Calling out the gash of trust between the "mainstream media" and the public is the right thing to do. And the rise of independent media powered by people is the right response. I appreciate your direct calling out Scott Jennings for being whatever he is. On the day that real journalists like Jim Acosta leave established networks like CNN…
Calling out the gash of trust between the "mainstream media" and the public is the right thing to do. And the rise of independent media powered by people is the right response. I appreciate your direct calling out Scott Jennings for being whatever he is. On the day that real journalists like Jim Acosta leave established networks like CNN, your blunt words for those who don't help the public see clearly is timely.
Calling out the gash of trust between the "mainstream media" and the public is the right thing to do. And the rise of independent media powered by people is the right response. I appreciate your direct calling out Scott Jennings for being whatever he is. On the day that real journalists like Jim Acosta leave established networks like CNN, your blunt words for those who don't help the public see clearly is timely.