Do people care? I think they don’t know enough to care. Remember when Civics was removed from the curriculum? I loved Civics and learning how our government should work. Now that we are governed by corporation owned officials and lobbyists do so many of us feel invisible in this arena. How this evil media enabled man can keep this up vis-a-vis last nights ranting is stunning. I often repeat to myself, “Only the good die young.”

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Because of insufficient information & misinformation, many citizens live in the “MAGA Bubble” and give their unconditional support to Trump. Civics should be taught to ALL students at elementary, middle & high school levels. Thus, with the lack of accurate information, they believe the propaganda they hear from unreliable sources!

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Information is only what you accept it to be. Trumpers think we lack information too. The issue is precisely that propaganda works by substituting misinformation for reality while denying any opportunity to question it. This brings on violence and ultimately wars. Two incompatible versions of reality.

I would like to see the FCC reinstate the rules that governed broadcasters prior to Reagan's changes that allowed them to ignore their obligation to the truth. David Brock's book, The Repiblican Noise Machine tells the whole story of how that change fit into their overall plan to sweep away The New Deal and Civil Rights.

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This!! In total agreement.

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I still believe this is a conscious choice. My Republican family members deliberately avoid facts that don’t conform to their politics or create any kind of cognitive dissonance. “The Righteous Mind” explores this & posits we make judgments with our right brains (emotional) and use of left brains (reason) to justify our conclusions. It tracks.

Also, as a former teacher of government (grad requirement in CA), I used to warn my students that anyone presenting complex issues to them in simple terms was lying to them. I was open about my politics because I knew they’d be obvious & didn’t want to pretend otherwise, but encouraged them to challenge me and to disagree. I felt my most important job was to teach them to think critically and to question frequently. Even in a South LA public school classroom, students’ opinions and understanding were richly diverse and unevenly developed. But adult Americans fear ambiguity, uncertainty & cognitive conflict. They eschew critical thinking and are threatened by disagreement. That is what needs to shift.

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Yes, we need civics to be taught in our schools, but without CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS (which can be taught in all subjects, k-12 and beyond), we're doomed.

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Note: Steve's use of the image with the humming bird in it, yesterday, "what do you see?" and then applying that question to what is happening politically, is an excellent way of building creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills. As a middle-school teacher, I often used optical illusions to get students to experience and discuss different perspectives and viewpoints. It can be fun!

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You are exactly right!

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Civics---absolute need. Steve, we need a hand here. Who could put together the "How it works" series, or even the 5 second silliness in front of a You Tube video? Are these Instagram? Ads during sporting events?

Example---What is a grand jury? or Who is a citizen? (since Trump is proposing ending birthright citizenship) or Who can vote? Their non-partisan, they're factual (so no mis or disinformation). Thoughts?

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Trump is a threat to democracy. But the bigger threat is the American people supporting him. There are many theories for why that’s the case which include misinformation from social media, lack of civics in school, racial grievance, there’s a long list, but ultimately we have the government and leaders that we want.

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Thank you BillyN. Many theories but the elephant in the room is Globalization.

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I continuously shake my head at all the people who are defending a man who stole, refused to return, hid, and lied about possessing classified documents. it makes me sick to hear Republicans, who all know better, lie, twist facts and gaslight their supporters. Republicans want nothing good for people. Donald trump and MAGA are a threat to our freedom. I am watching, even though it scares me.

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Republicans have been doing this as long as I can remember. The only difference is the numbers and volume. There is one huge, important concept we are at war about, and that is autonomy. Literally one of the most highly celebrated things about the Enlightenment.

Conservatives, to varying degrees, reject autonomy. It is that simple. You do this when you put your faith in a higher power. Which is ultimately a personal decision. Belief is personal, forever and always. It resides in each individual’s head. We also all have an instinct to be followers. It likely served us well throughout human history and aided our survival. Who would question that it is usually an advantage to be attached to a powerful person?

Not accepting one’s own autonomy has consequences. Such as accepting that everything is out of one’s control. Even one’s own actions. Or that a higher power is going to swoop in and save us.

Conservatives have a deep need for confirmation of their beliefs. We all do to some extent. It’s more comfy that way. For evangelicals, God has to be real. But by definition, and by law, He is not. This causes deep personal conflict to many people. They’ve ceded their autonomy without understanding that they are giving up their own autonomy.

It feels good for them. The answers are easy to life’s biggest questions. Now, if only everyone would live this way, they start thinking. That idea usually gets exploited by violent men. We have history as proof. Individuals who have given away their autonomy usually continue to do so.

