Thanks Steve for posting the Jon Stewart clip. He does have a way with things.

I am going to disagree about who is the threat. I think it is our fellow citizens. We can expect 70 million or more to vote for the MAGA Fascist. Why is that? Are they that disgusted with this country?

Same is true for the possible VP choice of Vance. Why would 2.2 million Ohioans prefer him to Tim Ryan? And here in North Carolina, after he said that a woman deserved to be physically beaten, Mark Robinson was elected Lieutenant Governor by 2,856,000 North Carolinians.

I find considerable sleepless nights not so much about Trump or Mark Robinson, but about the people, knowing what they do, who still cast their lot with them.

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With enormous regret, I agree, that the problem is with the American public, or as you point out, those so easily duped by the leaders of the MAGA/Qanon, fascist, Christian Nationalist movement. How they can consistently vote for those who will not operate in their interests but in the interests of the 1% who use religion and stir up fear of "others," from immigrants and Muslims to LGBTQ people and Jews to control them, is beyond me.

When I taught World History, I used to explain Hitler and the appeal of the Nazi movement, torchlight parades, speeches with the masses shouting Nazi salutes in unison, by referencing the fact that we all have a little attraction to fascism. At a high school football game as a leader shouts give me an "S" and the crowd roars back "S" (or whatever the first letter is in the name of your high school) there is a very satisfying feeling of unity, pride, and power. We feel strong, excited, and better than the other team and its supporters. When that feeling becomes nationalism in its most extreme form people look to a leader to unite them, give them exciting spectacles emphasizing their power, calm their fears and guarantee to restore their pride.

The ascendancy of extreme nationalism centered on a godlike leader, inevitably leads to catastrophe.

But, Jupiter almighty, DONALD TRUMP!!!!

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I wish I knew where the answer to solving this problem lies. I don’t. We can point to things like hopelessness, or feeling abandoned by the political class, or education that was not competent. But I am not even sure about all of that.

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I myself am 83, and am in full command of my faculties. But it is nonetheless going to be difficult for me to leave the country, which is what I want to do if Trump is reelected.

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Me too

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Alot of it has to do with profound ignorance which imo has nothing to do with ones education. There are many Trumpers with enviable Ivy League degrees who believe T has what it takes to be potus. A person's upbringing also plays a significant role in who they are as an adult.

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I mean I agree with you but then if we know that the people are going to vote for the fascist then we need to put out someone younger and more with it so that we have the best chance to win and Biden clearly is not it by just looking at the polls.

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I have been saying that.

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I likewise agree that the fundamental problem is the American public. The only solution that I see is to simply abandon the country for somewhere else. Where that is is an open question.

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I’m getting too old for a major move, but I know a couple of people with plans to leave. My concern has always been that we talk about the threat as if it is in a vacuum. But it is not. The reality is, people will vote for it. Perhaps in sufficient numbers to win. We have to find out why people are turning away from the country.

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I am 70 years old and retired. Moving is not something I want to do, but I honestly don’t feel like an American anymore; roughly half the electorate is willing to chose a profoundly immoral felon and sexual assaulter as dictator. Canada is looking better and better to me.

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With all respect, John, "We have to find out why?" It's perfectly clear. (1 The treacherous Supreme Court. (2 The lack of responsiveness of the Democratic Party to working-class and lower-middle-class concerns. (3 A gerontocracy that is clearly not what people want to govern the US. (4 Endless wars. Americans are sick of them, but again ( #2 ) both parties are unresponsive. Want me to go on?

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I agree. And it is sad to think they believe a con man from Manhattan will improve their lives

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You bet. Fully a third of Americans are ignorant and stupid.

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Totally agree 💯

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John, I write to pick up on your opening remark regarding the Jon Stewart clip, highlighting a bit of his commentary followed by expressing Stewart’s distinctively different impact on my thinking.

Sensing the majority of Democratic leaders still appear publicly to be standing by Biden or at least starting to accept the fact he’s not going anywhere, at least for now, Stewart provokes us to question whether the only choice with which we’re left is to set aside Biden’s obvious weaknesses and to “white-knuckle…through…[an insufferable] existential fight for freedom and democracy…until November.” Or, might we, instead, take our cues from a 12/06/23 exchange, wherein Biden was asked, “Do you think there is any Democrat who can defeat Donald Trump other than you?” Biden’s answer: “Probably 50 of them.”

