Ron DeSantis has worked so hard to capture the MAGA vote that he has totally lost all the non-MAGA folks. As Steve sort of says, he's a rock and rocks don't rise on their own. I think the people in Florida have heat stroke to vote that guy into office. If you want to see the nation slide into the Atlantic, vote for this fool. Or you can vote for the other guy if you want to see your country destroyed that way. He's a traitor, but Hey you still like him. Listen to some interviews with Trump supporters. They don't even know what he has done to make the country better (nothing). Really watch any of them being asked a question. It's frighteningly amazing that we even have to let these people vote. OK, they are disconnected lonely people who found a group they can call friends, I get that. They need to find another group. One that will improve their lives, maybe start with a book reading group.
We have been watching the 2nd oldest political party descend into fascism & the MSM has nothing to say about it. Where are all the diner conversations about GOP extremism & their abandonment of democratic principles? Why are the GOP primary voters so hungry for cruelty over competence? I can’t be the only one interested in the answers to these questions, so why has they been left unexamined for so long by the 4th estate?
Damned good question! Is legacy MSM as corrupt as any sniveling go-along to get-along Republican politician? It would seem so as in “corporate media” where the former controls the latter.
I have never ever had a good thought regarding De Sant. I do not like anything about him nor anything about Florida either for that matter of late. I believe that his show is Defuror on steroids and look forward to his excuses for leaving the campaign trail of broken tears.
If an ocean comes to Iowa, better watch out! The earth is probably drowning!
There doesn't appear to be any good prospects for president on the Republican side. I like to think we will sweep them in 2024 because of their extremism. I just cannot believe the majority of Americans want to be dictated to on what their beliefs and values MUST be according to one evil faction of the population. I sure hope I'm right.
I have no hope that GOP voters are going to wake up and understand the fascist path they are voting for.
Yesterday I participated in my NH community yard sale, during which I had two political conversations, prompted by my VOTEBLU license plate. One gentleman commented that he liked my license plate and my stickers, then proceeded to say that he had recently changed his registration from Democrat to Independent, and proceeded to badmouth everything about the President Biden. 🤔
The other was a Trump supporter, who commented on how terrible everything was because of Biden-higher prices, inflation- then pointed out all the times Biden had fallen or tripped. As usual with Trumper's, she wasn't interested in any facts about global inflation or how the US inflation is improving. Unfortunately, these individuals only believe what the RW media & politicians feed them, and there is nothing you can say to change their closed minds!
I hear you. I am scared too. Hard-core MAGAs will never listen, you are right about that. My hope is that Republicans who aren't extreme (there must be some 🤔) and independents will have enough clarity to see how voting for a Republican will adversely affect them. We do need to point out Republicans' hypocrisy and lies every chance we get. MAGAs don't think for themselves, though. I believe they've been brainwashed. It's sad and awful and dangerous. Trump radiates evil, as do MAGAS.
DeSantis crash and burn is good to observe from the sidelines. Not just a terrible campaign but two new pieces of legislation: not recognizing some out of state driver’s licenses and ending perpetual alimony should make most people run for the exits.
While you only mentioned Blizzards from the Iowa visit, I’m still scratching my head over yesterday’s Nevada rally where he discussed Nevada and beachfront property in the same sentence. Do we have a visitation from the early 1970’s when the mystics prophesied California would fall in the ocean? Or is it a reverse version of Goldwater sawing the East Coast off the US map *
In either case, they’re both somewhere where reality does not exist
* my kind husband just mentioned something about Batman, Lex Luthor and blowing up the San Andreas fault for Las Vegas beachfront.
Michael, I hate to tell you, but in NC we have a hateful Republican legislature with a gerrymandered supermajority. Guess what kind of legislation they pass?
For work, retirement, or other? My knowledge of NC was gained a bazillion years ago when I was in a touring theatre company, and we spent 3 months touring most of the Southern states - which, coming from California, felt like a whole 'nother country. In NC, I met WONDERFUL people! Enjoy!
Maybe Casey One -Ass-Is will run in his stead- she embroiders his shirts with his appellation so he won't wear her burlesque stab at Camelot. She is clawing-at-her-face desperate for the throne; we will likely see another eyebrow-raising pivot from the missus mcGlovesly before it's totally pin-dropping over.
Will dark horse no mattress label shift behind someone known, prop up Sen Robert F like a Weekend at Bernie's revival?
