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You’re promoting what we, under the parliamentary system, call a “coalition government”. Makes strange bedfellows but can actually become a workable compromise which allows some things to get done. It also can weed out extremists, as you suggest.

We have one right now, in Canada, with Trudeau getting the support he needs from our NDP party, when they are happy enough with their ability to exert some influence. They have agreed to vote with the Liberals….for now. They don’t dictate policy, but they do influence it and can check things if it gets crazy. It can get messy, when there are too many parties, like in Israel, where disparate, extreme parties must be wooed and can become arbitrary king-makers, but that’s not where you are…yet.

Bob Rae, a brilliant, decent and practical man, a previous NDP Ontario Premier (similar to a Governor, for those unfamiliar with our system) who switched parties to join the Liberals and served in the Federal Government and now serves as Canada’s Ambassador to the United Nations, used to sing a little ditty he wrote called “Same Boat Now” (on YouTube) which encouraged his fellow citizens to celebrate their diversity and work together for mutual benefit. It caught on. (You could use a theme song which doesn’t glorify war).

What concerns me, however, is that getting along, which Biden is encouraging, goes completely against the American cultural identity of “winner take all”!

This ideological requirement that there must be winners and losers in everything you do works at the stadium or field and beauty contests, but is eventually self-defeating and not conducive to a mature, functional society.

Instead of “all for one and one for all” mentality, I’ve found, when speaking to many Americans, in my travels, and consuming a lot of varied media from different sides, America prefers ideas like “every man for himself” or “what’s mine is mine….get your own” and, of course, the concept of “rugged individuality”. Teamwork is encouraged only when it leads to defeating the other teams! You talk about “leaving it all out there on the field”, describe success as “killing it”, too many still don’t value or respect women or the contributions of various ethnicities to the culture. The “almighty dollar” is still the main earmark of success. This kind of mentality isn’t really conducive to a productive way of life for most people.

Liz could break away, as you suggest, and make some headway, but then what? It seems her main focus is on getting rid of Trump and saving the Constitution. Would she and her subsequent followers be interested in saving,say, the “social safety net”? Any “huddled masses, yearning to be free”? “Equal pay for equal work”? Roe vs Wade? The planet?

Will you just end up right where you are, in the end?

I fervently hope this works out for you for your sakes, but also for ours. We have a tendency to emulate our southern neighbour and already have politicians who are being referred to as ‘Trumpy’ and anti-social groups emerging on the fringes, pushing for power.

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A perfect distillation of the poison that’s killing Uncle Sam.

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Oct 21, 2022
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We must fight corruption. Corruption is color blind. The best corruption fighters are usually members of opposite parties. We need integrity among legislators. People position themselves in a way that a defense of corruption within their own parties is protection of power. We need legislators who are equipped morally to fight it across parties. Only public servants who are willing to be color blind can and will begin to bring accountability to a most damaging immorality in politics that has direct effect on how citizens view politics, how citizens cease to be proactive, lose interest and, its worst outcome, do not vote. Especially in the midterms.

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Liz Cheney is clearly one of the heroes of the trials and tribulations we have gone through since 2016 and since our capitol was pillaged and desecrated on Jan 6, 2020. She possesses extraordinary courage. She is fearless. She is persistent. And she is smart.

Many excellent points were made in your expose, and this is one that stands out to me:

"Decent conservatives and moderate Republicans who have not been welcomed by the Democrats — and have been told that they must repent and seek redemption from political partisans in the other party who hate them — need a place to call home."

Yesterday, I was in Salt Lake City at a talk given by Evan McMullin and Adam Kinzinger. It was electrifying. The crowd, mostly an older one, received them like heroes returning from the front. There was so much positive energy there that ran directly counter to Trumpism and the MAGA crowd. One old timer sitting next to me, from Box Elder Country, said "Mike Lee is in trouble. He should never have taken out the Book of Mormon and said that Donald Trump was like the Angel Moroni. My grandkids have no idea how close we came to becoming a monarchy in 2020." I replied, "Amen. Nor should the evangelicals have said that Trump is King David." There is hope out there. I hope the man was right about Mike Lee being vulnerable in this election.

