My greatest wish is that the failed felon becomes obsolete and IRRELEVANT. That's it.

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Along with a lot of other IRRELEVANT ass holes, and God knows there are a bunch of them.

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I believe irrelevancy would be his greatest penalty. It could drive him to suicidal solutions.

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I want to see him in an orange jumpsuit, or more likely community service; how ‘bout watching him pick up trash on the Cross Bronx Expressway!!! 🤣

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I’d much prefer him picking up trash on the I-95S among the chain gang in the blazing heat of the southern sun. Man, imagine him losing pound after pound from walking from site to site attached to others with a chain.

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How many secret service agents would quit having been given that detail?!!

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Not sure the dumpster would be given his own security detail once he’s in prison. He just has to remember to not drop the soap when he’s showering. 😉

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He damned sure should NOT have a SS detail once he is sentenced to prison. That’s f’ing ridiculous.

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Actually, forcibly serving the community would be one very fitting penalty. Bravo!

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Trump has no levers of power to try another insurrection, guard, military, fbi and secret service are at the command of Biden and I’m confident that in a few weeks these agencies will be prepping and activating their undercover agents among the skinheads and crazy maga militias to start arresting again whoever needs another civics lesson.

And maybe he can give up the orange makeup when he lives in Venezuela with his buddy the bus driver now 2 bit musscilini 😂

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Not too long ago I posted about my concerns for the salvation of our country. I continue with those concerns. Is the Harris/Walz team potent enough to assure the continuation of our constitutional democracy? The "other" side is deeply flawed, and dangerously so. Trump/Vance represent the death squad, the squad that will kill our republic if elected. That so many among us are so blind, stupid or ignorant about the demon-elephant in the room tells a most woeful story about America today. If Trump emptied the swamp, he created one helluva sewer.

The country I grew up in is not the country I now live in. I am a "fifties" kid, having recently turned 80. Joined the Air Force right out of high school. Returned to civilian life, putting myself through college working full time and using the GI Bill. Built a relatively successful career. To some, I have lived "the American Dream."

Until roughly a decade ago, I never really felt shame for America. Today, I feel that shame in spades. We have become an ugly people. At least, 40% of us. I felt that shame ignite during the George W. Bush presidency, with his Cheney-fueled lie into the Iraq War. Obama softened my shame somewhat. Then came Trump. Omigod! The pornographic lying huckster actually made it into the Oval Office. Shame on steroids!

We witness on an almost daily basis the increasing unravelling of Donald J. Trump. And THAT is what the Republican Party offers up as a viable presidential candidate? Pinch me! Please tell me this is nothing but a nightmare. Onward, Harris/Walz for you are our only salvation. The Republican Party has become the enemy domestic of the United States, lock, stock and barrel.

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Harris and Walz to the rescue! Do not care what the Republican/MAGA Party repeats!

The GOP is over and out! VOTE!

Hard work ahead BUT change is coming!

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Thank you for expressing my feelings so clearly and so well. I’m 8 years behind you and followed a somewhat different path, but have gone through the same trauma, really starting with Reagan.

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Your thoughts are well-received. As for Reagan, I learned not to like him so much when he was the voice over for 20 Muleteam Borax! Borax sponsored the TV series, "Death Valley Days." And then, he became "president". A coworker asked me why I became so angry when Reagan was confirmed. I told her it would prove to be one of the darkest days in our country's history. I recall, correcctly I believe, that his wife Nancy used the Zodiac and "seers" to plan their days. So, we have gone from witchcraft to witchhunt!!! 😈🤣🤣

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Thank you for your service. I think more veterans feel as you do than we see. The loud, unhinged trumper vets just put on so much of a display so they seem so numerous

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Any self-respecting Veteran cannot possibly support Trump OR the Republicans. My license plate frame reads: "I am a Veteran. My Oath never expires." Trump is to politics what the anti-Christ is to religion.

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I believe he is the veritable anti-Christ. He fits every description I've ever read, heard of or envisioned.

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Trump is to politics what the anti-Christ is to Jesus and the Faith. He has no soul. He is consummate evil.

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Vince T, I so hope that you are correct that most of our vets feel as you do, because that is a major fear of mine - that they do not. I fear they have forgotten that their oath was to the Constitution, & the country that it guides, & instead they think their duty is to a failed & criminal former president.