I can’t stop reading, then rereading your comment. You’ve captured the missus perfectly, including her desperation. I do hope the (painted on) eyebrow-raising comment was intentional, the icing on the cake, as it were🤣😂🤣
I love it. Dropped rocks don't bounce, that is all I like about the DeSantis campaign. Never mind that he is not a good politician because he isn't even a good human being. He is a playground bully and not a very good one at that. He constantly needs to go running back to mom for protection of having his face shoved in the sand. He's the type who will take his ball and go home if he doesn't get his way. Go home Ron, the other kids would rather not play than play by your rules.
All fine and agreeable , but what does the DNC do with all the monitary donations? Advertising on prime time TV anout Democratic, Bidenonimics, and other great things should start now . Not two weeks before elections. The seeds of knowledge, faith and good need to be planted! Offense not defense . Why give the magats all the publicity ?
“Everything has his name stamped on it. What is that? It’s bizarre and I don’t like it.” 🤣🤣 too funny Steve! Reminds me of how we used to label our clothes so we wouldn’t lose them at summer camp. Maybe the missus monograms them to keep him from losing his shirt on the campaign trail. And “deTitanic” 🤣🤣🤣
Could also be so that either (i) if he gets lost, someone can send him to the right place (hell) or (ii) in case he forgets his name, all he has to do is look at his shirt.
As a Canadian, I'm grateful for your serious look and commentary on the awfulness that is Trump and the MAGA movement. That being said, From DeTitanic to a Blizzard made me laugh and I thank you for bringing some levity to such a dire moment in American history.
Can someone interview the cop shaking DeSantis’ hand in the picture of the cute boots? We need a firsthand account of how the pudding fingers feel. Clammy? For sure. Moist puddin’ fingers. Ew.
Ron DeSantis has worked so hard to capture the MAGA vote that he has totally lost all the non-MAGA folks. As Steve sort of says, he's a rock and rocks don't rise on their own. I think the people in Florida have heat stroke to vote that guy into office. If you want to see the nation slide into the Atlantic, vote for this fool. Or you can vote for the other guy if you want to see your country destroyed that way. He's a traitor, but Hey you still like him. Listen to some interviews with Trump supporters. They don't even know what he has done to make the country better (nothing). Really watch any of them being asked a question. It's frighteningly amazing that we even have to let these people vote. OK, they are disconnected lonely people who found a group they can call friends, I get that. They need to find another group. One that will improve their lives, maybe start with a book reading group.
Apt description of Maga folks in this gem of a reply, Jerry!
Great reply!!
We have been watching the 2nd oldest political party descend into fascism & the MSM has nothing to say about it. Where are all the diner conversations about GOP extremism & their abandonment of democratic principles? Why are the GOP primary voters so hungry for cruelty over competence? I can’t be the only one interested in the answers to these questions, so why has they been left unexamined for so long by the 4th estate?
Damned good question! Is legacy MSM as corrupt as any sniveling go-along to get-along Republican politician? It would seem so as in “corporate media” where the former controls the latter.
The two leading GOP 2024 candidates for POTUS are clowns! What a circus!
I have never ever had a good thought regarding De Sant. I do not like anything about him nor anything about Florida either for that matter of late. I believe that his show is Defuror on steroids and look forward to his excuses for leaving the campaign trail of broken tears.
If an ocean comes to Iowa, better watch out! The earth is probably drowning!
There doesn't appear to be any good prospects for president on the Republican side. I like to think we will sweep them in 2024 because of their extremism. I just cannot believe the majority of Americans want to be dictated to on what their beliefs and values MUST be according to one evil faction of the population. I sure hope I'm right.
I have no hope that GOP voters are going to wake up and understand the fascist path they are voting for.
Yesterday I participated in my NH community yard sale, during which I had two political conversations, prompted by my VOTEBLU license plate. One gentleman commented that he liked my license plate and my stickers, then proceeded to say that he had recently changed his registration from Democrat to Independent, and proceeded to badmouth everything about the President Biden. 🤔
The other was a Trump supporter, who commented on how terrible everything was because of Biden-higher prices, inflation- then pointed out all the times Biden had fallen or tripped. As usual with Trumper's, she wasn't interested in any facts about global inflation or how the US inflation is improving. Unfortunately, these individuals only believe what the RW media & politicians feed them, and there is nothing you can say to change their closed minds!
For me, it gets more frightening everyday!