So conservatives are unusually intolerant. Sometimes belligerent. So are liberals, sometimes. But what we miss are that their arguments are not the same. Conservatives ultimately ask you to give away more of your autonomy in favor of group belief. They are the ones who burn books and ban things that should be up to individuals to decide for themselves.

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The other difference is this, and forgive my lengthiness. This is all addressed in our founding documents. It’s all there. This MAGA nuttery is the “rabble” of which they spoke. Not rooted in reason. Prone to violence. Directly opposed to the US government. Their rabble turned out to be fascists in other countries. Sometimes we call it that. Steve calls it what it is.

What the US has become, socially, is not a place they are able to easily live in. Their prejudices are far too many to allow for it. Seeing Pride flags causes them physical discomfort. Stress, worry, and eventually fear stoked by bad actors.

Eventually, they either enthusiastically or begrudgingly accept final solutions, which of course are not possible. We know this, those of us who think rationally.

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I agree. I honestly cannot understand the mindset. I know people who have no tolerance for anyone different. A neighbor of mine is Italian and has olive skin. Yet, he hates POC (along with Democrats and liberals). Loves trump, so you know the type. There's a lot of hate and anger going on in him. Toxic man. He was going to move to a southern state because, well, he has lots of grievances. I was truly hoping he would move south. Maybe then he'd understand how wrong and stupid is racism. Maybe not. These people are not interested in diversity or tolerance. Hateful people gotta hate. Horrible way to live, I would think.

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Donald, I find your explanation of 'autonomy' to be profoundly important and it creates a much needed context in order to see what is going on in a broader sense. Please keep sharing along these lines. It is a very good topic for self-reflection, too. Autonomy!

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Perhaps we should not look away, yet there is something self degrading about watching a caricature of a President, pretend to be President when he's not the President. The optics of his trip to the Court House was pure propaganda designed to make him to appear Presidential. At what point do we rise above his pettiness and speak plainly about the carnage his Presidency has left us? At what point do we stop being awed by the depth of his depravity? When will his defamation of all we hold sacred in America become the nightly topic of conversation? We do not need to feed his ego. We do not need to watch his every move. He delights in the attention. He turns that attention into fodder for his followers.

I disagree, we need to look away while speaking consistently and truthfully about why his name, his presence in the body politic and his inability to be a decent human being is why we won't show the dog and pony show.

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I'm with you, Rose. I get Steve's point, but I think watching him aggrandizes him.

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Yep. I prefer his campaign to own America be countered by members of our vast political spectrum reminding citizens there are plenty of Americans but only one America. Alt America does not exist.

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The problem with watching him be glorified is that he will suck up my energy away from productive acts. I can't watch any news anymore. I can only read and listen to commentators of my choosing: Schmidt, Richardson, Hubbell, Sykes. I am tired of being a watcher of corporate media. I won't turn away from the truth, but I won't be counted as a lemming.

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Do they see a threat, yes, but the threat is based on worldview. Was yesterday’s arrangement rule of law or banana republic. Your worldview dictates what you see and how you interpret

We need to focus on the rule of law. We need the bright light of truth to shine in all the dark MAGA places. Like in the wizard of Oz, Toto needs to pull back the curtain and expose the lie. Then those not paying attention can have a better view

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Yes. That’s exactly it. Think how many people chose not to vote even in 2016 or 2020. Do we assume they are still not paying attention? I was kind of reawakened in 2015 myself. Because I was busy cruising our capitalist playground, making money and saving for retirement like we are supposed to do. Helping make the economy churn. Wife, kid, soccer, etc. No time for current events.

But since then I’ve come to terms with having accepted the MSM rush to war and other disturbing, though not conspiracy-level, facts, for lack of a better term. Clearer understanding, although there is probably life experience and wisdom creeping in now above 50.

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I need to add that I was never a non-voter. Just an independent who always chose Democrats over Republicans. Roe v Wade was always my clear ideological break. As a teenager undergoing fundamentalist Christian K-12 education, around age 16 it hit me. Autonomy. The entire issue is about bodily autonomy for women.

For me, that issue no longer deserves argument. My position is based on reason and this weird concept of equality. But I remember my bubble being burst a couple times. It can happen to anyone.

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As always, thank you for your thoughtful commentary. However, I disagree with your condemnation of Jake Tapper for stopping the free coverage of Trump. He was showing his contempt for the "Trump show", and Trump's manipulation of the media.

Providing constant free coverage of Trump during the 2016 election season was a huge contributing factor to his election; especially when coupled with no one calling out his constant lies!