I so hope that I am wrong. 🙏🏻

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Hello, PJ. I hope you are wrong, too! Not all Military, Veteran or active duty, are true patriots. Some buy into the bravado and bombast. Some buy into the "down-in-the-mouth" view of our country. Trump has tapped into an inner darkness that dwells within a certain population, including our Military service people. Some have bought into Trump's fake macho bluster. That brings me to that old cliche, "You can fool some of the people all of the time . . ." You know the rest!

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Well said Vince T. Thank you 👏💙🇺🇸💪🙏

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Thank you so much for your affirmation. It means a lot.

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"The Republican Party has become the enemy domestic of the United States, lock, stock and barrel." Well said. Thanks for your thoughts on all this.

I am 80 and like you have watched this sickness march in. From the KKK to John Birch to Bill Buckley to Nixon to Regan to the Bush Boys and finally to Trump. While the Senators and Representatives prior to to Newt Gingrich managed to usually find some common ground and keep the boat upright, with the 2000 election all bets were off. Obama was a breath of fresh air, but the cancer had now spread. Thank god (take your pick) Joe Biden volunteered to lead a holding action long enough for us to get a good look at what the hell has been happening to this country. And why.

Time for us to stop worrying about the Federal government and focus our citizenship on our home turf and help put our various local governments back on track, too.

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Newt Gingrich: the man absent any and all morals who went to his wife's oncology unit to have her sign their divorce papers. He was like lit matches to a tank of kerosene, a bombastic, arrogant pitiful slime of a man. His "Contract for America" was more like a contract against America: Middle-class working America. Republicans sure know how to pick them. As the comic strip character from days of old, Pogo, said: "I have seen the enemy and he is us."

As to local governments, that is where the Dems actually lost the ball. While Republicans were packing local and state legislatures with right-ring ideologues, the Dems sat on their butts wringing their hands struggling to understand. I have said long and often, “Politics has become a blood sport in the U.S. Best to come to the fight ready with bare knuckles." Republicans play dirty and nasty. It is time the Dems pick their prize “dirty & nasty” fighter. Perhaps they have in AOC. It is time Dems change their calculus. 2024 may be cataclysmic.

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I "liked" your comment because I agree to it's entirety. And, I share your words of AOC. She has a great mind, and vision for America. I'm an old lady, but I hope to live to see her fulfill her potential. She's a shining example for a renewed future.

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AOC has bigger cojones than half the men in Congress. We need more pioneers and fewer rubber stampers. Thank you for the affirmation!

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Sounds like Jr. has hooked him up again. Oh, but the tax cuts and border, sez my just as crazy family. What a disgrace for America to have this guy represent half our country. We cannot take for granted that normal and fair will prevail. Vote!

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I could not watch it. I may watch clips later, but listen to the bloviating ass is just not how I wanted to spend my time.

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I pity the poor people who spent their time on this. Some did so to save the rest of us from the torment, which I do appreciate their sacrifice. The others (millions??!!) are pitiful.

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His scowling countenance and grating voice are so aggravating

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And so strategically affected.

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You knew what Trump would be saying? Trump can ONLY talk about himself and the past!

More of the same?

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Steve, I could not agree more with your observations this morning. That said, in reading the NYTs and the WAPO this morning, there was/is not one mention of his slurring and observable mental deterioration. I also watched a segment on CNBC's Squawk Box this morning. There was a detailed discussion of the technical issues on X, but not one mention of the more important mental condition of the Orange Man. The MSM did not hesitate to go after Biden on age, frailty, stammer, etc but Trump was and is left untouched. This bias makes me want to vomit. (Ditto my other AM reads - Bloomberg and WSJ).

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Don't forget that the WSJ is a Murdoch rag, after all

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There is now an active suppression of some allegations, observations and facts regarding Trump. Remember Morning Joe's "vacation" following the assassination attempt?

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But in all seriousness Steve I worry about the fact that I am hearing he has election deniers in place in gov positions in swing states that will be able to tie up the election results in court for months. That gives us a Mike Johnson presidency. Any opinion or insight about this? I’m starting to lose sleep over it.

