Every day I am dumbfounded by the silence from ANY member of congress or from the State's governors. While there is still some push back by the courts it seems that the ultimate court, the Supreme Court is nearly all in now...
Corporate media is a pathetic joke as well. They have been neutered... Willingly!
It's going to take people power to refocus the attention and spark from the dullards in government to find their courage and support the people IN THE STREETS.
I heard the argument that that is exactly what Trump is waiting for so he can issue a state of emergency. He may do that, but at least WE will have taken some action to put down and fight against this Coup de retardés!
"the Supreme Court is nearly all in now..." Who tipped the balance? Donald Trump in his first term.
I generally listen to James Carville with a lot of salt, but maybe (underscore maybe) he's onto something with his Brer Rabbit strategy, advising Democrats to lay low and let the Republican party get stuck on the tar baby. It makes more sense than Chuck Schumer's feckless "We Will Win" chant, which sounds like a Bar Mitzvah boy leading the hora. Please, sit down Chuck, if that's the best you can do.
Laying low will only make us that much easier to bury. I agree that people must feel the impact of what their votes - or lack thereof - have brought, but that doesn't mean quietly conceding defeat. Personally, I think the country is gone, but something else will rise from its ashes, which is where our focus should be. What I struggle with is how to protect and retain my money and property during the transition, which is likely to be violent.
Don't forget, Mitch McConnell's plot to unbalance the Supreme Court! He, more than Trump, unbalanced the S. C.! I hope that his retirement is anything but restful for him! He gave Trump the power to destroy all that is great in America!
I hear you, Nancee. I'll admit I am still obsessing over how unnecessary and stupid all of this was. I know a number of Trump voters, as we all do. None of them are exactly MAGA but very narrowly focused on a few pet issues, not realizing the "leopards would eat their face" on matters that didn't affect them directly. Those are people that might come around though after they run out of hope and rationalizations. The authoritarian MAGAS, on the other hand, are a lost cause. They don't have a thought in their head that hasn't been planted there.
I gave the Carville approach short shrift and it's not quite as passive as my Brer Rabbit summation. He's been doing the podcast circuit recently, so worth a listen.
He's a 20th century thinker in a world that has completely changed. It's one of the biggest problems for the Democrats: septuagenarians - and older - who just won't let go. They risk the survival of the party as a consequence. They have a base of voters, too, and the dissatisfaction is palpable. Of course the country likely won't survive Trump, so parties may be irrelevant!
"There is silence everywhere from everyone about something every American should be shamed by, and ready to scream in the street to Trump that 'you will dare not do this in our name.'”
Very well-said. Why people in influential positions, journalists, politicians, and business leaders are not communicating to the world as clearly and loudly as possible that they recognize Trump as the existential threat he represents to critical values and world peace mystifies me.
It must be said however, that there are many, Steve Schmidt, Jim Acosta, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and a host of others who are speaking out against Trump's greed and megalomania, his disrespect for American values, the general population, and the sovereignty of other nations. I think a bg part of the problem is their voices are being stifled by unprincipled and avaricious Maga leaders taking over the media and government (through legal and illegal maneuvering) misleading the gullible and fearful with their self-serving lies and propaganda. Mob-like threats to the people and families of influential people remaining silent also plays a significant role in Trump's evil strategy.
The burden of stopping Trump and his legion of evil enablers benefiting from his malicious plans falls on us, "we the people."
There is reason to believe that resistance to Trump and his top adviser in creating an oligarchy is becoming obvious enough for people to resist through their investment choices:
Tesla’s stock has dropped by nearly half in three months. Even so, investors are still debating whether Elon Musk’s electric-vehicle maker remains overpriced. The company’s market capitalization has dropped 45% since hitting an all-time high of $1.5 trillion on December 17, erasing most of the gains the stock made after CEO Musk helped finance the election victory of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Cam for Canada: I was born in Canada, but adopted when I was 7 months old, by Americans. However, my soul remains in Canada, and I have been working hard to get back to my homeland. I pray that our two countries, America and Canada will never be enemies; but Trump is sure trying to make it that way! First, the bastard took away our democracy, and now he is turning our allies into enemies! May he burn in Hell! That will be one judgement, he won't be able to get away from!
