Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

I am rereading your “What Happened” from August 21st and also reading “Citizens of London” by Lynne Olson you are recommending. As I am trying to understand the Ukraine war and Trump’s fascism, the story you are putting together begins to make sense now. The urgency of your statement that if the freedom surrenders and the American experiment ends, there will be no liberators this time, because of thousands of Trumps and millions of us co-conspirators. It will be a tragedy of epic proportion, especially for the developing nations aspiring to become democracies. The cost of resisting fascism is great but the cost of not stopping them is unimaginable.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Sadly accurate, and given the apathetic state of much of the electorate (and if you're reading Steve's substack, that obviously doesn't apply to you), it (a Republican/fascist win in 2022 and/or 2024) may be inevitable at this point. I'm incredibly disheartened at the lack of public alarm at what is going on.

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Thank you for explaining the differences between semi conductors and fascism. You got it right, this 21st century version of fascism maybe wrapped in a different package but it is undeniably fascism. It brings with it the brutality of violence to achieve their goals. We have Senators and Representatives warning of violence if their dear leader is held responsible for crimes against our great country. Too late Lindsey, we have already seen violence in our streets by supporters of the Malignant Orange One. We are a nation of law and order and when laws are broken there are prosecutions of those who disregard our laws. That is Democracy and thankfully we still live in a country who upholds these ideals.

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The problem is that, for most Americans, it is inconceivable that fascism is a real risk or threat to our democracy. Does our neighbor flying a Trump flag really support fascism? No. The neighbor has been convinced that Trump and his followers are going to restore our freedoms. But the underlying, subliminal message that Trump has tapped into is the fear of the loss of White supremacy associated with the Democratic Party’s vision of a truly pluralistic society and the inevitable result of a truly democratic system committed to equal rights, opportunities, and essential status for all races and religions.

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Thank you again, Steve. I learn something with each of your posts. Seriously, explain me this. Why would a Rubio or Cruz ( and any others ) think they will end up on the top of the food chain if Fascism ( or, Trumpism ) prevails? Under what psychopharmacologic delusion would MTG believe she will be a “ haves”. Trump is a perfect reminder of a narcissistic strain that can undercut any idea, person, or business on a whim. This is a truth. Thus, they are committing their children to a very uncertain and dismal future. Under fascist regimes the lot of those near the center of power is illusory, or temporal at best.

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Like so many of us I belong to a variety of email discussion groups who talk about politics. In one of these groups I commented that "I can imagine that there were lengthy discussions at the White House about whether the president should call republicans semi-fascists or fascists, and I said I would vote for calling them what they are, fascists." A response from another member of our group said that all name-calling should be dropped because it is not helpful to bringing us together. Then I read your piece today Steve and saw that it seems that once again I am on your side. Scary. But, I'm an optimist and believe that the American people will vote to correct all the republican bunkum (had to use that word) in the fall elections. If they don't, I will be so depressed, but not enough to keep me from speaking out and supporting democratic causes until the people do vote out the fascists. I will send this to my email group and advise them AGAIN to sign up for THE WARNING.

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Thank you, Steve. You called them out. Your description is chilling.

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I agree that there is no such thing as being semi-fascist, just like I’m not semi-fat. You either are are you are not. I do think it was a smart political move on Biden’s behalf, however. It forced the fascists to come out on the defensive (“I know you are but what am I?”). The upcoming elections will be won on the margins. The more educated Republicans who understand history and switch course by either not voting or voting for the Democrats will decide if the fascist movement is successful or not. Without power, it dies.

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Call them what they are, Steve. But let's all be prepared: Like the "deplorables" label against which MAGA and the GOP generally originally took offense but eventually embraced, soon they will embrace the label "fascist" as well, and be completely, nakedly unapologetic in that label and their goals - and a sizeable percentage of the American people (whether for reasons of self-interest, bigotry, or a pathetic need to belong to *something*) will be there right along with them.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Completely agree that we should name it what it is: fascism, not “semi” anything . In a forthcoming book, The 7 Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism (9/15, Roman & Littlefield), I call this evil aim & energy “christofascim.” I agree that unless we stop it — in 2022 and 2024– it will engulf and consume our democracy.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Totally agree with you Steve. While some folks use words such as “socialist” to malign their opponents inaccurately, you have shown why the term “fascist” is so appropriate and accurate here. And the truth does matter.

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I am concerned that polls that indicate that Americans are concerned about our democracy are being misinterpreted. The interpretation is biased by belief. We might interpret the meaning to be an awakening about the real threats to our democracy but the MAGA crowd is also claiming threats to our democracy (just look any of DJT’s recent comments). Might the recent polls be reflecting some of that rhetoric as well? If it does, which I think likely, we shouldn’t take too much comfort in those polls. We must educate ourselves and others and get out the vote.

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Many who live in the “Acela Corridor” and specifically are real DC residents (v temp ones) who exist without voting representation in Congress; who fear - rightfully - the powers of the current and future fascists in Congress (or SCOTUS or WH) ask that you separate us out. It’s like the generic use of “DC” for the Govt v people. Your subscribers are likely smart enough to know it; who fear past, current and future fascists; too many have no clue. My angst about now and Nov grows with every passing day.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Right now we fight these fascists with words, ideals, arguments, shining the light on these MAGA cockroaches in hopes they scurry away. But there may come a time when we must be prepared do more than just this. Not in offense, but in defense of our freedom and democracy. Well-meaning and fundamentally decent people quite understandably are shocked and appalled by the cruel violence, outrageous lies, and utter ruthlessness of the MAGA fascist threat. That makes it an asymmetrical war, and gives MAGA what appears to be an advantage because they will stop at nothing to gain power over a majority that is reluctant to stand up to them out of fear or caution or just a desire for peace at any price. But that is foolish wishful thinking and we must understand that we cannot defeat these people unless we are willing to fight them in the most American sense of that word, in defense of the Rule of Law and our Constitution and Democracy.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

One of your best.

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The fox is in the henhouse!

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