Barr is nothing more than an amoral opportunist. He licks his finger and holds it up to see which direction the wind is blowing ( not including the hot air from his mouth) and he speaks consistent in that direction. He doesn’t care that he is inconsistent.

The most troubling thing about Barr is that he actually knows it’s BS but thinks you will accept it as truth. He is a smart and well educated man that thinks everyone should accept what he says without questioning him. He is a known liar. He is known to be corrupt. And when your words are inconsistent with your actions, your words have no meaning.

He is not to be trusted unless it’s for his own personal benefit.

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What you need to understand is that Barr is in cahoots with all the religious groups and institutions that will greatly benefit from a Trump presidency. The Heritage Foundation; Federalist Society, Family Research Council, etc….

He’s not stupid, but knows that if they are to turn this nation into a fascist theocracy, their path is intertwined with Trump. They sink or swim together.

What makes Barr incredibly stupid is believing he and the religious right will be able to control Trump should he win the election.

All evidence points to the contrary as we’ve watched the entire GOP go from a somewhat sane party, to an insane asylum….:)

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I like to think about as if they are a circus complete with clowns, elephants, jugglers but with concessions under a tent with a ring master.

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I assume there’s potent blackmail worthy information that will keep Trump in check for the benefit of those who need him to be president. Barr is part of that group and he’s showing just how low and how obvious they will go to maintain power.

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Backed by Putin.

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I would argue he is educated, but not smart.

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Not to be trusted just like his old boss.

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The type cast Hollywood character that plays no other performance role. It must suck that these MAGA leaders all read from the same Russian script.

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Words can’t express my concerns! I’ve said before,” We’re in a mell of a hess!”

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Billy Boy is just another example of MAGA GOP lemmings. What the hell is wrong with these people? They have no capability to be a free thinker and not just blindly follow behind Donald the Dumb Shit ?

And he was the AG of the DOJ? Are you 'f'ing kidding me.

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Barr is a perfect example of the Peter Principle!

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Nothing surprises me anymore. But, still. I can’t understand the denial these trumplicans are experiencing. It’s worse than stupid. It’s craven.

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I believe that for most of them that it’s fear. Fear of things that happen to people with opposing views in other countries. Fear of things that could happen to them or their families that we don’t talk about publicly but should.

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Apr 28
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Right On! Thanks.

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Bill Barr when asked late in Trump’s term how he feels being on the wrong side of history “It depends who’s writing it.”

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I’m always wondering if the orange fart-a-thon had his people find dirt on many of the scumbags working for him, like Barr. Perhaps he has leverage over them that we aren’t aware of. Or the Fucking Federalist Society that is using some kind of arm twisting to keep everyone in line as they force the US into a fascist dictatorship run by morons.

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Good points. I’m focusing on the image of Trump showing up to the presidential debate wearing an ankle bracelet. Something his clown shoes can’t hide.

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He doesn't have the balls to debate President Biden. Or the brains.

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I wish they were only stupid. They are morally depraved, vile, disgusting and yes, evil.

I am a Christian, and believe it or not, a Baptist evangelical one like Mike Johnson. His “Christian nationalism/dominionism” is a lie, and is 100% wrong, historically, morally and theologically, and you can quote me on that. While all my fellow Southern Baptists’ glaring sins, historically and otherwise(slavery for starters!), are many, this new “Christian nation” garbage has not been one of them—until now. We have historically championed a free church in a free state, and yes, the separation of church and state. Google John Leland about Jefferson and Madison and the Bill of Rights or read George W Truett’s speech on the steps of the US Capitol in 1920 for evidence of my claim about Freedom of or FROM religion.

Even beyond that, to see MILLIONS and MILLIONS of my fellow Christians join the cult of that sick, demented, perverted and yes, evil DJT, has been the most depressing and frightening experience of my 71 years. I have always taken with many grains of salt, religious charlatans and hucksters talk of the Antichrist through the years; HOWEVER, to see millions of those claiming to be Christian believers join the Trump cult, has made me rethink those scriptures. I am only half kidding when I say Trump seems to fit the bill. The present day is that bad.

I am a lawyer, and after seeing Barr(once the AG) say this, and the Supreme Court(!!!!) entertain murder this week as just find and dandy if you are DJT, maybe these are the last days. I am of course kidding I think, but this is INSANE. Keep screaming about this, Steve!!! Please!

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Thank you Rick A. I'll echo this until the cows come home. See my earlier comment re Barr being a Christian nationalist.

A knowledgeable Christian and lawyer. If you had any interest, perhaps Ms Collins would entertain a panel discussion between you and Barr. I'd love to see it. I'll bet he would be crying "truce" in short order!

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Yes, MAGA-Cult -a mass movement of insanity.

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Barr's utter stupidity is one possibility. To come out and claim that "Biden is the real threat to democracy,” I wondered if his wife and kids had been kidnapped and he was forced to say such things else they'd be killed. Or what, maybe Harlan Crow gave him a hundred million dollars to say such things? Barr's utterances were so far beyond the pale, so far outside the bounds of reasonableness, something truly extraordinary must be behind such a despicable display of Trumpian apologetics and disinformation.