Given the election still is nearly 4 months away (and the Convention over a month away), I urge that we refuse to accept that staying the course is the best we can do. If our elected officials persist in stepping down from speaking truth, are we to sit and watch and wait or take matters into our own hands, rejecting as we always have that democracy operates from the top down and, instead, insisting that it operates from the inside, from bottom up from citizens?

My point, given the stakes, is that I remain convinced that our Party is capable of emerging from an open convention energized and unified. Obviously, we need leadership to help pull this off. Steve, any thoughts as to getting us started?

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Barbara, your thinking mirrors mine. As much as I don’t wish to have any difference with anyone on our goal of defeating Fascism, I fear that we’re heading into a potential catastrophe with keeping things as they are. Some polling I believe is okay to trust. Polling that indicates both candidates are having trouble with voters because of their age and cognitive problems tells me we should attempt to put that issue entirely on the other side. We’re not speaking well to the future by keeping this obvious challenge in place on our side.

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John, At present, I can’t think beyond Thursday’s press conference, which I view as a high stakes moment. My hope, in the interest of trying to save our democracy, is that we all can come together on the other side to determine how we put our best foot forward.

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I also fear a lot of voters may sit this thing out, which is bad, too. A new energized and more youthful ticket could get those folks to the polls. Joe is right — there are probably 50 Democrats who could win.

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It would be Chaos!!!

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Linda, Given where we are, I believe that highly qualified candidates battling for the nomination would galvanize a level of energy that would outweigh whatever chaos would ensue. I also expect, given the stakes, our Party would emerge unified from the Convention. Of course the ultimate decision rests with Biden, who is the only one who can release his delegates.

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I wish that were reality...but human nature takes over. Anyone who has not been fully vetted by now is like opening Pandoras Box...Why do people always have to be "Galvanized" especially when the stakes are so clear...monies go quickly and have to be used wisely ...closest distance between two destinations is still a straight line...If I were drowning and there were 2 boats...one spanking new but far away and one visually old boat nearby...which one I would take is probably the same as your decision...It is too difficult to change course when all you are dealing with is an aging President who has done everything right and one really bad night...with a Monster we also know! I still say...UNIFY!

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Linda, The meandering debate performance was not an isolated episode. The Biden team’s reason for scheduling the debate was to dispel doubts that instead were reinforced.

Staying with your boat metaphor, suffice it to say I’m weary of the leak requiring we bail out water faster than it’s rushing in. That said, because I view Thursday’s press conference as a high stakes moment, I imagine leadership that currently is standing with Biden will be impacted one way or the other.

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This is exactly it, John. As I see it, the only solution is to partition into two countries, one a patriarchal white supremacist Christian theocracy ruled by a strongman, and the other a liberal democratic republic. Sad to say, this partition won't be finally effected without violence.

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With respect, I became aware of you from your days with the McCain campaign. I learned more about you from your contributions on MSNBC, with the help of the book Game Change and the following Film. I became a supporter of The Lincoln Project because of you unilaterally. When it was announced I donated $50, bought a poster and the rest as is often said is history. I have read your many anti Trump tweets, including an intimately reviling tweet, before you started The Warning, I responded to that one reviling tweet by saying that I could intimately relate, that I was with you. I have read every single posting of The Warning. I will not pretend to possess any such acumen as yours vis-á-vis politics, it is an animal to which I do not really grasp in its nuance and detail. It is why I follow those such as yourself.

Over the years, to the degree that I can recall it all, pushing 70 with a shitty recall ability, I have been taught, enlightened and educated by you in immeasurable ways. However, since the disaster of the debate, if that is what it shall be called you have pointed to reason after reason as to why President Biden should step down. But what I have not heard or read are detailed strategic solutions for what you believe should or could be done next to prevail in November. Only broad strokes of switching nominees. It appears you are simply observing that this is a shitty situation and Dems must figure out what to do. Then you put it out to us, The Warning community, for discussion and a weigh in.