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The newly elected 119th Congress is sworn in January 3, 2025, and the election certification ceremony is January 6, 2025. If the Democrats take back the house, as is expected, we control the process. Hopefully then, Mike Johnson goes the way of the dodo bird along with many of the other weak sycophants!

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Mike Johnson is the poster boy for the religiously self-deluded. His professed piety is diametrically opposed to his worship of a completely amoral, evil, mendacious ignoramus criminal. How in the world does Johnson reconcile his actions as righteous?

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You are so right! Our representative is a republican and has to tie herself in knots to try and justify the unjustifiable! What a disgrace.

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If she has enough conviction to what is right and good, she would either leave the party or resign, like Ken Buck and a few others have done. The chances of that are slim to none, however. Power is so seductive and corrupting

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However, by resigning rather than fighting back, she enables the others to continue. Nothing improved after the resignations of other traditional conservative but patriotic American Senators and Reps. They abandoned ship and it only got worse.

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He reconciles his process as a necessary evil required by his god to reach the final goal of a Christian Nation.

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I really hope you’re right, but I’m worried we won’t take back the House.

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What concerns do you have truly about the House? Funny business or poor Dem performance? Usually in a normal world the House switches if citizens don't think progress was made by House.

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How is that supposed to help when 2-3 counties in anywhere from 1-7 swing states refuse to certify their ballots? If counties don’t certify their ballots/election results, then that state can’t certify the state’s results & therefore the newly elected House & Senate members can’t be sworn in- Right??

Also, in my opinion, I would think if the states refuse to, or can’t, certify a winner; then Biden & Harris remain in office, & Holy Mike does not get to be in charge. Is there something I’m missing in my assessment?

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Me too, I hope Steve talks about this soon

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He absolutely needs to. His recent Schmidt Storm addressed VP Harris certifying the election, which all VPs do. So, honestly, it was a question that didn't need answering. The more salient question is not who certifies, but how do we overcome all the shenanigans that will be done by bad faith actors, which may prevent it from getting to the certification step on Jan 6th, 2025. If there is no path to 270 because election outcomes are being challenged and pending, what is there to certify? I've said it several times and many others have raised the issue, but MAGA and TFG and his acolytes have been poking the fence for weaknesses since 2020. Marc Elias and the good folks at Democracy Docket are fighting the good fight for voter rights and protections, but there's a shitload of opposition by MAGA et al trying to suppress votes and finding avenues to interrupt the process.

Here's a link to a recent article Marc's group wrote about nonsense in GA that may be a road map for MAGA to try elsewhere:


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This worries me too.

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I listened to that mess last night for about 10 minutes, and Trump did sound like he had on ill fitting dentures. The rambling on and on … the nonsense he was spewing. I’m so sick of hearing his stock phrases like”no one has seen anything like it before.” He is living in delusion. I can’t quite see yet how it is going to end. I’ve heard the rumors and threats that he is going to engage in another huge lawsuit. So sick of this guy! Please, God, make him go away!

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It's the Krueger-Dunning syndrome kicking in.

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Noel Casler, who used to work on "The Apprentice" and who knows a lot about drug addiction, wrote about the X interview that Trump sounded "gacked up." I looked it up. It means drunk or on drugs. In this case, because Trump apparently doesn't drink, it's a reference to drugs. According the Casler, from his first-hand observations working on the set, Trump is an adderall addict.

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Now that you say that his pupils looked very dilated at his off the wall press conference performance at Mara lago

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Is Dr. Ronnie Jackson Trump’s doctor of choice? He left the White House with a questionable reputation and now serves from TX in the House!

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Absolutely he is!! Doc Ronnie is the ONLY medical person who was allowed to speak to the press about the horrific ear injury after the assassination attempt. None of the actual Drs or nurses at the hospital where he was treated have been allowed to describe the wound or say what treatment was administered. Weird

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A retired FBI employee stated the injury was from glass shards from the teleprompter which glazed his ear. He claimed that a bullet was taken by the man protecting his family. Trump wanted to be able to say he had taken a bullet! The mystery goes on but you can be sure the truth will NEVER be heard!

Truth will never enter the picture, but think about it.

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For all his bravado, Trump is massively insecure. The greater the bravado, more scared he is. What is he scared of? In my opinion, he is scared that others will open the curtain and the wizard will be exposed for what he is, for Trump, that he is stupid, afraid of any real competition, and not a very good businessman.