The recent CNN live Town Hall demonstrated that the MSM are, again, willing to allow lies, and disinformation, to be fed to the American people. This must stop!

The "bothsideism" must stop!

Not confronting the constant lies and disinformation is what's killing democracy!

I'm afraid that democracy is not going to survive the 2024 election.

The MSM is already giving more coverage to Biden's age, than his experience and the multitude of bipartisan bills that have been passed, and are helping the American people and the country.

As a longtime political volunteer, I can confirm that there are millions of people who don't read news articles, and aren't familiar with what laws are being passed on the State and Federal levels. The only information they consume is on social media or an evening "news" show... and, unfortunately, they vote based on this mis/disinformation. Once they've made up their minds, no amount of factual truth can change it. It's very distressing and doesn't bode well for the future of our democracy!

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Agreed. Tapper regained some of my respect when he refused to give him air time. Giving that horrible excuse for a human being air-time has not helped us.

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I too take him at his word. He will absolutely do everything he says, and more.

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There’s only one way out of all this shit. VOTE!!!

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And make sure that everyone in your circle of influence votes Blue!

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Jun 14, 2023
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Then we’ll have a Fascist government unfortunately.

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Dana, I believe this election will be the most strictly guarded election that has ever happened and from every angle possible.

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I DO believe that the majority of the American people care about what the lunatic orange traitor is saying to his idiot followers. The bigger problem is that the law abiding politicians aren't yelling it loud enough from the rooftops.

Everyone reading this...pause it, get on the phone, call your Representative and Senators, and demand they make forceful PUBLIC statements denouncing the orange traitors behavior, support the DOJ in it's efforts to hold him accountable, and stand by the rule of law and the Constitution. Tell them to set the record straight, and denounce all the lies floating around on twitter and elsewhere.

Tell them to Defend The Country!

And remind them that you vote!

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Hopefully, Trump and his tame Republicans will underestimate the determination of the rest of us. This is a fight we cannot afford to lose. The Democratic Party needs to step up as well. We are in the fight of our lives.

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Ok, great warning, but how? I’ve not turned my head for 7 years now. It’s the Never Trumper GOP’s and independents who must rise up publicly instead of just hiding in the weeds hoping for the savior of the party, which will not happen. When they realize Democracy is in their hands, perhaps we’ll see things happen towards the good.

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"They are a declaration of repudiation against reality, democracy and the rule of law. They are the ravings of a thug, who should be taken literally and seriously." Literally and Seriously, Louder for those in the back.

My feeble mind can't comprehend how so many people/Americans, support such a man. I dislike our form of government and justice however, it's the best of the worst. Trust me, I've lived outside the US for well over 25 years looking in, it's not perfect but it is something we should be able to make better together, if WE so choose. We'll never be able to work together on anything if we can't even grasp reality, or the difference between right, and wrong.

Rump has hated America for a very long time, how could he not from the way he treats US/us.

Every time I see those on TV spreading lie upon lie, I can only think of our enemies, laughing at what We have done to ourselves. You wouldn't see this type of split in any other country but ours.

Anyway, America, chicks are marching back home. Hate to say that, but history is a great teacher of what you shouldn't do.

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Zoom in on that chandelier-lit bathroom with our nation’s top-secret documents on the floor.

That’s the Constitution on the toilet paper roll.

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The toilet is nearly touching those boxes. Did DJT or Jared sit on that toilet while reading top secret U.S. intelligence? They sh*t on the United States of America and they just keep going and they use the Constitution as their toilet paper.

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I turned on the TV yesterday to watch this. Typically I have no TV on during the day, but do turn on Nicole Wallace at 4:00. The daytime programming on MSBC was a mess. It got better and by 8:00 I felt there was hope in news. I watched the motorcade and was astounded. I really didn’t understand why this was happening. My thoughts as I watched were why

are we giving this man far more respect than deserved. Who agreed to this? Why are we paying for this? An ambulance? Really?

I can’t contact my Rep, he is full on MAGA. So basically I have no representation. One Senator is an idiot and one may have some redeeming qualities, but not much. Read tweets going after Vance yesterday, admonishing him about not representing the people. He and the rest of them don’t represent the people, they do not care. This is not about representing the people, that is a lie, it is about them, only them and the power they hold or are seeking.

Not to be overlooked, Steve were the comments I read that DeSantis made yesterday. Between the two of them, Trump or DeSantis, not sure who freighters me the most.

TV will be off today. It’s not raining so I will head outside for some sanity.

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He’s out of his mind. Fucking scary though. He’s evil and seems to get more evil as time goes on. His wife doesn’t seem to care about what he does. His kids are missing.

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