MAGA extremists will soon converge on Milwaukee, a city Trump calls “a horrible city,” to cheer his insanities, lies and un-American calumnies. Nine years after gliding down the Trump Tower escalator into the center ring of American politics, the most loathsome man ever to become president stands at the edge of his third consecutive nomination in his most powerful political position of the decade. He is running on a platform of revenge and retribution. One hundred and eighteen days before the last votes of the election season are cast he faces no effective opposition whatsoever. In fact, he has virtually disappeared from the race, which means he is surging forward with fair winds and following seas.
The race has become entirely about President Biden.
Many top Democrats I talk with tell me that they believe President Biden will do the right thing and step aside, but let’s imagine he has decided that he alone can beat Trump and save America, what then?
The proposition on the table will be that Joe Biden is the strongest Democrat against Donald Trump and only he can win. A major part of the proposition is that Donald Trump is a historic threat to democracy and liberty and everything is on the line. It doesn’t seem to be working, which is unfortunate because Trump is a convicted felon and a fascist, who has a poisoned arrow drawn and aimed at the constitution.
Here is what John Stewart observed:
Here is a quote from an article in The Economist, written by Ari Emanuel, CEO of Endeavor and TKO Group Holdings, and whose brother, Rahm Emanuel, is currently serving as U.S. ambassador to Japan in the Biden administration:
The idea that Mr. Biden ‘alone can fix it’ is a self-aggrandising delusion on a Trumpian scale. No wonder the audience at the president's post-debate rally sounded just like a MAGA crowd from 2016.
Mr. Biden's advisers are just as deluded if they think they can tell Americans they didn't see what they saw on that debate stage. One bad night’ or ‘the effects of a cold’ is spin that would make even Mr. Trump's flacks blush.
Here is what Karl Rove said on Fox News:
There’s cheering in Mar-a-Lago for that sentiment. Look, the polls are indicating that this race is widening for Trump. And it is because that debate, confirmed the feelings that a vast majority of the American people have had for over a year and a half that Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president, particularly when he would be 82 If he were to be reelected, and serve until 86.
That debate was not an incident. That debate was not an off moment. It was not a bad night. It was a reflection of the reality of who Joe Biden is at the age of 81. And he’s entitled to be stubborn, but the people that he’s making happy by being stubborn are the high command of the Trump team because they know what they’ve got.
They’ve got a guy that the American people believe, lacks the physical stamina, the mental acuity and the judgment to be an effective president. And despite whatever doubts they and people may have about Trump, they’re gonna go for the strong leader rather than the weak guy.
Here is what President Biden said to Mika Brzezinski when he called into “Morning Joe” yesterday morning:
The fact of the matter is, how can you assure you’re going to be on — on, you know — on your way to go to, you know, work tomorrow? Age — age wasn’t, you know, the idea that I’m too old.
This is how it was interpreted by Jake Tapper:
Keep in mind, that sound bite is supposed to be reassuring to those Democratic supporters who have gone wobbly.
In the end, President Biden told us something from the heart, should Trump win the presidency:
I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about.
Things have lined up for The Donald who went bankrupt running a casino, but can’t seem to stop rolling 7s and 11s in politics ever since he tried to overthrow the government and burn down the US Constitution.
More than anyone who has ever been, Donald Trump deserves a fight and contestation, but all resistance seems to have evaporated. Where there should be a crescendo of opposition there is nothingness — silence. Apathy takes many forms. Lethargy is one of them.
Here we are with 118 days to go, and Donald Trump is sitting pretty.
It would be good for someone to throw a punch. Maybe one day soon, one will connect. That would be a good thing. It would be a start because until that happens there is no chance of the Biden campaign ever getting on offense.
Thanks Steve for posting the Jon Stewart clip. He does have a way with things.
I am going to disagree about who is the threat. I think it is our fellow citizens. We can expect 70 million or more to vote for the MAGA Fascist. Why is that? Are they that disgusted with this country?
Same is true for the possible VP choice of Vance. Why would 2.2 million Ohioans prefer him to Tim Ryan? And here in North Carolina, after he said that a woman deserved to be physically beaten, Mark Robinson was elected Lieutenant Governor by 2,856,000 North Carolinians.
I find considerable sleepless nights not so much about Trump or Mark Robinson, but about the people, knowing what they do, who still cast their lot with them.
With respect, I became aware of you from your days with the McCain campaign. I learned more about you from your contributions on MSNBC, with the help of the book Game Change and the following Film. I became a supporter of The Lincoln Project because of you unilaterally. When it was announced I donated $50, bought a poster and the rest as is often said is history. I have read your many anti Trump tweets, including an intimately reviling tweet, before you started The Warning, I responded to that one reviling tweet by saying that I could intimately relate, that I was with you. I have read every single posting of The Warning. I will not pretend to possess any such acumen as yours vis-á-vis politics, it is an animal to which I do not really grasp in its nuance and detail. It is why I follow those such as yourself.
Over the years, to the degree that I can recall it all, pushing 70 with a shitty recall ability, I have been taught, enlightened and educated by you in immeasurable ways. However, since the disaster of the debate, if that is what it shall be called you have pointed to reason after reason as to why President Biden should step down. But what I have not heard or read are detailed strategic solutions for what you believe should or could be done next to prevail in November. Only broad strokes of switching nominees. It appears you are simply observing that this is a shitty situation and Dems must figure out what to do. Then you put it out to us, The Warning community, for discussion and a weigh in.
Well, you are the expert political strategist, you are who we turn to for these kind of solutions. I've seen you on that MAGA podcast, I know you know how to hold yourself out. I also know what you mean when you mention that you are from New Jersey. When I met you in Palm Springs and asked if you were in touch with the Biden campaign you responded by saying " We're yelling at them." Well what exactly are you yelling at them? And when are you et. al. going to bully your way into the inner circle and help develop the afore mentioned "detailed strategic solution"?