came home from Iraq all messed up with severe PTSD. Our current pack of four Papillons, two of which are rescues are such a big part of our lives.



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Remind me again, wasn’t there one U.S. president who didn’t like dogs?

Or was it the other way around?


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Probably both! He said that they were "germy"!

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Yes both!

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Love your comment. I think it was the other way around. 😂🎃🎃

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Animals know a good person from a bad person. They are very perceptive.

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So beautiful Steve! I have always had dogs in my life up until recently as a senior living alone in an apartment and working full time. My present situation would not be fair to dogs who need more companionship and space to run which I cannot give them. Love it when you bring yours to this forum and I can love them vicariously. I share your deep love for dogs and all my past friends are in frames where I can see them every day and have wonderful memories. Thank you to your and your 4 footed “kids”.

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think about volunteering at a shelter, hanging out or walking the dogs. it's s win win win!

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I love that Angela! Thank you! 💕

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I love dogs, cats, and all other animals. I presently have two kitties that adopted me. Pets definitely bring out the best in their humans. We'll miss Jimmy Buffet.

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Watching them bring down your blood pressure and anxiety. Cats and dogs are very popular in the Ukrainian trenches as well. One thing for sure they give unconditional love and trust, an instant dose of humanity from the animal kingdom is very humbling.

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The Ukraine trenches? God bless them -- dogs and humans. Yes, science has shown that BP decreases when stroking a dog.

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Allowing your dog to sniff on walls lowers theirs!

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(But not sniffing pee? I hope!) That's really interesting! My half-beagle sniffs EVERYTHING! I wish I could let her run free, but there's nowhere within 60 miles where that would be possible.

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Thank you for keeping her safe! Do you have an area that you could use a long-line, 15 or 20ft, that she could run around and be safe? Not a retractable leash as those can be dangerous for you and her. With a ll you do have to pay attention. Dogs know their world through their nose. With my pups I call it checking their pee mail!

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We have a backyard that's around 40' X 30' and she LOVES hunting chameleons. I try to rescue them, but sometimes I'm too late. She goes on one mile walks most days -- well, maybe a better word would be one mile sniffs most days. Still, I wish she could "run with the hounds" (she is a hound, after all!), but only after a rag with the scent of a fox, needless to say; NOT a live fox!!! Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion!

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Plus you read Steve so I know you’re an amazing person!!!

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Do you have a local trainer who trains Nose work/scent work? Our local shelter (I’m in Ca) offers the class and it’s amazing for satisfying that need for hounds and others too! You sound like a wonderful dog parent ♥️

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On walls?? My dog loves to stick his nose in any bush and, subsequently, gets ticks all the time on his face.

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Oops walks! Autocorrect I didn’t catch 🙃

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I hate ticks!!! Put some Wonderside, all natural repellent, on a towel and then carefully wipe his face before going out.

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Must confess that when the current situation in our world becomes too much, my go-to is dog videos. Instant happiness!

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The cat videos are funny too. I grew up with dogs and have loved many over my 73 years. For various reasons, I've had cats for the last 20 years. My got my current cat, Oliver 🐈, from a rescue in Vermont. He's one big boy, at 17 lbs, and I love him 😻.

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Videos of dogs being afraid of cats are very funny!

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Yes Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund and Good Boy Ollie are favorite videos.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

I love dogs, too. I always had a dog until I moved up into predator country in the Colorado Rockies. You can't just have a dog door and let them go out to yard when they need to do their business. You have to watch over them always.

I have always had cats, too. so now, it is only cats and indoor only cats with catios and such to allow them outside but safely. All of them at this time were strays and or ferals that showed up here. Now they live the life of Riley. And they always greet me like my dogs would. Happy to see me and hang out.

I think pets in general add a dimension to our lives and can help build bridges with people that we would most likely never associate with otherwise. There was a couple here (wife is now deceased) that have very strong right wing views in local forums. We would NEVER agree on ANYTHING. then one of their cats needed expensive medical care and they simply could not afford it. I was in a position where I could help out and knew the vet. So I paid for the surgery and care. It eliminated any barriers and we all became friends focused on our mutual love for animals, not politics. 15 years later, the husband and I are still friends (as long as we keep politics out of it).

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Knew there was something about you I Liked! Maybe a few somethings. 😊🤗😘

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Cats too! Often misunderstood because they have few facial muscles, cats do love their human owners. I have loved all of mine greatly and they give me so much joy and comfort.My current boy, Loki is 12, a Burmese and just diagnosed with diabetes. I’ve not dealt with this one and we haven’t yet gotten on a protocol, so I’m in a fair amount of fear right now, but trying to remain hopeful. A good thought from anyone who wishes to send it to him would be greatly appreciated! 💜

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Many good healing thoughts from me. I lost my cat, Daphne, a couple of weeks ago after fifteen years of companionship. It was devastating. I hope you will have a better outcome.

