Ten years.
Donald Trump has dominated American culture for a decade. His life’s work was seeking attention, and he succeeded in this space like no other American ever has. Trump is a walking, breathing spectacle, and for some reason, an accumulation of factors in the second and third decades of the 21st century, Americans — or maybe more precisely, American media — couldn’t look away.
They simply couldn’t stay away. When Donald Trump spread the racist birther conspiracy narrative against President Obama what should have been a repellent became an attractant. The loathsome Trump was a real-life reality character — simultaneously preposterous, grotesque, surreal, and yet utterly real. His stupidity had a tinge of humor and his ignorance, though disgraceful, was wondrous. Seeing it in the wild was the national equivalent of swimming with dolphins. It seems that everyone wanted a close up look.
Mostly people laughed at Trump until they didn’t. What happened is Donald Trump became dangerous. He became dangerous because the power he held was real, his animus was real, his malice was real, his incandescent ignorance was real, his idiocy was real, and he became a fascist, which is where the tide inexorably carried his movement.
Donald Trump stands for one thing: Donald Trump.
He disdains the American people, and sees more than half of the country as an enemy population which should have war waged against it.
Trump has made a hideous deal with a hypocritical wack pack of theocrats and weirdos who want to impose, control and take what they want, when they want in the name of God and the state. It’s a terrifying proposition, and every American woman should appreciate the degree to which their freedom is on the line.
When the freedom of one American is threatened, the freedom of all Americans is in danger.
This is why Trump must be defeated.
He tried to take something that wasn’t his to take.
He tried to steal something that wasn’t his, but rather belonged to 330 million Americans.
Trump tried to steal our present by betraying our past and taking our future.
We must say, “No.”
Trump must be defeated — bigly.
When he is, America can move forward again. The stench will fade soon enough, and Trump will fade away until, incredibly, no one remembers anything. It’s the American way.
There is small progress being made in North Carolina. Members of the faith community issued a statement about MAGA candidate Mark Robinson. I hope people in this state read the statement. Here is an excerpt:
As faith leaders, we can no longer allow this misrepresentation of God — and misrepresentation of Jesus. Faith leaders must stand together to offer a counter narrative. We cannot allow Robinson and Christian nationalists to shame, exploit, oppress and villainize our most vulnerable.
In coming months, we, as faith leaders, will be standing up for what we believe people of faith should consider when they vote this November in North Carolina. We take inspiration from the Gospel and progressive religious movements in our recent history. We must come together to define our values. This election is an opportunity to underscore that North Carolinians from all walks of life vote for acceptance over hate and peace over violence.
“When the freedom of one American is threatened, the freedom of all Americans is in danger. This is why Trump must be defeated.”
Well said Steve. I would posit the election is already lost; MAGA just hasn’t gotten the memo yet.
Kamala has “caught lightning in a bottle.” Everything is falling masterly into place. Inflation is down to 21’ levels, and we dodged a recessionary bullet. The grass roots movement is incredible and this nation is galvanized with hope and the chance of real “change.”
The Fed will lower interest rates by at least 25 basis points in September, although I believe it could be at least 50 basis points. This will rejuvenate the markets before an election, as 401k’s and IRA’s holders will be very relieved. Not to mention, first time homebuyers.
Additionally, illegal immigration at the border has also been reduced to pre-COVID levels, and Kamala still has the Immigration Bill to play; Trump nixed Langford’s bi-partisan bill to give him a better opportunity at winning the election. Not exactly a case for total chaos at the border.
Bottom line: all of MAGA talking points are disappearing into thin air daily. Coupled with Vance as a lame VP pick, and Trump’s ability to self-immolate, and we have the perfect storm for Trump emanating right before our eyes.
This truly is a thing of beauty! Watching Trump splash the kerosene all over himself, while his pitiful advisers watch his campaign implode in disbelief. Nothing is more satisfying than watching these morally bankrupt clowns snatch “defeat from the jaws of victory.”
Yes, I’m enjoying this schadenfreude moment, and all of you should as well. The election is all but over. The only chance Trump has is to steal the election. And this is where we need to spend our resources and capital; making sure that never happens…:)