My belief is that the way to navigate a healthy life is the act of GIVING my best friend has fourth stage metastatic breast cancer which travelled to her bones and has five other flagged sights…I’ll be flying back to CO in September.. med’s
My belief is that the way to navigate a healthy life is the act of GIVING my best friend has fourth stage metastatic breast cancer which travelled to her bones and has five other flagged sights…I’ll be flying back to CO in September.. med’s
Aren’t working and she’s in constant pain
WHAT does she do …sits with me in her basement making blessing bags for the homeless to stay alive that is GIVING
Selfless acts of kindness that’s the answer
…the cardiac intensive care centers I built have saved four children’s lives Every Day since March of 1993…that honors life…
My Hospice Abilities are a gift from God
And to Not Honor that Gift would be
To dishonor God’s Gift. …I’m Soooo very
Blessed The Warning Community supports
Each of us to try to save our country…
Kathy your words warm my heart to the depth of my being.. thank you.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kathy you are so kind and thoughtful
My belief is that the way to navigate a healthy life is the act of GIVING my best friend has fourth stage metastatic breast cancer which travelled to her bones and has five other flagged sights…I’ll be flying back to CO in September.. med’s
Aren’t working and she’s in constant pain
WHAT does she do …sits with me in her basement making blessing bags for the homeless to stay alive that is GIVING
Selfless acts of kindness that’s the answer
…the cardiac intensive care centers I built have saved four children’s lives Every Day since March of 1993…that honors life…
My Hospice Abilities are a gift from God
And to Not Honor that Gift would be
To dishonor God’s Gift. …I’m Soooo very
Blessed The Warning Community supports
Each of us to try to save our country…
Kathy your words warm my heart to the depth of my being.. thank you.❤️❤️❤️❤️
You are my soul friend. …an Anam Cara
With love and esteem …Hugs, Marsha