Marsha, Beautiful! It is a privilege to listen to this most important and heartfelt podcast, and to be able to share this way on this forum. My heroes and heroins look like you, Steve, Fred, and the millions of Americans who care enough to pay attention and show up to fight for Democracy in the best ways they can. You are one who holds the candle for so many. ❤️Lisa
I did not know about your son's death, Marsha. I am so very sorry. I know that when you hear parents speak, who have lost a child, that touches you very, very deeply. Lovingly, Kathy
Kathy.. yes you are very astute to have noticed when parents speak or have had trauma or children have had trauma it deeply touches my soul…God has blessed me with the gift of blessing me to be a Hospice
Counselor, Grief Counselor and Pastoral Care Counselor for 30 years .. my abilities are God Given
And when I’m in FL I give 40 hours at the Hospice Hospital every week
As a volunteer…GIVING Kindness
And Love is the Core of my Being….
The Warning and Steve Schmidt
Have Been a Gift af feeling safe ..I’ve shared openly and trust 🌹
Steve Schmidt just am astounded by the conversation you had. ..home from hospice tough emotional day and watched!
Fred Gutenberg and you.. captured my
Soul and there aren’t words to thank you
For Blessings of courage,character and honesty God is proud of Fred for honoring
The life and death of his daughter Jaime
Who would be twenty and the fact that
God would honor you for this sacred kind
Conversation …you honor humanity ✅
Your twenty year old daughter must be
Very grateful that you are her father..
As my 26yr old son died needing a heart
Transplant my son wasn’t murdered…
Felt privileged to share your conversation
And I’m grateful you and Fred are part of
My Life …May Jaime’s memory be a blessing …gratefully love, Marsha
Marsha, Beautiful! It is a privilege to listen to this most important and heartfelt podcast, and to be able to share this way on this forum. My heroes and heroins look like you, Steve, Fred, and the millions of Americans who care enough to pay attention and show up to fight for Democracy in the best ways they can. You are one who holds the candle for so many. ❤️Lisa
I did not know about your son's death, Marsha. I am so very sorry. I know that when you hear parents speak, who have lost a child, that touches you very, very deeply. Lovingly, Kathy
Kathy.. yes you are very astute to have noticed when parents speak or have had trauma or children have had trauma it deeply touches my soul…God has blessed me with the gift of blessing me to be a Hospice
Counselor, Grief Counselor and Pastoral Care Counselor for 30 years .. my abilities are God Given
And when I’m in FL I give 40 hours at the Hospice Hospital every week
As a volunteer…GIVING Kindness
And Love is the Core of my Being….
The Warning and Steve Schmidt
Have Been a Gift af feeling safe ..I’ve shared openly and trust 🌹
You are an Anam Cara Soulmate
Lovingly, Marsha ❤️❤️❤️
I wish we lived near one another. I would love to spend time with you.
where do you live Kathy?
I live PBC in FL❤️and I’d love to spend tine with you too🌹
I live in Charleston, SC. (What does PBC stand for?)
Cindy Farley …you are kind to have responded to me and heartfelt Ty
Bless you❤️Marsha