Calling out the gash of trust between the "mainstream media" and the public is the right thing to do. And the rise of independent media powered by people is the right response. I appreciate your direct calling out Scott Jennings for being whatever he is. On the day that real journalists like Jim Acosta leave established networks like CNN, your blunt words for those who don't help the public see clearly is timely.

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Musk is a Nazi. Wth is so hard to understand. Shame.

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It seems we can, and justifiably, write volumes on Elon's Nazi salute. The vigorous "umphhhh" as he extended his right arm was a purposeful "in-your-face" to those of us who know a Nazi when we see one. He was saying, "take this. I'm a Nazi and proud of it. You will aceept our racist views, mysoginy, and our leadership principle or else."

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We will not accept any of this.

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Never, no way, no how!

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The Prime Minister of Germany even called Musk out, as Musk spoke to the right-wing in Germany-on of all days, the 80th year of remembering the horrors of the Holocaust! Musk is disgusting! Trump is disgusting! Scott Jennings is disgusting! They are all disgusting! Disgraces that Americans have to painfully deal with: Trump, Musk, RFK Jr., the list goes on and on! I hope that our allies remember, that these disgusting "people" represent less than half of the American population! The Germans, and the other members of NATO, might just have to rescue us from ourselves!

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That was great Donna. One more great idea for my arsenal to help us save democracy. I am always looking for ways to voice my opposition to the orange man and his minions.

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Jennings is indeed foul.

He choose horror over decency

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Scott Jennings has a job: Essentially he is paid by CNN to make Trump appear to be reasonable and normal. He is part of the Far Right and also uses their tactics to brainwash or justify criminal activity by Herr Trump without admitting criminal activity or a guilty verdict by a jury.. I am certain that he is fairly well skilled at programming listeners and he is a careful devil's advocate who sharply defines criticism in ways that seem plausible and sometimes even likely. He smiles appropriately and is smart enough to find fault with any criticism of Trump. That is his job. Your job is to be more discerning and questioning. There is no decency in propaganda.

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Everyone has choices.

Jennings chose to up the proverbial voltage on decency; he’s supporting the issuance of bewilderment, pain, fear and discontentment.

He is morally detached.

He’s a talking weapon.

He is practicing the early stages of genocide.

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I don’t know how anyone else feels about the country, but it’s starting to feel like attending a funeral. Much has already died.

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And Trump has only begun. In before times, we had moral people. Now I wonder if a Christian murderer is better than an atheist murderer. Humans are strange animals!

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Light humor: but now we have the Gulf of America and Mount McKinley. I am waiting upon Fort Bragg.

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More humor.

Dr. Phil accompanies ICE on a raid.


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Every day gets more pathetic.

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Dr Phil is a Nazi with a ridiculous southern accent.

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Or taking down the American Flag, and replacing it with the confederate flag, or even worse, a Trump/Melania flag. We also might be paying our bills and taxes with their crypto coins!

I feel so bad for the children! I just can't comprehend how the hell this has been allowed to happen! Lack of education, technology, religion, complacency, etc.? Historians will have a field day figuring this all out! meanwhile we suffer the consequences!

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A perfect microcosm of the problem is right here in North Carolina.

Last Fall, we had a MAGA woman running for Superintendent of Public Instruction for the entire state of 12 million people. She is a QAnon Believer, participated in January 6th, believes public school teachers are evil indoctrinators, and had called for the execution of Democrats. I kid not.

She nearly won. She received 49 percent of the vote. If this does not signal the end, then nothing else does.

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We are in the same boat. Lauren Boebert is my Rep! My "red" district is 100% behind Trump! Democrats are few and very far between! I just do the best that I can!

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More like a mass murder in progress, a nightmare from which I cannot wake

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This particular nightmare features a convicted felon pardoning hundreds of other convicted felons.

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Yes… hence my suggestion we all attend the inauguration in mourning clothes.

The absence of any meaningful response to the insanity is doubly insane. Where are our elected officials!? Are they all stumped because they don’t have polling info on how to deal with nazis and facists? And did you see that the ADL referred to the nazi salute as an “awkward gesture”??!!

Isn’t it time for us to start taking it to the streets?! Who’s getting the parade/demonstration permits? Who’s creating the slogans? Who’s making the posters?

Let’s get organized and start responding to the bullshit. What are we waiting for? The dust has settled, we can see the lay of the land. Just sitting around wringing hands is like not getting the plunger when the toilet gets jammed.

I often read about how it’s time for the next generation of leaders to take the reins but perhaps it’s on us old hippies to point out where the fucking reins are!

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I am still looking forward to a National One Day Shut Down and everyone taking it to the streets.

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I am trying to make my way through the fog and it feels like more people want to see the country taken down than I ever realized. As far as I can tell where I live, it must be 60 or 70 percent MAGA. They want to burn the whole thing down.

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Do you think the madness is a product of Fox News?