Donna, Yes, I remember our first email encounter when I first subscribed to the Warning. Things are escalating quickly. Trump doesn’t like it when we give him a taste of his own medicine. Our new Leader of the Liberal Party gives us hope. His intellectual stature and his communication skills will be a serious threat to the guy who can’t articulate a coherent sentence if his life depended on it. Like you, we don’t minimize our long standing friendship and alliance and we cannot allow one man whose disdain for what we stand for to interject heinous rhetoric in order to score political points. Vive le Canada libre ainsi que notre amitié pour nos chers voisins 🇺🇸.
100% with Steve a remarkable post 100% in all the way I’m a former MN resident I love Canada but left the Great Lakes area for Costa Rica a country with no army and mining is outlawed 100% Steve I think you gained followers today also.
Wow! I thought about not paying taxes too! However, it would not work, unless there is a major, national push, to make it happen, and everyone did it at the same time-similar to the Women's March!
In my area, there are more protests, and more people attending those protests, so there is a glimmer of hope. Things have to happen quickly. Trump has already threatened universities and colleges, grants and other federal monies, if the students protest! Authoritarianism is spreading quickly!
That is what we all should do. I mean what is the point of daily calls to Ron Johnson and Glenn Grothman. They are all in on trump and nothing I say or do will change it. If there is ever a chance of Grothman going down, it will be in the next election.
Port Angeles, Washington, is across the strait of Juan da Fuca, south of Victoria, B.C. A ferry brings cars and passengers from the US to Canada and reverse. After DT made his crazy threats to Canada, an enthusiastic crowd of locals in Port Angeles met the first ferry of the year from Victoria with signs and cheering. It takes locals to do the work.
That warm welcome given Canadians in Port Angeles doesn't surprise me one bit. I have made that ferry crossing twice (once in choppy seas!) in recent years and have witnessed the solidarity and bonhomie of Canadian and American locals as they mingle on either side of the strait, as they have done for over 175 years.
The gates are open, the barriers are down, the country's worst enemy is waltzing in to do as they will. Every morning I wake up with sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. How could I explain events and actions to my father, grandfather, great grandfather. Some counter coup, some counter revolution will have to happen and soon. Elections in the future are illusory. The U.S. Military is the only force that could challenge this shitshow. A violent bloody overthrow might save the Republic. Otherwise what?
I agree. Is there anything in the constitution which would enable the people to throw out a president who is doing this kind of damage to the Republic?
I don’t think America stands for what it once did. Times change, for better or worse. I believe there is a very good chance MAGA will keep a majority in 2026 and remain power in 2028. People think differently these days. They are less attuned to continuity, and as I have learned from living in the South, people vote for people who undermine them.
If by "fix" you mean voter fraud and modifying votes, I encourage you to be cautious in embracing a "stop the steal" mindset. You know, the idiots we were bewildered by for 4+ years? If by "fix" you mean voter suppression in its many forms and the spread of misinformation, then obviously the answer is yes.
Yes Mike, it was fixed by massive & coordinated voter suppression, not flipping of ballots by the tabulators.
At least 1 million were purged from the voter rolls in TX alone. Voter challenges were also massive by Republicans trained regular Republicans voters, who turned in challenges by the thousands at a time.
John, have you factored in all the pain that will be inflicted on maga before the '26 elections? Do you think that level of pain along with some nudging from sane people will sway their views?
Well, I certainly hope it works out like that, but I don’t have a comfort level that it will happen based upon how large numbers of people vote these days and what they view as important to them.
The concern I have with elections going forward is the relentless attacks by MAGA to purge the voter rolls and various methods at voter suppression, all aided by scotus dismantling, or at the very least neutering, the Voting Rights Act. It doesn't take millions, but thousands. As I've mentioned before, in 3 of the swing states, MI, PA, and WI, trump won by a total of 231k votes. That was 1.46% of the more than 15 million votes combined in those states. Those 3 go to Harris and we aren't living in this trumpian hellscape.
So, sure, people will be dealing with pain from MAGA policies, but will that be enough for his supporters to open their eyes? I hope so, but my confidence level is low. Hell, they have elections in Russia and we've all seen how those go. We will see the onslaught of messaging against Biden and the MAGA base will need to actually overcome their confirmation bias to vote against this insanity. I've seen little that encourages me, but perhaps that will change when the policies that are mostly yet to be in effect take hold and increase their pain.
