Trump wears a girdle but no one seems to make fun of that. But the personal attacks are petty. Why isn’t more being made of the missing binder about Russian interference in the 2016 election. If it didn’t document Trump’s collusion, why is it missing? Did Meadows burn it? Tell the people that Trump is a national security threat, that everyone in the service is at risk. All our sources are compromised. No one will help us in the future. Emphasize that.

Emphasize his policy failures. Why did he unilaterally cancel the deal with Iran? What did we gain from it? They got their money and are back to making nuclear bomb material.

Emphasize his charity fraud, his business fraud, his university fraud and his bankruptcies.

Show why the court cases are not witch hunts, that actual evidence has to be produced and testimony is under oath. Follow that up with Trumps failures showing any evidence of fraud.

Emphasize how Trump played so much golf instead of work. Tell how he didn’t even show up in his office till 11am.

Emphasize how he is a president for sale. Show the monies he actually received from China, Saudi Arabia...how he would always stay at his own locations and upped the room charges to grift money from the government.

Make him produce his grades? Make him talk about his failures (wall, infrastructure, heath care...).

And there is always his stupidity ( windmills are bird killing fields and the noise causes cancer). What did he actually do with the Sop The Steal money raised?

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Don’t forget his heartlessness as he stood among the graves of the greatest generation in Normandy, France several years ago. Wondering why they fought! His lack of clarity, civility, morality & humanity is breathtakingly venal and wretched.

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As I recall Trump didn’t go to that graveyard; it was raining.

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He made those remarks about American soldiers at Arlington Cemetery.

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Thank you Mary, I stand corrected.

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No, my point wasn’t to correct you,

Kat. Your comment pointed to Trump’s

Vapidness, his lack of respect for the service and self- sacrifice of American soldiers. It disgusts me, too. I remember his absence at the Normandy Cemetery because it horrified me at the time that an American president didn’t bother to inconvenience himself to show a respect he cannot feel because it was cold and drizzling. I’ve been to Omaha Beach; I have stood in that cemetery in France. I’ve looked at those rows and rows of crosses and stars of David marking American graves. Trump’s behavior in Normandy and at Arlington was an utter disgrace. On the occasion when he made the remarks you mention, he was standing beside General Kelly, who had lost his son in the Iraq War-- or in Afghanistan. Mind- boggling.

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Mary, clearly I was confusing my events of the former occupant of the White House and his abysmal lack of sensitivity. I thank you for the clarification. His being in the company of General Kelly is what confused me and where they were. After all, it’s a full time job to keep up with the events of this charlatan. Mind boggling indeed! Heartbreaking for General Kelly more so. An aside, I’ve been to France many, many times. I could kick myself for never making the trip to Normandy. I will get there later this year.

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Typed in microprint on my phone--. But my point was to add to your sentiment about Trump's unworthiness to preside over this country and especially his unworthiness to preside over our military.

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Playing offense is better. Put that skunk on his heels along with his cult members!

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Biden should challenge Trump to a bicycle race; "C'mon, tubby. Loser drops out of the Presidential contest."

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Trump would go into cardiac arrest if he raced Biden. Problem solved!

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My worry is not so much that Joe Biden will lose the popular vote or even the overall election this year - ie he will win the Electoral College vote too. My worry is that Trump will this time succeed in stealing the election. I am sure that his team has prepared for an inevitable loss but has a plan - is it the 12th amendment through Congress which the GOP will hold in November? Will he be able, with the help of his numerable sycophantic, loyal, frightened, crooked, supporters in Congress, to overturn the results in his favor by disenfranchising a large portion of the US voters? That’s what worries me. And no matter how big Biden were to win, there is no guarding against such a plan other than direct opposition and perhaps even fighting in the streets.

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Jerry Vaver

This government of the people, by the people and for the people is suppose to run, in theory, with the people at the helm. However, the people delegate that duty to others through elections. When electing these delegates, the people assume these people are operating under the same set of rules and regulation we all follow. This has not proven to be the case.

