Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, the time has also come to SHOUT it out from the rooftops that every registered voter MUST make sure they are still registered. A quiet purging of registered voters is happening in many mostly Red states… eg, if you voted by absentee ballot at the last election in Florida there is a good chance you have been purged and you must re-register all over again in 2024. We must ALL pay attention!

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In fact, post links in EVERY post, please, Steve Schmidt - for people to check status, dates by which they must register if they've moved, and to confirm they are eligible to and can vote and the rules - which changed bec of some legislatures. It is critical.

A few to get you started:




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Thanks for these. I will include these in today's post.


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Thank you for posting these links. It is much appreciated, and I will share!

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I find it infuriating that the party of "Constitutionalists" and "originalists" are doing their best to limit access to voting. The idea of self governance means voter participation is crucial. Even the racist, misogynist Founders wanted high participation of the voting populace, such as it was in their eyes. Of course, in today's political climate, conservatives want to only limit those who are more likely to vote Democrat. Slimy connivers are the norm of the modern GQP

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Thanks for the great suggestion. I'm going to include Joan's links in today's essay.


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I think an American Senior Corps is a wonderful idea. Many seniors have much to offer, but there is difficulty for many with getting to locations for service. I did five years service at a cat shelter, but physical limitations took hold and I had to retire from that. Service such as tutoring through an online format would be a good thing, among other ideas, for seniors with limitations. I am all in a positive message and wish not to dwell on the misery and hate that arrives each day from the dark side.

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The Trump-Vance campaign had such high hopes that Donald's press conference would be a success. That Donald's upbeat, positive vision for America would turn back the joy-filled tide that is rising for Harris-Walz. That Donald would be seen as a winner, not a LOSER. And redirect the nation's loving attention back to the golden stable genius and his boy wonder. But alas it was not to be. This sad, pitiful, hate and lie filled performance brought this ode to mind:

"Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout.

But there is no joy in MAGAville--mighty Donald has struck out."

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I think this song should be the anthem.

It's the perfect message for those 'middle' or undecided voters. Ostensibly, they MAGA folks were seduced by Trump's message that he is 'on their side.'

He's not. But Harris and Walz are on our side. All of us.

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Absolutely! That's what I came here to say.

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Trump is transforming, devolving, into a sorry, angry, and fetid puddle. His demise would be hard to witness if he were not such a deplorable human being. Keep the heat on, KH. Finish off the b*****d and help save America and the world!

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That’s a beautiful song! ♥️🎧

And, I think service is a great idea! Young and old, we can all “serve our country”. I just hope Kamala is listening to your ideas, Steve. ☺️🙏🏼

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It seems that this newsletter was written for the Harris/Walz team to read. Thank you, Steve!☺️🙏🏼

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Steve, thanks for posting this beautiful song - a great juxtaposition to Trump’s irascible and detestable behavior. Let’s fill the airwaves and other media with words of hope, gratitude and friendship.

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The slogan "We're On Your Side" is a good one for the Harris/Walz Freedom Election :-)

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Not only was the orange missing, but his treasured combover is disappearing day by day. Everything he’s ever cared about is leaving him.

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His mind left him in 2020.

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Steve, That song is perfect. I assume you know key players in the Harris/Walz campaign structure. Please make that plea! While you are at it, encourage the placing of MANY American flags around rally sites. For too long, our side has let the Repukes stake their claim that they are the only true patriots!

I love the idea of bringing Americans into the vision of the future--people from all walks of life are, right now, expressing excitement and enthusiasm about this team and about the prospect of actually winning the election, so asking us all to be a part of the unfolding movement is quite smart. And yes, those others who have commented about VOTING are spot on.

Remembering back to just a few short weeks ago, knowing how bleak everything looked for our side, I am now ever more determined to beat the pants off those FU$%ERS and everything they stand for.

We cannot let up for a single moment!

BTW--that wasn't really a "News Conference" yesterday. As usual, it was DFT's attempt to get some air time, since Harris/Walz are dominating the news cycles. DUH...

I'll shut up now.

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Yes, it is time to that back OUR flag!

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I just watched The Last Word (6/8), Lawrence O'Donnell's show. He lambasted the press corps for treating Trump with great respect, unlike the way they treated President Biden or his press secretary. There was no shouting or anger on the part of the reporters, no talking over each other or Trump, no holding his feet to the fire when he told lies and evaded answering question. The following question and Trump's response are evidence of their subservience and his rank ignorance and stupidity:

Reporter: Would you direct your FDA [Food and Drug Administration], for example, to revoke access to mifepristone?

Trump: Sure, you can do things that will supplement. Absolutely. And those things are pretty open, and humane, but you have to be able to have a vote, and all I want to do is give everybody a vote, and the votes are taking place right now as we speak.

Reporter: Is that something you would consider?

Trump: There are many things on a humane basis that you can do — outside of that, but you also have to give a vote, and the people are going to have to decide.


They never questioned Trump about obvious lies such as his contention that he participated in a peaceful transfer of power or that his 1/6 crowd was larger than at MLK's "I have a dream speech."


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The Harris-WALZ team should adopt this song as their theme!

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve: there is a federal program that supports seniors in volunteer positions: it’s called AmericaCorp. I just started a 55+ 10 week training program to be a Community Health Worker. There are plenty of other opportunities for seniors through AmericaCorp.


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Great to hear about AmericaCorp. Thanks for the link. I’m an RN and will be looking for opportunities such as this.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, this is the first time that I've read one of your posts and came away beaming (rather than things like angry, afraid, surprised, etc.). Wow--feels good! (BTW, I printed the lyrics of the song the first time you posted it, and it was nice to see them again.)

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Oh my....I have always loved this artist but this song so encapsulates...well, everything. Thank you for alerting us to a perfect "anthem" for this moment. To the electorate...to those undecided...what ticket do you feel is "on your side?" Take a moment. Who do you trust with your children's future? And by the way YES and YES to a Senior Volunteer Corps. The Babyboomers still have the energy and many have the enthusiasm they showed in the 60s-70s. And they want something to do besides pickleball. This is a winning idea. I hope someone else is pondering this.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt


Thanks for the Michael Franti song - it is absolutely fabulous! Words and performance. This absolutely s/b the anthem for Harris-Walz! If you listen to this song and don't get a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye, you are not human. Please, please, use your contacts and get Harris to adopt this song. Nothing could be more perfect, plus it is definitely a sing-along. I can just imagine 10,000 plus people at a rally singing this song. Wow!

Thanks again for sending this out.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

Beautiful, poignant and uplifting, Steve. There is only one side in this existential political battle -- the human side. Its MAGA nemesis is beyond a political opponent because fascism is not really an ideology as much as a psychopathology.

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