Yes. And I can speak to some of that here in North Carolina. The state here has made the mail in ballot hugely complicated. I was looking at this damn thing and how complex it was. And all of the requirements, including two witnesses not one, absolutely screamed voter suppression.
And then there is the gerrymandering done here. My Congressman might as well be President Kim Jong Un for Life, because they so gerrymandered his district by design that he will never lose an election.
TWO witnesses???? Yes, that literally screams voter suppression. We have 'none' and automatic mailing of response cards - send them in if you want a mail-in ballot, which will be sent to you well ahead of the election. Then mail the ballot, in the internal envelope, signed, to the town/city, or drop it in one of the drop boxes. Easy-peasy, even a six-year-old could figure it out. Oh, and if you do wish to vote on election day, we use PAPER ballots with an audit trail. And mark-sense counting machines that are NOT connected to the Internet. Inspected and tested before every election with onlookers allowed (and I've been one of the citizens to witness those tests, and they are strenuous). Literally, a process that is ironclad and can be trusted, because it takes place in the open.
Until the election systems used in the United States can ALL meet this standard, they can be called into question. Electronic voting without a paper trail will NEVER be considered trustworthy. Connection to the Internet: not on your life.
I am sorry you have to put up with such shenanigans in North Carolina. The people there should be protesting in the streets over the failures of their elected officials to correct the inequities and institute a trustworthy election system.
Prior to all the MAGA crap that took place in 2021, North Carolina had a fairly simple mail in ballot that required one witness. It is absolute bullshit what MAGA did here — but, as I have pointed out, there are enough morons in this state to elect them and thus they stay in power. My Congressman is 100 percent MAGA and enjoys huge support in a gerrymandered district. But, even if it was not gerrymandered, he still has the necessary morons to stay in power.
Here in Massachusetts, we don't need a witness. The ballots are mailed to us, we fill them out, and either mail them back, or drop them off in ballot boxes at every town hall.
John, I say it’s because the US is full of spoiled brats that have not been living under oppression and don’t feel it even though the very crooked banking/investment gangs got things to the point where the system crashed needed overall reform and an ass kicking in 2008. It’s crime and right now they have another scam being cooked up.
This is one reason I struggle with things in opposition to others. People have to wake up on their own. This should not be a struggle for the rest of us. At some point, if people cannot do what is best for themselves, no one else can.
I wanna be Canadian and yet I don’t want to abandon these United States. What a drag it is to be us and what an honorable challenge, too. We need a red or white or blue revolution, in the streets coast to coast, carrying Canadian flags and Ukrainian flags, the flags that actually symbolize what we want our flag to mean again. I can’t even stand the thought of the national anthem before a ballgame right now.
I feel exactly the same way. I would love to be Canadian. Unfortunately I’m too old and can’t offer Canada anything that would entice them to take me.
I do go to a lot of hockey games and while I respectfully stand for our national anthem I no longer cheer or even clap at the end.
I can only hope that enough people wake up and vote out these MAGates starting in 2026. That’s also assuming there’s anything left in our country to save.
Your flag still stands for those things. It is Trump and his fascist thugs that don't. Every flag that drapes over the coffin of a fallen soldier means something. Don't let Trump and MAGA corrupt that meaning. Decent Americans must guard what that means by both passive and active resistance.
As a Canadian, i appreciate this strong comment. All true. Americans better wake up and start resisting 'all of them' before your country becomes a total dictatorship with reduced freedoms. Wake up and as we say ELBOWS UP.
Thank you Bill for your appreciative comment. Indeed, most Canadians feel the way you and I do. And thank you Steve for your awareness campaign today, keeping your subscribers informed about the true nature of trump’s attacks on 🇨🇦. With our new leader Mark Carney, we have a man of intellectual stature, well educated and with oodles of experience to defend us against the worst president to ever sit behind the resolute desk.
The most important thing Steve said is that trump must be taken literally and seriously. I shake my head when fairly well-read relatives say that trump does what he does for attention -- and stop there. Yes, trump does love the spotlight, but if he could get away with his grandiose plans, he wouldn't hesitate. Never underestimate his animal cunning.
It’s a sign of Trump’s weakness that he attacks Canada, our closest friend, and supports the dictator of North Korea. Many of us are proud to be Canada’s neighbor, and, thanks to ice hockey, we can even sing the Canadian national anthem.