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It is heartbreaking. My beloved Minnow (turned out to be a Russian Blue!) is the only cat I could have live with me b/o family allergies. She had a silver coat and silver eyes -- gorgeous, and was the most loving, intelligent cat I've ever known. Minnow died just before she turned 4 years old from pancreatic cancer. I spent the last 2 weeks of her life with her, 24/7: awake with her out in our/her beloved garden, and asleep with her during the day. It's been seven years now, and I still miss her greatly. I adopted Bella (a 6-month-old dog who had been tortured till we found each other), the same day. She turned out to be an Australian Sheepdog + miniature Husky. It took six months for her to trust me. She, too, died prematurely at age 8, after a long bout with pulmonary fibrosis in 2019. The night before we had to let her go, she came to the foot of my bed, where my daughter was sleeping with me. For literally 15 minutes, she stood there, sick as she was, and looked back and forth between us, staring deeply into our eyes, one minute at a time, then turned to the other for another minute. "I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU" she said to us. She died doing her favorite thing: licking butter out of a tub butter container. My wonderful, beloved -- always rescue dogs, for me -- Jhapa and Lady-- came to me in 2020, when I could bear Bella's loss no longer. Jhapa was 3-1/2 years old, totally wild, with heartworms, but the second we looked into each other's eyes, we knew that we belonged to each other. Lady came six months later, a "mini Jhapa", however she turned out to be half-beagle, and oh! the braying! the face licks! the running in circles when she's excited!! All new to me! (and the braying and face licks, a bit disconcerting. LOL!) She and Jhapa are both half-Lab, but Jhapa's other parts are Bernese Mountain dog and Boxer, so he is VERY smart. Lady's gift is a heart as pure as I have ever known. They bring me comfort and fun beyond words! I doubt that anyone will read this, but it is healing for me to write these memories and emotions.

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I read every word. You have had a rich life as a shelter rescuer. It always comes with the knowledge we'll have to say goodbye at some point, but you had extra heartache when they passed so prematurely. I am fortunate to be living with my daughter, her family, and two cats that I get to spoil! It helps.

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You are so sweet! (You actually read it!) Wonderful that you are living surrounded by love -- both human and feline! xx

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I read this and it is beautiful!!

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SO good to hear from you!! xx

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I’m so sorry to hear that Karen! It’s so hard when we lose them. Did Daphne also have diabetes? I’ve had three that I nursed through kidney disease and one hyperthyroid, but this is all new for me. I hope that soon you will have more days when you think of Daphne and smile rather than cry!

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She was old for a Siamese. She was active until a few days before she rapidly went downhill. It was just her time. Lots of good memories.

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I just love Siamese cats! My Sake lived to be 19. Thai to 16. I thought Loki was also Siamese, but he turned so dark that now I’m leaning toward Burmese. Cats are awesome. Thanks for the good thoughts!💜

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I'm sure she had a very good home with you and was a happy content kitty.

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Just wondering if you have researched cats and diabetes? My sister successfully brought two of her cats out of diabetes,that she was already giving shots to. I guess cats need high quality wet cat food (don't remember the brands that qualify) and it is possible to bring them out of diabetes! No guarantees, but worth a try. My own vet even confirmed to me that this is possible with cats, but it doesn't work with dogs. I hope this might be helpful to you. Best wishes for you both!

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Yes ma’am, I spent a good part of the weekend researching the best foods I can get him without a prescription. We have to go in for a full blood draw on Wednesday as he’s a bit difficult and has to be sedated in order to get more than the few drops, they were able to get at home to give me the initial diagnosis on Friday. I was in the pet store Saturday with my carb calculator for cat food, finding the lowest carb dry food that I can get him until I can transition him to fully wet food, knowing that the vet will probably put him on a prescription diet soon anyway. It is my hope to get him in remission and thank you for giving me a hopeful story!

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Wishing you and your kitty the best. CKD can be managed through feeding, making sure they get enough water and hope you try AminAvast. I get it through Chewy.com. Not a prescription. Down the road fluids will help him feel better and please give him the ultimate comfort when it’s his time. Quality of days, not quantity ♥️. Be that Years down the road! Please give him a pet from me. 🙏😻♥️

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Quality. Yes, completely true. So many people feel guilty when it is time to let their beloved four-footed best friends go. Speaking from a medical standpoint, I can tell you that there are so many people who long to be able to be allowed to end their purposeless suffering, as well as loving family members supporting the dying loved one's wish to leave their dying body. Legal on the West coast, but not anywhere in the SE.

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I have a plan in place for myself. My words to clients/friends when the time is near for their pet is to take the “I” out of equation. It’s only about them. The one that matters. You sound very wise.

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Perfection. Yes, it's only about them. <3

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AminAvast has brought my kitty’s kidney values almost back to normal. Also know other kitties that it has helped for CKD.

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Thanks you so much! All kitties kidneys struggle as they age and I have made a not of this for the future!

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Thank you, Steve. I'll never forget that I read that dog spelled backwards is God, and that they are a direct reflection of his love for us.

Also, I was never a "Parrot head" and wasn't familiar with the music of Jimmy Buffett except "Margaritaville". After listening to these two songs, I've decided that I might have been missing something special.

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Listening to these 2 songs this morning made my day! Thank you, Steve! Ruthie (my double doodle) is my heart!

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Very moving. Dogs are pure love.

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Your dogs are great!!! So adorable...

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