At the event, I learned of Adam Kinzinger's Country First movement (country1stdotcom). Country over party, country over tribe, country over the cult of personality, our Constitution over everything (the real one, not the bastardized version touted by those who carry a never read let alone understood pocket version and who claim to know what's in it.) There are currently 200,000 members (now, 200,001). It's a place a lot of decent folks can go to.

Last night, I believe there was a $$/plate event in Park City with Evan McMullin and Adam Kinzinger but I couldn't make it. Steve, perhaps you were there?

Country First!

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I am having a hard time remembering when the R party was a party of decency. I do remember the party cloaking the very tenets, that Trump has laid bare, in dog whistles. R bedrock on guns, racism, sexism, 100% ban on a woman's right to choose is not a party worthy of a voice. This is not a party of democracy. It's a party of equality and equity only for some.

And for all those in the party today, who are sitting quietly, doing and saying nothing to oppose the MAGA faction of their party; well, they are cowards. They're silence is complicity. This says something about a person's character; about an elected official whose waiting for the very party you speak of where they can pretend to be outraged and concerned. It's sickening.

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You’ve outlined a smart, practical solution to the terrifying autocratic threat. I’m not in the slice of the electorate your proposition addresses, but I hope this idea catches on. The country needs this to happen. No. 1 goal is eliminate MAGA as a threat.

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Liz Cheney was always so deeply hawkish and conservative that she frightened me, as did her father before her ( I personally felt he ran roughshod over George Bush). She was opposed to gay marriage even though her sister was in a loving gay marriage. And I was both pleased and proud when she publicly changed her views, and simply said, “I was wrong”. The entire January 6th Committee has been a sterling example of Democracy and cooperation in action. ( not a single Jim Jordan tone of obsequious rancor was heard!) It was a brilliant choice to make Liz the major spokesperson who gave the summations at the end, and openings of each presentation. She sole the truth to power, directly and with authority. But Steve, it sounds like you’re looking for a Conservative Messiah when even Liz says we All have to work for Democracy. We need a media overhaul that is based on facts and accepted norms FOX News is not acceptable, Most of Conservative radio is not acceptable. Who truly misses Rush Limbaugh? Trickle down economics do not work except for the rich. They may not have hurt you, but they sure did us. The Democratic Party has failed to promote itself ( especially to youth) and has felt more despair and become more apathetic because it would appear that even the old GOP was more power hungry. Example: McConnell and his group who stated that their only agenda was to block everything Barack Obama wanted to accomplish. The vast proliferation of guns and mass shooting, the almost total removal of women’s rights would be real problems for Liz. I appreciate you Steve. Keep the dialogue rolling.

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RIGHT ON!! Thanks.

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We need leaders speaking to each other. We need leaders who repudiate dark money and special interests. What the January 6 hearings have done is really move public attention towards those committed to save democracy. But it has also placed accountability upon public servants to begin on a path of good governance. Good governance must face the danger that special interests exert upon public servants. MAGA is the forevermore movement that has magnified the influence of Dark Money in American politics. MAGA is the most visual example of political corruption. But it is not the only one. I WAS WRONG is the beginning of self-analysis. WHY WAS I WRONG is what Liz Cheney must address. As for Fox, I actually think it should vanish from the airwaves. It has brainwashed its viewers who are conservatives of all grades of intensity. Liz Cheney should confront this, because it is conservatives who support Fox, the most dangerous platform for misinformation and disinformation in America. It breeds MAGA. And MAGA is an autocratic movement that repudiates democracy.

