I am with you on your journey, Steve!

What a fabulous and generous gift you are giving us

What a unique and important opportunity


to be inspired

to be renewed in our commitment to freedom

Thank you greatly Steve

What a blessing this journey will be for us all

especially at this vital juncture in history

You are building our strength

to hold the central core of America together

What a fine leader and patriot you are

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Wishing you a safe journey, extraordinary encounters, and an abundance of reflection time.

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With a parrot, a monkey and an orange sunset, during your break you are thinking of your country. Still, Election Day and beyond, we will come along your courageous and defining journey of our time.

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Safe travels, looking forward to vicariously joining your adventures. Each visit will no doubt be difficult to witness and yet hopeful and cathartic to you, expressed through your writings. Thank you.

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Claire Berlinski's take on the question of explaining Trump's "popularity" is certainly different:

Berlinski: "Americans have fallen in love with Trump not because they’re too stupid to grasp that he is uniquely destructive to American power, credibility, and influence, but precisely because they do appreciate this. They have asked him to do the dirty work of destroying American power because they no longer want it....

She continues: "This, perhaps, is why America is experiencing almost unbearable levels of rage, depression, and conflict. These emotions are ostensibly focused on the person of Donald Trump, but in reality, they are about the task we’ve collectively assigned to him. That task is making America exactly the opposite of great: Trump has been chosen to make America small and powerless. But in fantasy, at least, a powerless America will be free of the burdens of power, which are too heavy..."

My comment: So Trumpists are weak. They want to be free of the burden of being Americans. They want to "make America the opposite of great," which they think would be so much easier for them, and less expensive. A fantasy, of course.

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Different? It's a helluva lot more than that! It's positively clairvoyant! Follow the logic. Look at history. Can't we see that, once again, history is repeating itself?

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Haha, yes, I rather understated it, but "clairvoyant" might be taking it a little far. And surely "Trumpists" are not a single, homogeneous group. For instance, there are Trump lovers who ARE too stupid to grasp that he is destructive to their own self-interests.

In any case, it is a very challenging question, and I suspect only history will be able to provide a thorough definitive analysis.

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I'm replying here so as not to have to repost Berlinski, about the deep disinterest in democracy the MAGA folks have. Omg, we'd need to make it a fair world to bring them back. The big job. Not in play. It sounds like she's headed for power-over solutions. Hmmmm.

I posted this on Dennis Kucinich today: Country Above Party: My Declaration of Independence: https://denniskucinich.substack.com/p/country-above-party-my-declaration/comments.

How is this?

"I declare my bid for President as a 3rd party candidate, in partnership with Marianne Williamson, as candidate for Vice-President, arranged that way because a male would get more votes, to co-president with me, sharing arriving at what I execute.

"This unprecedented step is in the face of candidates who are not the popular choice and do not have some essential capacities to serve the country. The times are so serious, so precarious, that this move is thinkable as delivering a winning ticket."

If there are no legalities to prevent it, couldn’t this happen? It is an emergency!!! Press would be galore. You would be heard. What a sensation that could be!

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Um, Kucinich is 77 years old. (?)

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Steve, thanks for including us in your travels!

When my son was 9 years old, I took him on a research trip to Germany and Poland. We visited my grandfather's village of Malkinia, and from there walked 10 kilometers through the woods in the snow to Treblinka. We visited the sites of all 7 death camps, and (it was December 1989) we joined hundreds of others at the Berlin Wall with hammer and chisel. It was a profound trip for both of us. This is a link to the essay that resulted from that trip-- "Camp and Field: Notes on the Polish Landscape."


If you are interested, and don't have access, let me know and I will send you a pdf.


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A lot of pain, tempered by courage and hope. Safe journey, Steve. I'll be there.

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I am with you..

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What a week you have planned! I am looking forward to your upcoming posts as well as catching up on the posts from your last journey. I share your strategy of avoiding interstates - and employ the Apple Maps checkbox that helps with this when I leave my island. Thanks for introducing us to Claire Berkinski! I am currently reading Maya Jazanoff’s biography of Joseph Conrad, “The Dawn Watch” which provides an interesting counterpoint.

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I’ll be there.

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Wish you could take a bus load of MAGAs with you. Most of them have never been out of the country.

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Looking forward to the journey

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I grew up mostly along the Hi-Line or Highway 2 in MT. Your articles about your journey last year were greatly enjoyed. Looking forward to your experiences in Poland.

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I'll be with you. Looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing your journey.

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My BFFs husband is from Lublin and my own ancestors are from Prague. Such a wonderful journey. I can’t wait to follow you. It will be a great vacation.

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Following the footsteps of Ed Murrow, your reports WILL have meaning and impact. Be safe my friend.

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