Steve was spot on, with each comma and written word, and with his emphasis on the strong Canadian citizens and our decades of closeness and partnership, compared to the utter evil and ignorance of trump trying to bully and threaten our friends and debase what America's relationship to England and Europe has been throughout my 70's years on earth. He has turned partnerships into threats and his own brand of ignorance into soothing his damaged image --- or is it his damaged brand? This is not supposed to be the way we live our lives, to wake up every day in fear for what trump is doing. We are supposed to have a president who our citizenry knows loves our country and willing to protect our country from enemies. Well now our enemies are surely within the White House, each day, I wonder, when will Congress wake up? When can trump and his maga be expunged from power?
My husband and I heard the entire 45 minute address Mr. Carney so eloquently gave to the Canadian electorate. He spoke with disdain towards Trump, he spoke about Canadian people waking up from shock and pain after their closest neighbors turned on them. He talked about Canadian's collective strength and said not once or twice, but throughout his speech, that they will now have to deal with the fact that they cannot trust Trump. Without a mandate, with such a small margin, he won the presidency and is now settling upon destroying alll of it. He must be thrown out.
Thank you Steve for standing up with honour for my country, Canada. As our new Liberal Leader and hopefully newly elected Prime Minister, Mark Carney said last night: we must focus on the things we can control and not the things over which we have no control. Therefore we cannot “ change Donald Trump” ( nor can anyone as his psychotic character was formed years ago), but we will focus on creating prosperity for ourselves with new “trusted” allies and trading partners. It pains us all to turn our backs on the nation that we counted as our most trusted ally, but we are not a foolish nation and we are united as never before to continue to be the True North Strong and Free. Never underestimate our resolve. American supporters of Trump are in his thrall because like all authoritarians he rules not by truth and justice, but by exerting his own will through fear. And like men before him who trod a similar path he has surrounded himself with his ilk. There is still time to stop him , but it will require strength of character, determination and great suffering. I wish you all the fortitude required for this righteous fight. Please continue to inspire your people Steve. They need your voice. 🇨🇦
I disagree that Pritzker hasn't been assailing Trump at every chance. He has given fiery speeches about Medicaid and other shit-schemes born from the feeble minds of Trump and his servient Republicans in Congress. He's running for President for gosh sakes. Of course he's going to seize every opportunity to publicly lambast the sociopath. Newsome is shameless.
Maybe not explicitly, but it is all of a piece. When there is a flood of destruction, not every wave can be mentioned in every speech. That's part of the strategy.
Trump is a crime boss and like all mafioso bosses, their appetite for more is insatiable. They take without thought of legality and gives only empty promises in return. You are correct, Donald has no vision of making America great. He is a thug and thugs only know how to destroy, not build. I stand with Canada and I hope the rest of the free world stands with them too.
It seems like the only thing to do is to take to the streets. Musk is a drug addicted maniac. He takes ketamine every day which will make him manic and also dissociated from the world. It is used as an anesthetic and for severe depression in very low doses for 6 treatments but take it every day and it will induce mania and a capability of severing any link of feeling towards anything. It renders you unable to feel anything for anybody or anything. Thus on top of his sick personality he can be heartless and cruel without a care in the world. Musk has to go And we cannot wait till midterm elections to get this administration out. Something has to be done in the next 3to 6 months.
Every day I am dumbfounded by the silence from ANY member of congress or from the State's governors. While there is still some push back by the courts it seems that the ultimate court, the Supreme Court is nearly all in now...
Corporate media is a pathetic joke as well. They have been neutered... Willingly!
It's going to take people power to refocus the attention and spark from the dullards in government to find their courage and support the people IN THE STREETS.
I heard the argument that that is exactly what Trump is waiting for so he can issue a state of emergency. He may do that, but at least WE will have taken some action to put down and fight against this Coup de retardés!
"the Supreme Court is nearly all in now..." Who tipped the balance? Donald Trump in his first term.
I generally listen to James Carville with a lot of salt, but maybe (underscore maybe) he's onto something with his Brer Rabbit strategy, advising Democrats to lay low and let the Republican party get stuck on the tar baby. It makes more sense than Chuck Schumer's feckless "We Will Win" chant, which sounds like a Bar Mitzvah boy leading the hora. Please, sit down Chuck, if that's the best you can do.
