It's been refreshing to view the recent Kamala Harris rallies. It was a pleasant reminder of the past with the politics of hope, new frontiers, and joy. Do we really want to return to four years of fake news, lies, hatefulness, and utter chaos? I found the Trump administration exhausting, every day filled with a new crisis, real or projected. Let's not go back.

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The Garfield speech was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that with us.

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You think Trump’s performance yesterday at the Black Journalist event was cringey? Wait till you see him one-on-one with Kamala, on stage, in front of the cameras. Unprepared as unusual, devoid of facts, this guy is going to lose it when a black and Indian woman calls him out to his face. It’s gonna be must-see TV!

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He will make sure he doesn't have to be on a stage with her; he's a coward extraordinaire!

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Let's see if Dems can shame him into participating. You know his enormous ego allows him to be manipulated

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His ego placed him in front of black journalists that called him on his lies. A scheduled one hour program was cut short because Trump was getting embarrassed so his handlers pulled him.

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Yes, Rachel Scott did not let his lies pass. CNN "moderators" hardly blinked when he spewed out lie after lie after lie. And he is reliably racist, even in front of a minority crowd. Such a despicable creep

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I really wish people would stop blaming & shaming Dana & Jake for their lack of pushback or fact checking. It was not their call, it was a decision by the management of CNN & it was made known to both candidate’s teams & to the public in advance of the debate.

I’m sure that both Dana & Jake had to use every ounce of their self control to keep from stepping in.

I know everyone wants to protect President Biden, to blame someone else for his failure, but he & his team were aware of the rules of the debate & that it would be up to each candidate to press their case & to correct lies as best they could, themselves.

I respect & admire our President, but he obviously was not up to the job of dealing with what we all knew would be coming from Trump; a loud, rude, veritable water cannon spewing constant lies. If you need to blame someone besides President Biden, then blame his campaign & his debate prep teams. They accepted the rules of the debate, they KNEW Trump’s MO, & apparently did a terrible job of prepping Biden on the best way to deal with that.

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Thank you Steve for sharing the Garfield speech.

I have ceased ro be amazed or surprised by anything he says or does. I wonder if he ever has the strength to listen to his own

ridiculous rants

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Hell no he doesn’t. In his mind, why should he watch/review his performance? He thinks he’s perfect, he doesn’t make mistakes, he never does anything wrong. He will never adjust his behavior, he will never apologize for anything, ever.

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He’s totally powered by rage already. He probably sees her face before him constantly. I can hardly wait to track his ratings, er, polls.

Now DoJ , FBI and state governments need to move to stop the steal.

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We best not count on DOJ under Merrick Garland, he has been a day late & a dollar short on everything since Day 1. State govts in Republican held states will do nothing to stop anything; in fact it’s going to be the county election officials, election denying Trump supporters, who are going to be the primary source of throwing this election to the courts.

The ONLY chance we have of this election not being handed to Trump by the scotus, is to have such enormous numbers of Dem votes that MAYBE, even the ones who we know are in the tank for Trump, will be embarrassed to do something so blatantly obviously corrupt.

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Trump will NEVER debate Harris! He cannot handle a bright, articulate and savvy woman to peel the skin off in public. Trump will continue his verbal slam of Harris at every opportunity and not ever face her. Trump is gone BIGLY time! He is over and out! Trump acted that way yesterday and got exactly what he deserved! No cheers! No welcome! No audience response! Trump cannot take that.

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I hope so. This is his forte arena, perhaps as critical an event as this could be might happen and make further solid gain for Harris. I don’t doubt her ability…we all know however how he can be evasively destructive..his forte for sure.

Thanks Steve, speaking of fortes …nice , concise, filled with that proven Schmidt spice 🫶

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“Recently, the MAGA House that desires to be the House of Trump voted to reestablish the Confederate memorial in Arlington National Cemetery where the enslaved mammy holds his child, and his slave faithfully follows him off to war to destroy the United States of America.”

So true Steve, and yet we heard Amber Rose stand up at the podium in Milwaukee, and tell American that the Trump party is a party of love, and she feels part of a wonderful community. She and Kanye must have done their own research, and clearly, they aren’t good at it!

Sure MAGA is a party of love; love of the KKK, confederate flags and memorials, women’s subjugation, and minorities knowing their place in this world.

Let’s just pray that the Trump train continues its implosion right up until the election, and 47 is the first female president of the USA. And from where I’m sitting, the plane is on course and on schedule…:)

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That Amber Rose speech was such a joke. What I’d really like to know is; do any of those “my beautiful Christians” those Evangelicals, who are going to ban & criminalize porn, know what Amber Rose does to make a living? Do they know that she produces porn on the Only Fans website?

I’m not judging what she does, but apparently those magas in that audience think that people like her should be in prison, so why do they think it’s okay for her to give a speech at their convention?

They whole maga movement is based in rank hypocrisy.

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“One way to know the difference between the good and bad ones is to measure how many are genuflecting towards America’s only orange person”….🙌😂

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James Garfield speech is truly beautiful!

Kamala's speeches have been uplifting, and energized. I want to continue to hear these speeches, to obliterate the orange sickness once and for all. Donald who?

