Great questions and clear, coherent, and insightful responses.

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1. Keep calling him a loser to his face, maybe he'll get so pissed off they will have to take him out in handcuffs? All joking aside, Trump has turned the debates into a joke along with the news organizations handling the debates, i.e. Fox, CNN, etc.

2. Democrats are better a messaging; I say that because I still don't know what message the republicans have? I mean really, what is their message?

3. Keep their heads down and work like hell to turn out the vote, first and foremost. Secondly, speak to Americans and project as a leader. Trump can't do that, he's all about grievance and destruction of democracy. Keep saying that over and over.

4. I doubt the die hard Maga's will stop but he's at the bottom of the feeding trough. I know some of them and I don't think they are supporting him like they did, maybe that's misguided thinking on my part? Have you seen the democrats take in January, it's a lot and I'm one of those givers!

Last but not least, with Trumps recent comment on the death of Alexei Navalny I'm convinced as ever of the existence of a "P" tape.

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You know Trump’s initial apeal to voters was as business man turned TV star. We should be talking the truth about this up.

That reputation now can be shredded: He was found liable for $380M for fraud (cheating) in real estate, one of the most favored business sectors; another 80 million for liability for sexual assault and two judgements for defamation. ( the larger of which could surely have been significantly if he hsd acted rationally in his own best interests by shutting his big mouth about the victim after the first judgement. In real estate, he chose chose to cheat to inflate his profits. He calls it a great company but its foundations are rotten. This after a number of corporate bankruptcies when he failed in the casino busness of all things. Banks ceased doing business with him. ( even deutsche bank after Ja6. ). In the same way he ran up the national debt by. ($ Whatever) during his term, including by cutting corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthiest individuals while limiting deductions for lesser being— limiting deductions for mortgage interest and taxes is surely making the housing market tougher. Meanwhile he now uses grassroots donations to pay legal fees and judgments against him.

I’d like to see someone( not President Biden ) tell this story.

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You seem to assume Trump will agree to debate. I don't think he will.

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Ive seen him participate in debates. Even by the relaxed standards of a political debate, he doesn’t do much debating. Name-calling, lying, yelling, throwing chum to his followers—yeah those.

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"throwing chum to his followers . . . ". Great! Captures a salient tactic that usually brings outbursts of supportive noise from his followers.

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And i forgot stalking menacingly around Hilary Clinton on the debate stage— a moment immortalized in SNL’s recreation with the shark theme from Jaws playing.

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Didn’t Biden tell him to shut up in one of their previous debates? That.

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1. What advice would you give President Biden when it comes to debating Trump? Do not respond to his lunacy. Answer the questions directly and with confidence. Use a firm tone and language over when Trump trying to over speak you. Assert control of substance and knowledge of the issue over confrontation.

2. Who does a better job messaging: Democrats or Republicans? Republicans for sure, they stay on message and are all saying the same thing in unison. Democrats need to also use the same messaging about issues when speaking publicly. Call them out for their House for accomplishing nothing in almost 24 months in power. Wasting time on money on fake impeachment trials. Challenge statements made by their members with actual quotes.

3. What do Democrats need to do to win in November? I'm getting very frustrated… First the President must get a better campaign manager Julie Rodriguez and Jen O’Malley Dillon are both mishandling this campaign. Why aren’t members of his cabinet with him at a rally? Biden should introduce them and let them do the talking. Biden can’t just talk about his success he must also talk about where he wants to take the country. Young people all 69.5 million of them need a vision to follow him. People need to understand his reasons for backing Netanyahu unconditionally. The entire world is not with him on this. Someone in his campaign needs to tell him the truth about the polling on Israel.

4. Is there any point at which the people still funding Republican politicians will believe it is in their self-interest to stop? Only if the DNC makes a concerted efforts to run campaigns in the 25 states that Republicans control. The voters need to be told how their Republican party in power is holding them down and taking away their rights. The DNC must be inclusive of Democrats throughout the country not just 6 battle ground states. Get out of DC and get into the country with your message.

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My question: how do we reach some of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 and find out why?

This is not an insignificant number. These are not MAGA’s at his rallies. These are ordinary Americans who wanted a second Trump term. We need to understand what their concerns are.

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Here here.

But I don’t know what you mean “reach” them. You mean learn what they know so you can become more knowledgable.

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It means finding out the priority of their concerns. In the South where I live, many rural people rely on government assistance, yet vote for Republicans who want to take it from them. What then are their priorities and why?

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Right On! Thanks.

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Maybe also how they view the conspiracy to steal the election.

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Why do you think that the Supreme Court has delayed a decision on Trump’s immunity claim?

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Why do you think Trump is afraid of criticizing Putin?

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Question for Steve. I read faster than I listen, and i don’t always have time to listen to the podcasts. Didn’t you used to publish transcripts? Do you still? If so, how do I access them? Thanks

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Are there any intelligent, patriotic GOP members of congress?

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We have a lot of good, humane, decent and capable people in this country. In all sectors of commerce and education, in all walks of life. People with wisdom and judgment and compassion.

How then did we end up with Trump?

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Measles outbreak in Florida. Another sign of the continued dumbing down of the United States.

Although it is unlikely that Chump will pick DeSantis as his VP, it is another good reminder NOT to vote Republican.

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The debates need to be tightly curated, and tfg's micro will need to be cut off any time he talks out of turn. Which you know he will do.

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Do you think replacing Kamala Harris could help Biden?

I sense some discontent out there about her and wonder if someone like Gretchen Whitmer could strengthen the ticket.

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Steve, Is it possible for you to contact the Biden campaign for the purpose of giving advice? Are campaigns historically opposed to this?

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1. I think Joe will be fine if he negotiates a "mic-on / mic-off rule", because Joe doesn't have the voice to compete with that loud mouth trump in a screaming match.

Joe also needs to not loose is cool, think before he talks, and don't lie or exaggerate on any issue that will come back to haunt him.

Let Trump defeat himself.

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I heard tonight on MSNBC that Speaker Johnson could use the election steal playbook they tried in the last election for President. If that is successful, couldn't President Biden who will still be the President until inauguration day, be able to invoke the insurrection act and call in the military to stop the coup they may attempt to carry out? That wasn't mentioned in the MSNBC piece. Love to hear what you think Steve and what others on this site think as well.

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