By the time
Carville's strategy works.I'm afraid the country will be gone. Musk's baby hackers are ripping out the roots very quickly.
Laying low will only make us that much easier to bury. I agree that people must feel the impact of what their votes - or lack thereof - have brought, but that doesn't mean quietly conceding defeat. Personally, I think the country is gone, but something else will rise from its ashes, which is where our focus should be. What I struggle with is how to protect and retain my money and property during the transition, which is likely to be violent.
Don't forget, Mitch McConnell's plot to unbalance the Supreme Court! He, more than Trump, unbalanced the S. C.! I hope that his retirement is anything but restful for him! He gave Trump the power to destroy all that is great in America!
I despise Mitch McConnell, & so should every decent American
I'll never forget. His payback has been political castration by his own party.
I hear you, Nancee. I'll admit I am still obsessing over how unnecessary and stupid all of this was. I know a number of Trump voters, as we all do. None of them are exactly MAGA but very narrowly focused on a few pet issues, not realizing the "leopards would eat their face" on matters that didn't affect them directly. Those are people that might come around though after they run out of hope and rationalizations. The authoritarian MAGAS, on the other hand, are a lost cause. They don't have a thought in their head that hasn't been planted there.
I gave the Carville approach short shrift and it's not quite as passive as my Brer Rabbit summation. He's been doing the podcast circuit recently, so worth a listen.
He's a 20th century thinker in a world that has completely changed. It's one of the biggest problems for the Democrats: septuagenarians - and older - who just won't let go. They risk the survival of the party as a consequence. They have a base of voters, too, and the dissatisfaction is palpable. Of course the country likely won't survive Trump, so parties may be irrelevant!
"There is silence everywhere from everyone about something every American should be shamed by, and ready to scream in the street to Trump that 'you will dare not do this in our name.'”
Very well-said. Why people in influential positions, journalists, politicians, and business leaders are not communicating to the world as clearly and loudly as possible that they recognize Trump as the existential threat he represents to critical values and world peace mystifies me.
It must be said however, that there are many, Steve Schmidt, Jim Acosta, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and a host of others who are speaking out against Trump's greed and megalomania, his disrespect for American values, the general population, and the sovereignty of other nations. I think a bg part of the problem is their voices are being stifled by unprincipled and avaricious Maga leaders taking over the media and government (through legal and illegal maneuvering) misleading the gullible and fearful with their self-serving lies and propaganda. Mob-like threats to the people and families of influential people remaining silent also plays a significant role in Trump's evil strategy.
The burden of stopping Trump and his legion of evil enablers benefiting from his malicious plans falls on us, "we the people."
There is reason to believe that resistance to Trump and his top adviser in creating an oligarchy is becoming obvious enough for people to resist through their investment choices:
Tesla’s stock has dropped by nearly half in three months. Even so, investors are still debating whether Elon Musk’s electric-vehicle maker remains overpriced. The company’s market capitalization has dropped 45% since hitting an all-time high of $1.5 trillion on December 17, erasing most of the gains the stock made after CEO Musk helped finance the election victory of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Hear, hear
Steve wrote, "scream in the street to Trump that “you will dare not do this in our name.”"
YES! This bothers me the most. In fact I am so upset about this I am thinking about not paying my taxes in April, and I have NEVER thought this way.
Scream in the streets? Yep, been to 2 protests in the last month. Going to the next one too.
See you in the streets.
Bravo for standing up and being counted.
Cam for Canada: I was born in Canada, but adopted when I was 7 months old, by Americans. However, my soul remains in Canada, and I have been working hard to get back to my homeland. I pray that our two countries, America and Canada will never be enemies; but Trump is sure trying to make it that way! First, the bastard took away our democracy, and now he is turning our allies into enemies! May he burn in Hell! That will be one judgement, he won't be able to get away from!
Donna, Yes, I remember our first email encounter when I first subscribed to the Warning. Things are escalating quickly. Trump doesn’t like it when we give him a taste of his own medicine. Our new Leader of the Liberal Party gives us hope. His intellectual stature and his communication skills will be a serious threat to the guy who can’t articulate a coherent sentence if his life depended on it. Like you, we don’t minimize our long standing friendship and alliance and we cannot allow one man whose disdain for what we stand for to interject heinous rhetoric in order to score political points. Vive le Canada libre ainsi que notre amitié pour nos chers voisins 🇺🇸.
