Vapidness, his lack of respect for the service and self- sacrifice of American soldiers. It disgusts me, too. I remember his absence at the Normandy Cemetery because it horrified me at the time that an American president didn’t bother to inconvenience himself to show a respect he cannot feel because it was cold and drizzling. I’ve been to Omaha Beach; I have stood in that cemetery in France. I’ve looked at those rows and rows of crosses and stars of David marking American graves. Trump’s behavior in Normandy and at Arlington was an utter disgrace. On the occasion when he made the remarks you mention, he was standing beside General Kelly, who had lost his son in the Iraq War-- or in Afghanistan. Mind- boggling.
Mary, clearly I was confusing my events of the former occupant of the White House and his abysmal lack of sensitivity. I thank you for the clarification. His being in the company of General Kelly is what confused me and where they were. After all, it’s a full time job to keep up with the events of this charlatan. Mind boggling indeed! Heartbreaking for General Kelly more so. An aside, I’ve been to France many, many times. I could kick myself for never making the trip to Normandy. I will get there later this year.
I went with a school group as a teen-ager. Even though I couldn't at the time fully appreciate the achievement of those soldiers--many not much older than I--I will never, ever forget that graveyard.
Typed in microprint on my phone--. But my point was to add to your sentiment about Trump's unworthiness to preside over this country and especially his unworthiness to preside over our military.
He made those remarks about American soldiers at Arlington Cemetery.
Thank you Mary, I stand corrected.
No, my point wasn’t to correct you,
Kat. Your comment pointed to Trump’s
Vapidness, his lack of respect for the service and self- sacrifice of American soldiers. It disgusts me, too. I remember his absence at the Normandy Cemetery because it horrified me at the time that an American president didn’t bother to inconvenience himself to show a respect he cannot feel because it was cold and drizzling. I’ve been to Omaha Beach; I have stood in that cemetery in France. I’ve looked at those rows and rows of crosses and stars of David marking American graves. Trump’s behavior in Normandy and at Arlington was an utter disgrace. On the occasion when he made the remarks you mention, he was standing beside General Kelly, who had lost his son in the Iraq War-- or in Afghanistan. Mind- boggling.
Mary, clearly I was confusing my events of the former occupant of the White House and his abysmal lack of sensitivity. I thank you for the clarification. His being in the company of General Kelly is what confused me and where they were. After all, it’s a full time job to keep up with the events of this charlatan. Mind boggling indeed! Heartbreaking for General Kelly more so. An aside, I’ve been to France many, many times. I could kick myself for never making the trip to Normandy. I will get there later this year.
I went with a school group as a teen-ager. Even though I couldn't at the time fully appreciate the achievement of those soldiers--many not much older than I--I will never, ever forget that graveyard.
Typed in microprint on my phone--. But my point was to add to your sentiment about Trump's unworthiness to preside over this country and especially his unworthiness to preside over our military.