Trump and Vance are a horror show. My question is: why does the mainstream media normalize them? Don’t they understand the danger? Do they care?

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You misspelled Harris and Walz.

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What does it say about this country when 46+% of its voters support Trump? He is despicable in so many ways, yet few have abandoned him. And where are the mainstream Republicans, assuming they still exist? Anyone staying in Trump’s camp will be forever stained, identified with a red ‘T’ on their forehead.

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Call me crazy, but I think VP Harris is going to win by a very large margin. And I hope she does.

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Robert Reich put it well in his column last night. Moral squalor. Too many of our countrymen share in that quality, and we all bear responsibility. A people get the government they deserve. We must do our utmost to scour ourselves and our country of this stain.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

Or, to be pessimistic, they will rule with an iron fist for the foreseeable future.

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What is JD Vance’s obsession with degrading women. I mean after all, he uses Maybelline and has dressed in drag.

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Mommy didn't love him just like Trump’s mother who called him and idiot with no social skills.

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The comments by Trump in your screenshot were pure QAnon-Michael Flynn. Even the ones that don't specifically state QAnon slogans reflect a QAnon mindset. You are right in your analysis. This is evil and is most likely headed toward something deadly. Trump/MAGA must be stopped. Joy is breaking through and victory is at hand. We will stop these deranged and dangerous enemies of America and the free world. They are gaslighting and spreading propaganda like the Nazis did decades ago and Putin and his 5th column here do today. Many millions of us are not fooled. Thanks for continuing to sound the alarm.

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We are the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water, but too ignorant, uncaring or too fascinated with Tay’s next album drop to even realize it—with the help of failed big media institutions and an education system that puts teaching history on the back burner. Keep bringing the truth, Steve. We thought 2020 was an important election but it pales in comparison to 11/6.

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And yet, and yet — CNN is still spending broadcast time on Walz’s inadvertent comment from six years ago about assault weapons and war. In pursuing this minor point, they avoid even dealing with this issue he was discussing. These reporters and editors are smart people and I cannot guess what they say in news meetings to justify this wild imbalance in coverage.

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And Walz did a terrible job in confronting that question.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

This morning we have learned analysis of Kamala and Tim’s interview performance, with particular attention to “should haves”. Expectations of Dems are high, of Reps subterranean.

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The swastika was appropriated from the Hindus: https://www.hinduamerican.org/blog/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-swastika/

"The Nazis used the hakenkreuz to represent their notion of Aryan identity. Where they miserably failed is in their understanding of the meaning of the Sanskrit term ‘aryan’.

Rooted in the now disproven Aryan Invasion Theory, the Nazi usage imagines that there was a “master race” or group of people known as the Aryans, some of whom physically invaded the Indian subcontinent. In reality, the word aryan means ‘noble’ and refers to the conduct of people. Recent genetic evidence shows that any mass migrations of peoples into India occurred well before the time period proposed by the Aryan Invasion or Aryan Migration theories. Furthermore, there is no traditional understanding or evidence of any invasion of outside people during this time period supported by India’s sacred or historic texts. The Nazis called their emblem hazenkreuz, which was incorrectly translated to the Sanskrit word “swastika” rather than “hooked cross’ in English translations of Mein Kampf."

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I remember being shocked when I saw the swastika when I first went to Vietnam in 1969. I did not then know it was a widespread item of Mahayana Buddhist iconography. But the Buddhist version is not the hakenkreutz. It lies on one of its flat sides and faces left.

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Thanks for this information. I had read earlier about the history of the strong embracing of the occult significances in the Nazi beliefs, with Himmler mainly chairing the structure and operations of those influences. What I looked for in your article and did not see was how the swaztica was borrowed by the Third Reich but was reversed in the direction of the turn or spin; the opposite spin was called widdershins, meaning a reversal from the positive to the negative, or signifying evil instead of positive spiritual influence.

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JD cannot miss a chance to belittle women. This is who they are. The base eats it up #Aholes4tRump

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If Trump is the exigent threat to American lives he appears to be, then shouldn’t Joe Biden, now armed with the newly expanded presidential immunity and concomitant powers conferred by the Supreme Court, immediately order Trump taken into custody in accordance with domestic anti-terrorism law? I offer this mostly as a heuristic thought experiment, but just sayin’.....

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This is the inescapable imbalance of dealing with someone who has no integrity, compassion or principles. He is bound by no rule, including the rule of law, while Democrats continue to honor norms and laws. He cares for no one but himself and doesn't really believe in anything. This gives him incredible "flexibility" as well as immunity from accountability. November will be a test of how many Americans are accepting or ignorant enough to inflict this death blow on America.

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I was listening to a post by Martha Beck, a wise one for many. She'd read an article (NYT) in response to the "joy" expressed at the Democratic Convention. The writer said, "joy is not a strategy" in response. Martha Beck said in part, "there is no point to success unless there is joy." So true, and I choose joy over all the hatred spilling out.

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Not only does Donald Trump say he wants to imprison and kill a lot of Americans, but the gameshow host is surely planning to make a video spectacle of his highest-profile arrests, as his thugs march respected journalists and academics off in chains.

Oh the ratings!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

Should Trump become president and try to effect such crimes, no Supreme Court immunity will protect him against the existential wrath administered by Americans pushed past their limits.

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Yet, despite Trump’s outrages and incompetence, he has a lock on 67% of the #scotus vote, which may be enough to make him ruler for life.

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If Trump wins, there will be millions of uninformed and gullible Americans who will suffer under his tyrannical rule along with the rest of us. We will know we tried to prevent the horror. They will ask themselves how this could happen in America. Many will come to realize they brought it on themselves...and the rest of us...and the world.

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Maybe I’m uneducated and.and don’t know my American history, but JD Vance doesn’t seem any worse to me than any other Republican politician these days. Male or female, they are ALL odious. Is that “bench” the best that the Republicans can put together?

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Jd Vance is out of line telling Kamala where she can go. He’s out of line in questioning Tim Walz’s 24-year service record. Both JD and Donald are unfit to serve in the White House.💙🇺🇸

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