We have a system of government that has checks and balances, so that in the event that the wrong people are elected, who might threaten the function of government, they will be prevented from doing so, and an alarm will go off informing the people as to what is going on. It is the responsibility of all to make sure government is working, because whether you are an average day citizen or a person representing the people, we all share responsibility to keep this government and its institutions on track.

However, in this present crisis, the responsibility to save the government and our democracy seems to be thrust on the average day citizen, instead of those whose job is to represent the people in safe guarding the government and keeping it running according to the Constitution. The population of this country is close to 350 million. This is not an efficient number as a committee to discuss the pros and cons of local and national issues. This is the responsibility of the people elected, people serving in government, and those enjoying the privilege of reporting to the people and providing information on the performance of government.

The present day crisis has shined a bright light on how inefficient and incompetent all entrusted with the running of the government have been. One political party openly and actively threatens the government, while the other fails to actively and aggressively engage the crisis. The justice department has dragged its feet on bringing charges against those who acted against the Constitution and sought to and are performing treasonist acts against our Democracy. The court system has failed to prioritize the threat to our Democracy by not keeping the justice system on a fast track to bring those responsible for treasonist acts to justice and held accountable. The people’s Military, which can be used by a Treasonist President against the people, cannot be under the total command of such a person. The news media has splintered into factions, those who propagandize the treasonist acts, but know better, and those that condemn the treasonist acts. Social platforms are allowed to distort freedom of speech by using it to undermine the government and its citizens using treasonist rhetoric.

There is a complete lack of checks and balances, and the country continues to spiral downward. The people are being misinformed, disenfranchised by its own government and institutions, divided by its political leaders, and although they have little or no real individual power to adequately deal with the situation are being asked to come to the rescue, despite the implication that they are personally responsible for the all that is happening, because of apathy, or voting in poor representation. In fact, we did and do the job daily by keeping the country running, purchasing the goods and services that keep businesses solvent, paying all the bills with our taxes, and exercising our right to vote. The problem is we are limited as to who we can vote for, because they are presented by the political parties. Our information on the candidates is entrusted to our compromised media platforms. We have no efficient mechanism in place for dismissing the elected officials actually causing problems, because the inmates of treason are in control, and make sure that they are above the law. This is the real problem and we as a people are not going to solve it, because we are no longer in charge. We are a theoretical employer who can hire, but cannot fire.

The inadequacy of the people, who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution, and who bear the job responsibility for government function, seem to be completely exempt from any blame or responsibility. Let is their job to fix the problems. If the expectation is for 350 million people to suddenly pull together and come to the rescue, that expectation is a true fantasy and an extreme gesture of passing the buck.

The failure of our government is directly linked to incompetency. People elected to office have no obligation to display qualifications for the job. They don’t take any test, don’t need to be certified, nor demonstrate their knowledge and function of government as an immigrant seeking citizen would have to do, but a person indicted of 91 felony counts in four different districts, which include treasonist acts cannot only run for president, but be elected. Yet, you need a license before you can drive a car, or get married. it is not hard to tell what is wrong with this picture. Any vital profession demands a process of qualification, and why we as a country do not have such regard for our country to demand the same for our elected officials demands greater focus. All our lives and well being depend on it. A certification process for government officials needs to be established, an immediate mechanism for dismissal needs to be put in place for those found violating the trust of the people, and both must be part of an overall reform of government and institutional practices. Unfortunately, this may all be too late. The horses are off their reins and out of the barn.

The pressure to fix what has gone wrong needs to be placed on those whose job was to see that it did not go wrong. The blame belongs on them, not the people. Maybe the people need to stop doing their jobs for a while, which would cause a defunding of the government, and a lack of wages to buy the products and services of the businesses and corporations. Let the 1% fix their own toilets, do their own electrical work, repair, service, and drive their own cars, do their own landscape work, prepare their own meals, clean their own house, and fly their own private airplanes just for starters.