100% with Steve a remarkable post 100% in all the way I’m a former MN resident I love Canada but left the Great Lakes area for Costa Rica a country with no army and mining is outlawed 100% Steve I think you gained followers today also.
Wow! I thought about not paying taxes too! However, it would not work, unless there is a major, national push, to make it happen, and everyone did it at the same time-similar to the Women's March!
In my area, there are more protests, and more people attending those protests, so there is a glimmer of hope. Things have to happen quickly. Trump has already threatened universities and colleges, grants and other federal monies, if the students protest! Authoritarianism is spreading quickly!
April 5. 50501 https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
That is what we all should do. I mean what is the point of daily calls to Ron Johnson and Glenn Grothman. They are all in on trump and nothing I say or do will change it. If there is ever a chance of Grothman going down, it will be in the next election.
Port Angeles, Washington, is across the strait of Juan da Fuca, south of Victoria, B.C. A ferry brings cars and passengers from the US to Canada and reverse. After DT made his crazy threats to Canada, an enthusiastic crowd of locals in Port Angeles met the first ferry of the year from Victoria with signs and cheering. It takes locals to do the work.
That warm welcome given Canadians in Port Angeles doesn't surprise me one bit. I have made that ferry crossing twice (once in choppy seas!) in recent years and have witnessed the solidarity and bonhomie of Canadian and American locals as they mingle on either side of the strait, as they have done for over 175 years.
Me oo
The gates are open, the barriers are down, the country's worst enemy is waltzing in to do as they will. Every morning I wake up with sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. How could I explain events and actions to my father, grandfather, great grandfather. Some counter coup, some counter revolution will have to happen and soon. Elections in the future are illusory. The U.S. Military is the only force that could challenge this shitshow. A violent bloody overthrow might save the Republic. Otherwise what?
I agree 💯
I agree. Is there anything in the constitution which would enable the people to throw out a president who is doing this kind of damage to the Republic?
Impeachment. 😆😆
How do we get the military to act for the Republic? I think we should be flooding the streets
Hate that it has come to this but afraid I agree. The word “soon” may be the key word. Forget the mid-terms, three months may be too late.
I don’t think America stands for what it once did. Times change, for better or worse. I believe there is a very good chance MAGA will keep a majority in 2026 and remain power in 2028. People think differently these days. They are less attuned to continuity, and as I have learned from living in the South, people vote for people who undermine them.
If they remain in power in 2026, it will be because they have fixed the elections. I believe they fixed the last.
If by "fix" you mean voter fraud and modifying votes, I encourage you to be cautious in embracing a "stop the steal" mindset. You know, the idiots we were bewildered by for 4+ years? If by "fix" you mean voter suppression in its many forms and the spread of misinformation, then obviously the answer is yes.
Yes Mike, it was fixed by massive & coordinated voter suppression, not flipping of ballots by the tabulators.
At least 1 million were purged from the voter rolls in TX alone. Voter challenges were also massive by Republicans trained regular Republicans voters, who turned in challenges by the thousands at a time.
I take no joy in writing the above. It is, more or less, adjusting to what I perceive to be what lies ahead.
John, have you factored in all the pain that will be inflicted on maga before the '26 elections? Do you think that level of pain along with some nudging from sane people will sway their views?
For example, if anyone can tell me what Thom Tillis or Lindsey Graham or Marsha Blackburn have done for their constituents, I am all ears.
Well, I certainly hope it works out like that, but I don’t have a comfort level that it will happen based upon how large numbers of people vote these days and what they view as important to them.
The concern I have with elections going forward is the relentless attacks by MAGA to purge the voter rolls and various methods at voter suppression, all aided by scotus dismantling, or at the very least neutering, the Voting Rights Act. It doesn't take millions, but thousands. As I've mentioned before, in 3 of the swing states, MI, PA, and WI, trump won by a total of 231k votes. That was 1.46% of the more than 15 million votes combined in those states. Those 3 go to Harris and we aren't living in this trumpian hellscape.