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Perhaps deep, deep down, Barr is concerned that when Biden wins reelection the DOJ will investigate its former leader for malfeasance. It took 10 years to complete the Watergate investigation; it may well take longer to complete everything related to J6. If the former president is returned to office Barr knows that the likelihood of him being is greatly diminished due to the officeholder, time and short memories of Congress members and citizens.

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Maybe early dementia? Gets easily off point and mixed UP?

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People with an imagination and sufficient vocabulary do not have to resort to using "stupid".

Steve is wrong.

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Well, if you've seen any of the videos of MAGA supporters being interviewed at Trump rallies, there certainly are some (or many) who are demonstrably, astonishingly stupid.

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I will reiterate a comment which I have made before. I believe that Barr is being blackmailed by trump in regard to the fact that Barr’s father, Donald as head of the upscale Dalton School, hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach math there in spite of the fact that Epstein had no credentials for that position.

What that could have entailed I have no idea but it seems strangely coincidental that trump, Epstein and Donald Barr had been part of the same acquaintance pool.

It also seemed strange to me that inquiry into Epstein’s suicide was passed over quickly while Barr was the AG under trump.

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Yes, the waters are deep with the Trump and Epstein circle. People "own" others. Dark.

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Apr 29
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I certainly admit that I have been suggesting a conspiracy theory, but I am at a loss to explain how an educated man like Barr can have such a through understanding of the dangers of trump as President and yet endorse him.

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There was a moment when Barr understood the risk and danger of another DJT term and expressed it vehemently. I thought he was trying to clean up his reputation of being Trump’s toady. But then he decided hey, I’m voting for the guy anyway, because party loyalty is more important than democracy and Joe Biden is actually the bigger risk to democracy. Stupid doesn’t even begin to describe this man.

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Bill Barr disgusts me beyond belief. He has been a bully his entire life and like all bullies he is a coward.

Just like Donald Trump. If the press, and the citizenry, are too cowardly to hold them accountable, our democracy is doomed. Keep on keeping on, Steve. Freedom desperately needs your voice,

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“You can’t fix stupid.”

Sorry Steve, I have to respectfully disagree. If Barr were just stupid, we’d at least have something to work with. Stupid can be fixed; not necessarily easily, but fixed nonetheless.

Barr is hopeless because he’s part of the religious right that sees a larger prize at hand; Christian Nationalism and religion in government and every aspect of society. J6th was a dry run. We may say the insurrection failed, but all evidence points to the contrary.

Barr is part of the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council and all the other religious fanatics and groups that believe secularism and liberalism are the true enemies of the state. And that white Christian’s are the true face and faith of this nation; all others must be subjugated.

Trump is the vessel that can galvanize the base, and bring these fanatics and their nefarious agenda to the promise land.

Look at how the Federalist Society—Supreme Court has Lollygagged its way to making sure no federal criminal charges take place before the election;’if at all.

These people are deliberate, and know exactly what they are doing when they carry water for the Mango Menace. They hate him, but each of these groups future success are tied to a Trump victory.

End of story!…:)

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Could not have said it better, but I would have used far cruder language than you Robert. All my respect to Steve, but to attribute the word stupid to Barr is almost a compliment.

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Fair enough! In my defense, I’m trying to be more diplomatic in my old age….:)

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I think I’m probably older than you (75) a female & can swear up a storm. Needless to say, the last 10 years of Trump has brought my potty mouth to depths I never thought possible. At this point in my life, I don’t give a shit (there I go) see what I mean.

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You are not alone. I’m with you 100%. I turn 59 in July and just try not to get too heated in these conversations, but it is HARD!….:)

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Yes, "these people are deliberate" and they'll destroy this country to get what they want -in that way I suppose they could be called 'stupid', but those like Barr know exactly what they're doing. I cringed when CNN gave Barr a platform to spew his lies and insanity.

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The word that comes to mind for me is "appalling "- this is the man who came out and said the Mueller investigation found nothing!! And that President Biden is the "real threat " to democracy? What brand of kool aid is he hallucinating on????

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MAGA-coup fascist take-over kool-aid. They want to 'win' at any cost to Democracy.

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Barr seeks self aggrandizement. He is narrow in his viewpoint and bereft of rendering reality-based judgment. He speaks a cloud of obfuscation.

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In my public service career I encountered numerous stupid people. But the ones that I found to be most dangerous were both stupid and sneaky (cunning). That is Bill Barr. When will the media get off their lazy rear ends and “connect all the dots” of what are all the illegal and unethical things sneaky Barr did as AG for Trump? It’s all there in the light of day. Why won’t the DOJ pursue this? Maybe Barr is smarter than he seems because it certainly appears he made a safe bet that no one would hold him accountable for all the stuff he did as Trump’s fixer.


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"Having worked for him and seen him in action, I don’t think he would actually go and kill political rivals and things like that." Unintentional half-point for Barr. As we all know, bully boy is a total chicken s***. So, there's that. But he wouldn't hesitate to hire someone else to do the dirty deed.

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Collins did a great job in this interview. She peeled that onion and he was fidgeting, and yes he is a S.T.U.P.I.D. imbecile of a man. I wish more in the media would probe and ask these questions directly. They are toying with the lives and future of all our children & descendants. Assholes, now there’s a word. 👍

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Maybe Barr is saying these things publicly to avoid being on Trumps kill list if he’s elected. Collins should have asked him THAT.

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