Well, you are the expert political strategist, you are who we turn to for these kind of solutions. I've seen you on that MAGA podcast, I know you know how to hold yourself out. I also know what you mean when you mention that you are from New Jersey. When I met you in Palm Springs and asked if you were in touch with the Biden campaign you responded by saying " We're yelling at them." Well what exactly are you yelling at them? And when are you et. al. going to bully your way into the inner circle and help develop the afore mentioned "detailed strategic solution"?

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Steve, what is embarrassing is the hysteria by the media. I feel embarrassed as an American. The Pres. was sick and had a bad night. Full stop. Please let’s move on. I’m proud of President Biden and all of his accomplishments. It’s disgraceful that this comedian would cherry pick when the President got confused on names. When you get older this is what happens. I don’t care. But with Age comes experience and wisdom! I like his experience and wisdom. Past is prologue. I’m voting for Biden which means more jobs for the American people, energy independence, the continuation of the rebuilding of America’s infrastructure, bringing home micro computer chip manufacturing, strengthening NATO which protects America, Protecting a woman’s choice. Also one thing that goes unreported are his appointments. He has appointed the best and the brightest to his Administration- Secs Blinken, Austin, Yellen, Pete, Granholm, etc. And of course placing Justice Jackson on the Supreme Court!

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Yes...Agreed! All of this time wondering if Biden will stutter is shameful...It is time to move on and start supporting the guy everybody said couldn't win last time...and did! It's also ...not a He but a We ...Unity...the only way to the finish line first...It's also not just Biden...but Biden-Harris a great ticket to keep our Democracy...another part of the deal...are the Voters...they are equally responsible...the ball is in their court...Democracy vs Autocracy...simple as that!

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I really don’t think it is realistic to change horses at this late moment in the race unless Biden steps down which he had made clear he will not do and unless a consensus candidate materializes which will never happen especially in the short amount of time left. There is no backroom full of Democratic Bosses who are going to make this happen. I appreciate your writing but it is not helpful to be gushing panic when you certainly must recognize it won’t cause the desired changes. We all know older people who have had good brains but now have a few misses. If it gets worse there is a Veep and she is a lot more competent than Sarah Palin in her best day. Let’s all focus on how dangerous Trump is and how destructive a second term for him would be for us and why the mainstream media is so focused on advancing him. I think we are experiencing the reality of the vast right wing conspiracy. We must unite behind the Biden ticket like it or not in order to save our nation.

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Well said...as I believe the same! Thank you ...for your time and sensible thoughts.

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What a MESS! I am 75 and have never seen an election anything like this one. I have also never been so afraid for this country. Throughout history, the great civilizations have seemed to last roughly 200 years. I sincerely hope that we can do better than that, but all I am seeing now is fighting and arguing and so many different opinions that I am getting frustrated. I applaud the French for choosing the option that they did and sincerely hope that we can also continue to set a good example for the rest of the world when the election actually happens.

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You are right...Unify!

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Pray you are wrong and stop pointing out the negative. Truth is what gets said enough. Stop stating the problem and start turning what is into winning

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He’s not being negative. He’s being realistic. Joe is not seen as a viable option for many many people.

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It is merely his opinion...2020 had many naysayers and this is so much worse...I believe we will have a unification only I wish it were sooner than later.

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And for many many reasons

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People need to see the most important issue and talking about anything else is a waste of time

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Love it...I know there are so many more who believe the same! Thank you!

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What can we say? The darkness has won and everyone is resigned to it. Not just shameless Republicans, but Democrats, too, have been architects of their -and America's - demise. I fear for my grandchildren, especially the girls, even more especially for the one with congenital physical issues.

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I am glad that I have no children, for their sakes.

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Don't give up the ship....Just Vote!

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If only it were that easy. The electoral map is deteriorating every day, which threatens a full GOP takeover of everything. Meanwhile Democrats are paralyzed.

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Holy Cow!!!

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Biden must go. At this point, no one is even registering anything he says because they are either struggling to decipher his mumbles and word salad..more like word cole slaw..or they are stressing over what gobble-de-gook will come out of his mouth next. And the guy wants to be president for 4 more years! Ridiculous.

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I strongly disagree! Joe Biden has been an EXCELLENT President and I continue to believe the Dems will win in November and take the house and retain the Senate. Go read Project 2025 and see how you like it.

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The fact he was an excellent president is irrelevant. We’re talking about the next four years!