So, sure, people will be dealing with pain from MAGA policies, but will that be enough for his supporters to open their eyes? I hope so, but my confidence level is low. Hell, they have elections in Russia and we've all seen how those go. We will see the onslaught of messaging against Biden and the MAGA base will need to actually overcome their confirmation bias to vote against this insanity. I've seen little that encourages me, but perhaps that will change when the policies that are mostly yet to be in effect take hold and increase their pain.
Yes. And I can speak to some of that here in North Carolina. The state here has made the mail in ballot hugely complicated. I was looking at this damn thing and how complex it was. And all of the requirements, including two witnesses not one, absolutely screamed voter suppression.
And then there is the gerrymandering done here. My Congressman might as well be President Kim Jong Un for Life, because they so gerrymandered his district by design that he will never lose an election.
TWO witnesses???? Yes, that literally screams voter suppression. We have 'none' and automatic mailing of response cards - send them in if you want a mail-in ballot, which will be sent to you well ahead of the election. Then mail the ballot, in the internal envelope, signed, to the town/city, or drop it in one of the drop boxes. Easy-peasy, even a six-year-old could figure it out. Oh, and if you do wish to vote on election day, we use PAPER ballots with an audit trail. And mark-sense counting machines that are NOT connected to the Internet. Inspected and tested before every election with onlookers allowed (and I've been one of the citizens to witness those tests, and they are strenuous). Literally, a process that is ironclad and can be trusted, because it takes place in the open.
Until the election systems used in the United States can ALL meet this standard, they can be called into question. Electronic voting without a paper trail will NEVER be considered trustworthy. Connection to the Internet: not on your life.
I am sorry you have to put up with such shenanigans in North Carolina. The people there should be protesting in the streets over the failures of their elected officials to correct the inequities and institute a trustworthy election system.
Prior to all the MAGA crap that took place in 2021, North Carolina had a fairly simple mail in ballot that required one witness. It is absolute bullshit what MAGA did here — but, as I have pointed out, there are enough morons in this state to elect them and thus they stay in power. My Congressman is 100 percent MAGA and enjoys huge support in a gerrymandered district. But, even if it was not gerrymandered, he still has the necessary morons to stay in power.
Here in Massachusetts, we don't need a witness. The ballots are mailed to us, we fill them out, and either mail them back, or drop them off in ballot boxes at every town hall.
John, I say it’s because the US is full of spoiled brats that have not been living under oppression and don’t feel it even though the very crooked banking/investment gangs got things to the point where the system crashed needed overall reform and an ass kicking in 2008. It’s crime and right now they have another scam being cooked up.
This is one reason I struggle with things in opposition to others. People have to wake up on their own. This should not be a struggle for the rest of us. At some point, if people cannot do what is best for themselves, no one else can.
I wanna be Canadian and yet I don’t want to abandon these United States. What a drag it is to be us and what an honorable challenge, too. We need a red or white or blue revolution, in the streets coast to coast, carrying Canadian flags and Ukrainian flags, the flags that actually symbolize what we want our flag to mean again. I can’t even stand the thought of the national anthem before a ballgame right now.
I feel exactly the same way. I would love to be Canadian. Unfortunately I’m too old and can’t offer Canada anything that would entice them to take me.
I do go to a lot of hockey games and while I respectfully stand for our national anthem I no longer cheer or even clap at the end.
I can only hope that enough people wake up and vote out these MAGates starting in 2026. That’s also assuming there’s anything left in our country to save.
We had US, Canadian, and Ukraine flags being carried at the last protest I went to. See you in the streets friends.
Your flag still stands for those things. It is Trump and his fascist thugs that don't. Every flag that drapes over the coffin of a fallen soldier means something. Don't let Trump and MAGA corrupt that meaning. Decent Americans must guard what that means by both passive and active resistance.
As a Canadian, i appreciate this strong comment. All true. Americans better wake up and start resisting 'all of them' before your country becomes a total dictatorship with reduced freedoms. Wake up and as we say ELBOWS UP.
Thank you Bill for your appreciative comment. Indeed, most Canadians feel the way you and I do. And thank you Steve for your awareness campaign today, keeping your subscribers informed about the true nature of trump’s attacks on 🇨🇦. With our new leader Mark Carney, we have a man of intellectual stature, well educated and with oodles of experience to defend us against the worst president to ever sit behind the resolute desk.