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I hope Liz stays in the fight for democracy -- although I worry about bedrock principles centered on guns and (no) abortion rights for women. Maybe the most progressive wing of the Democratic Party deserves its own home as well. Would this be a new “Liberal” party that becomes “home” to whatever portion of the population believes in bedrock liberal issues? From there we can negotiate -- in good faith -- for sensible policies that advance the common good. SOMETHING has to give because you nailed it when you noted a large number of voters, despite the evidence, do not see the threat Trump and the entire GOP now pose to democracy. The fever needs to break.

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I do too.

We all have to stay involved.

I respect her principled stand 100%- but she's never going to get elected President. And Third parties, in my experience, only help republicans win.

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We can only hope that Liz takes this course and has what you write in mind. I have never been a big fan, especially on social issues, but she needs our support in the effort to break the back of MAGA. Sometimes the means do justify...we need to end this. You are spot on about Schumer, et al, Steve. But we take what bodies we have to defend the Union line. 🤕

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Trump MUST be indicted and held accountable for his crimes against the United States of America.

He MUST be kept from ever holding a position of political power ever again. Trump needs to PAY for instigating an attack on the U.S. capital and attempting to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, a bedrock foundation of our Democracy. DOJ must step up and do their job and soon. Trump should be behind bars and stripped of the money he made from his GRIFT on the American citizens and heavily fined. If Trump is running for president in 2024, I will surely not be in this country by then.

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I have been amazed and disgusted with the Democratic Leadership. Hell the script has been written for them. Such a failure to read the room, to reach out. It is past time for a leadership change.

I can’t imagine ever voting Republican/conservative again. Not being pro-choice is a huge issue for me, but someone has to stop the MAGA madness.

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Yes, yes and yes. America is doomed if it permits a gang of incompetent thugs who violate her day in and day out in the name of falsehoods purporting to be born-again truths that are taking the country to a place unknown to her until it is known and too late to turn back. I am lightened in my burden to fight a fight against a specter turning into an unfathomed reality. I am appreciative of the first articulated position, yours, of my own certitude that Liz Cheney is a world apart from the far right extremism seeking power in America. She is the voice fighting MAGA, not by risking her future, but by cementing her role as a future leader that stands for a country at a loss of moral grounding and belief in itself. I have profoundly respected Liz Cheney from the moment she stood for sanity in politics, honesty in political action and unequaled representation of conservatism. Disclaimer: I am a Democrat in belief and commitment, but I can not pretend that the survival of the Democratic Party is guaranteed without the most precious defense of Checks and Balances protected in a democracy. I am distraught as a woman to have to stand with all the men and women aghast at the erosion of the rights of women in America. Liz Cheney stands in a completely opposite position on this, because having already had the protected right to choose freely and privately on issues of women's healthcare, she openly chose Belief over Compassion, Church over State. But this fight is a democratic fight. Period. It is precisely Liz Cheney I want in the democratic field now. And she has won my heart as a politician who can stand up to the MAGA vacuity. I can not but stress once more that if the failures in November offset the Democratic Party, it is because it has not received the funding necessary to beat MAGA, while the donors who gave to those you mention here as I have can not compete with the Dark Money of Mitch McConnell propelling the amoral MAGA election deniers (abhorrent!), ALL liars, misogynists, brutally racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic, violent usurpers of the protected rights of others, grifters, unAmerican seditionists, accountable all for the desecration of the Constitution who continue to defile it by spreading their menacing threats against poll workers in a free country were elections are free and protected, turning all into the anteroom of what goes on in the most vicious of governments around the world where citizens have no voice and no vote, just performance. And, yes, Liz Cheney stands alongside the most visual public representation of what it is that public servants elected to the Congress must have in common, excellence and commitment to the Constitution to serve us all. Only the best get that honor and it is the American people who elect them. Thank you, Steve.

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I share no common policy beliefs with Liz C except for a love of Democracy and the democratic process our founders. The Disenfranchised R who are now I's, and the true conservatives who bring their values to the discussion/ argument need to coalesce away from the un-American, un-Democratic, and Fascist in all but name current Republican party. Much as the formation of the 19th C Republicans from the free soil, former Whigs and anti-slavery northern Democrats, this new coalition needs to form around those who share their conservative values and a passion for the democratic process. Liz C could do this, and do it well. There are other rational Republicans who would join to support. Larry Hogan, I'm looking at you along with Michael Steele.