Trump, as aptly described by Bill Maher as ,” a whiney little bitch.”

If you get past his roar, Trump can’t come to grips with is his level inferiority .

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He is most assuredly a prime example of the "Emperor with no Clothes."

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With his level of inferiority.

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And JD is going to be another loser who Trump will blame for his bad polls and loss in the election.

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That’s if JD is allowed to stand as VP choice on voting day. I watched Paul Begala and James Carville on Erin Burnett’s show last night and both opined that Trump would get rid of Vance before voting day. We shall see…

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I'm awaiting Trump's "all citizens must wear their underwear on the outside" moment, like El Presidente in Bananas.

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“I suppose this is the nuclearized version of the bully taking his ball home. Trump is coming undone because his time is ending. The show is getting cancelled, and America is moving on towards something new.”

Agreed Steve! The chickens are finally coming home to roost. Trump and the new GQP should change their party mascot from an Elephant, which is not only a magnificent, wise and beautiful creature, to an albatross; since it’s clearly a harbinger of things to come. None of them good for Trump and company.

That said, Trump is commanding his ship straight into an iceberg. Hence, he uses the Celine Dion tune: “My heart will go on.” His nefarious heart may go on, but his party won’t fare so well as it is doomed to the annals of history.

As for the Musk interview? I didn’t watch it, nor does one need to, in order to discern how this shit show would play out; just as expected, if not better for America. These two phony clowns have been exposed for the nitwits they are, and the morally bankrupt morons they’ve become.

Only in Trump’s America could these guys ever succeed! The good news: Trump’s reign is about to end for good and Musk’s empire is falling fast….:)

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Unfortunately, I don’t think Musk’s empire is “falling fast.” He has billions to burn and has control over all kinds of things a self-radicalized ego maniac should not. Like space programs, giant arrays of satellites, the biggest social media platform on the planet. Trump will fail. The radical right will live on in dangerous ways. This election will bring us to halftime.

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Not all, but Tesla is losing steam. Most people who buy EV’s are choosing other car manufacturers instead of Tesla; specifically because of Musk. Not to mention production and manufacturing issues that are plaguing the company. That said, the stock is down more than 25% for the year, and their future isn’t looking too bright.

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Get really great mileage and reliability at a fraction of the cost; buy the Toyota Prius Plug In or an American made equivalent.

Whenever possible we should boycott the products of any corporation or CEO that loudly and openly supports Trump. Musk is a good start.

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These foreigners come to America and gain massive wealth or who are already wealthy...and abuse the system as America is a tolerant society...but they think us weak....they insult us. We know who they are...purveyors of chaos, political instability & treason....they will spend their remaining years in GITMO.

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Mercy! Wiles & LaCivita allowed that? Off the rails indeed 🤦‍♂️

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All true. I am concerned, as an earlier commenter expressed, that GOP election-denying county officials are being marshalled to deny certification of votes in an effort to push the election to state representatives and elect Johnson. Please address this movement by republicans to deny the will of the people.

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All election deniers who have been appointed as election officials must be named, and listed by precinct or state, for all to see. The sunlight disinfectant of notoriety rather than anonymity. At that point, we can call and email and let them know we are watching and expect them to honor their oaths to us — the people — regardless of their political preference.

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Long before there was social media Trump and Ivana (his wife at the time) regaled talk shows with their divine accomplishments -the best on the planet even then. I knew he was a being to avoid at all costs. But not the media even then. Can you imagine a real business person calling into talk shows to brag? I can’t imagine how my stomach held up all these years even as I divested myself of all corporate media.

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Trump is an entertainer, and no more. His supporters are former Apprentice fans!

Trump is 100% clown! Give him a mic and a stage, and he will show up and perform!

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You're so right about that. Ari Melber always call them "fans" of trump. That's exact because he's always performing. stupid, vile act but performance nonetheless.

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I almost always refer to them as his fans or fan base too.

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What Melania did to the rose garden is yet more proof that she is soulless, just like her hideous POS husband.

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Zombie woman. The Rose Garden and the abhorrent Christmas display…. Melania is basically irrelevant and not worthy of any discussion. A bit player. The sterile, cold redo of that garden speaks volumes

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