The most important thing Steve said is that trump must be taken literally and seriously. I shake my head when fairly well-read relatives say that trump does what he does for attention -- and stop there. Yes, trump does love the spotlight, but if he could get away with his grandiose plans, he wouldn't hesitate. Never underestimate his animal cunning.
He IS getting away with his plans, flaunting his corruption and self-dealing right in front of us.
It’s a sign of Trump’s weakness that he attacks Canada, our closest friend, and supports the dictator of North Korea. Many of us are proud to be Canada’s neighbor, and, thanks to ice hockey, we can even sing the Canadian national anthem.
Yes, and we The Star Spangled Banner. 🇨🇦🇺🇸
Steve was spot on, with each comma and written word, and with his emphasis on the strong Canadian citizens and our decades of closeness and partnership, compared to the utter evil and ignorance of trump trying to bully and threaten our friends and debase what America's relationship to England and Europe has been throughout my 70's years on earth. He has turned partnerships into threats and his own brand of ignorance into soothing his damaged image --- or is it his damaged brand? This is not supposed to be the way we live our lives, to wake up every day in fear for what trump is doing. We are supposed to have a president who our citizenry knows loves our country and willing to protect our country from enemies. Well now our enemies are surely within the White House, each day, I wonder, when will Congress wake up? When can trump and his maga be expunged from power?
My husband and I heard the entire 45 minute address Mr. Carney so eloquently gave to the Canadian electorate. He spoke with disdain towards Trump, he spoke about Canadian people waking up from shock and pain after their closest neighbors turned on them. He talked about Canadian's collective strength and said not once or twice, but throughout his speech, that they will now have to deal with the fact that they cannot trust Trump. Without a mandate, with such a small margin, he won the presidency and is now settling upon destroying alll of it. He must be thrown out.
We are in the streets in little Lawrence, Kansas. If we can do it, even just once, you can do it, too.
Thank you
Thank you Steve for standing up with honour for my country, Canada. As our new Liberal Leader and hopefully newly elected Prime Minister, Mark Carney said last night: we must focus on the things we can control and not the things over which we have no control. Therefore we cannot “ change Donald Trump” ( nor can anyone as his psychotic character was formed years ago), but we will focus on creating prosperity for ourselves with new “trusted” allies and trading partners. It pains us all to turn our backs on the nation that we counted as our most trusted ally, but we are not a foolish nation and we are united as never before to continue to be the True North Strong and Free. Never underestimate our resolve. American supporters of Trump are in his thrall because like all authoritarians he rules not by truth and justice, but by exerting his own will through fear. And like men before him who trod a similar path he has surrounded himself with his ilk. There is still time to stop him , but it will require strength of character, determination and great suffering. I wish you all the fortitude required for this righteous fight. Please continue to inspire your people Steve. They need your voice. 🇨🇦
I disagree that Pritzker hasn't been assailing Trump at every chance. He has given fiery speeches about Medicaid and other shit-schemes born from the feeble minds of Trump and his servient Republicans in Congress. He's running for President for gosh sakes. Of course he's going to seize every opportunity to publicly lambast the sociopath. Newsome is shameless.
I am referring to the situation with Canada. As far as I’m aware, he hasn’t spoken out against what Trump is doing to our friend and ally Canada.
Maybe not explicitly, but it is all of a piece. When there is a flood of destruction, not every wave can be mentioned in every speech. That's part of the strategy.
Trump is a crime boss and like all mafioso bosses, their appetite for more is insatiable. They take without thought of legality and gives only empty promises in return. You are correct, Donald has no vision of making America great. He is a thug and thugs only know how to destroy, not build. I stand with Canada and I hope the rest of the free world stands with them too.
Un-f**king-believable!!! Somebody needs to throw a net over him while we still have a few friends left in this world.
It seems like the only thing to do is to take to the streets. Musk is a drug addicted maniac. He takes ketamine every day which will make him manic and also dissociated from the world. It is used as an anesthetic and for severe depression in very low doses for 6 treatments but take it every day and it will induce mania and a capability of severing any link of feeling towards anything. It renders you unable to feel anything for anybody or anything. Thus on top of his sick personality he can be heartless and cruel without a care in the world. Musk has to go And we cannot wait till midterm elections to get this administration out. Something has to be done in the next 3to 6 months.