It is time realize that the elected officials, the heads of corporate America, the news media, the 1% are also people of this country and are just as responsible and carry as much, if not more, the blame for what is going wrong. We must stop passing the buck to the average hard working citizens in this country. They cannot be the excuse for the incompetency and corruption by those mentioned above have created. They are not getting what they are paying for, they are not getting what they voted for, they are not the ones responsible for the power grab that is going on.

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Why does VP Harris completely lack the dignity and seriousness in stating her concerns about Trump that the moment calls for? And is “THE VIEW” an appropriate forum for her? The whole thing comes off like a giddy conversation among members of a high school sorority.

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Why must everyone constantly repeat his first name? For pete's sake, don't we all know what it is?

Can't anyone just identify him using the word, Trump? Ridiculous! The world is sick! The past sees the same astonishments, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler...ALL revered as God!

Human beings apparently do no learn from the past, tragedies, horrors.

If this is so, We are condemned to repeat it...............

There is a famous anthropologist who has declared that the human specie has reached its climax..We can go no further, other than to repeat ourselves...which is what is happening.

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Steve, you left out the part of "The View" conversation where Kamala said, "We stand up and fight."

Many of us are 'scared', as we are up against an ongoing MAGA coup, but we stand up and FIGHT!!

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Powerful timely words Steve, underpinned by the speech of FDR..in the comments on your post about your talk with former Lt. Gov. Michael Steel of Maryland I remarked that I saw no better person than you to speak with the President and the campaign the very words you shared during that talk..

When I had the pleasure to meet you in Palm Springs at the screening of “Bad Faith” I repeated to you that my belief was that you are the best positioned person able to articulate this message to the President and his campaign..

Today you again make these solid points and arguments that they must hear..I don’t know how these words get from the posting of this video to the President and his campaign, if you are not personally delivering it..

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We live in a visual age. Trump captures the airways like no public figure ever has. Billions in free publicity. Should he be imitated? Not at all. It can't be done. Rubio, Cruz, Ramaswamy and others tried to be mini Trump and failed.

Just fight Trump with Trump. There are hundreds of hours of video of Trump being Trump. Splice them in with Democratic ads. Any high school audio video tech could do it. An imitation Paul Harvey says that God said he wanted someone to put in 40 hours before noon plus another 72...cut to a pot-bellied Trump on the golf course. God said he wanted a fighter...cut to Trump saying his personal Vietnam was not getting an STD. You get the message, etc. There are too many to choose.

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Soldier were suckers.. what did they out of it…he did go to the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1 because the rain would ruin his hair. Or how his money got doctors to lie three times about bone spurs to keep him out of the service. I guess his grade weren’t good enough.

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You can also talk about how he used his first wife, the mother of his adult children, death for a tax benefit. Show a picture of the grave site to show how little he really cares about famiy

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When FDR said, "...fear itself", everyone understood there was a crisis to stand up to. The absence of fear was courage. Not so today where the absence of fear is apathy. We must wield fear like a club to finally scare millions into understanding that Trump intends to strip away their freedom and life as they know it. They think he's the second coming of Christ instead of the Devil incarnate. Today, the absence of fear is doom.

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Everyone who can needs to call out the Biden team to bash his fucking brains in (Trump). But with a TOUCH of subtlety. He’s a bully. Bully’s need to be bullied. He needs less press as well.

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...let me just add,

I very well understand Kamala’s remark, just like every single American who is awake and understands the gravity of whats before us. Donald Trump’s reelection is more than just a possibility.

If I were playing Russian roulette, would I be “scared” there’s a live round in the next chamber? You’re goddammed right I would be. And the ones who wouldn’t be scared, are liars or suicidal fools. Fear is the Siamese twin of bravery.

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As a Republican, I have always enjoyed witnessing the missteps and screwups that make the DNC what it is. Now, in our great time of need, as we are trying to keep a wretched creature like Trump from usurping our constitution and our nation, it is sad that we must rely on that organization to do the right things and make wise decisions. Good luck with that.

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