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Partially, but I believe other issues are at play. Income inequality, lousy jobs, disillusionment with the political class, education.

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I agree with that. Plus the Democrats don't seem to have a real plan. I agree with your statement of being in the fog. It all feels so unnatural, and then it feels just like human nature. Let's see in a few more weeks what it's like. Lol!

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Again, like with Morning Joe, Acosta or Jennings.

When we talk about journalists who failed, we could say, he/she is no Jim Acosta.

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Self-respecting, honest journalists need to leave the MSM propaganda networks and use their talents, the way Steve does, to tell the public the truth, as ugly as it might be. Substack is a great platform and there are many others. Meanwhilw we all need to turn our damn televisions off. Unless your watching truth tellers on MSNBC or like channels.

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Thank you…Todah, Steve. You say what I think must be said…and while I fear Gaza complicates our message it is still the truth. I will, as a daughter of a Holocaust escapee, never shrink from this truth.

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I have to say, I find your candor and straight talk so refreshing. I have been trying out various substacks, with the goal of re-applying the monthly/annual subscription fees that I no longer spend on the NYT, WAPO, and our large local city paper, each of which is despicably bowing to the Tangelo Tyrant. After listening to you for free for the last few weeks, I just signed up for a paid subscription. Keep up the good work. And please keep keeping it real.

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Their sickness is known: the lack of empathy; the lack of caring for others’ wellbeing; the coldly calculated assaults on decency say their malady is psychopathy. Some have psychopathy worse than others. Their political ideology is neo-fascism. We can fight psychopathic neo-fascism and stomp it out. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fight-psychopathic-neo-fascists?r=3m1bs

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Please do more writing and fewer audios. I love your work but do not want to listen,

I want to read! Thank you.

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I feel the exact opposite! Love Steve's voice.

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I love the audios!!

I get inspired hearing the no nonsense, pissed off voice accompanied by the unflinching look into the camera.

More audios!

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ME TOO!!!!! Those piecing blue eyes!!!

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Hit the transcript button then you can read it. I can't stand the other either. We grew up having to read so I read really fast and the other drives me crazy.

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I agree primarily b/c I'm deaf. My expensive hearing aids ($8900) are useless, so I appreciate Steve's reading his insightful analyses.

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Thank you, Mr. Acosta will be missed, hope he finds a network that will let him to continue to report the truth.

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I will miss Mr. Acosta, he had a spine! I wonder if he too, along with his loved ones, have been threatened by "orange Hitler"!

I was eating lunch with friends, and the TV was on, with the Press Meeting! I wish that they would repeat it during "prime time", it looked rather heated

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Anyone with a brain in their noggin and eyes in their head saw exactly what Elon Musk did. That was a Nazi salute, given by a guy who supports Nazis, to encourage Nazis, and to let them know that he and his co-president Trump are on their side.

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Come on, everyone. Are you going to believe Musk or your lyin' eyes?

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Scott Jennings is a sad sick self righteous sycophant. Wonder if he even has the ability to think for himself and to stand up to Trump. Not a good look for good ole Scott......... CNN continues to sink away.........into the slim of Trump world.........and the truth sinks right along with them. Acosta will surface in a better location and a better place away from the lies and falsehoods.

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I maintain that a character attack from Steve Schmidt is one of the most devastating things on the face of the Earth. Just a scorching indictment.

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Steve, I appreciate your straight forward honesty about Trump, Musk and all those that are trying to dismantle our democracy. At 81 and Jewish I fear for my children, grandchildren and all Americans that are facing this unacceptable behavior from those in power. I, like so many others was born and raised in this country but, I am a decedent of immigrants. I could never stop appreciating the values, hard work and hope immigrants continue to bring to this country for a better life. The honest media is the glue that keeps us informed of the truth. We can only hope they will not be surppressed.

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Unless we are from the Indigenous People, we are ALL immigrants, or ancestors from our painful slavery part of history! It is too bad that so many forget that! If we did remember, perhaps we, as a nation, would be more compassionate!

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Two things stood out to me in Steve's intense commentary today:

1) If Trump thinks private prisons are making a fortune doing the job of government-run penitentiaries why does he favor privatization? Did he not expect a "for profit corporation" running our prisons to be more expensive than a government run penitentiary?

2) I loved seeing Scott Jennings proved a liar and a fool when he refused to give the Nazi salute! FFantastic, what an asshole, butt-kissing jerk he looked like....and is.

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Scott Jennings is a clueless hack of the highest order.

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To me, Jennings is like Lyndsay Graham; says what is popular to say at the moment! I remember when he used to criticize Trump-that was a long time ago! I don't know the name of the other MAGA rep on CNN, the one who looks like a Nazi general, but he is even worse than Jennings-always yelling, like a mad man!

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Yes I also remember the days when Scott Jennings was not a Trump supporter. He’s going to say whatever he needs to say to keep getting his paycheck from CNN, it’s so pathetic. This is what our mainstream media has turned into, which is why I do Substack now.

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