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When looking to hire someone or evaluate them, the rule is past behavior is the best indication of future behavior. Do you know what to expect in future behavior?

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Not when the potential hiree has dementia! There's also the qualifier in investing that "Past performance does not guarantee future results.”

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No one will care about the next four years if Trump Wins...so now we have to think about the next four months and Vote...be a messenger to others...appreciate the last 3 1/2 years...it is in our hands to spread the word...It is not over ...it is only the beginning! And yes, he was and is an excellent President...we owe is too him and ourselves!

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Unfortunately, it is not people like us who will determine the winner. It will be the much more numerous ill-informed folk who vote based on appearance rather than substance. That is why Biden will surely lose.

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We need to worry about the next 4 months...and put all our resources into that time to define the differences...and there are very strong differences...When skiing I only look down as far as I can see!! A safe way to bet...Biden - Harris Ticket is the only Winner as of now...tried and true... against the danger we already know ...only worse! Anyone sitting on the sidelines worry about whether Biden can lead for the next 4 1/2 years had better think about the next 4 1/2 years with Trump...that should solve the decision! Define our UNITY!

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If his handlers govern, OK. If not, no. Look at the mess he created in regard to Gaza, both morally and politically. This lost him Michigan, and without Michigan he is almost certainly going to lose.

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Oh. And of course that also owed to his super-Zionist handlers.

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This is a space for disorganizers, without any solutions. You’ve been suckered into believing what the media has fed you.

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Jul 9
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Division is the goal of Putin, Trump, Orban etc. Split the vote so that MAGA minority carries the most of the least. Trances, put them in trances

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How many Democrats, the voting majority, adding in Independent Never Trumpers and former Republicans, are willing to abandon the Constitution and our democracy if the choice is between Biden/Harris and Trump/sycophant? How many of them no longer see the threat to our very way of life ifTrump is elected? Will they just stay home and let Trump win? Have the numbers away from the Democratic ticket radically shifted? People stuck with Reagan for a second term when he was largely incapable of leading the country and already had Alzheimer’s Disease, which he later died from.

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There is some debate about Reagan's diagnosis. Even if possibly early onset or symptomatic, he wasn't formally diagnosed until 1994, a full 10 years after being re-elected. That said, there was no Internet, SM, algorithms, and even cable TV and news was basically still in its infancy. People read newspapers. I made this comment the other day: FDR didn't even have to deal with TV. Different world altogether, so really hard to compare.

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Exactly! I believe the voting numbers will be staggering...of course Trump won't believe them...they better keep their "Stop the Steal Shirts" ...Not funny but we do need a little humor.

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Within the last hour, it's looking like Biden and his defenders will prevail. I honestly thought leadership (including Obama, Clyburn and Jeffries) would have given him "the talk", as they did with Nixon. We live in a different time, where everyone's personal calculus trumps logical and ethical behavior. It feels like a most unwise capitulation.

Come November, should Biden win, I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

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Biden is not Nixon. I trust the folks near to Biden.

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Nothing to prove...just VOTE! He will win!

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I agree the writing isn’t helpful at all

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No it isn’t helpful at all. Serves only to frighten and worry.

Easy to be critical not so easy to find and implement changes and solutions

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America wants democracy and that’s only issue that should be on our mind

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Nearly half have proven that they don't. And most of that group don't view TFG as the threat to democracy, but Biden.

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Something I assume , right or wrong it’s a consideration.

All polling usually consists of a phone call to someone who’s asked to reply to a list of questions that will be used to guess the outcome of something .

It can be a multitude of different subjects and in addition to yes or no or selecting a person or subject . Depending upon the database used to select who to call to respond it will include those interested enough to respond.

You can use a list of known people such as political interests, gender , occupation , income and almost an endless number of options. The results are affected by time if day , weather, mood , health and again an almost endless amount of things that people experience.

So !

The group is selected the contact is made either by clicking keys on a phone or by talking to someone. The end result is supposed to be an indication of near fact dependent upon a multitude of variables.

All the above is my opinion, absolutely no knowledge, experience or anything suggesting anything I wrote is factual . It’s only my guess of how polling is done or should be done.

My bottom line is polling is represented as something helpful in some way to help steer those folks who have an interest in the results .

I add something to it .

