Donald Trump aims to burn down the American republic. These were his words last night:
Yet another attempt to rig and steal an election. Political persecution straight out of a fascist or communist nation. The president, together with a band of his closest thugs, misfits and Marxists try to destroy American democracy.
And this:
I will appoint a special prosecutor to go after Biden and the entire Biden crime family.
I will totally obliterate the deep state. I am the only one who can save this nation.
They are a declaration of repudiation against reality, democracy and the rule of law. They are the ravings of a thug, who should be taken literally and seriously.
Trump delivered a war speech from his New Jersey golf club. His war is against the American people who defeated him, and the institutions that exist to preserve the blessings of liberty for us and our children.
The only people who can end this madness are the American people, but perhaps they don’t care.
They didn’t care about Donald Trump’s recklessness and disregard for the lives of America’s military personnel at Versailles in Little Havana.
Don’t look away from this moment. The threat is real.
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Do people care? I think they don’t know enough to care. Remember when Civics was removed from the curriculum? I loved Civics and learning how our government should work. Now that we are governed by corporation owned officials and lobbyists do so many of us feel invisible in this arena. How this evil media enabled man can keep this up vis-a-vis last nights ranting is stunning. I often repeat to myself, “Only the good die young.”
I continuously shake my head at all the people who are defending a man who stole, refused to return, hid, and lied about possessing classified documents. it makes me sick to hear Republicans, who all know better, lie, twist facts and gaslight their supporters. Republicans want nothing good for people. Donald trump and MAGA are a threat to our freedom. I am watching, even though it scares me.