I hear you. I am scared too. Hard-core MAGAs will never listen, you are right about that. My hope is that Republicans who aren't extreme (there must be some 🤔) and independents will have enough clarity to see how voting for a Republican will adversely affect them. We do need to point out Republicans' hypocrisy and lies every chance we get. MAGAs don't think for themselves, though. I believe they've been brainwashed. It's sad and awful and dangerous. Trump radiates evil, as do MAGAS.
DeSantis crash and burn is good to observe from the sidelines. Not just a terrible campaign but two new pieces of legislation: not recognizing some out of state driver’s licenses and ending perpetual alimony should make most people run for the exits.
While you only mentioned Blizzards from the Iowa visit, I’m still scratching my head over yesterday’s Nevada rally where he discussed Nevada and beachfront property in the same sentence. Do we have a visitation from the early 1970’s when the mystics prophesied California would fall in the ocean? Or is it a reverse version of Goldwater sawing the East Coast off the US map *
In either case, they’re both somewhere where reality does not exist
* my kind husband just mentioned something about Batman, Lex Luthor and blowing up the San Andreas fault for Las Vegas beachfront.
We are running for the exits, in 17 days to be exact.
Good luck with your relocation.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but what happens in 17 days?
We'll be leaving Florida for good.
Lol. That completely went over my head. I thought you were referring to a major event for all Floridians.
Good move!😎
Where to?
North Carolina.
Michael, I hate to tell you, but in NC we have a hateful Republican legislature with a gerrymandered supermajority. Guess what kind of legislation they pass?
Thanks. Yeah, I'm aware.
So many things to like about NC. (To think positively 😊)
Can't wait!
For work, retirement, or other? My knowledge of NC was gained a bazillion years ago when I was in a touring theatre company, and we spent 3 months touring most of the Southern states - which, coming from California, felt like a whole 'nother country. In NC, I met WONDERFUL people! Enjoy!
There's a conspiracy theory that the New Madrid Seismic Zone has been ready to blow for a few years now. That fault cuts just south of Iowa. lol
Seriously. Doonesbury today.
Omg! So true!
Maybe Casey One -Ass-Is will run in his stead- she embroiders his shirts with his appellation so he won't wear her burlesque stab at Camelot. She is clawing-at-her-face desperate for the throne; we will likely see another eyebrow-raising pivot from the missus mcGlovesly before it's totally pin-dropping over.
Will dark horse no mattress label shift behind someone known, prop up Sen Robert F like a Weekend at Bernie's revival?
Nature abhors a vacuum....
What about the vacuous hole that is the GOP?
I can’t stop reading, then rereading your comment. You’ve captured the missus perfectly, including her desperation. I do hope the (painted on) eyebrow-raising comment was intentional, the icing on the cake, as it were🤣😂🤣
A bit of Sunday morning levity!
RFK Jr — frightening as all he could possibly manage to do is decrease vote total for Biden...
The "Tallahassee Mussolini". LOL!!!
I love it. Dropped rocks don't bounce, that is all I like about the DeSantis campaign. Never mind that he is not a good politician because he isn't even a good human being. He is a playground bully and not a very good one at that. He constantly needs to go running back to mom for protection of having his face shoved in the sand. He's the type who will take his ball and go home if he doesn't get his way. Go home Ron, the other kids would rather not play than play by your rules.
Little Meatball all beef.
All fine and agreeable , but what does the DNC do with all the monitary donations? Advertising on prime time TV anout Democratic, Bidenonimics, and other great things should start now . Not two weeks before elections. The seeds of knowledge, faith and good need to be planted! Offense not defense . Why give the magats all the publicity ?
“Everything has his name stamped on it. What is that? It’s bizarre and I don’t like it.” 🤣🤣 too funny Steve! Reminds me of how we used to label our clothes so we wouldn’t lose them at summer camp. Maybe the missus monograms them to keep him from losing his shirt on the campaign trail. And “deTitanic” 🤣🤣🤣
Could also be so that either (i) if he gets lost, someone can send him to the right place (hell) or (ii) in case he forgets his name, all he has to do is look at his shirt.
Steve, each time you use the picture of Rhonda Santis in his white go-go boots, it makes me laugh! Thanks for the Sunday morning funnies!
As a Canadian, I'm grateful for your serious look and commentary on the awfulness that is Trump and the MAGA movement. That being said, From DeTitanic to a Blizzard made me laugh and I thank you for bringing some levity to such a dire moment in American history.
Can someone interview the cop shaking DeSantis’ hand in the picture of the cute boots? We need a firsthand account of how the pudding fingers feel. Clammy? For sure. Moist puddin’ fingers. Ew.