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I believe it is actually DonOLD.

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Yes! That's so good!

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Much more pleasant to hear from a woman that loves America than a Mysoginist that hates America and it's Constitution.

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For sure!

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Steve, my family on my Dad’s side included my great great grandfather who founded in 1850 the first college west of the Mississippi River to admit women, Grand River College. When the Civil War started, he closed his college and went East to fight for the Union. My mother’s side was confederate and my great great grandfather had slaves and fought for the Confederacy and died in the Civil War. My grandmother who died in 1991 at the age of 92 was raised as a young child by a freed slave according to my Mother. I condemn my great great grandfather who committed treason against the USA and kept humans in bondage! In many many ways, the USA has not recovered from the Civil War that ended 160 years ago! Yesterday, the racist Trump kept up this legacy with his disgusting display of racism and anti-female attitudes. You are correct he knows he is losing and facing prison, but he does not care if he burns it all down as he goes down in flames!

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Steve, this is powerful from you once again. The words of President Garfield are awe inspiring and brought me to tears. The full racist hearts of more of our countrymen than we have realized will be appealed to over and over again these next 3 months. If this horrific and disgusting and vile spectacle does not awaken revulsion in the heart of my fellow Christians, as it should, we will all be living in

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That Garfield speech was electric. And ever so relevant today. Thank you for sharing that.

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When Trump references "Black jobs" he unwittingly reveals his racism. One who believes there are "Black jobs" is not referring to neurosurgeons or structural engineers. By "Black jobs," Trump means menial labor and undesirable employment at low wages, janitors, orderlies in hospitals, slaughterhouse workers etc., jobs often done by undocumented immigrants. The existence of "Black jobs" can only be explained in one of two ways:

a) Blacks are inherently inferior and only capable of doing low paid undesirable work requring minimal training and education.

b) As a result of slavery and the ensuing decades of personal and institutional discrimination, Blacks have been unable to reach higher paid more skilled jobs as easily as Whites.

Trump definitely sees choice -a- as the explanation.

Those of us who believe in giving minorities victimized by society in the past and who want to give them a hand-up through fair and sensible proactive legislation see choice -b- asthe explanation.

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“Black jobs” have waited on and served Trump his entire life! He knows fully what they are and what he is repeating to his “base.” Mar-a-Lago is served by them - inside and outside! Do not excuse Trump from that term - Trump is saying precisely what he means.

A Trump description and mean term! Let Trump continue using to show his colors! Trump is NOT color blind! Just a sample racist in the raw!

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Especially in the context of his comment. I'll paraphrase, but you'll get the idea as this is pretty close to word for word:

"The borders are a mess. They are coming across in the millions and millions. They're opening up their jails and insane asylums and sending them here. Our crime rates are going up and theirs are going down. They say it's 15, 16 million, but I think it's much higher. And they're coming here and taking black jobs." How many times in one day can I call this thing a despicable POS?

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Thank you, Steve, for your always enlightening and insightful work.

Folks need to wake up. Especially those somehow "undecided". Look, 40 out of 44 of his cabinet members have NOT endorsed him. The people he trusted the most and who saw him regularly if not daily, know this guy better than most and have yet to endorse him for another term. His VP has and will NOT endorse him.

His nephew, Fred, has come right out and said he supports Harris. And a little background on that. Fred has a son with a severe disability. TFG has helped pay for his care. The last time Fred approached him for money, TFG said, "He doesn't recognize you. Just let him die." Fred also champions disability rights and was at the White House when TFG was POTUS for a meeting with TFG and other disability rights advocates. After the meeting, TFG summoned Fred into the Oval Office where TFG stated, "Taking care of these people is too expensive. They should just die." Get a sense of who this POS is?

He's a liar, a criminal multiple times over, also a convicted felon who will be sentenced in September for all or most of his 34 felonies he was unanimously found guilty of, a racist, a misogynist, and possessor of a heart filled with hate and animus for anyone he views as "other". He's a despicable POS.

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Yet another outstanding example of hypocisy. Master Scam Artist Trump is "pro-life," only when personally and/or politically expedient. In his private life, he couldn't care less about others, as illustrated when he said to his nephew, in regard to his disabled son, "He doesn't recognize you. Just let him die."

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All true, Steve. All true. But Trump is not to be underestimated. He is the most dangerous criminal this country has ever seen.

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Steve: Thank you for quoting parts of President Garfield's speech. It was a wonderful history lesson amplifying what the Union owed to the Black population for its participation in the Civil War and contributions to the preservation of the Union. It is truly astonishing to see how the gop turned itself inside out from the days of Lincoln to the days of the grifter!

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Aug 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

A New Hope! A New Beginning! It’s time our country pushed this repugnant piece of garbage to sewer where he belongs!!

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Once again. you outdid yourself. Quoting Garfield was brilliant and uplifting. We have a distance to go to defeat the evils of MAGA, but now we can go forth, energized with hope and pride.

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I've heard people say they don't want a politician to be their president. I kind of know what they mean. I surely don't want a shyster to be our president. I like a free America.

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Or felon. Liar. Hater. Moron

Or demented felon. Demented liar. Demented hater. Demented moron

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