It’s a very rare event indeed if I were to respond to replying to a poll . Although I have responded to a lot of the little one question polls on YouTube .

In nearing 75 years I perhaps did complete one polling request.

That being said I recall about half my answers weren’t true and I saw the request as intrusive and just wanted to get it done asap .

I don’t put much faith in poll results..

One feeling I have and I hope to god is correct is same as Biden’s belief that when voting this election regardless of whatever someone has said.

The multitude of people who’ve sacrificed so much more then fair to ask of anyone had answered the call and made the ultimate sacrifice. May they awake and haunt anyone who has any doubt what the proper response should be.

Trump would give us the worse results beyond our imagination !

Dictatorship , fascism . Unbelievable thoughts

Nightmare is an understatement. People appear intoxicated on an endless stream of gaslighting and lies !

Democrats give us continued democracy and freedom.

The American way of life. It’s not a single man but all of us !

We would be working together.

We aren’t voting for or against a leader we are voting for or against sanity itself .

Vote for whoever is selected to represent the Democratic Party !

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Perhaps you're right Wayne. But I'm not talking about polling, although there is something to that. I'm talking about the actual voting. 63M in 2016 and 74M in 2020. Not a good trend. And as we've moved further away from the insanity and chaos of his admin, people tend to forget or think more fondly. Add that to Biden and his campaign not performing as we'd like, and TFG and his campaign being able to exploit the concerns about Biden's ability to handle 4 more years (not a comparison as TFG is an effing nightmare and will annihilate democracy), but Biden looks inept and weak - two things people will rarely if ever support.

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I want to side with Biden because of all he had done for our country, but he needs to step aside for the health of our country.

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Stewart was perfectly expressing the mood of just about all of us. I'm tired of 'sticking with Joe' after watching, with trepidation, every time he's in public. I'll vote for him and so will all those who write into you daily. But I'm not enthusiastic about it. And for the most part, I'm frightened by the poor advice Biden is getting from those around him. Has anyone over 40 not seen and experienced aging amongst our loved ones? It doesn't get better. It just gets worse. The kind of president he's been until now is history making. But he needs to decline to run, and soon. I quote, again, a comment by Bill Clinton when he was President....'Americans get exactly who they vote for'. Even if Biden wins, I know he won't make it through the next term. And his family knows it too. Why they are putting him through this is beyond me.

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Biden is not just anyone...he is the President and carries the top of the ticket which he won at the Primaries...nobody sat out because they did not want him to run...and that will happen in November with the grass root connections they are doing...A BIG SURPRISE IN NOVEMBER...people will come out for Democracy...isn't that what it is about! It just happened in Paris...when people needed to ban together, they did...because they were fighting for the same thing...they were scared...they VOTED!

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If old means the creation of 15 million new jobs, rebuilding America’s infrastructure, stopping the endless wars, energy independence, transitioning from fossil fuels to greener forms of energy, protecting a women’s right to choose, placing someone like Justice Jackson on the Court, and strengthening NATO like never before- Well I like old. 4 more years. And if such a scenario should arise that you fear, well that’s why we have VPs. Every day we attack the President we help Trump. With age comes wisdom and experience. That’s what we get with Pres Biden plus his sincere honest heart felt belief in the dignity of every American.

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Great! You are Right!

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Steve, I am as alarmed as most of our Dems are, especially with President Biden doing his best to act more on top of his game, trying to reassure the country of his fitness for office. The race will be entirely about his age, if he stays in--not the worldview, or policies that help the average American, or any number of winning issues that otherwise would get attention. It is ironic that after all of these years of soft-selling his significant achievements (I have often screamed about this, since day-one!), Biden is NOW finding the use for self-promotion?

Meanwhile, Donald Trump (I call him DFT) has had to answer for NOT ONE of his answers during the debate. Shouldn't someone start to parse his responses on June 27 (should have weeks ago, in my opinion), air them publicly, often? Seems as though DFT has gotten off scott-free (as usual). The attention has to go back to what a terrible human-being and candidate he is! And the things that he and his obedient servants stand for are equally obscene.

We Dems have a knack for screwing things up for ourselves, no?

jane c.

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Seems as though DFT has gotten off scott-free (as usual). He should have been in jail decades ago for his scam university.

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Yes, exactly.

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