As a life-long Democrat, I am totally frustrated with my party's performance in this election cycle. No excuses for what they have not done. But this is not the time to argue their shortcomings. It is the time to step up and support those who support democracy and stop the MAGA movement. Liz C can do this.

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It is how democracy is defended. And it is very transparent. Liz Cheney is a conservative Republican. Because she is a woman, she is of enormous value to women. I dare to comment that she is probably the most vocal Republican in the news cycles. (I only watch some broadcast news and read some news.) And what makes her stand out in my eyes is the fact that she did not take herself out of Wyoming politics. She chose to stand firmly against the MAGA threats and lost an election, not face, a phrase I use often for courage and character. I agree with you that she can be successful in bringing together conservative values, while supporting democracy and stopping the MAGA movement. Like you, I am a Democrat. Like you, we understand that being a Democrat is recognizing diversity of thought, which is the definition of democracy. And she will certainly form a party that, together with the Democratic Party, will BOTH defeat MAGA Republicans. Finally, for all the doubters, SHE IS NOT MAGA. And Steve articulated all of the above in the most precise manner and with the depth that distinguishes his thinking, analysis and writing. Transparently.

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While I admire Liz Cheney’s principled stand for democracy, accountability and rule of law, and in my gut sometimes wish she would do just that, I think this “solution” right now will seal the death of democracy. People seem to vote their party over ideas. All that will happen is that enough votes will be siphoned off to guarantee a Republican win. She will be labeled a RINO and traitor as they did kicking her out of the party. And these people will never back her. Yes, there might be a few that will and some corporate democrats who will support her also but not enough to win anything. Only enough to guarantee Dems lose and our democracy is gone. I don’t think you’ve thought this one through and if I’m missing something, would love to know how you think this third party effort would succeed realistically in our two party political system (see link below). No Steve, I realize your frustration but don’t back ideas that sound appealing but kill our only chance to preserve democracy - stick to your original idea even if sometimes the Dems seem like they are their own worst enemy. Right now, they are what we have and we must work to make sure that Democracy prevails.


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She would hurt the democrats more than MAGA by siphoning off votes.

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As a moderate Democrat I admire Liz Cheney for her principled position on threats to democracy at great cost to herself. If, however, she is to lead the effort to create a more moderate conservative party she must be ready to be more nuanced and less ideological on certain issues. She has moved on marriage equality because of her sister's situation. The same kind of empathy should illuminate her position on guns and abortion. This does NOT mean she must move to a truly liberal stance, but she could totally support the 2nd amendment and yet favor some restrictions on assault weapons that kill many quickly. Their sole purpose is a military one to outgun the enemy, so our police remain fearful and outgunned. Also on abortion Liz could move to positions mirroring the disciplined ones taken by our civilized European allies. Abortion "on demand" ends somewhere between 12 and 15 weeks in most European countries, with later abortions available if there is a real threat to the woman's health or life or if the birth would result in an unviable infant. There is enough suffering on this planet without passing legislation that creates more. Lindsey Graham's 15 week federal proposal DOES NOT accomplish this aim since it would only impose a 15 week limit on states with more liberal abortion laws, but allows states with more restrictive or total bans to have their laws supercede the federal law to keep their restrictive bans. Graham's proposal is both deceptive and cynical. Liz Cheney should take a reasoned look at positions if she wants to mount a successful national campaign. Godspeed Liz!

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What is so looney about wanting to help people? Sorry Steve, but Reaganism is a failure.

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Cheney will siphon off as many votes from the democratic nominee as she does from Trump.

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If Liz runs third party , she will only take votes away from the Democrats and she will help the MAGAs.

So....not really the answer.

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