Exactly. When the polled in a poll are not identified by party affiliation or none at all, the results are open to interpretation. A poll is a statistical number. The polled individual is not abstract. Pollsters should include race also. And gender. And age. When "concern about democracy" is the question, what does it mean? What precisely is the concern about?
Yes. 21% saying they are "worried about democracy" does not mean WE are that 21%.
Exactly. When the polled in a poll are not identified by party affiliation or none at all, the results are open to interpretation. A poll is a statistical number. The polled individual is not abstract. Pollsters should include race also. And gender. And age. When "concern about democracy" is the question, what does it mean? What precisely is the concern about?
That is exactly my point. You said it better and more succinctly tban did I. Thank you.